
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

DunnoDK · Others
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87 Chs

Mythic Hunt R-18

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add. 

Note: This chapter has an R-18 scene in it, but still has lore and some important stuff. If you don't want to read the sex scene part, you can skip ahead. I have placed a warning before the scene and a message at the end to skip to. 


'Was that the Demon Empress wearing a maid's outfit just now?' Naturally, Fire had seen Celestina many times during the previous timeline and could recognize her at a glance, but the Demon Goddess's odd outfit caused her to question her own vision 'Nah, I'm seeing shit.'

Shaking her head, Fire entered Feng's Private Warehouse and closed the door behind her. 

As Fire went inside, she saw Feng sitting on a chair and making some kind of list, while Celestina stood off to the side away from him and was grumbling something under her breath with a peeved expression. 

"Hey babe, why is there a Demon Goddess maid in your Warehouse?" Hopping onto Feng's lap, Fire asked as she took a peek at the demon girl that was leaning against the Warehouse's wall a bit away from them before switching her gaze at what Feng was writing down. 

Meanwhile, upon hearing how she was referred to, the aforementioned Demon Empress glared at Fire with a murderous gaze, the aura around her boiling and making the Warehouse's Magic Array shake, but was instantly restricted by the power of the contract Feng and Celestina had signed. 

Gritting her teeth, Celestina was about to go off at Fire and Feng, who had forced her to wear this, when she suddenly noticed that instead of being startled by her primordial aura, the girl that was sitting on that bastard's lap merely gave her a funny look. 

"Don't mind her. Someone is just being a little grumpy over a change in profession and clothes." Feng dismissed as he continued making a list of targets which they were about to go hunting for. 

The list was composed of mostly Superior Mythic monsters, with some special Mythic monsters which Feng wanted to kill as well, along with a few other creatures which had fallen into Feng's radar; but he kept the number concise and focused on the important ones, as they only had a bit over twenty hours left of Divine Providence's increased duration. 

"Oh, I see." Fire nodded as if she understood and everything made sense. 

"I'M NOT GRUMPY I'M FUCKING PISSED!" Celestina could finally endure no more and exploded in anger "How dare you treat a Goddess this way!? You damn huma-" However, her sentence was cut short under the contract's power. 

Previously, Feng had decided to switch things up a bit and had Celestina transform her gothic dress into a maid's one, as well as switch the way she was allowed to address him. 

Under the power of the contract, Celestina's protests on the matter were useless, as the command didn't violate any of the conditions she had put on the contract which she would not obey, while the Main God's System didn't consider a change in outfit to fall into the outrageous category. 

Moreover, the clothes Celestina had been wearing all this time weren't even real to begin with. During the time that she had manifested herself in the soul space when Feng had obtained the Pandemonium Lashblade, she had merely taken a form made up of soul energy, so her gothic dress naturally hadn't been real. 

Her clothes when Feng had used the Spectral Animacell to summon her into the physical world were fake as well, and they had merely been something Celestina had formed out of her Mana Body's Mana in order to not appear naked; so it was fairly easy to change its design into a classic maid's outfit, the only hurdle being Celestina's attitude towards being dressed in such a way. 

As for Feng's other order, it was within his rights to give it and it didn't go against any of the contract's terms, thus Celestina was forced to accept it regardless of her wishes and extreme displeasure. 

"Is there something you'd like to say, Celestina?" Feng turned to his demon maid with a smile and asked. 

The Demon Goddess seemed like she wished to say something, or more like scream it out at Feng, but some force prevented her from continuing on with her previous sentence without correcting herself. 

Celestina gritted her pristine teeth, their grinding against each other being so hard that a sharp screaking sound echoed throughout Feng's Private Warehouse, causing Fire to cover her ears. A moment later, the Demon Empress took a deep breath and finally spoke. 

"M-master, it there a reason for why I have to wear this degrading outfit? Or do you really think so little of me?" Although she had attempted to speak calmly and politely, Celestina's tone of voice started raising mid way through the sentence until she was nearly yelling as she glared at Feng. 

This was definitely the most humiliated she had ever felt throughout her entire long life. 

Apart from having her wear such a ridiculous outfit, this despicable human also forced her to call him master as if they were in an actual master-servant contract. Such blasphemy angered Celestina to no end, and she even began regretting ever signing that contract. 

However, she endured the humiliation at the thought of finally having a chance to regain her freedom and strength, so she simply added another target to her revenge list for once she recovers and the contract between her and Feng gets voided. 

Still, she couldn't just take this insult laying down, and had to at least make this damnable human's life difficult if he didn't give her a proper explanation. 

One would think that Feng's decision to give the Demon Empress such orders would be detrimental to his seduction operation, but Feng had his own considerations. 

He was already fairly familiar with this Demon Goddess's personality by now as well as what type of woman she is, so he knew that this wouldn't be counterintuitive at all in the long run, thus he didn't hesitate to use the contact in order to place Celestina in such an embarrassing situation. 

Moreover, he had to firmly reestablish their relationship and put the idea into the Demon Empress's mind of their current statuses, with her as the servant and him as her master; lest she gets too comfortable and starts having some thoughts. 

Of course, Celestina had an idea of what Feng was attempting as well, and wanted to see what kind of an excuse he'd come up with to justify his treatment of her and abusement of their contract's terms. But did he really need an excuse or reason to do something? 

"No particular reason. I just thought you'd look cute in it," Feng answered simply, his expression remaining unchanged despite the glaring Demon Goddess who was now shaking from anger "And I don't think little of you at all. In fact, I thought very highly of your beauty when I choose your new uniform, not to mention my guess was spot on, as you do look extremely pleasing in it. Wouldn't you agree, Fire?" 

"Indeed," Fire nodded as she took another good look at how the maid outfit perfectly showed off Celestina's mesmerizing figure and curves, which surpassed that of even Snow and Aqua, before saying "It kind of makes me want to try one on as well." 

