
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Demon plans

Author: Just wanted to say thanks for the help with my spelling, I actually really mean that. At the same time thank you for the suggestions, while I research a lot one random comment can suggest a path to me I never considered. Oh, read the note at the end, please.


Jessica looked up to David and nodded, "Okay, but … well, are you really God?"

David smirked, "Not God, a god. There is a being above us all, but he does not interfere. There is also one below us all, but it is still resting behind the door. Gods are real, not as creators of all, most are selfish, some are protectors and some just do their jobs. Differing pantheons do exist, like stories of Odin and Zeus you might be aware of. My pantheon is currently serving as protectors.

Meranno, I answered your prayer, they are cured and sleeping on my base between the Earth and Moon, it is very beautiful there. I will take you to them before they wake. Now to fix you, eh?"

Meranno let out a sigh of relief, he did not even seem to notice the blue returning to his skin his muscles expanded as he regained his Atlantean physiology.

"I have made one change to you, you will no longer suffer the issues of slowly going mad the longer you stay out of water."

Meranno looked confused, "What do you mean, is this something unique to me?"

"No, this is something that happens to all Atlanteans, it is just something your race is unaware of." David responded matter a fact.

Meranno stared at David in disbelief as he started to recollect things he had done in the past.

"So, Jessica. You are aware your father attempted to save your life form the uranium radiation that was killing you, what you might not know is he used various spider venoms and a mutagen to aid in curing you. When I brought you to my world, you were cured completely but you now have various spider-based powers that could prove very helpful. I have a job and ring in mind for you, but it would help if I explained your powers to you, are you ready to listen?"

Currently, Jessica was staring at her open hands as she slowly nodded.

"Apart from a large overall physical boost you will find you are far more flexible than any normal human (Twice as flexible), your hearing is vastly improved, you are immune to any contaminates including radiation, you are able to use a Bio-electric blast from your hands, you are able to glide through the air and adhere to surfaces, vastly increased healing, extended life due to your healing and the one I find the most useful, you are able to generate pheromones that can create fear or attraction in others."

Jessica was now staring at David with her mouth slightly agape.

"So, with that covered, I wanted to offer you Meranno, and your Wife Lady Lotus a position in my private forces, a Red ring for you, and an Ultraviolet one for your wife. Jessica I would like to offer you a Grey ring."

David went on to explain the roles and functions of the rings, he also explained to Meranno his plans for Atlantis if Namor made no effort to help them advance in the face of the coming threats.


As David was continuing this conversation, within the lab David glanced back to his shadow, "Little Nat, I am looking to enhance you with spider-based powers. I was wondering if the spider was okay, or if you have another creature in mind?"

Rising out David's shadow Nat stood next to David, "Do we know what the mix will give me? I saw it came as a mix before you started separating them."

"Yes, there is a girl that was exposed to a weaker version of what I am creating. That is where I got the sample from." David replied as he kept working, he was sure Nat would go for the mixed option although secretly he was hoping she might try something new, that was just the scientist in him.

"Once you have done the improvements you want, I'll take the mix. Will the girl be joining me?" The tone in Nat's voice seemed very playful and it concerned David.

"Yes, oh, I need you too …" "David, Peggy has remembered, apparently the Smithsonian asked her to help with a Captain America exhibit, once she completed it she broke down, when she woke up she activated the transmitter you gave her." Nat interrupted David with the new she knew he would want to know.

"A little early but I can work with it, Nat in the 1970s you'rere going to be busy, 71 Henry Pym will have the completed Pym particles, ensure we get samples, please. Then help Marlene and Wilson Fisk, kill their father right before the boy does, I want to see how that impacts him. In 72 I need you to wipe Armin Zola from cyberspace and replace him with our version, hehe. In 74 get a copy of Starks layout for his Stark Expo. Actually, do you think Frisk would react better to you or me?"

"Based on what you told me about his mother and the woman he loves, I would initially have said he has a soft spot for women. Then all the crimes you have listed, maybe both?" Nat was getting better; David almost never noticed the slight upturn in the corner of her lips as she said this.

"Valid point have the family monitored, oh it is getting closer. // David issued the command to expand the agency and ensure those with Hope rings were trained in future level engineering, it would be bad PR to have them rebuild something only to have it collapse a day later. // Urgh, I still need to decide if I am going to allow the assassination of Kennedy. I might let that go ahead as it did on my Earth." As David was mumbling Nat was making sure to listen to everything he said, she was happy to obey orders, but she was trying to find a way to be of more use to David.

While unaware of Nat's plans, David already had plans to prevent Anton Vanko from carrying his work over to his son, he also had agents ready to monitor Phil Coulson and Bruce Banner from their birth in the 60's. David though was planning on handling the X-men himself.

The double helix structure had already been discovered in 1953 so the government was aware of the potential for evolved humans. In 1960 Shaw was meant to create the Hellfire club, David was eager to see how that would play out. Is Shaw amazingly alive? It was possible if someone infused him with a large amount of energy after David stopped his brain functions, David had never checked because he honestly did not care. He regarded Shaw as a footnote in the timeline.

Ah, David was relieved, he just received news that the mountain he wanted had been purchased, just in time, it seemed as a certain were-wolf would be close to taking up residence there to work on a ritual.

'Selene, Hela, and Diana, would you mind coming to my avatar, please? We have a once Elder God now demon we need to steal power from and seal.'

'Huh?', 'What?', 'Cool'

The ladies soon arrived in front of David.

"We are heading to Mount Wundagore once we have a viable plan, the demon Chthon has a connection to our world there, as well as a were-wolf who had the book named Darkhold. I plan to ideally use the book that the demon wrote to seal his connection, but not before getting a sample of his power we can hopefully alter."

Selene's eye's just about lite up when she heard about the book Darkhold.

"Let me be clear unless we have a guaranteed way to prevent corruption, no-one is using the book to learn or cast spells." As David spoke Selene's face sunk slightly, although she understood the issues, it was a very powerful book written by a former Elder God.

Since I was asked a long time ago, I can say that I start using the Movie arcs from Ch63 (Comic info is still used as well), with the X-men in 1962.

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