
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter starts after the note

[Author: So, I am going to explain some things and name some things to make it easier for all.

Genesis is David's Godly name.

David M will be the name given to David's main body.

David A will be the name given to any of his avatars, I am not going to name them all.

Dimension D will be David's own dimension where is in complete control over it, much like The one Above all.

Earth will be the default Marvel Earth David arrived on. He has a defensive perimeter around its solar system (Sol) and had sent out Green Ring Bearers to slowly explore and setup teleportation relay bases as they move further out from it. Within Sol is the Levar armada David has control of who are mining the system as well as a fixed defense force, Brainiac is a mobile defense ship designed to trap and eliminate ships warping into Sol. Various color ring bears are stationed here.

Earth D will be the DCU Earth David, Steph and Hela went to where Superman and Wonder Woman is close.

Heven is David's Godly realm, all his gods are making realms attached to it except Hela, who has her old one and is claiming new ones.

Genesis island is a vast hidden land in space between Earth and the Moon, since David does not receive any of his power from Faith, he is sending it all here in an attempt to create another Godly realm. Currently, there are portals all over Earth and space leading here and it is a safe haven for Meta's.

Diana has become the Goddess of Battle.

Foxy and Logan's twins have no divinity, neither does Raven's child, Kurt.

Gaea is within her own realm attached to David's keeping an eye on Storm on Earth.

Selena has completed her work on the Vibranium and is waiting for the Darkhold to be safe to study. Since Chthon is dead the Darkhold is now linked to David.

Danger, the sentient AI from the X men danger room is growing within Kal's old crib.

I am currently fusing a few events between 1960 to 1990 so I do not keep skipping time.

Okay, think that might do it, ask in the comments if I am missing something you wanted an update on.


[Testing present tense so it is a little shorter for the test, let me know what you think.]

'All those observing the Quill's back off, remote viewing only and never directed on the adult male with her.' I am trying to avoid any issues, but it does make me wonder what I absorbed if Ego has only come to the Earth now though.

I might need to go see things myself as I currently have no avatars on Earth, with that in mind I send one to watch Nat since it is almost time to pay Bill Fisk a visit.

I appear across from her outside a little café where she has a coffee before her, but none of it is drunk.

David A, Earth:

"Hi Nat" I smile as I appear and to be honest I am a little disappointed, no reaction except a big smile as she greets me back, "Hi David, would you like a coffee?"

Wait, she won't drink the coffee here and she offers me some? Should I be offended?

"How are things going? I assume to watching out for Fisk?"

Nat nods and indicates across the street, I see Bernie Walker (Just an NPC) busy knocking over a campaign sign, before anything further can happen though, Bernie collapses clutching at his stomach in pain.

I look back at Nat who has a satisfied smile on her face, "Dominoes." She explains.

I am curious now, it seems Nat believes that Wilson Fisk not being forced to kick Bernie while he is on the ground will help Wilson not become Kingpin, I assume she means this is just one of the things she is changing.

She gets up and I follow her, a moment later she disappears into my shadow, seriously it is going to start getting crowded in there when Jessica finds out I am not longer on Genesis.

David A, SHIELD Headquarters, Earth:

I decided to hide and go see how Peggy is doing, the woman travels so much back and forth to Genesis and Earth it is not a wonder she needed the serum.

Appearing in her office I see she is not alone.

Howard Stark and Henry Pym are also in the room, and the conversation seems a little heated.

"Henry, just let someone else use the suit and we can get this Berlin issues resolved, we both not as young as used to be. You really should be leaving this to the younger agents."

Peggy seems to only be listening at the moment, but from the file on her desk I can see this is about HYDRA tech, is seems some radicals in Berlin got some of HYDRA's tech and things might go bad fast.

"No Howard, the Pym particles are mine and I am sure as hell not trusting them to anyone else. You have no idea how much destruction it could cause if it fell into the wrong hands," Henry replies, I think his face is starting to get red.

"I am not asking you to give it to them, just let an agent use the suit to resolve the issue in Berlin and you can have it back. I honestly think I do understand the effect those particles could have in the wrong hands." Howard says and I have to agree, if there is one man on the planet that had the mind to understand it, it is Howard Stark.

"Boys, if the suit is the issue, why not let Henry go then?" Peggy jumps in with a reasonable suggestion.

I can see Henry considering it when I decide this is pathetic, the particles are like a gun, it just depends who has it in their hands, and Henry is like a 4-year-old not sharing his toys.

Appearing on the sofa in the corner I decided to speak up, "I do not see how you can be so anal about something that is not even that great. Hello Peggy, hope you doing well." As I am speaking, I am expanding and shrinking an oxygen molecule in my hand to the size of a pool ball and back again.

Peggy, Howard, and Henry all turn in my direction, Peggy though just sighs while the other two are starting at me with their mouth agape.

"Henry, if you realize just how pathetic you sound, all I hear is "mine, mine, mine". The power of your particles is nothing compared to what some people can do with just the power within their bodies. I am not saying share them far and wide, I am saying if you had a more open personality you could have found someone you trusted and shared your knowledge. Now the odds are when you old and grey you will settle for some idiot to take over your legacy."

Peggy shakes her head and speaks up, "Guys, this is David, a friend of mine that has helped me out in the past. David, I assume you know who they are."

Howard moves closer and carefully examine the molecule I am playing with; it seems my words have made Henry think a bit. I am sure if it was not for my entrance and trick that he would not even consider my words once though.