"Don't be ridiculous. Your my woman, so how could you possibly wear such a lowly outfit." Feng pretended to berate Fire in order to trigger the Demon Empress even further, lightly spanking the red-haired's backside which was imprinting itself onto Feng's pants after he had unequipped his Leg Guards "Besides, you'd never manage to qualify as a maid." 

"I could too! I'd be an awesome maid." Feeling her femininity possibly being questioned, Fire immediately protested. 

"What kind of maid is incapable of brewing tea?" Feng instantly hit Fire's weak spot, her being hopeless with practically anything related to work in the kitchen. 

"Pfff, well... umm... So what? Not everybody can do it. I bet the Demon Empress doesn't know how to either." Deep frustration appeared in Fire's eyes upon the mention of her anti-talent, but she quickly came up with an excuse; to which she only received a look that said 'Are you serious?' from Feng. 

"Hey Celestina." Feng called out to the demon girl, who had turned away from the two love birds and stopped listening to Feng's words in fear of completely going against the contract and getting her soul extinguished due to her anger. 

"WHAT?" Hearing Feng call for her, Celestina turned back in his direction with her previously slowly calming agitation instantly spiking again. 

"Do you know how to and are you able to make tea?" Feng asked casually. 

"I mean, yea. Isn't everybody?" The sudden, unrelated question caught Celestina off guard, having no idea why Feng would care about something like that. 

Although she was unwilling to answer due to the possibility of Feng asking her to make tea for him, as Feng had put a condition on the contract that she must answer any questions he might have, with the exceptions Celestina had stated being her deepest secrets and her weaknesses, which Feng agreed to since he mostly knew those already, the Demon Empress had no choice but to answer her contractor's query; since the contract's power clearly didn't seem to consider her tea-making capabilities an important secret of hers. 

Thankfully, the human seemed to have no intention of ordering her to do so, and only turned towards the female human that was sitting on his lap, who seemed disheartened for some reason, causing Celestina to breath out a sigh of relief. 

"Don't worry about it. Even if you can't be a maid, there are definitely other ways in which you can service me." A cheeky smile appeared on Feng's face as he consoled with a suggestive voice and unequipped his remaining equipment. 

Fire naturally understood the meaning of Feng's words and responded with a chuckle, before she slid down from his lap and positioned herself between his legs while unequipping the items on her as well; leaving her in only a black bra and panties. 

(Sex scene incoming. Skip ahead to the bolded text if you don't wanna read it, but there's more lore in it then usual) 

Pulling down Feng's pants and the system-given underwear, Fire bore witness to the slumbering dragon. Curiously wrapping her fingers around Feng's flaccid member, Fire gave it a few strokes and attempted to feel the difference between this one in God's Domain and the other one with which she was more than intimately familiar with. 

To her surprise, the shape and size were identical to the real thing, and even the warmth it gave off was replicated by the Main God's System. 

As Feng's little brother awoke and rose his head due to her sensational and gentle care, Fire pulled her hair back into a ponytail before bringing her head closer to the now partially erect meat pole and ran her tongue along it from the balls all the way up to the head. 

Giving the twitching tip a loving kiss, Fire went back down and repeated the process to drench with saliva the dick which she was kissing as passionately as she would her lover's lips. 

Meanwhile, while Feng was enjoying the pleasure provided to him, he noticed the feeling was much clearer and more realistic than previously when he had been having sex with Violet. It would seem that the second system update had greatly increased the realism of human contact in God's Domain; particularly around the groin region. 

Feng's and Violet's actions might be somewhat to blame for that as well. 

After all, the Main God's System took data from players and their actions in order to know which areas to improve in, so the two of theirs experience when they were having sex inevitably gave some data to the one watching everything from above. 

Moreover, although he hadn't noticed it before due to his enhanced senses and high combat standards, the feeling of touch coming from another person, and especially the pleasure brought to his private parts, was much better simulated than what he remembered being the case during his previous two lives after the second evolution. 

'Could she have really...?' Feng suddenly recalled that Violet had joked about sending a complaint to the administrators and the Main God's System that sex was too unrealistic and had to be improved for a better gaming experience, as well as that the game characters' sexual organs needed to be more sensitive. 

Though, he now realized the horny girl might not have been joking at the time. 

Feng's thoughts were interrupted as he felt his rod get enveloped by a warm and moist space that tightened around his cock. After a while of having sex nearly daily, Fire's skills in bed have seen massive improvements from the original immature virgin which she had been, now being able to expertly give a blowjob. 

Tightening her lips around his dick after taking it in deep enough that it was hitting the back of her throat, Fire started bobbing her head and causing much more intense waves of pleasure to flood Feng's nerves as her tongue continued sliding across his rod's shaft. 

But after managing to swallow even more of the meat pole, Fire unexpectedly pulled back and angled her head to the side before taking in his dick again, with it pushing against the inside of her cheek this time. 

The new, unexpected sensation coming from Fire's mouth surprised Feng as he enjoyed a new part of her which he hadn't come in direct contact with yet, but Fire didn't stay stationary as she tried to fit as much of Feng's cock inside as she could at this angle, causing her right cheek to get stretched out by the huge manhood. 

Her tongue didn't stop bringing Feng pleasure either as its slippery surface twisted around the side of his dick, while wet sounds echoed out. 

Fire switched to using the inside of her left cheek after a bit of rubbing the rod on the insides of the right one, stretching it as well as she managed to fit a large part of it inside her mouth at an angle that utilized her entire mouth. 

Taking the giant meat pole, that had already turned rock hard by now, out of her mouth, Fire's lips stayed on the long shaft as she began leaving kisses all across it down to the base, giving the hanging balls that stored her beloved seeds some love as well, before she returned to the tip in the same manner. 

