
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The fixer (Warning, contains power up)

The next morning David was awoken by a message from GCA.

'David, we seem to have an irregularity. Howard Stark Jr was born on the 15th of August 1917 as predicted. He has yet to show any signs of being a genius as he was meant to have already started to show.'

David raised his head slightly and looked around, realizing Steph was laying on his chest along with her cascading hair. He was in awe of how her hair did not seem to get in the way during their lovemaking. He had heard so many stories about long hair being an issue and Steph had exceptionally long hair.

Slipping out the bed David got dressed, he did not really need to sleep but found it was relaxing to do it with Steph at his side. Leaving a gentle kiss before he left David headed down to the lab to pick up a few vials of intelligence serum.

Richford, New York. A rather average looking house. Most of the household slept except the 'Man of the house' Howard Stark Sr who sat on a chair in the dining room reading reports. He had been trying to start up a company, something that he could leave in the hands of his sons, Howard, and Edward.

He was not aware that in the room containing his son's they were not alone. David looked over the sleeping children and grinned, not yet old enough to be a problem, and your enough to be cute.

Checking their gene's David easily found Howard, and although he had traces of superior intellect, that was all it was. 'Curious, was this man not supposed to be even more intelligent than his son?'

Leaning over David gently injected the intelligence serum into the child, this would be a fun shock for his parents. All the serums still contained the nanites, in this case, it was mostly to monitor what was done in case he made a discovery that would help David. Since Howard would help create SHIELD it would be an easy way to get nanites into their computers.

While he was out, he was wondering about another nap, history-wise his next step was not that far off, but it was a minor thing he hoped would have big returns. David chuckled and wondered if he was starting to like the feeling of his power increasing after each nap, maybe that was why he was considering more of them.

After returning home David had a chat with Steph about his annoyance that the Mayor had never taken him up on his offer. He believed that once the 1930s came the government became a lot more jaded. More covert operations and then WW2 just changed it all, it became normal for all skulduggery.

Including Steph in his thoughts, David asked, 'GCA how are we doing with the people in the Government? Do you need Steph or I to push a few minds?'

'No David, we initially used bribes and attached nanites to the money, this way we insured loyalty, but we also discovered that the money went allot higher than we thought. It seemed the Government has already reached the point were brides are a part of the job and you merely pass some of the money upwards to ensure goodwill.'

'Good, where is the Vibranium being kept? I will need to integrate a lot of it with myself for my next step in the material gathering.'

This thought got a raised eyebrow from Steph and confused David until Steph explained.

"This will not affect the chances of you giving me a child will it?"

David was floored, this was something he had not even considered and yet it seemed it was something that had been on Steph's mind.

"Urm, no. I will not interfere with that all. Vibranium is known for its ability to easily bond with biomolecules. I can already make a part of my body into a machine made of Vibranium, but it will be a lot easier and faster to do if I have the Vibranium integrated into my body. When I am not using it will just increase my defense. Although what I plan to do will make it do a lot more than that, If you know the correct process you can integrate it with Magical energy, something I now have. And thanks to the notes of Victor von Doom I know exactly how to do it.'

Steph smiled sweetly at David as he explained and then asked, "And when did you get the power of Magic?"

David kicked himself, he kept forgetting this woman was actually quite smart when she wanted to be.

'GCA, you can go ahead and mine the Vibranium detected in the Antarctic. I think Steph would like some new weapons <cough>, so where did you say the Vibranium was stored?'

'Yes, David. In the Dark Warehouse, David'

David leaned forward and kissed Steph before teleporting to the warehouse, that was close.

As David started working with the metal, he used his body to create various machines needed, and following the notes from the comic, it was going to be a simple procedure. David's mind though was on the Antarctic Vibranium, it was not like the Wakandan. Wakandan Vibranium simply put was defensive where Antarctic Vibranium was offensive. The one absorbed vibration, the other emitted vibrations.

Although he had Dr. MACLains formula to produce True Adamantium using Vibranium it was not as versatile on a biological level, this was something he was planning on using for the second ship, with Vivarium energy shielding. Used together they formed an almost perfect defense.

Looking at the glowing liquid before him David sighed, this was the painful part. Doom had only used it to make armor, he was going to integrate it with his cells.

Taking a deep breath David sank himself into the boiling cauldron of metal, it was like slowly sticking your foot into a boiling bath, but not pulling back out again. This metal was designed to prevent vibration, magically enhanced it now tapped into the energy flow of the universe on a quantum level. Needless to say, David was screaming in pain mentally, he could feel his cells being burnt and slowly peeling apart as the energy purified and then rebuilt him. If David did not have his reality-warping power that effected even the quarks, he would have been burn to a cinder. As part of him burn, it was rebuilt immediately stronger and purer than before.

This means less interference when energy flowed through his body and mind, but with the enhanced metal he now drew in more than just normal energy, he drew in the limitless energy from the quantum level.

David's brain was now able to freely pass energy through all of it. It felt like someone had directly connected his mind to the mains current of the universe. David felt and saw so much at once. With an extreme effort of willpower, David managed to pull his conscious back and slowly reintegrate his body.

David felt he had finally reached a place where his mind could no longer be affected by the greater powers in the universe, although this was also true of him affecting them.

Now he only needed to get his physical powers up to scratch and David would finally feel that he was no longer an ant waiting to be stepped on.