
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Plan, what plan?

"Why are we not calling on Gaea if she has placed seals on his dimension before?" Selene asked what seemed like an obvious question.

"Because we will not be sealing him in that manner, and Gaea's seals are still fine. We have two main weaknesses that I am aware of, when Chthon posses someone we would be able to prevent him from using his abilities as he would have to cast his spells like a human sorcerer, so an electrical shock as he enters them would leave him vulnerable or a method to disrupt his nerve impulses.

The other is eldritch magic, weirdly this includes the magic in the Darkhold.

All I want from him is some of his Chaos magic, after that, it would be nice if we could get some Dark magic for both Selene and Hela. My problem is my experience with demons is non-existent. Is there a way to get what we want and in a way that is safe for use?" Although David knew what he wanted, he had no practical idea if it was attainable.

As the ladies were debating among themselves Hela was being unusually quiet.

David suddenly got a message from Steph, "Hunny, Peggy is asking about Bucky."

"Okay, I just activated a very slow healing process for him, you can take her to him. You told her we are tracking Cap?"

"I did, it was the first thing she asked about. After she sees Bucky, I will take her to get the serum."

"Thanks, sorry I always seem to be involved in something." As he said this David had a small realization about Hela.

David leaned forward and gently touched her arm. "Hela, are you okay?"

Hela looked up then seemed to realize David was touching her and smiled slightly, "I am fine, I guess you have been busy these last few years?"

David was a little confused by the turn of the conversation but nodded, "Yeah, it is weird how time seems to go so much faster when you have so much of it." David chuckled lightly as he spoke.

Hela smiled warmly, "That's good, I was a little concerned. There is a way you know, to do what you want but it will cost you."

"If it is only me that has to pay then it is fine, if we succeed it will be a great help and relief," David said with determination.

[Hela]: "Am I correct in saying that if you are able to study someone's cells, you could duplicate their powers?"

[David]: "Yeah, as long as I can study the cells I can, it is not something I can do in battle and it will take me longer with someone powerful but now with my Godhood and God-force I would guess I could duplicate most."

[Hela]: "So would you be able to duplicate Gaea's?"

"An Elder god? Yeah if she let me but it would take some time, and I doubt Chthon is willing to stand around waiting while studying his cells." David grinned cheekily at Hela who just smiled patiently.

"So, then a son of Gaea would be do-able. We have a way then." Hela smiled and leaned back.

David looked at Hela a little confused, a son of Gaea, one that Hela knew about that ... "Oh my God Hela, you mean Atum! You are a genius woman." David reached forwards and kissed Hela in excitement.

Diana and Selene were just looking at them in slight confusion, "Urm, while this little show has been fun, would someone like to include us in it?" Selene asked, she was not sure if she should be annoyed or embarrassed that she had no idea what they were talking about.

"Sorry, okay, as you know most of the Elder gods became demons, well Gaea gave birth to a son who had the power to absorb gods as well as demons, he would feed on them and gain their powers. This god has an issue though, once he "eats" too much he becomes a monster until he uses or releases all the energy.

All he does is sleep, he only wakes if Gaea calls to him, or //David glances at Hela// the gods of death summon him, and a certain God of Death knows where he sleeps."

Hela was grinning proudly at this point while Diana just chuckled. Selene rolled her eyes and smirked.

"So, step one, Hela takes me to his sleeping body and study him. Since he is not an Elder god I could do it with my avatar, but since I have no idea how long it will take me, I will use my main body." David was relieved, he preferred being the one to take risks and if this one worked it would have a massive payoff.

David swapped his bodies instantly and nodded to Hela, "Thank you, ladies, oh Diana, I am still serious about you joining my pantheon, please do reconsider it. Let's go Hela" before Diana could say anything they vanished before her. (his main body left) No-one but Hela realized he had not asked about the cost.

David's avatar appeared again, "So it seems I might be able to handle this demon mess without it becoming a big fight."

"We can hope so, you are serious about Godhood?" Diana asked

"Naturally, I have wanted you to join me from the start. I thought I was clear about it." David was not sure why Diana was asking; he had previously asked her and said the offer was open. Both Hela and she seemed to seek reassurance lately and he was not sure why.

"And what domain were you thinking of?" Diana asked

"Battle, not war, but overall battle, battle in negotiations, battle in sparring, and yes, battle in war." David hoped he had said that right, he knew how much Diana despised the God of War and was trying to find a balance to that domain that suited her.

Diana glanced at Selene who slightly shrugged, Selene had been so busy with the metal and magic research and had very little idea what had been going on beyond that, but she had come to like Diana in the time they spent together.

Diana sighed, "Let me think about it."

"Of course, I would prefer you to be sure. Oh, have you ladies seen this? It is a serum I am working on to gift animal traits to people. Naturally, I only mean their gifts but just think of … " David turned to find he was alone within the lab once more, "Huh, guess they busy."

Time slowly crept on, days became weeks, and week months, eventually months became years.

David had completed his serum and Black Widow was truly born spider powers and all; David had Nat present herself as an assassin for hire with a moral code but be with him between jobs. Raven, who presented herself as younger made sure to meet Xavier. David explained to Max the possibility that Shaw might be alive, this did not generate the hate he thought it might, maybe having his mother alive had changed his overall personality or the fact he was now engaged and was like a lovesick puppy. Regardless David improved Max's powers and set him up within the Agency in America. Raven would supply a hint on his location if the missile crisis went as the movie predicted.

1961 Monitoring of the Ramsey household paid off, Philip Ramsey was born, the father of Cypher. The agents would ensure that his father was clean in this reality and hire him as a lawyer for the Agency. Getting Douglas Ramsey (Cypher) on board would be a massive boon, all he would need then was Sage. All David had to work with was her very war-torn history and being a teenager near the Hindu Kush mountain range, oh, and his Godly powers.

Then came the information, the Hellfire club was established. Although the person who created the club was said to be Shaw, agents noted several differences in behavior, although the narcissistic behavior was there.

This made David curious and made him more inclined to believe the timeline would take steps to correct itself for major events. Current inner circle members were listed as Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Riptide, and Azazel who happened to be the father of Raven's child, oh this would be fun. It seems Kal might get to stretch his legs if Max does not steal the show.