Pressing her lips on the penis's head, Fire didn't widen them but just slowly pushed down with significant force. The pressure brought by her juicy lips caused Feng's cock to pulsate as it grew even bigger and harder due to the pleasure, until the soft lips couldn't push anymore and were forced to part as they tightly wrapped around the head and enveloped it into her warm mouth. 

Continuing with the same method, Fire closed her mouth as much as she could to tighten her lips around Feng's girthy tool as she slowly, but forcefully pushed down and pulled the foreskin of the giant rod down with her lips. 

Only when the entire length of Feng's penis was inside her oral hole and her lips collided with the base did Fire stop. 

Feng couldn't help but groan from the feeling of Fire's tight throat squeezing his entire cock while her cheeks caved in as she sucked on it, as if the thirsty girl wanted to suck the cum out of him. 

Just as Feng was about to adapt to the intense pleasure, Fire started pulling back and freeing his little brother from the confinements of her moist mouth, this time her lips dragging on his dick with even more force as she slowly retreated almost like she was trying to rip it off with her lips; but the sensation felt so good Feng's entire body shuddered. 

When the head was finally released out into the world again after Fire's lips slid off it and remained shut along with her eyes, Feng's entire rod was coated with saliva and pre-cum, and although she had swallowed and enjoyed the taste of a decent amount of it, some of the juices still remained in Fire's mouth and trickled from the corners of her lips as she opened her steamy eyes and panting mouth, giving an intoxicated look at the penis towering over her face. 

As they were in God's Domain, Fire didn't have to be worried over her physical limitations as she would in the real world and could attempt multiple other plays which she normally couldn't carry out. But it was also because they were in God's Domain that the effects were much weaker than they should be, since the realism still couldn't compare to real life just yet; so Fire didn't bother with continuing the blowjob in the same manner for as long as she could hold out without air as Feng would quickly get used to it. 

Still, it took a bit out of her to keep the entirety of Feng's rod inside her mouth for so long, while the hot rugged breaths coming out of her mouth that was inches from the pulsating cock made it twitch, seemingly eager to enter that warm cave once again. 

Though, although she wanted to taste it some more, Fire knew continuing this way wouldn't be enough to make Feng cum, not only due to God's Domain's current state not being enough to properly stimulate their advanced senses, but also due to Feng's endurance returning over time and getting even stronger than in his first life after a while of having his lust saturated; so she needed to quickly come up with a new strategy. 

However, while Fire was mapping out the follow up plan in her head, Feng suddenly bent down and grabbed her waist, before picking her up and placing her thighs on his shoulder with Feng's head buried in her crotch. 

Fire seemed like she wanted to say something, but the words that were about to come out of her mouth were replaced by an aroused moan caused from Feng pushing in Fire's panties, that had long been drenched by the liquids seeping out of her secret garden, with his nose and catching a whiff of Fire's enticing aroma. 

Feng, too, has been curious over how much the Main God's System had improved the sexual realism due to his actions, so he took no reservations and properly experienced the smell of fabric thoroughly soaked with Fire's love juices, before grabbing them with his teeth and tearing them off Fire, who let out a cute squeak, which Feng hadn't known she was capable of, upon feeling her only protection get ripped off so violently and Feng once again bury his head between her legs with his mouth tasting her sacred flesh. 

More moans started being transmitted throughout the Private Warehouse as Feng savored the dish before him. Unexpectedly, Feng found that Fire's insides and fluids had nearly the same texture and taste as what he remembered from real life. Going in deeper, Feng's tongue started stimulating Fire's sensitive spots and causing her moans to grow louder and sexier. As for Fire, she could neither stop herself from moaning nor could she change her situation at all due to Feng tightly holding her meaty thighs in place and even pulled her in closer as he ate her out. 

Meanwhile, standing off to the side, Celestina's former enraged temper had quietened into silence as she stared down at her feet. Despite trying to maintain a calm and collected disposition befitting a being of her stature, tinges of red now smeared the Demon Empress's snow-white cheeks. 

While she had been attempting to tune out the presences and voices of the two humans within her vicinity, Celestina suddenly noticed a sharp change in the Warehouse's atmosphere, and some kind of wet slurping sounds could soon be heard. As she wondered over the sudden mood change and uncharacteristic sounds for their current location, the demon girl also started hearing groans of what seemed like... pleasure? Moreover, she could also faintly recognize the sounds belonged to that bastard. 

Turning back to the place Feng and Fire were, it took the Demon Goddess a moment to recognize what they were doing, but the moment she did, her expression couldn't help but change as she reflexively took a step back.

Very quickly, Celestina found her rage returning, but this time, there was deep embarrassment woven into it. How could they be so shameless! 

Here she was, a Demon Goddess, standing right here, yet these two mere humans dared to do something so obscene right next to her! Absolutely despicable! They were just disregarding her presence completely. 

Though, as she continued to watch and release her thick killing intent, Celestina suddenly found herself feeling extremely awkward, and her anger turning into embarrassment at a rapid pace as her cheeks turned slightly red. 

Despite making it obvious she was here and attempting to attract their attention, the two humans either completely ignored her and treated her like she didn't exist, or they were truly too engrossed to notice. Although Celestina knew that mortals, and especially humans, were lustful creatures by nature, there should still be some limits. 

Being a Primordial Demon Goddess, no one had ever dared to disrespect her in such a manner, and even before she had become a God, Celestina had never had to face such a situation before in her life. 

Moreover, she could tell things were starting to grow more intense as she watched the female human slowly gobble down the entirety of the, surprisingly very large, thing, which actually made the Demon Empress have to look twice at it to confirm she hadn't seen wrongly, but she quickly shook away such thoughts and hurriedly tried to think of a way to stop them from going any further. 

After all, it would be just too embarrassing and humiliating if she had to stand here and watch while waiting for them to finish on their own, but she also couldn't just go up to them and tell them off either, as not only would it be admitting that she was embarrassed about such a thing, her contractor could just tell her off, as she didn't have any authority over him to make that shameless bastard stop; and it might even escalate things further. 

