
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The League

Wonder Woman, who had been waiting to feel pain, found herself hovering just above the road. Darkseid had suddenly let go of her.

Darkseid's body froze and suddenly got forced into a crucifix-like pose when he heard an emotionless voice coming from above him, "Don't you dare touch her!"

Lowering to the ground between Darkseid and Wonder Woman was a woman with long blonde hair, she wore an Egyptian type necklace with a white halter top that seemed to hang loose at the bottom, Around her waist, was an Egyptian type wrap also in white, the sandals with high straps secured the look of an Egyptian princess come to life.

She landed next to the hovering Wonder Woman, she gently reached forward and touched the confused looking Wonder Woman's cheek. Leaning close she said softly, "I am sorry Diana, I should have stopped him earlier, I thought you would win." As she spoke gently divine energy flowed into Diana as she looked at this woman in disbelief, why was a Goddess from another pantheon coming to her aid.

Turning around Steph's manner changed, she had a slight smile that made even Darkseid feel uncomfortable, "You should never have hurt my friend Uxas, you would think a God of Tyranny would understand how far he can push. My Hunny said I can hurt, but not kill because you are meant to be killed by your own son. (This was a prophecy, only Darkseid knew it at this point) So I only get to play with you." As Steph spoke Darkseid felt his eyes hurting, slowly his eyes, ears, and nose began to bleed. He was unable to see clearly or even think clearly at the moment.

He then felt his lower right arm suddenly twist to the right and break. "Okay, all that can be fixed with time, well with enough time, so touch her again and you might not be facing me, but my love." Steph nodded to the still invisible David who sent all the troops and Darkseid back to Apokolips.

Diana was still staring at Steph in disbelief, she was sure even her Gods could not abuse Darkseid like that.

The woman turned to face Diana again and smiled warmly, "I am sorry if you're confused, just know that you are a good person who has faithful friends in all Universes."

As Superman returned looking a little worse for wear, he headed straight to Diana as Steph giggled, "Although I have to say your dress sense differs, good luck with him though." As she said the last bit she vanished from sight.

The League slowly gathered together; the only serious injury was Green Lanterns' broken arm that his ring was tending to.

Batman was constantly glancing at Diana as Superman hovered over her like an expectant mother once her heard Darkseid had singled her out towards the end, as they had not reached the Watchtower the full version of events had not been disclosed yet.


Back in the Tower David and Steph, who was havering behind Diana, were watching the debrief.

[Batman]: "Diana are you sure you have no idea who that woman was? She seemed to know and care about you a lot."

Diana seemed slightly distracted as she spoke, "No idea Batman, she was a Goddess, I could feel her divinity when she healed me, but I honestly do not recall meeting her."

Batman immediately got Diana's warning that they were not alone, she had used his codename, normally she called him Bruce. Leaning back slightly he noticed that Diana's hair at the back was being played with.

David who had also picked up on Diana's hint signed lightly, from his angle he could see his wife sitting in the air behind Diana playing with her hair absent-minded as she would often do during meetings or social events.

Manhunter, who had stayed on the Tower to act as a coordinator for the League before glanced at Bruce and David rolled his eyes, it was obvious they were all talking mentally right now.

David decided to stop this turning into a misunderstanding so spoke in all their minds, "Seriously, she is playing with her hair, how much of a danger is she to you? Try just talking to her."

Diana's eyes widened as she looked to the rest of her team, she felt no divinity, but she felt something more, she felt authority. The very fabric of Reality responded to this person. They seemed to agree on something mentally and Diana spoke.

"If you make it so I can see you, I would like to thank you for helping my friends and me in battle."

"Uh, what? She means me, right?" Steph dropped her invisibility as she realized what she had been doing and got very embarrassed.

The rest of the team were obviously on alert, yet Diana seemed relaxed as she turned and smiled, "Thank you, I have no idea why he hates Amazonians but I am sure you saved me from a lot of pain."

Steph smiled warmly, too warmly for someone she had just met the rest of the team felt, "If it was not for my love telling me he is supposed to live I would have ripped him apart for touching you like that." Steph said casually as a few of the League members got slightly more on guard while Diana smiled.

"I am not sure what to call you, you are not a Goddess I was taught about, sorry," Diana spoke carefully, she had met too many erratic gods in the past.

Shazam raised his hand like a kid in school (I think most of you know he is actually a kid in school.)

"I don't know how I am supposed to say this, but you feel very familiar to me. When you came closer to Diana, I felt myself heal." Shazam said with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Steph giggled at Shazams' words then answered, "To you Diana, I am no Goddess, I am Steph." Steph smiled at Diana then looked up to Shazam, "I would be the source of all your power if you lived where I do. Naturally, you would not be as weak as you currently are, maybe Mamaragan has not given up totally on his plans here and needs a wakeup call." David chuckled as he realized Steph was actually listening when he told them about the wizard.

Shazam swallowed and nodded slowly as he processed that information.

[Bruce]: "I do not mean this as a rude question, but we are not alone with you, are we?"

Steph smiled warmly and answered, "You are never alone, my love now exists everywhere. If you are asking if his avatar or focus is here, then yes. We came on this vacation together."

David rolled his eyes and took a step forward in the air while making himself visible, "Hello Justice Leaguers."

Diana was the only one who moved, she had always been someone who showed respect to the Gods if they were not her opponents. She slipped to one knee and lowered her head while the others just stared at David.

Before Diana could talk David started helping her up, "No, you never need to do that before me child. To others I am Genesis, to you I am David."

David tilted his head slightly as he made contact then as she raised her head he looked into her eyes, to the others it seemed a moment, but for Diana and David a lifetime passed as David growled, "Who did this to you?"

Diana looked confused and shrugged slightly as she glanced at Steph.

Steph shook her head slightly and looked at David as his eye's lost focus for a second.

"I see, some petty Gods messing around. Diana, it seems you have a choice to make. Two children have done something to you, at the moment it does not harm you. In most of your timelines, you will discover this and become a lot stronger learning the truth in the natural flow of time. Or I could just destroy what they did and kill them for their arrogance."

[Note from Fandom about what David is talking about: the two deities Deimos and Phobos, sons of Ares, started planning how to free their father from the prison of Themyscira, Diana was the victim of a manipulation perpetrated by them that changed all the memories of Wonder Woman had about her past, from her birth to traveling out of Themyscira to live in the world of men, she was also manipulated into believing she lived certain adventures after she left her home. Until later, Diana was convinced that these memories were true]