
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Mansion under fire

David was currently hovering invisibility over a spaceship, it was cloaked and just outside the Earth's orbit. Inside is where members of the Skrull race currently hid, David had allowed them through the defensive line as he was still debating what he wanted to do with them.

Carol Danvers and Mar-Vell had not had their accident yet and many options were open to David, if he was being honest, he had stopped caring about the timeline now that he could see possible timelines. The problem he was having is that most timelines showed Carol dying when the engine exploded, meaning there was another factor that led to her gaining her powers.

After she gained her powers it seemed all was fine, so David decided to let things be, maybe.

With David's new powers slipping thought time was like taking a step forward in the direction of your choice.

Right now, David was watching the X-mansion, this time it was solely a school and Charles was doing a great job helping kids. David felt a little pride when he thought about how things could have been, then just shook his head as he announced.

'Kal, Destination X will be under attack but military-grade helicopters, I see Stryker is one of them. Charles, incoming and help in on the way.'

Charles was sitting in his office planning out his rota when he received the message from David, he never doubted the information and sent out a message to the student and Staff. 'We have an attack on the mansion, student head to the underground safe room, and staff please prepare to defend our students, help is on its way.'

Charles stayed in his office to help relay information for all while Jean, Hank, Scott, Colossus, and Storm, who Charles had found on a trip to Egypt when she attempted to pickpocket him, headed to the front of the mansion.

David was pleased to see Storm raised a solid fog bank as this led to the helicopters slowing to a crawl as they neared the school, it seemed the training they were provided by his team had helped.

Jean shared her senses with Scott so he was able to detect the incoming vehicles and then they waited, attacking before they unlawfully entered the mansion grounds would cause a ton of issues, but once they crossed the mansions boundary it was all fair.

David felt they might not even need the help he had requested until he saw the on the one helicopter was a kid with a collar on, at the back of the collar was a handgun attached and one of the soldiers was holding the handle. It seems Stryker did not have a mutant son that he could exploit, so Stryker went for a much more crud method of control although it seemed rather rushed.

The soldier lit a flame, and the mutant took it into his hands, sending it outside the helicopter he began to control it in an attempt to burn away the fog. Poor kid was up against Storm though and had no chance. 'They are using mutants in the attack; it seems they are only able to threaten them with weapons though.' David let them all know.

In total 6 helicopters were heading towards the mansion, only 5 had soldiers, the 6th had cages. When David saw this he grinned.

Behind the mansion, a weirdly arched tree suddenly flared with light and became a swirling blue portal, out of it stepped two young men in the middle of a discussion.

"I can handle this, why are you coming with, you have a pregnant wife to take care of." Kal asked Max with an annoyed tone.

"That is exactly the reason I need to come with; a pregnant witch is no fun," Max said in a defeated tone.

Kal chuckled and grinned evilly, "I am so telling her you said that."

"Don't you dar … Eh, something is wrong with those helicopters, they have a lot more metal than they should," Max responded.

Kal nodded and became serious, as they both flew to join the staff at the front of the mansion he used his X-ray vision on the helicopters, "Wow, Floodlighting, speakers and gas has been added to the bottom of them, if they get close enough those would be enough surprise attacks to maybe take out all except Jean and Colossus from the staff. Although it is really rushed welding"

Storm gave Kal a very unimpressed glance, it seemed she did not share his views.

Kal had learned enough to know he should hold back, he could easily defeat these attackers once they entered strike range, but unlike him, the staff only had basic training in being a team, this could give them some experience they needed and he was sure David would be having him and Max destroy the base these guys came from anyway.

Kal smiled at Storm and stepped back, "We are the guests, you tell us what you need us to do."

Hank nodded," Could you ensure anyone that gets past us gets no further, if we find we have to much to handle we will shout for help."

Kal smiled and nodded as he noticed Jean was looking at him, he smiled and nodded in greeting to her, "You have very strong mental shields, are you a telepath?" Jean asked with a look of curiosity.

"Me, no. My mother (He meant Steph as she treats him like a son) does though, she is amazingly powerful and placed protective shields on me. She is a little overprotective like that." Kal grinned slightly as he wondered if he was sounding like a mommy's boy right now.

Jean did not seem to notice though, "Oh she sounds amazing, I would like to meet her." At this point, Scott turned around to look at Kal, who was totally oblivious, who would notice an ant staring at them.

"Well, I can take you to meet her anytime, even if her main body is off with David she could make an avatar." Kal smiled, as far as he was concerned, he was just talking politely to a polite girl.

Jean tilted her head slightly, "An avatar? Just who is your mom to have that much power? The Professor told us about one man he met who had an avatar and he said his power was beyond anything the Professor could gauge."

Scott piped in, "He's probably just trying to show off, and we should be focused on the incoming."

Charles mentally signed at the kids and hoped Scott never upset the woman Kal was referring too, he knew Kal was from David, so he guessed the woman Kal was talking about must also be linked to David and that meant it was well within reason to assume she was as powerful as Kal was indicating.

'They have entered strike range, proceed.' Charles announced

Scott aimed and fired using his link to Jean to aim, as soon as the red beams left his eyes and lit up the fog, a dark hole appeared in front of the helicopter Scott aimed at, his beam traveled into the portal, as soon as it did a portal opened in the sky above the staff and a red beam came blasting down.

Kal flew up and slapped the beam aside without any effort as he noticed both portals close, although he did not regard his actions as anything more than defending the team, Scott and Jean's minds were not thinking the same.

Hank turned to Max, "Charles said you have power over metal, can you ground them, it seems long-range is no use and I want to land them as far away from the mansion as possible."

Max nodded and pointed his open hand towards the helicopters, then lowered his hand, the helicopters slowly stopped advancing and started to lose altitude.

Hank looked to Colossus, "We up, Jean try located the portal mutant, once we take care of him snipe who you safely can Scott. "

Wow, the hate for Billy is real. Just got a review about someone who stopped reading due to him.

If someone who hates him could let me know what I did wrong with him I would appeaciate it so I do not make the same mistake again.

Celelondcreators' thoughts