And she couldn't even leave to simply avoid this situation as Feng had previously told her to stay and wait for him to finish the list he was creating before Fire had arrived. Although her contractor had taken a detour, the Demon Goddess was still unable to disobey his previous command and had to remain close by until he finishes with the list or gives her a different order. 

Celestina was fuming as she wondered how to go about the situation, but the humans weren't going to stop their mating session and wait for her to come to a decision, as they remained completely oblivious of her and just continued on like she wasn't there. 

Naturally, Feng and Fire were perfectly aware of Celestina's presence near them and could sense both her gaze and killing intent, but they simply didn't give a shit. Thus, they payed the Demon Empress no heed and enjoyed themselves as if they were alone, having no consideration for the people around them as usual. 

After all, on one hand, since they felt like it and wanted to fuck, why should they have to restrict their carnal desires? On the other hand, how many people can say they've had sex in front of a Primordial God ranked existence? 

The two of them would bet zero, as those NPCs in the Greater World are all way too obsessed with gaining power and would most likely act respectful and try to curry favor with Celestina if they were to find themselves in a situation like this; which would of course only earn them the Demon Empress's disdain. 

Though, the two of them hadn't been a whole lot better, since Feng too had been completely obsessed with gaining more power before he got back his balls after reincarnating again and decided to make a change, while Fire had been, and still is, somehow even more now, obsessed with Feng, which had inevitably led to her being obsessed with God's Domain and getting stronger as well in order to make herself more useful to him. 

However, even in the previous timeline, it'd be an exaggeration to say they, and many others in Zero Wing, only ever had power on their minds without anything else, but even the others wouldn't dare to pull such a stunt in front of a Primordial God, or would be too embarrassed to do it, and most had calm and cautious personalities that tried to avoid unnecessary trouble if possible. 

Fire and Feng, though, had always been straightforward people who didn't mince their words and acted without caring unless it was absolutely critical they did so, which had led to them, and especially Feng, to make many enemies that could have easily been prevented by being polite, or at least considerate. 

Although the Vice-Guild Leaders often told them off about this, it had little to no effect. 

It was also probably that fact, along with their desire for murder and killing intent, particularly Feng's who has achieved the Killing Intent Materialization standard, that caused them to wrack up enemies and kills, with them being the top two members of Zero Wing with the highest kill count for both God's Domain and real life. 

Unlike Feng, however, the reason for Fire having such a higher number of kills than the rest of Zero Wing member wasn't just due to her skills as a fighter and an assassin, but also because Fire had always unconditionally killed anyone required. 

When they had first made it to the Greater World, the first group to arrive had not quite expected things to be as hectic and violent as they were, and for some time, many had trouble adapting to the new environment and having to kill in real life, still having the mindset of people on Earth, avoiding committing such crimes and others unless threatened and having no other choice; it being a bit of a struggle even then the first few times. 

As the Guild Leader with now the responsibility of keeping everyone safe and their lives being on the line, Feng had been forced to quickly adapt and get rid of any hesitation or notions that might bring them harm, his personality rapidly changing and degrading as he become much more cold-blooded and ruthless. 

Still, he managed to keep himself and some of his principles intact for a fairly long while, as well as preventing the Greater World from completely corrupting his guild members; who still had some reservations when it came to doing the things Feng did without a reason or it being necessary, except Fire. 

As long as it was a command from Feng, she'd obediently and mercilessly slay any enemy, man, woman or child and commit any atrocity she was told to without a shred of hesitation, as if she and Feng had some kind of master-salve contract where Fire had to obey his every word. 

In fact, Fire's unhesitant way of following Feng's commands had sparked multiple conversations among Zero Wing's members, and even Feng had wondered about it at some point, but ended up dismissing and forgetting about it due to being busy. 

Her behavior had always been like that as far back as Feng could remember, even if not necessarily as extreme, with her always following his commands no matter what they were and fulfilling any wish he might have. 

Which was also why, despite Celestina's presence, Fire didn't hesitate to get on her knees for Feng when he asked, resulting in this awkward situation being created for the Demon Empress, who still hasn't figured out what to do even until now when Feng was already in the process of eating Fire out. 


And she could only listen to Fire's moans as Feng's tongue reached deep inside of her and sent waves of pleasure into Fire's mind, causing her to straighten her back as she tightly held onto Feng's head and crossed her legs behind his neck. 

However, Fire soon did her best to resist the intense pleasure as she remembered that her original job wasn't finished yet. Continuing to hold onto the back Feng's neck with her legs, Fire bent her back and leaned backwards until she was hanging upside down with her face hovering in front of the head of Feng's dick. 

Stretching out her tongue, Fire gave the tip a good lick and followed up with a kiss as she extended her hands below her and held onto Feng's thighs, before pulling herself downwards and forcing Feng to lean forward from his reclined sitting position against the chair's back. 

Opening her mouth as she lowered herself, Fire directly swallowed Feng's meat pole during her descent. Fitting the entire rod into her mouth, the upside-down-girl's head started spinning, a bit because blood was rushing down to her head, partially due to her entire mouth and throat being filled with cock while she had already been short on breath, and largely from Feng still vigorously devouring her pussy and exploring her soaking wet cave with his tongue. 

Enduring the suffocation and suffocating pleasure, Fire used her hands and the control she had over her body to raise herself slightly, before gobbling down Feng's tool again. 

Although he had recovered slightly from the previous pleasurable blowjob, with Fire intensely sucking on his dick again as well as experiencing her mouth and tight throat in reverse this time due to her being upside down, Feng found himself getting close to cumming, so he hastened his movements and pushed his tongue to reach even deeper parts of Fire's vagina. 

Noticing his change, Fire increased the rate and speed at which she lowered her mouth as well, now using her tongue to run along the long shaft and bringing even more pleasure to Feng. 

