
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The request

[Author about the Beyonders: Hi, it occurred to me people might not know how powerful the Beyonders are so I am going to take a section of Fandom about them to show you, none of these are my words, it is all canon. "Yellowjacket witnessed as the Beyonders annihilated the Celestials, Eternity, Infinity, Lord Chaos, Master Order, the In-Betweener, and even the Living Tribunal throughout all realities." They never openly left their dimension while doing all of this. Using kidnapped Molecule Men (as part of the bomb) from all realities, Doom created a bomb that he launched on the Beyonders after drawing them out of their dimension. The detonation of the bomb reduced the number of remaining universes from hundreds of thousands to less than two dozen but managed to destroy the Beyonders. Please note it only destroyed the ones there, not all of them. I hope this helps my reader realize that even with the MC's current power he will have a fight on his hand just to keep his own people safe. And yes, the Levar is still an important part of the story as someone asked. As a by the by, some reader of Marvel think the Beyonders are a nod to DC's writers.]

Diana's eyes grew large, she was used to gods messing with her, but this God spoke of killing two gods with casual ease, she needed to stop that or innocents might be hurt, "Lord Gene, urm, sorry David," Diana began but a stern look made her change her for of address. "I am fine with it, you said I will grow stronger then I shall see it as a challenge to help me."

David nodded, he knew her reasoning, but in the end, it was best for her to handle her own family affairs.

"Very well, we came here to let my wife see counterparts of those we care for, but this has given me an opportunity as well." Looking around the table David grinned, this was a turning point of his long-term plan.

Superman looked at Diana with concern then back to Genesis, if this being's wife defeated Darkseid so easily he dreaded to see the power level of someone she seemed to regard as more powerful than herself.

Batman, who till now had been carefully watching everything finally spoke up, "An opportunity? It sounds more like you need us for something." Diana glared as Bruce's casual manner of talking to what she guessed was a Sky-Father.

Batman ignore Diana's look and kept looking at Genesis.

"Haha, you do not change as all, do you Bruce? Very well then, but you misunderstand something, I have a remarkably high chance of surviving, only a few Universe do. The good news for you is, you will be fine. We will have to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Universes and all life within them, but we will stop them from reaching you. if all goes well.

If we fail then it becomes your problem, and without any knowledge about the crisis, I am sure you will do just fine, Bruce."

Diana and Superman were giving Bruce an annoyed look at this point, Green Lantern who was usually in a jovial mood was actually thinking seriously, he generally joked because he knew his power was meant to be used to save worlds in his sector so he always thought he had enough power to deal with Earth problems easily, this problem was beyond that.

Green Lantern spoke up, "Hi, Sir, I am Hal Jorden, the Green Lantern for this sector. Do you mind me sending this information to Oa, they are kinda my bosses."

"The smurfs? Sure, the more help the better. What I want though will not impact anyone though. All I want is your agreement to fight the Beyonders and do anything within reason to win. Any who agree to this will need only say it.

Nothing more."

Diana and Superman were already agreeing to this, for some reason they seemed to trust this man. David nodded and smiled as he looked to his side, "Ah, please do not panic, my Goddess of Death and Love is arriving."

As he spoke Hela's shape appeared next to David, he could sense her power had grown by a lot while she looked at him and almost lost her composure, she could no longer sense his level of power.

"Welcome back Hela, all went well it seemed," David said as she fully took shape.

Steph hovered over and hugged Hela, "Oh it went fine, but why are you hovering? Should I be?"

Steph added, "He's been doing that for some time now, I was wondering about it as well."

David signed, "Well, it seems my power overflows now, and when I touch the ground." As he spoke David landed and beneath his feet on the metal floor grass and flowers began to grow, David hovered to one inch above the ground again.

Steph and Hela just about collapsed in tears of laughter as the Leaguers looked at each other with slight humor on their lips.

David sighed, "I hope you all seriously consider what I said, I would be willing to grant a boon that will have no negative impact at all. Just say my name and I will respond, and we can discuss a reasonable boon." While David said this, he looked at Bruce, he knew he was the least likely to accept anything even though he needed it the most.

Hela walked over to Diana now that she had calmed down from her laughter and leaned in to whisper.

Diana bowed her head slightly as Hela approached then listened to Hela's words, she went slightly red on her cheeks and the tops of her ears and then nodded. David felt Hela's mind link her to her other self and had to resist chuckling, this would be interesting.

David needed to do something to show he was since, and the level of the boon he was willing to grant.

David smiled then recalled something, "Cyborg, fate gave you no choice but I will, without any cost if you are willing, I will grant you the ability to shift between your current self and a fully human enhanced body."

Cyborg started at Genesis speechless, after a few seconds, he finally found his voice, "What do you mean enhanced? I am useful to the team as I am, I can help a lot of people."

"You can choose to switch at will, your Human self would be at the level of a peak human physically, but your mental abilities will be at the level of your mechanical self. Think about it, just say my name if you wish to discuss it."

At this point, Manhunter had mentally let Genesis know he was willing to join the fight. David nodded to the Martian and then asked mentally, 'I am able to give your family back to you if you wish?'

The Manhunter suddenly stood up from the table and stared intently at Genesis, "You mean this? The real them!" This was one of the few times David knew of that the Manhunter showed excess emotion,

David smiled and nodded, "I meant what I said, this is not me being kind, this is repayment for agreeing to fight." Before David hovered two Martians, seemingly sleeping with a light cloth over them.

"They will sleep until you wake them, before you do you need to decide up until what point you want them to remember, I strongly advise against choosing to the end, maybe to the point you were all huddled up would be best." The bodies hovered gently over to the sofa with the Manhunter right beside them gently touching their heads.

The other Leaguers looked at Genesis in disbelief, looking at them he signed, "Please do not misunderstand, what I said was true, all I need is you to agree to fight, nothing more from you. What this means to me though is a lot more, that agreement gives me the power of another powerful being at my side, and that makes this a fair trade to me."

Most of the Leagues looked at David with slight confusion, some assumed their agreement might in some way grant Genesis their powers in his time of need. David merely smiled.

"Come ladies, it is time to go for now. Be safe Justice Leaguers."

Straight question, do people still want to read this novel. I have seen a massive increase in negative and rude comments. I am happy just to keep writing for myself if people are bored with it.

If I continue with this the chances are high I will start to ignore comments as it has become demoralizing reading them. (To be honest mostly from new readers on earlier chapters.)

I now fully understand authors who stop updating thier books on this platform, who wants to worry each time you post a chapter that you going to be abused.

(They need a block function for authors, I feel, not a report.)

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