
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Mars and Tiamat

[Author: Thank you all, I appreciate your well wishes after the passing of my Father. I am going to slowly start writing again but please understand we are only having the funeral on the 1st of Dec, so I am not committing to a regular schedule yet.

Okay, to those who saw how annoyed I got with people saying why let him sleep through all the history in the first few chapters, you will understand why now :). Hope it reads okay, only checked it once.]

I close my hand and the molecule disappears, I can see the disappointment on Howard's face, that man needs to learn to hide his thirst for knowledge more.

Raising a finger to my lips I open my other hand and remove us from time and space into a mini dimension, to them through it all still looks the same, then smile and nod for us to continue.

"Now that I have your attention gents and Peggy. Things are going to go horribly wrong in the future, way beyond anything any of you can predict. Peggy will tell you that I have been doing what I can to prepare and now it is time for you to do the same. Not for yourselves, but for your kids."

Although I already have a higher level of access than any of these people to the SHIELD systems, I do not want that known yet, I am also hoping this will inspire them to do more in the future.

"Are you talking about something you are assuming will happen, or do you have some proof?" Howard is the first to speak and as expected of a man of science, he wants facts.

"Well, what would you regard as proof? I can show the events, but you will assume it is an illusion or some mind trick, I could tell you details of your life to date but any spy could find them out, what would you regard as proof, Howard?" I see Henry behind Howard is listening very closely to the conversation, I really hope he considers what I said before.

Howard stands straight and seems t consider my question for a moment, "You make a valid point, I suppose I would consider anything you use to convince us as dubious. Are you able to show me you have the power to potentially know the future then?"

I smile and point to the window, they all turn around, Howard and Henry see it first, them Peggy soon after. To them everything has stopped outside the dimension, nothing is moving.

Howard swallows hard but Henry is the one to talk, "You are able to control time, at least to this extent, meaning you have the potential at least to control it in another way, such as see further into the timeline." He said this more to himself than to the rest of us, but at least it saved me having to explain anything.

Howard and Henry sit down, this time Howard speaks first, "What do you need us to do? For you to show yourself I am guessing we do something wrong. Also, you mentioned kids, you meant all of us will have kids?"

"I am already fixing a lot of things to ensure as little impact as possible, I need you to add an omega level access to your systems going forward. A level of access that can never be told to anyone outside this room. It can only be used once, and its function will be to remove all other high-level access and let the person with omega level access set new access levels. Once that is done that person will return to their previous access level and all changes will take place."

"So, we will be betrayed from within, by someone we trust with the highest-level access possible at the time." Henry worked it out right away, I should have guessed they would have, but I could not be bothered trying to deduce everything.

Peggy spoke next, "Who would we give this access to, I am sure you would not need it. These men might not realize it but the only reason you do this is to keep SHIELD alive, you either do not want to or cannot bother wiping us out when this happens."

"You are right, SHIELD needs to stay powerful in the world, but it also needs to realize the benefit Meta's will be to it. Not constrained and classified but trained and allowed to function within the law. As for who needs the access, Nat." as I carry on talking Nat rises out of my shadow and has the effect I hoped for, childish I know but still cool, "You do not need to take any actions to help Nat, she will earn her way in and work to control any damage that might happen within SHIELD. And yes, Peggy already knows her own situation but the two of you will have children if the timeline continues as is, and they will both be good kids, in the end, you just need to trust them."

Peggy clenches her fist as she considers her future while Howard and Henry go silent, Nat walks forward and gently moves Peggy aside as she starts typing on the keyboard at Peggie's desk. She whispers a few combinations of letters and numbers into the microphone at the side then steps back and nods, walking to my shadow she smiles at me and drops into my shadow again.

Howard speaks first, as I expected "Is she the Meta you mentioned? She seems to be inside your shadow, how does that work?"

I grin and respond, "She is a Meta, they are anyone who has power beyond that of a normal human or pushed to a new level through artificial means. You Howard are a Meta even though you should not have been."

Howard stared at me with disbelief, "I have a superpower?"

"In the normal timeline, you were meant to be a genius who would, as you have, change the world. When I went to see you after your birth you showed no trace of this, and you are not the first change in the timeline I have found and fixed. I injected you with a serum that would bring you to the level of intelligence you should have been."

Henry looked at David in disbelief, "You saw him just after his birth? Then how old are you?"

Howard though had other issues, "So something changed the timeline, it changed me. What else is it changing then?" I was impressed, I expected Howard to get upset that he was injected, but I guess knowing he was meant to be this way originally helped him process.

"Very old Henry, I am a God, not the God, a God who is trying to protect the Sol system and make it into the Sol Empire, not just Earth. With this in mind, I have an offer to make both of you." Peggy rolled her eyes when I said this.

David M, Sol System, 100 Million years ago:

I am currently hovering invisibly between Mars and the planet Tiamat, you might not know that name since in our time it is an asteroid belt. Since I exist in all time, I needed to stop thinking linear and this is the first thing that came to mind.

Little is known about this time except for the dominant species of Mars and Tiamat clashed for unknown reasons, Mars was turned barren and Tiamat was destroyed. Guess they showed each other who was right. (This was later refuted and gets very confusing as it is all about belief creating things, so only if you say you want it, I will add it in a later chapter)

The race on Tiamat is very slender, with light green skins, blue eyes, and almost skeletal, (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Tiamat_(Planet)) In case you want to type it out and see)

The Martians on the other hand would be very elvish by our standards, with pointed ears, chiseled looks with normally blond hair. (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Mars_(Planet)#Earth-691)

You might be wondering what I am doing here, well both races were very advanced, and I am currently watching them while trying to decide if I should help them, then hide them from history to reappear to help me in our time.

So far, I see nothing that puts me of either side, they are actually nice enough if it was not for this war between them, and It seems they are not even sure why they are fighting.

Either way the planet Tiamat needs to be destroyed or it would mess with my present.

Looking at their technology, the main reason for my coming here, I am a little disappointed. Although if I let them live on for their civilization's natural lifespan and what their technology be like?

As I hover in space, I consider the option when you have control of Reality and Chaos the options are limitless, or at least that is the way it feels to me. Until I had gained control of Chaos, I did not realize that the power of Reality was incomplete, it was just one aspect of The creative building power.