Feeling his milk building up and about to explode, Feng took his tongue out and pulled back his face slightly from Fire's pussy lips, causing the girl to momentarily pause after the pleasure she had been doing her best to resist suddenly disappeared and having no idea what Feng was doing due to the only things within her field of vision being a part of Feng's rod and his sixpack, when Feng suddenly opened his mouth and bit Fire's clit. 


Fire's eyes widened and teared up slightly from the pleasure she was not at all prepared for, her defenses falling apart as she released a suppressed moan while spraying her juices out onto Feng's face and her pussy squirting, the strength in her arms and body disappearing as a result. Feng still holding onto her subtle thighs was the only reason Fire didn't directly fall, but her body still descended enough for her to swallow his entire cock and bring the final pressure as his built up cum was released. 

Cumming up Fire's throat, Feng's entire body relaxed as he closed his eyes and even thrusted up a bit to shoot out more of his seeds while releasing a grunt. However, the two of theirs powerful Physiques kicked in as they awoke from their stupor, the lust in their eyes returning as well. 

'Phew, they're finally done.' Celestina, who was still looking away with her face now much redder, released a sigh of relief upon hearing the gurgling sounds, grunts and wet noises no longer coming from behind her; the hand on her chest noticing her heart, which had started to beat rapidly, was finally slowing down. 

Although the Demon Empress had lived a long life and seen many things, with people having sex not being an exception, it was her first time bearing witness to such a passionate pleasuring of partners from up close. By the end of it, Celestina had even felt her body quivering slightly from the erotic sounds. 

Not to mention, the dress that perverted bastard had forced her to wear was extremely tight, as he had used the contract's power to control Celestina into designing it himself, with some parts being too tight like around her chest and making it harder to take in deep breaths, which shouldn't be a problem since she didn't really need to breath as a demon, but it made recovering from this situation more challenging; as well as some parts pressing too much against her body. Of course, that was all intentionally done by Feng when he was forming the dress out of the Demon Goddess's Mana. 

Thankfully, their mating seems to have ended, so there should be no further problems. However, Celestina's celebration was cut short. 

Feng got up from his chair while holding Fire up, before turning around and placing her onto it with her knees resting on the chair's seat. Although her body was still a bit numb, especially her legs, Fire still stuck out her perky ass as she held onto the chair's top rail and turned back to look at Feng with an inviting and seductive look. 

Naturally, neither of them were satisfied yet from only cumming once. 

Placing his hands on Fire's hips, Feng gracefully accepted her invitation as he positioned his pulsating spear in front of her entrance. 

The sound of movement caught Celestina's attention, but when she turned around to see what the humans were up to now, the demon's eyes widened when the scene of Feng's meat pole stretching apart Fire's pussy and entering her sacred cave came into her view. It also made the Demon Empress realize her torture has yet to end. 

"AHHH~♡!" An ecstatic moan of pleasure was pushed out of Fire by Feng's cock as it journeyed inside in a steadfast manner, the walls of Fire's cave having long already been molted to take his shape by the constant poundings she received, resulting in Feng's little brother perfectly fitting in the wet passage. 

The chair violently shook as Feng increased his pace and continuously sheathed his Excalibur into Fire's tight pussy, reaching her deepest parts and causing the girl's moans to turn hoarse every time his waist smacked against her bubbly ass. 

Even though they were currently doing it in God's Domain which had only experienced two system updates, Fire found that the delight she was feeling was not much less than in real life, and this was especially so when Feng was somehow hitting all of her weak spots simultaneously, bringing her an euphoric amount of pleasure with each thrust. 

It would seem Feng's six digit Luck brought more benefits than he had originally thought or was aware of. 

Although Fire tried to bury her face in the chair's comfy backrest to suppress her moans, Feng grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back as if listening to her melodic sounds of pleasure brought him satisfaction, while Feng's domineering action caused Fire's insides to twitch as she became even more aroused. 

Fire's reaction to getting her hair pulled didn't escape Feng, as he wrapped the red ponytail currently in his hand around his wrist and pulled even harder, causing Fire's back to arch as she faced the ceiling and let out a primal moan, which was suddenly suppressed as Feng lowered his head and kissed her lips from above. 

But this only made Fire even hornier after Feng released her lips and increased the intensity of pounding her sensitive pussy. 

'Does she really have to be THAT fucking loud?!' Gritting her teeth, Celestina tried her best to ignore the humans' love making, but Fire's moaning has already gotten too loud for her to remain ignorant of how good the bitch in heat was feeling. 

Normally, if there was something she didn't want to listen to but couldn't get rid of, the Demon Empress would use her Mana to either suppress it or stop it from entering her ears. But due to the conditions Feng had placed on the fourth clause that she had proposed for their contract, she wasn't allowed to use her Mana unless the situation requires it. 

Meanwhile, the Main God's System didn't seem to consider the usage of Mana necessary in the present situation, so Celestina was neither able to ignore, stop, or avoid listening to Feng and Fire fucking. 

Worse yet, Celestina actually caught herself taking peeks every so often, particularly at how her master's rod continuously pierced the female human's private region, which was the main cause of her erotic moans and expression. The Demon Empress hastily shook away any impure thoughts and fantasies forming in her mind, but her pounding heart could not calm at all. 

This couldn't be helped, however. 

After being stuck in the Pandemonium Lashblade for god knows how many millions of years all alone in a spiritual form without an actual physical body, Celestina's reaction to facing such a stimulating scene immediately after regaining some sense of existing was naturally not a pure one, especially when she no longer possesses most of her divinity or means of keeping her mind clear and free of such carnal burdens. 

Still, as a former Primordial God, Celestina was able to keep herself together and from doing anything stupid, focusing on taking in deep breaths and trying to tune out the surplus noises from the surroundings. 

Though, that quickly proved to be very difficult. 

"Ahh♡! Ahhhn~♡! So GOOD~♡! AHHh♡ ... ahhn Ah~♡!" 

