
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

All you need is Kal

Hank and Colossus ran towards the Helicopters, Colossus was armored up and looked impressive, standing 2.25 meters tall, with his mutation an ionic form of osmium, an extremely dense metal, located in another dimension, also referred to as Organic Steel Form active.

Hank was right behind Colossus using him as a shield, as they came close the flames once again came to life this time seeking human targets.

The flames took the shape of a lion and leaped forwards at Colossus who ran through them, dispersing them into the fog, anything below 5000 Celsius was not going to be leaving a mark on him. Hank was relieved though; his fur was resistant to many things since Raven helped him but he would rather test its limits in a lab.

Max had stopped the blades of the Helicopter, but soldiers were coming out of them, the moment Stryker stepped out David took note of him and instantly realized, that was not Stryker in control of the body.

Hank jumped on Colossus' shoulders and propelled himself forwards into the first group of soldiers. Shots could be heard but they were now dealing with a much more durable Beast than ever before and they were not even using bullets, as Hank noticed the tranquilizer darts bounce off the scales beneath his fur.

Hank landed in the middle of them, but not on the ground, his right arm was looped around one soldier's neck while his "feet" had a hold of two other weapons, as they were instantly crushed. His left hand was on the ground, but his tail was already around the fourth soldiers' neck.

The fourth soldier drew a blade and struck down on Hank's tail only to hear a clanking sound as metal struck metal, Colossus had arrived, the fifth soldier was currently being held by him by the neck while he had his other hand protecting Hanks tail.

David saw Stryker who realized things were not going as he expected run towards the portal mutant.

'Kal, take them all out now at super speed. Stryker is not in control of his body; we need to end this now before she reaches the mutants.' David announced to all in the staff mind link. (She is correct)

Scott looked back in confusion, "You a speedster then?" he said with disdain.

"Nope." Said Kal as he vanished for a moment and then reappeared, all the soldiers suddenly fell to the ground.

Jean smiled back at Kal, "That was impressive, you seem to have a few powers."

Kal smiled and nodded, he liked this woman, she was very direct.

David became visible as he landed by Stryker's body, he could have done this himself, but he wanted Kal to show off a bit for Jean.

Looking over him carefully David breathed a sigh of relief, he had almost messed up forgetting about the murderer of 16 million mutants, Cassandra Nova Xavier, she was basically a parasite. (the following is direct from Fandom to ensure accuracy)

Cassandra Nova Xavier is what the Shi'ar calls "Mummudrai", the spirit that is equal and opposite of a person. However, due to the amazing genetic potential of Professor Charles Xavier, his Mummudrai was able to create a physical form, effectively a twin. While gestating in her mother Sharon Xavier's, womb, Cassandra was recognized by Charles as an evil presence, and he pre-emptively tried to kill her with his nascent psychic abilities. Cassandra was barely able to defend herself and the shock of the roiling battle caused Sharon to have a miscarriage. Though the doctors pronounced her stillborn, Cassandra in fact survived and spent the next decades as a growing mass of cells in a sewer wall, building a new body for herself and planning her revenge on her brother. This woman was able to "take over" other people with Mind Possession and then manipulate their DNA to absorb their abilities.

It seemed she was starting her revenge and thankfully she came to try to take care of her brother first. David was ashamed to admit with everything going on, he had forgotten about her.

Laying a hand on Stryker's head he easily found her spirit within, while there though he checked to ensure none of this was Stryker's doing and was pleasantly surprised to find out Stryker was being good as he believed America already had an Agency to deal with mutants.

Hank came close and looked at David strangely, "You have not aged a day. How are you doing David."

David smiled and turned to Hank, "You say that but neither have you, you, and Raven doing well?"

As they spoke Kal, Max and the other staff came near.

Hank smiled and nodded, "Yes, between her helping mutants and doing things for your pantheon we still get to have good times together. Urm, why are you holding your hand out like that though?"

"I have in it a spirit, but she will not be an issue now." As David spoke he smiled at the spirit in his hand and placed it in a tiny dimension, leaving nothing of her behind.

Jean was the first to speak from the rest of the staff, "Um, I am sorry, I heard Hank say you had a pantheon? Like Gods?"

David smiled at Kal and Max, "You guys are fine to hang out here if you like for a bit, just let Steph know Kal, she worries. Jean, yes. Although you might want Charles to tell you about it to make sure it is believable." David looked at Scott as he said this.

Kal nodded and chuckled, "I would like that, so these guys were just obeying a spirit that controlled them?"

David nodded, "Yeah, let me send them to the rooms Charles wants them in, we going to need to change some of their memories to make it that they just got given the wrong target. Stryker will need a lot more work done than that though." With that, all the men vanished to where Charles was waiting on them.

"So, if you are a god do you have your own place like the Olympians?" Jean asked, Scott had fallen a little silent as he was guessing David words were to him about his earlier comment.

"How about you ask Kal and Max? They can go there anytime, and they can take you if you like." David grinned and nodded Kal.

Hank was rolling his eyes, what was she going to say if she met Raven there.

"So Kal works for you?" Jean inquired.

"Well, he and Max are more like sons to me. My wife dotes on Kal." David was making sure to remove any doubt Scott might have created, Jean was a good match for Kal and David approved.

"Wait, so your wife is the strong telepath that put the shields on Kal?" Jean suddenly became very excited.

"Strong? Hehe. My wife is a Goddess that has mental powers stronger than all in Sol but myself as far as I am aware." David was so rubbing it in and even Kal noticed and was starting to feel a little embarrassed.

"If you want to go see her and their home, I will take you when you free Jean," Kal said in an effort to bring this to an end.

"Oh, Hank, I thought the Professor was going to be telling the kids about Genesis Island, is there a reason Jean does not know?" David smiled as he looked at Hank, a cold emotionless smile.

Hank's face froze for a moment as he realized the question then shook his head, "I have no idea if he has, but as you say Jean seems unaware so I am guessing he has not." Hank looked towards the mansion and signed as he headed back into it, he did not understand Charles's reason for doing things and at times it could be frustrating.

David had not checked on Charles and the kids in some time as he wanted to give him a chance, Charles had an idea on the future so David wanted to see if he would make the same mistakes this time around.

As they all walked into the mansion Charles was there waiting with a smile as he announced, "I have adjusted all their memories, Stryker believes he was kidnapped and drugged then controlled to attack us. Thank you all for your help"

Sorry I am releasing a little slow, man flu, hehe.

Celelondcreators' thoughts