
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Plans begin to unfurl

[Author: No-one answered, lol. Do you prefer past tense or present tense, or should I just do one chapter in the present for you to judge?]

David was aware he had been a little extreme, but truth be told he only gave Charles a chance in the beginning in case his knowledge of him was flawed.

Walking through the portal with a smile on his face he saw no-one had actually waited for him, maybe Kal realized it was best to get Jean to Steph as soon as possible.

Sanding on Genesis David cast his gaze to the mansion, then deeper still. His mind entered a viewing room with computers all around, looking towards the control computer for the Danger room David made a gentle reaching motion with his hand, a cracked yellow orb came out the machine and suddenly appeared on his hand where he stood.

'Hello little one, are you okay?' David mentally spoke trying to sound gentle as he did.

Within the orb, all David felt was fear, anger, and confusion. Yet no response though.

'I have punished Charles; I have taken his power away from him. I have brought you to me where he can never touch you again.'

A small squeaky voice asked, 'Never again?'

'Never again, and if you want, I can even give you your freedom. I happen to have gained a spirit that can create its own body, if I wash it out, I can let you have it?' For this being David had no ulterior motives, she gained sentience only to be experimented on right after her birth by someone she trusted.

David reached into the dimension he had placed Casanova's spirit, pulling it out he allowed his mind to run over her, then passed, something was wrong, this spirit seemed whole. Did it have anger, yes, but it was not rage. Shaking his head he created a duplicate of her spirit, one able to create its own DNA or copy another, then took only this aspect and offered it to Danger while placing Casanova in a dimension that seemed more like a mini oasis.

'If I add this to you, you should be able to grow if you like. With that, you will gain your own freedom.' As David spoke, he moved his lab and held his hands near each other. Feeling a nervous acceptance from Danger her soul joins with the spirit's DNA (No clue what to call it, lol).

David gently placed her in Kal's old "crib" that he kept for the hell of it, the gel did not even move as this delicate weightless Soul spirit was placed inside.

'You can rest there as long as you like, if you like you can access earth communication networks from here and learn more. Just take your time and learn more about yourself.' David smiled warmly and then vanished.

Danger was considering a lot of things, she connected to the Earth's networks as she had always been kept in a closed network and started to see a world she had only ever dreamed about before.

She felt grateful for what David had done but still hated Charles for his betrayal. After a few hours of seeing and hearing the world for the first time, Danger decided having a body would be nice.

Feeling around her, she felt particles of dead life, tiny parts of people were floating within this gel. Danger smiled as she realized she might not need David to help her find DNA to copy, she had some samples right here.

And with that, Danger oh so slowly started to grow.


David's main body was currently within his own dimension, before him were various heroes almost all from the DC verse though.

"Thank you all for your acceptance, I have explained to you all my plan, and what I would be expecting from you, if you are still willing to help me, then remain where you are. Otherwise, take one step back and you will vanish from my dimension."

David waited a few moments, and no-one had moved.

"Very well, behind me are two of the three pillars I spoke about, once you have touched the white one please touch the black one and list the people you wish to be here with you and your wish, then say out loud where you want to be taken on Earth. Once on Earth, you will find the grey pillar in each main city, please touch it at least once a month. Thank you all. Clark, if you could come to see me on the side please?"

As the other heroes followed David's instructions Clark (Not Kal from his Universe. The DC one he met) headed over to David as they both moved to one side.

David held our two devices, one a wrist band and the other slightly bulky belt.

"Both of these can camouflage, the wrist band is to isolate you in a dimension where time moves a lot faster, the speed is based on my power, so it will become faster if I gain more power. The belt has miniature blue suns in it. The regulator is on the buckle, you can never take it out of this dimension. It only exists because I control all the laws within this place. Are you still happy with our agreement?" David asked, already knowing Clark would never back out of an agreement.

"Once I touch that stone, Pa and Ma will be on your Earth, and will live a long, healthy life?"

"Yes, if that is your wish when you touch the pillar." David nodded

"Then yes, I am happy with our agreement." Clark reaffirmed

"Might I suggest you include all those you love in that wish? The last thing I want for you is to lose someone you care for and regret being here." David suggested.

Clark looked at David a moment, not sure if he was hinting at something, then nodded as he walked over to the pillars.

David looked over the Earth, they were currently standing on the moon that was covered in a lush forest. Lost in thought David shook his head and suddenly realized two years had passed, he needed to stop losing himself like that. Thankfully, his avatars functioned perfectly during this time and if something requiring his main body was needed, then everyone was probably dead anyway.

David was looking forward to the "Birth of Heroes" he was being a little childish, but he wanted to join that time and for once relax while all the plans he was laying unfurled before time itself.

Moving back to Heven David saw Steph talking to Kal and Jean, it seemed she had taken Jean under her wing and was keen on the fact Jean and Kal were getting closer. Although even Logan thought Kal taking over two years to move their relationship on was a bit much.

Jean was currently having no issues with her powers as they grew with time, she seemed to have healthy control over her emotions but also seemed a little frustrated at Kal's relationship blindness.

David chuckled as these were the things she did enjoy, having lived so long he still found it funny how some people could be so blind to something that seemed so obvious.

Slightly lost in enjoying the moment David suddenly came back to the now, something did not make sense, Ego had appeared on Earth in Missouri.