The screams of pleasure even seemed capable of spreading ripples in the void as they interrupted the Demon Goddess's concentration, resulting in her beet-red face scrunching as she gritted her teeth and endured; promising herself that she'll get back at this bitch one day for the humiliation she was currently experiencing. 

When Feng slammed his cock deep inside of her once again, Fire could no longer hold out and intensely orgasmed, her entire body spasming as a final moan came out of Fire's throat with her tongue sticking out. 

Feeling the already tight tunnel contract and become even tighter, Feng couldn't hold back anymore either and thrusted his hips with everything he had, his seed bursting out into Fire's virtual womb and filling it completely in a matter of seconds. 

Feng continued holding Fire by the waist and ponytail for a bit longer as he pumped his cum into her, with some spilling out, before finally releasing her and pulling his dick out, allowing for the river of white to come gushing out. 

Staying in her slightly bent position for as long as the pleasure from her climax lasted, Fire finally slumped into the seat while panting; but the blissful smile on her face didn't disappear. 

(End of sex scene)

After the two of them finished enjoying the aftermath of their love making session and got dressed again, they finally got down to business. 

"I doubt you called me here just to fuck, right?" Getting back to sitting onto Feng's lap, Fire asked, before realizing how that might have sounded and hurriedly continued "Of course, even if you did, I naturally wouldn't mind! In fact, you should call me more often for these situations." 

"Although I appreciate the thought, there is something I wanted to test out on you." Feng let out a chuckle after seeing Fire's reaction, before switching the theme to the reason he had called for her to come here in the first place. 

"Oh? Sure." Not even questioning what it was, Fire hopped off of Feng and prepared for whatever experiment he may have. 

Shaking his head slightly at her reaction, Feng took out a silver statue depicting a wolf with a menacing gaze. 

Looking curiously at the silver wolf statue with her head slightly tilted to the side, Fire used an Identification skill on it, her eyes widening slightly upon seeing its information. 

"This is...?" Fire asked while gazing at the Lunar Packheart, the Imperial Heirloom Feng had obtained from the Wolfstein Empire's Treasury, as she had never seen the item before. 

"Something I chanced upon." Answering casually, Feng activated Primal Infusion and selected Fire as the target. In the next moment, a system panel appeared and asked to confirm which bloodline of Fire's to improve. 

Primal Infusion could not only increase the density of a Bloodline someone has absorbed, but also improve their default blood, which would be the human bloodline for Fire and Feng. 

Naturally, though, Feng had no interest in Fire's human option, and immediately chose the Atrocity Bloodline in her as the target for Primal Infusion. 

With his current Luck, which could still help even in this situation due to the enormous amount he possessed at the moment, as well as Probability Manipulation, its effects being even greater since Feng could potentially direct the way her Atrocity Bloodline improved as its density increased, Feng wanted to see just how much he could enhance a Bloodline of this caliber. 

Although Feng could have also used the skill on himself during this time of Divine Providence's incredible effects, he felt it would be unnecessary both because his attributes were already plentiful, as well as due to him having already received Sharlyn's Full Blessing and that he would become a Hero at some point, making the power of his human's bloodline inconsequential. 

To begin with, one of the human race's main perks and capabilities was that, unlike other races in God's Domain that would have to work on improving their inherit bloodline as one of the main ways for increasing their strength and overall capabilities, humans are capable of absorbing and incorporating the blood of any other creature into them in order to improve themselves. 

Even if they were born weaker than most other races in many aspects, with each race being better than them in at least one thing and them not having anything specific they excelled at, humans were capable of improving in all areas equally and potentially surpassing other races in them, as well as being able to inherit the abilities and natural gifts of other races; even of the evil aligned ones if they chose to. 

Since ancient times, humans had always relied on using the powers of others to accomplish their goals and reach the heights of God's Domain. Even Heroes, the human race's strongest combatants, apart from those that had rose to Tier 6 and surpassed the limits of mortals, becoming beings of a higher level, borrowed the powers of Gods to achieve their power and feats. 

Thus, it only made sense to improve a more powerful Bloodline. 

Meanwhile, due to the Atrocity Bloodline's high quality, the effects of Primal Infusion would most likely be limited, but with his current Luck, Feng should be able to give the density of the Bloodline a large boost; possibly achieving even more. 

After Feng had selected the Atrocity Bloodline inside of Fire, the silver statue's eyes shined with a red glow and released a beam at her that directly penetrated Fire's skin. 

Fire didn't attempt to avoid or resist the red beam, merely looking at it curiously as she felt the energy originating from the Lunar Packheart spread throughout her body and seemingly fuse with the blood flowing through her veins. 

A moment later, though, Fire's expression changed as she suddenly felt like her blood had turned into lava, making her entire body turn red while her eyes became bloodshot. 

Nevertheless, the pain was something Fire didn't have a lot of trouble enduring, and only the sudden change had caught her off guard. Moreover, she was more surprised and affected by the changes which she could sense happening in her body. 

Fire could feel her attributes and Physique rapidly improving, and even her perception of the environment improved as the dark aura around her, which she had previously been suppressing, skyrocketed; and even after the silver wolf's red beam disappeared with its eyes returning back to normal, the changes in Fire's body did not stop. 

Even Celestina, who had mostly recovered her composure by now with her face regaining its flawless beauty, furrowed her brows slightly as she watched the process; surprised that this human possessed such an item. Though, it would be of no use to herself, since her Demon Bloodline was already as pure and grand as it could get. 

The evil aura radiating from Fire continued to increase until it nearly filled up Feng's Private Warehouse, when it suddenly retreated and gather around her. Although the dark aura was no longer flamboyant like before and instead remained compact around Fire, the suppression it exerted didn't decrease at all, and instead increased by leaps and bounds; while the dark fog around Fire also turned slightly reddish. 

