
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Lost time

David had finally brought his mind back and focused on his new body. Although he looked the same David was very aware that he was not even close.


'Steph? GCA? Why are you shouting at me? What's wrong?'

Steph instantly teleported next to David and dived into his chest hugging him, tears were rolling down her cheeks.

'Steph? Did something happen?'

'David, it is 1927. Your body has been missing for almost a decade. Steph was able to feel your mind everywhere she went, but you did not respond to either of us.'

'A Decade? It took me that long to pull myself back together?' hugging Steph close he now understood her actions, 'Have I missed anything?'

'Not really, since Steph reassured us you were okay, and those who called on Genesis were still answered we were able to proceed normally.'

At this point Steph had finally stopped crying and looked up, "You never left me any instructions, you just left me alone!"

"I am sorry Hunny, I did not know I would be gone. I was only expecting to make my skin tougher, but it went way beyond that."

Teleporting Steph to his office David cuddled her as looked around, everything was perfectly maintained.

"Okay, it is best I place my expected actions somewhere so that if something unexpected happens you know what to do. GCA it will be a secure folder on your server only Steph and I can access."

'Yes, David.'

"hm, okay. Steph I have a decision to make, do I save a little girl's mother but hide her and maybe mess up the history and lose a valuable person, or do I let her mom die and be sure history will produce the killer I need?"

"Save her mom, hide her mom, do not tell her. You then have two grateful people later." Steph replied instantly.

David nodded although he was not so sure about this path, he did ask for Steph's advice so he would try her way.

"Oh GCA, we need to create a military unit, the 107th, the Howling Commandos. Make it a unit that consists only of our men. You should know how they should look. Ensure Bucky Barnes is recruited to them when he joins the war effort for WW2. Their duty will be to ensure history goes just as we know the timeline to with one exception. We get Bucky Barnes."

'Yes, David'

Stalingrad, Russia. David smiles warmly as he watched the young mother walking the street, within her arms, a young girl lay that had obviously had a rough day.

Currently, David is unseen, he uses this fact to follow the woman home. Although it is in the poorer area, the home is well maintained, and care has obviously been taken to make it safe for the child.

The child is placed inside her wooden playpen, to play by herself as the mother goes into the kitchen to make some supper for them.

David seat himself on the chair closest to the child and leans over to her, becoming visible he connects to the little baby, establishing a mind link. The little baby seems to like the magic man who suddenly appears and laughs happily as her mother walks into the room with supper.

A sudden gasp and the supper plates are dropped as the woman sees a stranger right next to her little girl, panic and fear run through her mind as she tries to work out what to do.

"You need not do anything; I am not here to harm you or little Natasha. You have already died for your little girl to many times, and she is too important to the future for me to harm her."

It is at this point the woman realizes the supper she dropped is still hovering in the air, she is lost as what to do, is this magic? Who, what is this man?"

The supper drifts over to the table and gently places itself down, the baby girl laughs happily at this sight.

"Vhat do you vant with my little girl? She has not done anything to anyone. Who are you vith?"

"This little princess? She is one of the most important people in this world. I only came to let you know, they will try to kill her again, they will fail because I will save you both but I will need to separate you both to ensure she lives. At the time, I will take you with me to America, I will ensure that you see your daughter again."

The woman's eyes grow large as she hears these things. She is sure this man could have killed them both if he wanted too. She could understand the logic of her daughter being safer without her. Ivan had been trying to get close to her if she made him promise he would care for her. He was a good man.

"Vhy, I do not know you, yet you seem to know me and my Daughter."

David smiles and places two serums on the table. The green is for you, the blue is for her, I assume you will take your first to ensure it is safe. It will make you strong enough to live through the trap they will spring on you next year. Her one will give her a lot more due to her being a baby, her body will accept it more.

You will know what to do, if you are without hope, call me and I will aid you.

Smiling David got up and took a step forward as his body started to fade, once again the baby seemed to love the magic trick and laughed happily.

"Vho are you, your name?"

'Within her mind, he heard the response, what she did not know was her daughter heard the same message, "My name is Genesis, call on me and I will aid you."

The woman just stared blankly at the table. That night David watched her through the baby's eyes as she took the serum, he smiled as the nanobots then influenced her to think since she was fine, it would be fine for her baby.

Please keep in mind I am using a lot of Earth 616 history for characters.

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