
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs


"So, do I want to know what happened to you during this month? You said nothing." Steph said with a hint of concern in her voice.

"I am powerful, I mean immensely powerful. I thought I had all the power I needed before. I just do not understand if he had this power why he never helped when things were bad. I know he knew it was coming because I can tell. (Very annoyed DC used him the way they did if it was not apparent, he had so much potential)

I basically have everything, sexy lady. I exist in all Universes, I can see my existence in my past, present, and future, there is just too much to go through, combined with my previous powers … I can create new life. I just do not understand why he never used this power to help, he just watched them all die."

"You are not him my love. You will do better; you already have done better. You said we need to go to a wall?" Steph said trying to distract David.

"No, not anymore. She is no threat to me. Okay, let's see, we need to go forward, and then you can see these world heroes. Oh, one sec. There, I bound my dimension to this Universe as well." David shook his head once, it seemed like a simple move but doing this stopped David from seeing his timeline all in one go, instead, he kept it as precognition so he might still have fun with minor things surprising him. What David did not seem to realize was that his version of "minor" had changed a hell of a lot.

"Okay, do you want to see what would have happened with Diana and Kal if their timelines ran normally? I can show you it then we can go see how they start their hero careers." David grinned as he asked, he was looking forward to Steph's reaction to Diana's costume. (So, re-read Rebirth for all heroes and decided I'll to do my version of it all. Some of it is cool, but some of it feels like they slept through the creation process.)

"No, you said Kal died and there is only a Kal now because the world merged? Then no way, even if it's not our Kal I do not want to see him die." Steph said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Fair enough, so who would you like to see then. We can see either of them, or we could see them fight in a team. Anything you want love." David says trying to pick the mood up again.

"Urm, I would like to see them with their friends?" Steph said after some consideration.

"Oh, that's easy, urm. Ah, the Watchtower, they used to be there a lot. Might be best you be invisible sexy."

Steph nodded after David spoke and made herself invisible.

They appeared in a large satellite station above the Earth, sitting around a table sat eight people, David recognized them as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, and Manhunter.

Almost immediately David heard a muffled giggling from next to him, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman turned in the direction of the noise, it seemed something had Cyborg distracted though.

Steph was trying hard not to laugh as she pointed at Wonder Woman, mentally talking to David she said, 'Oh my good Love, have you seen what she is wearing? Diana would die before being seen in that; can we take a picture?'

'You have a mental link with her, why would you need a picture?' David said as he realized in some ways she was very much his wife still.

After a moment Hela's voice could be heard laughing and the light tittering from Foxy as well, while Diana was totally confused, 'What are you guys doing? How are you doing that?'

'We are in another Universe and this is how you dress for battle here.' Steph added while giggling mentally.

'There is no wear I wear that, WAIT What did she just do? Did she just touch Kal's hand? Why is she looking at him like that?' No-one said anything, the scene spoke for itself, it seemed in this Universe Kal-El and Diana were close.

'Urm, so I am just going to go back to visiting, see you guys later.' Steph said and quickly stopped sharing what she saw.

'You realize you going to have to see her when you get back, right?' David warned Steph.

Steph nodded and grinned, "It was so worth it though. Oh, what's happening, what is the robot acting weird?'

'That is Cyborg, and he is, well and Cyborg. It seems he picked up an emergency on Earth. Oh, boom tubes. Okay, so Darkseid who used to be called Uxas is a God who thinks the Anti -Life Equation is on Earth or more so in the Humans, so he tries to invade it and get the Equation. Want to go watch?'

David heard the mental giggles as he transported them above the air in Metropolis, Parademons were flying all around collecting people and placing them in large containers, David assumed they were to make it easier to transport them back to Apokolips when they were full.

Seeing the yellow electrical aura, it was obvious Flash had arrived first and started saving civilians. Superman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman arrived soon after, with the rest not long after them.

Green lantern flew straight in, covering his hand with a spiked glove he started hitting Darkseid who in turn smacked him aside like an annoying fly into a nearby wall, a few parademons jumped on Green Lantern and started pounding him.

Flash ran forward and defended Green Lantern from the battering with hundreds of punches to the parademons done within seconds. The swarms of parademons began attacking the rest of the League as Green Lantern stood up again, "Is that all you got? Well, it's not all I got." He said as he created a truck and drove it towards Darkseid, smashing into him and having no impact at all as Lantern fell to the ground from his failed attack.

Darkseid's eyes glowed red as he looked over to Green Lantern, Superman rushed in punching Darkseid in the face and stopping his eyes from launching an attack, he managed to get 3 punches off before he was caught by the legs and cast aside to the ground.

Lantern recovered and rushed at Darkseid from the back, creating a mass of snaking chains. As he reached Darkseid he saw a large hand suddenly reach back, crushing the chains, and grabbed his arm, crushing it. Bones were heard breaking as Lantern made a muffled groan of pain.

David was shaking his head as he watched, were comic book heroes always like this?

Wonder Woman took a moment from fighting off the parademons to fly at Darkseid and slashed her sword across his chest with no effect as he casually backhanded her away. Superman flew up to catch her before she came to harm.

Steph let out a breath she never realized she was holding.

Shazam took advantage of the moment and threw lightning at Darkseid's chest, once again to no effect.

Darkseid's eyes glowed again as he shot red beams out of them that guided themselves to Shazam and struck him, sending him flying and crashing into the road.

Seemingly bored of the "fight" Darkseid stepped forward as his forearms began to glow red, "This is over." He said as he brought both arms downwards and hit the ground.

All the league except for Superman got blown back and smashed into the concrete around them.

Seeing Superman standing Darkseid's eyes glowed red and shot out red beams towards Superman who turned and flew away as the beams chased him. Walking forwards Darkseid huffed as he looked down and grabbed Wonder Woman by her hair.

"Amazonian," he said almost like it was a curse word as he raised his fist and brought it down to her face.