Recognizing the peculiarity of Fire's change in aura and knowing from what kind of creatures he had sensed it before, Feng's expression finally changed from his casual look as he carefully observed the current Fire. Although he had known his Luck would greatly increase the power of Primal Infusion and improve the chances of Fire's Bloodline evolving further, he had never expected it would be to this extent. 

After a few moments, the evil aura around her completely retracted, as Fire tried concealing it, while her eyes opened. As a result of the Bloodline's amplification, aside from her evil aura increasing, Fire's original dark-crimson eyes turned completely bloody as they shined with a red luster. 

Looking down at her hands, Fire sensed the power flowing through her and noted that with the full set of Fragmented Legendary rank equipment and Dagger Set Feng had previously given her, the attributes she now possessed were greater than even the average Tier 4 player, while her Physique has reached the Tier 2 Peak standard. 

Apart from those, Fire had gained many other benefits from her Bloodline improvement, while her Bloodline's abilities had vastly improved, practically reaching another realm all together; only being limited by her low tier and the Bloodline still being at Basic rank. 

At the moment, even Feng could feel a faint sense of danger as he looked at his girl. 

"Well don't keep me in suspense." Feng couldn't help but comment upon seeing Fire still inspecting herself. Although he was fairly certain of his guess, he still wanted to receive confirmation from her. 

"The Lunar Packheart's effects are amazing! It actually upgraded my average Atrocity Bloodline into one of a Royal Atrocity." Fire couldn't help her excitement as she sensed her aura and then checked the system notification she had received, telling her about the improvement caused by Primal Infusion. 

Nodding, Feng confirmed his thoughts, as the previous evil aura coming from Fire had greatly reminded him of the ones he had felt from Royal Atrocities which he had encountered before in the previous timeline. 

As Feng was asking Fire about the exact changes, he suddenly received a message from Aqua that every Main Force member has arrived at Zero Wing's Guild Residence, and that only Fire was missing. 

Since Feng's message was a bit on short notice, it took some time for everyone to drop whatever they were doing and come to the Guild Residence, which was why Feng had the opportunity to take his time and bang Fire; but now that everyone has gathered, it was finally time for them to begin their hunting. 

"Alright, let's head out. Oh, right. You too, Celestina." Feng told Fire and was as about to use a guild scroll to teleport over to the Guild Residence, when he suddenly remembered the Demon Empress was till here and waiting for his orders. 

Although he had started his session with Fire while ignoring Celestina's presence partially to satisfy his urges, he had also done so to tease the demon girl and see her reaction. But during the love making when things were getting frisky, he ended up becoming completely engrossed and genuinely forgot about her; and only now realized the Demon Goddess had been silently watching them the entire time. 

Moreover, when he spoke out to her in a manner that suggested she had indeed slipped his mind and that her contractor hadn't been aware she was even here, Celestina's expression instantly contorted in absolute rage. Though, the realization that Feng had actually forgotten about her, while she had watched the entire thing without their knowledge at the time, also caused her to grow a bit embarrassed for some reason; thus the Demon Empress didn't explode in anger and merely looked away as if she was ignoring Feng existed. 

Such a reaction, however, told Feng aplenty, resulting in his test not being fruitless after all. But since he had something to do at the moment, he merely pushed it to the back of his mind and left it for later. 

Following which, the three of them donned on Cloaks and left the Bank. 


Inside one of the meeting rooms of Zero Wing's Guild Residence, the guild's Main Force members and the current restored top combatants had been gathered on the Guild Leader's orders. 

The players either stayed silent or chatted with their fellow guild members about their adventures and plans as they waited for the Guild Leader to show up. 

They were also quite curious about what the Guild Leader had suddenly summoned them for, and they couldn't help but speculate as well as inquire from each other if anyone knows anything. 

Suddenly, the meeting room's doors parted as three people garbed in Cloaks walked in. 

Zero Wing's members naturally recognized the man at the front as their Guild Leader, as well as the Main Force Commander who was following closely behind Feng, but the second girl was not someone they were familiar with; at first glance, that is. 

But after taking a better look at the violet-haired beauty and sensing her hidden aura, some members' eyes widened upon realizing the Demon Empress was walking behind their Guild Leader as if she were a servant. 

"Since everybody is already here, we'll start the meeting," Ignoring the questioning looks from his guild members, Feng got straight to the point "We're going to raid a bunch of bosses. Aqua, distribute this equipment." 

As he traded his Vice Guild Leader the a large amount of the Epic and Fragmented Legendary rank items obtained from the Treasure Chests to empower the group for the upcoming fights, Feng also shared the list of targets he had put together. 

Upon seeing the list, some showed slightly surprised expressions, while some remained calm. Since so many of them had gathered here, along with the Guild Leader who had brought along a Tier 4 Demon Empress, while their goal was to kill monsters, it goes without saying their targets for raiding wouldn't be small fries. 

Celestina's eyebrows twitched upon seeing the list of monsters and recognizing some of the names or being able to guess some's identity and strength from her vast knowledge, and she believed Feng was planning to use her up dry for profits. 

Though, the Demon Goddess did notice something odd about this group of humans, and that was that each of them showed large attainment in the Realms of Truth, with even the weakest having at least reached deep into the Truth Realm; while most were at the Ascension Realm, and many even showed the principles of higher realms, but seemed limited by their bodies' capabilities. 

However, what told Celestina that something was really off about this group was that, despite their obvious high standards and temperaments befitting those of people with great strength, most of them were only Tier 1! With a few even being at Tier 0. 

Yet, they acted as if they were the top of the world and were experts who had seen everything. 

It was a very befuddling situation for the Demon Empress, and not only that, some even gazed at her with looks that made it obvious they knew who she was, while, with her powerful senses, she had overheard a few among the humans whispering each other about her and mentioning her name and title. 

Nevertheless, they did so with relatively calm tones and voices that were merely curious, not much at awe of her being here as if it were something normal and as to be expected. The entire group's attitude towards a Primordial God of her stature was nonchalant, almost like they were used to it. 

