
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
87 Chs


Selene felt slightly unsteady as she moved off the altar. Determined to get out of the rune circle she noticed the ultraviolet light and giggled lightly to herself as she imaged that silly bat running away. It was a pity she was unable to see that.

As she managed to get out the rune circle she sat heavily on the stairs and sighed, she would need to study those runes to ensure she was never caught in the same trap again, but first to deal with the people approaching. Selene created an illusion that removed herself from the scene. She was seriously considering draining the policeman and women who came running into the building until she noticed one woman seemed to have a psychic shield, although it was slowly fading, it made her smile.

Selene decided it might be better to get to know this woman a little better.

David was totally unaware that he had deeply roused the curiosity of a woman, and although he had dealing with women in the past, he was not aware of just how much a woman's curiosity could impact events.

After a night of productive study, David opened his eyes when he sensed Diana and her mother approaching. Diana was dressed as she had been in the "memories" he had shown her where she had civilian clothing on.

"We will have about 20 years before the next war. Before that time, you can work for me if you like. I have an intelligence agency and it might lead to clues you can use. It will also allow you time to adjust to the world. As a bonus since it is mine you do not have to worry about being treated unfairly."

Diana raised a brow slightly with a humorous smile playing on her lips, "It is almost like you had this all planned out."

"So then, if you have said your goodbyes, we can go <cough>"

Hippolyta nodded to her daughter, the monthly love she felt was obvious, and this time she was able to send her daughter off properly, something she regretted when she had seen the "memories" of the past timeline.

Smiling warmly at her mother Diana nodded once to David, and without pause, David teleported them to South Brother Island.

David realized his mistake as soon as he arrived in his office.

A frosty tone greeted him, "Welcome back, David" followed by a warm, "Hello Diana, my name is Steph. I am so glad you joined us, let me show you around."

Yeah, GCA was being helpful and told Steph David was coming back with another woman. David and Steph had never gone beyond light cuddles and kisses, and naturally sleeping together for thousands of years, but brining another woman home to join them could have been seen another way.

David decided regardless of what the timeline said it was probably best to make the next recruit male, for his own sanity's sake.

'David we have moved the Vibranium you asked for, we excavated the middle of the meteor from under the ground, since they have nothing they are able to use scan internally yet it should have no impact but to weaken them later when they run out earlier than expected.'

'Great, we need to create a satellite next. It will need the Vibranium to improve its performance. Include the best scanning we can manage and weapons, but the two essential points need to be cloaking and nanobots.'

'The nanobots will infect any other manmade objects sent into space. It will retain all the functions it was meant too but the bots will ensure we have primary control. This way we can control information flow and use and form an array. Teleport it into orbit once it is complete'

'Yes, David. Should I replace parts on the shop we are working on if the Vibranium is more ideal?'

'No, I need some materials from the asteroids first. We should have them for the next ship.'

'Yes, David'

Teleporting to the shore of on the North of South Brother island, David scanned the area to ensure no-one was able to see him from the mainland. He then went about raising the land between the two islands, so it was merely 10cm under the water level.

He then ensured the area between the two was all hollowed, but not connected to the previous tunnels. Changing the lower bed to fertile soil he used the material he had taken out and compressed it into all the area around the islands to ensure a sturdy 'shell'.

Teleporting over to North Island's South shore he made an open entrance to the new area. 'GCA have this area turned into a farming area, I have ensured highly nutritional soil. Have full-spectrum lighting installed, I will enhance the crops once they planted so ensure seeds are harvested and none go missing.'

'Yes, David'

With the crops he would be able to harvest WW2 would not be an issue, all he needed to do now was a fish farm above and then decide on what meats were best after enhancement. He left those decisions to GCA.