
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

A mind trip

Diana looked to her mother with a re-ignited determination, something her mother had not seen in her since she had wanted to learn to fight. In a way Hippolyta was relieved, her daughter now knew the truth about herself and seemed to have accepted it without question. The problem was that she now had a more reason to head into the mans-world.

Hippolyta sighed as she slowly nodded, "Yes Diana, you may go with my blessing, for as we have seen, you would have gone regardless. Please my daughter, be careful. Men are devious in their ways."

David coughed lightly as Hippolyta merely gave him a level gaze, "Give us a day, I want to give my daughter a proper goodbye."

David nodded and he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to encompass the world, he loved the feeling of touching all the minds. It made him feel connected. He found his mind very slightly tugged towards England, he found this curious and allowed himself to travel a little more.

London, a very old and seemingly closed church was where he ended up. There seemed to some lights strung up on the roof, not that it helped allot. On an altar was a woman with long black hair, she seemed about 178cm and could only be described as voluptuous. Currently, she was unconscious, around the altar were 10 young ladies chained to the floor. None of them seemed to be willing. It seemed like they had been pulled off the street as their clothing had been lightly ripped but some still had their bags with them.

David found the source of the tugging in one of the woman's hands, a crumpled letter that was being tightly held as the woman had her hands up to her mouth constantly praying. Although it was not to him, his name was on the letter. It told how Genesis had saved her Granddaughter. David was a little confused, she did not seem that old. For the moment David could only assume the faith that was placed in him when the letter was written is what drew him here. He still had no understanding of faith and no means to absorb or use it but it seemed to be using him.

Looking about he noticed a man bent over scribbling runes around the altar. Although David realized soon man was the wrong term, it seemed this one was a vampire. He seemed so focused on his work that David easily gleamed his current thoughts.

The woman on the altar was Selene Galio, she apparently made him into a vampire by draining life from him, but not enough to kill him, oh his name was Eliphas. David knew that name from his timeline studies. A very old vampire, he became one because Selene has drained him as revenge for betraying her, or so she believed.

Curious about the life-draining David entered Selene's mind. He was amazed at her power, if she was not unconscious and restrained by the runes Eliphas had already completed, David would not have been able to enter it. Seeing this as a once in a lifetime chance David started studying her cells and her mind. Thanks to his recent upgrade he was able to pick and choose the genes he wanted, then searched for her experience with it.

Lifeforce absorption was a must, Psychic Vampire, Telekinetic animation, Pyrokinesis, he was disappointed to find her telepathy and related powers were all less developed than his but then he came to Sorcery and Shadow Manipulation, these were ones he believed he might have never had a chance to learn. Selene was 5000 years older than David; her experience was invaluable as he plundered her mind.

Realizing it was getting easier and easier he noticed the vampire seemed to be close to completing his last rune. Happy with his harvest David pulled out of her mind then smirked to himself mentally, a favor from someone so powerful would be something to value.

Moving to the woman with the letter David made it seem comfortably warm within the woman's hand, then made his name within it seem to glow to her eyes.

Emma was no longer in a state of fear, she had passed that stage. She was now praying that her daughters who had moved to America and her granddaughter would be safe. That they would never find out what happened to her as she had a vision of herself being disemboweled. This mad man had knocked her out as he was heading home while reading her daughter's letter, she woke up chained with the other women around an altar and the poor woman on top had not even woken up yet.

As she prayed, she felt her hands get slowly warmer, this surprised her as due to light shock she already began to feel cold previously. Opening her eyes, she saw the letter she had been reading was lightly glowing, she quickly opened it and saw the name Genesis was the source of the light.

Emma quickly re-read the part of the letter about Genesis, her daughter was talking about her sister praying to Genesis and she saw a soft green glow that healed her granddaughter. Gritting her teeth as what she was about to do went against all her upbringing, she began to pray to Genesis, she asked only to bring her and these woman to safety.

David felt like he was pranking the poor woman, the moment her prayer ended he announced in her mind, "Granted, Emma". Then made all the chains turn into dust as he changed the lighting in the building to emit ultraviolet rays.

The Vampire screamed in pain as he looked about in concussion, then he dove out the church window closest to him. The women, realizing they were free, dashed out screaming for help as David started to poke Selene's mind.

'Hey, you napped long enough, I have chased your boyfriend off. Time to wake.'

Slowly regaining consciousness Selene cast her eyes around, she had heard the voice in her head but could not understand how anyone was able to speak to her that way without her allowing it.

'The runes he drew around you, it looks like he has studied you well. Once you walk out of them you should be safe and start regaining your powers. Then you can make sure I never left anything behind, hehe. Be safe, may we meet again under better conditions.'

David chuckled happily to himself as he withdrew his mind and started adjusting his cells to allow the use of the powers he had studied. Although they would not really improve him since he could have granted himself this power previously, it was always better to possess them at a genetic level for himself. The hard part would be the magic, although he knew how to study and all the shortcuts, there were no genes to adjust, it was all comprehension.

That night David would spend one of many studying all he could about the magic knowledge he had learned. The thought did occur to him that if he could study more powers it might make his tasks easier.