The person who weirded out Celestina the most, though, was a blue-haired female human among them, who, despite being only a Tier 0 Cursemancer, gave the Demon Goddess the third biggest sense of danger after that bastard and the red-haired bitch; while a pink-haired Tier 1 Cleric girl was comparable to the Tier 0 girl in the aura she gave off. 

'What the hell is up with these people?!' Celestina couldn't help but wonder if she had truly been gone for too long, and that all humans had somehow become powerhouses. 

Though, she dismissed the thought after remembering the thousands of weaklings she had seen on the way here, with even the non Heaven's Blessed of higher tiers being extremely weak. Thus, it was simple to conclude the people around her contractor were somehow special. 

It also served to increase the Demon Empress's curiosity over that bastard, as she had long noticed he seemed to be capable and aware of things he should have no business interacting with considering his tier and power. 

As she watched the blue-haired girl give out Fragmented Legendary equipment and weapons Celestina also began realizing Feng didn't intend to make her entirely work like a mule, and actually had some powerful fighters as well; though how he obtained such a huge number of items with such ranks in an Elementary God's Domain only raised more questions. 

"Then, let's head out." 

Seeing that everyone had finished equipping themselves and getting ready, Feng sent a location into Celestina's mind through their connection, while the Demon Empress chanted an incantation and caused a magic circle to appear below the entire group as Mana swirled towards it, all of them disappearing from the Guild Residence a moment later. 

One of the perks of being a former Primordial God who has risen to her position from the bottom was that, no matter the tier, she always possessed an enormous collection of skills and spells which she could use, including group teleportation spells like the one she had just used. 

Those capabilities of hers were one of the reasons Feng had been insistent of signing a contract with Celestina instead of turning her into a puppet and saving himself the trouble, since many of her abilities would lose a lot of power, or become unusable at all, without the Demon Empress's consciousness still being intact. 


Twenty hours quickly passed. 

During this time, a couple of changes had occurred in the Star-Moon Kingdom's Eastern Region. The Frosty Thread guild in Coldstar City suddenly got much stronger with many unknown experts appearing in the guild, its power rapidly rising as it managed to get rid of the remaining powerful guilds in Coldstar City and become its overlord. 

After taking over the entire city in a span of a few hours, Frosty Thread started expending to other cities, including White River City, with a Frosty Thread Guild Residence appearing in one of White River City's central district Lands. 

A branch of Coldstar City's Threading Trading Firm also appeared in White River City, with its multiple products attracting the attention of some players, but it couldn't hold a candle to Candlelight, who had immediately set up its own branch in Coldstar City with a 2-star Shop towering over the Threading Trading Firm's main Shop, and having its number of 2-star Shops reach four, while the Shops in White River City and Star-Moon City, where Candlelight's branch Shop was recently promoted again, had the status of 3-star Shops. 

Aside from those, a few guilds in some of White River City's neighboring cities, along with throughout the entire Eastern Region of the Star-Moon Kingdom, were seemingly starting to make moves as if something big was going to happen, and the players could sense a change in the air. 

The competition, if it could even be called that, between the Candlelight Trading Firm and Threading Trading Firm also attracted the players' attention, with the Trading Firms obviously targeting each other going by some of their Shops' locations. 

Threading was getting pretty outclassed, and the only reason the Threading Trading Firm was managing to hold on was due to some of its special products like the Magic Damage Potion. Meanwhile, the person keeping the sinking ship afloat was non other than Youlan, who had finally managed to log in recently. 

She had already been informed of everything that has happened and the current situation through offline means, and the little genius's reaction to finding out Overwhelming Smile had been forced to disband after she was gone for less than a day was especially priceless. However, Youlan had quickly recovered and worked with what she could to give out orders and try to reacquire Underworld's power in Star-Moon Kingdom's Eastern Region. 

As such, her, Feng Xuanyang, and the rest of Underworld's personnel worked overtime to salvage whatever they could, gaining the help of an old Alchemist master called Silent Aspiration to provide help for their Trading Firm. 

Unbeknownst to them, though, all of their efforts were completely useless, as all of the Light Stone Forging Designs obtained by Feng and Zero Wing's members had already been learned by Lifestyle Players who had used the Books of Gold to promote their Forging ranks and increase both their efficiency and success in producing the glowing rocks. 

All the while Advanced and Peak Light Stones were also being forged by the restored members of Candlelight, along with many other products which will make the various powers of God's Domain go crazy over them once they were released to the public. 

When the time comes and Candlelight starts selling its items for real, especially once all of the branch Shops across over forty Empires get opened for business, the current efforts of Underworld will truly be nothing more than a joke. 


In a Level 90 map, the Seven Hill Forest 

Life in the forest has change by a large margin in less than half an hour. 

Currently, at the core region of the Seven Hill Forest, mountains of loot had formed with corpses of monsters strewn about everywhere. Apart from a few mountains of loot spanning over a thousand meters in height and seemingly possessing tens of thousands of items in them, at the center of it all, a smaller mountain of loot stood. 

Although smaller, the mountain was still made up of around a thousand items at first glance, while the aura each item radiated was several times more powerful than nearly every other item from the several other mountains of drops surrounding it. 

Next to the main mountain of loot that had formed, six people reclined against a gigantic corpse. 

Of the six people, four were incredible beauties that gave off irresistible charms which could make any man go wild, while the other two were a young man and a middle-aged man. 

The young man seemed easy-going, with two of the beauties resting on his shoulders, while the middle-aged man had an emotionless expression as he sat and rested with his eyes closed. 

Despite all of the six people giving off incredibly powerful auras, they all seemed completely exhausted at the moment. 

Meanwhile, the creature whose corpse they were resting on could shock not only all players across God's Domain, but even the various NPCs. 

A Tier 4 Infant Dragon. 
