
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
87 Chs

A small lie

David hovered above the sand, before him rows of tall, athletic, and seriously good-looking women of various combinations stood armed and ready for battle.

David smiled and spoke in what he believed was his most reasonable, calm voice, "Well, hello ladies. So, I was wondering if I might speak to Diana please?"

Stepping forward a blond woman with her hair tied in a high pony, amazingly green eyes, and radiating the allure of protective mother spoke as David noticed her hand on a sword as her side under the fur cloak wrapped around her. "Why have you invaded our lands, for what do you seek my daughter!"

"Oh, hi Queen Hippolyta, I am really happy to meet you, again, and go over all this, again. So, now can you please call Diana, or do you really not put any value in your oath to resist Ares?" David sighed as he spoke, trying his best to look annoyed. He was taking a risk that he really hoped would pay off.

Hippolyta looked ready to attack until David reached the part about Ares, she glanced about behind her as she seemed to be debating something.

"Fine, I will just show all the Amazons the real timeline, although the last time it did not go so well because all your sisters wanted to go to war." Although he was lying, he could see that Hippolyta seemed shocked and concerned by his words.

Making some hand signs the rest of the Amazons retreated of the beach although David could still see the arrows and spears aimed at him from the cliffs.

"Speak mortal, what deceit have you brought to our lands?" Hippolyta's words seemed laced with venom.

David was getting annoyed, he understood that she was a mother protecting her people and daughter, but her attitude was really getting on his nerves. David smiles a very neutral looking smile, and if Steph where her she would have already been running for cover. David's body began to increase steadily in size as he spoke.

"I came here to talk peacefully, I announced myself and never killed anyone, yet you have been nothing but rude to me, you have not even asked my name. You have annoyed me, little girl."

By the time David stopped talking his body had easily reached the size of 50m as he has proportionally increased. The Amazons have not waited for him to finish and had sent arrows and spears at him in waves, but they were having the same luck as Hippolyta, all their attacks harmlessly bounced off him.

Reaching down with great speed David had his hand around Hippolyta ready to pick her up when a lone horse came charging down the beach with Dark haired, tanned woman who was literally as beautiful as the goddess Aphrodite, and as David knew, as wise as Athena. This is what he was counting on as he heard her scream.

"No! I am here, I am the Diana you seek. Let my mother be!"

Although the tone seemed demanding, she had no weapons draw and her face showed concern, not anger.

"Well finally, that took long enough." David spoke loud enough for the mother and daughter to hear as he instantly returned to his normal size, "can we actually get to the important things now?"

For a moment Diana seemed shocked, understanding then seemed to replace that look as she almost chuckled.

"Very well then, I am Diana of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta," Diana said as she reached her arm out to David with confidence.

"Hello Diana, I am David, and I am here to ensure your timeline gets back on the correct path, so you are able to defeat Ares."

Diana looked at David with a very cute curious look for a moment then glanced at her mother.

"Okay, short version because I really have a lot to plan after this. Someone has messed with not only your timeline but many others, leading to changes that have left the world to weak to defend itself in its time of need. Please note I did not say man's world, I said world!"

Diana seemed to consider David's words for a moment and then spoke, "Do you have any way to support these statements? It is our duty as Amazons to fight Ares, but we have seen no sign of his return."

"Firstly, he did not make the mistakes of the past. He is influencing others all over the world to do his work. If you are willing, I will show you what should have happened in the last war, then I will show you what is destined to happen in the next as the timeline currently flows."

Diana looked at her mother for a moment while slowly nodding her head, "Please show my mother as well."

David's mind linked to their willing minds, trying hard to hide that moment of victory. Then replaying all his memories from the Wonder Woman movie GCA had sent to him, ensuring it was only those including Diana, he then added to the end the worse he could from WW2 and the wars, death, disasters, and anything else he could think of that came after.

Although Hippolyta seemed rather stoic when it ended, Diana had tears running down her cheeks.

"The man who came to our island, Steve Trevor, where is he if this has never happened?" Diana asked as she seemed to get control of her emotions.

As he made his next statement David wondered what other events stopped the DC heroes existing in this Universe, were they things he could change? He was not keen on bringing all those heroes to life, but a certain few would help his plans allot.

"He was shot down and killed just outside the island barrier during the war."