
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Manhattan Project

[Author: Yay, so for me, this is a big chapter, I finally give the MC the power he needed to go straight to events a lot more fun for me to write, a lot less of the planning phase.]


The Magiclands are connected to the Rock of Eternity, it was currently divided into seven realms. It was said that each realm was meant to be overseen by a member of the Shazam Family.

"I believe we go to the Darklands first; we need to leave Hela there so she can steal its power, is that okay Hela?" David looks towards the Goddess of Death and Love who seemed to be glancing at Steph curiously.

"Hm? Oh yes, I am good with that. If what you said is right about it, this might take me a few years." Hela broke away from her thoughts and responded.

With that, the three of them appeared in the air above a black and white city looking a lot like a bad Halloween set for a movie.

"Hela, it is said that it is the final resting area for champions since champions never truly die. If you are able to make this part of your realm it will aid you greatly. Steph and I will be headed to the Earthlands once I remake a few lands, so you should look at meeting us there, just use the mind link." David realized Hela was very distracted as she sat in the air cross-legged and began to absorb the death energy of the Darklands.

Chuckling to himself David moved Steph and himself high over the Magiclands and contemplated the options, most of the lands were deadly places to go for normal people. Things had gone horribly wrong a long time ago and fixing it was no longer as easy as going in and beating up the inhabitants.

The Funland was a great place, as long as you were under eighteen, however, once a child turns 18, King Kid enslaves them in the underground factories keeping the Funlands running. The kingdom is ruled over by a child known only as King Kid and is maintained by an unnamed dwarfish clown.

The King Kid was apparently a kid who rumor said was once part of the Shazam Family, David knew this was false since the Family had never existed in this version of reality, so he was merely a kid that never aged.

Looking at Steph, David asked, "How do you think I should handle this, if I am being honest the entire place is a bit of a mess."

"Start it over then, why try to fix someone else's broken dimension, just remake the land and seal off the parts that are dimensions that fall under the Sphere of Gods," Steph answered matter-a-fact.

"Hm, in that case why not change it all, except the Gamelands and the Wozenderlands, those I kinda like if I am being honest. To hell with dimensional portals." David grinned as he spoke and for a moment Steph was a little taken aback at his willingness to be noticed by the Gods in this realm until she realized David must feel he was powerful enough to mess with them.

Looking down Steph noticed things had already changed, it had taken him no more than a thought to destroy the small dimensional area's those places existed, and to bring the other two into the Magiclands safely. Naturally, the large Earthlands hovered alone in the middle.

"Okay, done. Look good?" David looks towards Steph and winks.

"Uh, yeah, looks good. So, what's next then?" Steph asked.

"Well, I think the seven sins of man might have fled to the Earthlands. It will be a little tricky, but I am sure I can enter it without an issue, you see there is a wall I need to go visit."

Steph tilted her head slightly, "A wall? Okay, you need to explain."

"Okay, some believe that the creator of all, the Source, is behind something called a Source Wall. A long time ago this wall was broken and split into two.

This wall is made up of Promethean Giants, dead old gods, and cosmic beings. It tries to kill all who attempt to get past it to maintain the illusion the Source is still behind it.

Before you ask, we not going to try to go past it, we just going to sit on it, you see it is also a prison, and I want to go see one or two of the prisoners there. One particularly nasty one who, if she is left as is will cause a massive amount of death. This is working on the premise we arrive before all this took place as I cannot see her letting me change it.

If we arrive late, we either get to go all out with our powers, or we leave.

But before all that, if we arrive safely there is something in 1949, we will do."

"1949? Are we going back in time? How?" Steph asked

"If you asked me before I fused with Chaos I would only be able to change time a little, but now I feel like I could rewrite anything if I wanted, going back in time a few years is nothing to me," David stated proudly.

"Okay?" Steph looked at David a little concerned, she knew he was a good man and was scared this power would make him change.


Still smiling Steph now found herself outside a testing chamber, David smiled and handed her a lab coat. "Pass this to the guy that comes running here looking for it, then make yourself invisible, do not let him inside please sexy lady."

Steph took the coat and blushed as she saw David close the chamber door between them, within a minute a man came running up. Without much thought, Steph handed him the coat as he looked at her in disbelief.

Doctor Jonathan Osterman (Later called Doctor Manhattan, the blue guy in The Watchmen) watched the woman before him disappear with a blush and smile on her lips as he heard the ominous click on the chamber door next to him.

Looking to the side Jon saw a man inside the chamber grinning at him showing a thumbs up as he suddenly got bathed in a radiant light, the man seemed totally unaffected as the machine slowly stopped a minute later.

The door clicked open as Jon watched the man look around, then spoke in a strange voice that kept repeating itself, "Steph Steph Steph, invis invis invis, boom boom boom it it it." The man vanished and the machine started to smoke as alarms went off.

Being grabbed by someone Jon has dragged out the building, still unsure what he had seen.


In space above Earth Steph was sitting while invisible, gently stroking David's head as it lay on her lap as he seemed to be slightly out of time with himself, out of annoyance he had stopped trying to talk and just relaxed with Steph as he tried to get a better bearing on his powers.

A month later David raised his head from Steph lap and smiled, "I messed up, I seriously did not understand the power I was dealing with." David signed, he knew he had worried Steph and was owning up to it.

"Do you want to tell me why it was so important you did that?" Steph asked with a slight sharpness to her voice.

"He was a man that was given unlimited power, but he began thinking it was fine to haphazardly force people into new Universes and steal their time. To be honest he became an evil God. When I create my Universe, I plan on creating a new life, not forcing others into my version of a Universe just to see what happens." David tried to explain. "I just underestimated his level of power, I have saved "Me" in here." David smiles and holds up a small golden ball, "and as long as this exists, I will always be me, even if it breaks, I will not suddenly change. I cannot go the route he did, gaining that power was an eye-opener." David flips the golden ball up and it vanishes.

Steph was unsure why, but she sighed a deep sigh of relief.

(The way DC made changes to revamp 52 into Rebirth was to have Flash mess up the timeline with an event called Flashpoint, then when Flash fixed it, Doctor Manhattan stole 10 years from their timeline, he made Superman's birth father watch what happens to his son on Earth to make him second guess sending Kal-El to Earth, seriously, he DC just changed him horribly so they could justify their changes, in my opinion.)