
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The C.I.A.

David sat inside a bar in Oxford University, England. There seemed to be a few tables free near the door and David was currently sitting with a drink on his table monitoring what was occurring inside.

Currently, Charles Xavier was using his power to pick up a woman, 'Raven, could you please ensure that pathetic attempt fails.'

Raven, who was currently a close friend of Charles and morphed into a very attractive blonde walked over to the bar.

David knew what would happen next, so he left the bar and waited for a few meters outside the door and to the right, across a cobblestone road a few cyclists were using.

Seeing Raven come out in a huff at Charles, David almost wanted to burst out laughing, as they came closer, he heard the phrase "Mutant and Proud. Or is it only with petty mutations …" before Raven could continue, David stepped forward.

"Please stop using that disgusting word, Evolved, or even Meta. Only a short-sighted idiot would coin that phrase." David huffed as he looked towards them with disdain.

Charles started to retort with, "Excuse me, we were talking privately. And mutant is perfectly acceptable to describe …"

David cut him off at this point, "Mutations Charles, not evolutions. Mutated cells for normal people are a bad thing, they are associated with illness and radiation poisoning. We are not an illness. Oh and do not try .. " Charles suddenly collapsed as blood ran from his nose and ears.

Looking up at David in disbelief Charles stuttered, " Wh.. what are you?" all this while Raven was behind Charles smirking happily.

"What am I? So just because you are unable to use your pathetic mind rape powers on me, I am now a what. Is that right Charles?"

"Rape? No no, sorry, who are you. It is just that .. " Charles tried to make an excuse for his wording.

"I am David. And yes rape, you enter people's minds without permission and do what you want, looking into their personal thoughts. I have no doubt that you are the kind of man who would enforce mental blocks on a child "For their own good." Your power and the way you abuse it are far more of a threat to us than a shapeshifter. You can catch a shapeshifter with questioning, a mind reader just needs to sit outside a C.I.A. office, now you tell me, who is the government more likely to see as the bigger threat?"

Charles looked at David with slight confusion as Raven helped him to his feet he turned back and found David had vanished.

"You saw and heard him as well, right?" Charles asked Raven who was so tempted to say no.

"Yes, and I agree with what he said if I am being honest. I have always felt you are too eager to leap into people's heads. If it was not for my ability naturally blocking you, I doubt I would have stuck around." Raven said dismissively.

Charles was quiet on the way home and when they arrived, he locked himself in his study.


David received the report that Moira had made it out of the Hellfire club without the agents needed to provide any help.

As David was thinking about when and if to step in his main body appeared in Heven, he had finally completed gained the power of Atum. With this, he realized he was able to bring a lot more balanced as now the power was no longer in only one god's hands.

He could no longer delay Bucky healing and so Peggy was told he was healed, and she could come to visit as they would only wake him with her there. He was planning on leaving Peggy and Bucky alone, if he was honest, he was not too concerned about Cap either since there was just too much to keep his attention at the moment.

Selene was showing results with her research and now the process needed to be streamlined, the green ring wielders were all trained in combat and diplomacy and were sent to seed homes at the rim of Sol, they were too slowly venture out, planting homes as they went. Each of them worked on a 3-shift system, Off duty one month, on standby one month, and on duty one month. Meaning at any time 2 green ring wielders were available in an emergency in a given area.

David was suddenly brought back to the current scenario as he realized he had spent a few days thinking things over. It was becoming something that happened often, not just with himself but apparently many gods would lose track of days when they were deep in thought.

It seemed Moira had convinced Charles to go to a meeting with the C.I.A. David grinned as he shifted to his Agency office and issued a few orders.

After a few minutes, some papers were delivered to David. Charles had finished the presentation and amazingly had not used the term mutant, but META, He has also not used his mind-reading to prove the existence of the Meta's but was having a hard time convincing them.

Within the meeting room, Raven was seriously considering helping Charles out when the room went quiet. Raven glanced back, realizing everyone was staring at the wall behind her. The wall was now a rippling blue portal.

David stepped through; he would be lying if he had said he was not doing this for showmanship points.

Sending the papers, he had drawn up previously towards the end of the table telekinetically he looked into Stryker's eyes.

"It seems Mr. Stryker your security level is not high enough for his meeting, as of now ACMHA will be taking it over. We will also be borrowing Moira MacTaggart. Everything presented in this room is Top Secret. The papers Infront of you cover everything someone with your clearance needs to know." Glancing to the back of the meeting hall David smiled at the man sitting quietly in the corner.

"I believe you have a facility ideal for these people." David then looked at Raven and smiled, "It is good to see you again, oh and you Charles, you should have let me know you came to America."

Charles chuckled lightly, he was relieved for the interruption and assistance, he had been concerned about using his power to convince them.

While David was speaking Stryker had glanced over the papers and was shocked, these papers were genuine and ACMHA had jurisdiction, he could only assume that they were a branch in the know about Meta's and therefore best suited to deal with them. He was planning on inquiring about the tech David used to a portal into the meeting when he got back though,

At this point Moira was impressed, she believed Charles had called in either a favor or a friend to help her out, she had also not forgotten how this person had arrived and noticed Charles accepted his arrival easily.

"Mr. Stryker, I assume all is in order. If you come across more of these kinds of delicate matters please feel free to contact my agency, it is something we are well equipped for. I assure you; my agency is well ahead of the curve regarding these matters." David gave an unemotional smile as he spoke.

The two men stood up as David provided only the name David to Stryker when asked, David had already issued orders that any and all requests that involved more than voluntary involvement by a Meta's was to be denied to any part of the government that requested it. And with his agency in various places all over the world, he was ready to strike at anyone that did try.

David smiled and sat down, then seemed to speak to no-one, "Nat, secure the room for us please."

Out of David's shadow rose a redheaded voluptuous woman dressed in a tight-fitting black metal weave outfit. As she rose, she seemed to be working with a small sphere as a light blue light radiated out from it, along the wall they heard a few buzzing noises, then nothing as the inner walls seemed to still be lined with the blue color.

"All clear," Nat announced and stayed standing behind David. Most of the people within the room had their eyes fixed on Nat, for various reasons.

"Well done Charles, I am sure it was hard to resist when dealing with people as arrogant as them, and I am glad you chose to go with Meta," David said with a smile as sat at the chair at the head of the table.