
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The talk

After Steph's reaction to Diana, David realized it was time to clear up their relationship to avoid future issues. While he never doubted her loyalty, he had no doubt he might wake up one morning and find his manhood in Steph's hands as she was happily trying to cut it off if he did not clear things up now.

Surprisingly, David found himself getting incredibly nervous about the talk, 'Steph, when you have done showing Diana about could you please come to my office?'

'Of course, David' came the reply, her mental message sounding as sweet as honey.

David moved over to the three-seat leather sofa and collapsed into it.

Trying to get his mind in order, David was running over the conversation in his head, he needed Steph to understand how important she was to him. While he did have those feeling for her, they had never really had a chance to take it further.

For him, a strong-minded woman was his thing, although intelligence would be great the jury was still out on that one. At times Steph would say things that would make him think of her as a genius, then she would do something that made him face-palm.

Moments after that though, Steph suddenly appeared in the room.

"Hey, what the, when did you learn to teleport?"

Steph grinned smugly, "After the last sleep I realized I can move to people I know."

'So basically, she stole power meant me, and she looks so proud of herself, urgh' thought David

"Come sit with me, I owe you an apology and we need to clear some things up."

Steph nodded and walked over to David, then slipped onto his lap and looked up to his face with clear innocent eyes.

'She is doing this to torment me, I know she is!'

"Okay Steph, I am sorry I brought Diana back without explaining things to you. I was not even sure she existed when I left to get her. I should have let you know."

"Good, in future any concubines need to be approved by the Grand Wife, I was not happy with you just doing that without me even meeting her." Steph pouted

"urm, no wait, I think there is some confusion here. Diana is here as a warrior to aid in our battle. I have you, well will have you. Urm, wait, I am really not saying this right."

Steph gently placed her finger over David's lips stopping his confused rant.

"David is Pharaoh, Steph is Grand Wife now. That means Steph must agree with any concubine and meet any wives as they will be under me. Okay? Good. Also, David, I have been waiting for you to take me for such a long time and all you do is tease."

Steph looked David straight in the eyes as she spoke, and for some reason her being so direct made David realize this woman came from a time when it was an honor to be the Grand Wife to a Pharaoh as she would manage all affairs within the home, including normal wives and concubines.

If a Grand Wife was never taken to bed, it was an insult to her and her family. Steph had been sleeping in his bed for years and never said anything. He could only imagine the insult she must have felt to be in her position.

Speaking out loud so that Steph could hear David instructed GCA, "Create a bank account for Stephenie Bater, deposit $500,000 and from then on add 10% of my net income each month. Send out letters to all departments and contractors that we deal with for domestic jobs letting them know Steph has full authority on the accounts."

Smiling David looked to Steph, "I am so sorry. I was so busy planning to make things right, I almost broke what I value most."

As tears ran down Steph's cheeks she reached up and pulled David down into a kiss that started off gently and loving but soon became them passionately locking tongues.

Although it was daytime, it did not seem to impact their first time, with Steph have the serum and David having total control of his body down to his quarks, they both lay on the sofa very satisfied. David may be slightly more so as he discovered he was Steph's first, and although it seemed chauvinistic, he felt it meant a lot to him for some reason. It would have meant a lot more if David had realized that this feeling was coming from her blood being absorbed into his own body.

As Steph lay on top of David's chest, he chose to clear the air a little more. "Steph, I am not looking for anyone to join us. If I ever think I have found someone, I will let you know the moment I realize."

Steph smiled as she looked into his eyes with an impish grin, "Uh huh"