
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

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87 Chs

A Worthy Hunt

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Meanwhile, the creature whose corpse they were resting on could shock not only all players across God's Domain, but even the various NPCs. 

A Tier 4 Infant Dragon. 

Naturally, Feng and his group were responsible for the dragon slaying. 

After moving out, Feng had Celestina first teleport them to a Level 50 map, where there was a powerful Mythic boss with strength and abilities much greater than regular ones, in order to test out how much his current Luck will boost the drops' quality and quantity. 

When they came across the Mythic monster, Feng didn't let the others join in and merely ordered Celestina to take care of it. 

Even if she was only a fragment of her original self, at Tier 4, the Demon Empress should still possess unparalleled strength among those of the same tier; so Feng planned to see just how much his new servant was capable of.

Though, it would seem he had still been underestimating Celestina's combat prowess.

Without much effort, she had overwhelmed her opponent and beaten it half to death, leaving it with just barely any HP for Feng to deal the final strike as he had instructed her.

From the quick exchange of blows, Feng also got a basic understanding of the Demon Goddess's current capabilities. Aside from possessing attributes at the Basic Tier 5 standard while barehanded, Celestina had many Combat Techniques and Mana Techniques at her disposal as well.

Of course, that was of no surprise to Feng, as he knew from his previous life that the Demon Empress had long reached the Fate Realm in the Realms of Truth, and had quite deep experience in it as well. However, due to her limiting Physique, which was currently at the Peak Tier 4 standard, the most she could achieve is temporarily fighting at the Beyond Transcendental Realm for a while.

As a former Primordial Demon God, the number of Primordial God-ranked Mana Techniques Celestina possessed was numerous, not to mention Saint ranked and regular Mana Techniques; all of which could exhibit incredible power when paired with her Mana.

The control Celestina could exert over the surroundings' Mana was one even regular Tier 6 Gods could not compare to despite only being at Tier 4, while her own Mana was also sublime, causing the skills and spells she wielded to be capable of a much greater level of strength, but her inadequate Concentration greatly limited her.

At her current standard, although using regular Mana Techniques wasn't too challenging, the number of times she could use Saint ranked Mana Techniques within a short period of time, even if not at full power, was limited, and shouldn't be recklessly exhausted.

Primordial God-ranked Mana Techniques were another thing, though, and Feng guessed Celestina would only be able to use one of them once, draining her Mana in the process and rendering her out of commission for a day.

Of course, she won't be able to use the Mana Technique's full power, but only a small fraction of it due to Primordial God-ranked Mana Techniques requiring the usage of Laws to be properly utilized. Still, even being capable of it at Tier 4 was mind-blowing considering the difficulty of executing such a complex technique.

However, that was completely unnecessary in this situation.

Within only a few moves, Celestina's skills had ripped apart the poor Mythic monster that was minding its own business. Though, Feng had also spotted a flaw in her current ability to truly take down powerful monsters, and that was that, for some reason, the damage she did was much less than it should logically be.

When monsters fight against other monsters, the damage they did wasn't equal to how much they'd do to a player, and the system calculated the damage monsters dealt to each other differently than the damage they dealt to players. 

As a demon and a summoned creature, Celestina should have dealt much greater damage to the Tier 4 Mythic monster, but the numbers that had appeared above its head were only around as if a Tier 5 player was attacking it.

Although he didn't know if it was due to the Main God's System's suppression, or for some other reason, it was undoubtedly a problem. Even if the damage the Demon Goddess did was quite high, against monsters much more powerful than this Mythic, who possessed Defenses far greater than it and HPs many times larger, like the Superior Mythic and other powerful monsters, who were among the apex of Tier 4 creatures, which Feng was planning on hunting, it won't be enough to overpower or solo them.

Considering this, Feng decided to give the Pandemonium Lashblade, or more like return it, to Celestina in order to boost her combat power and the damage she did; while he equipped a powerful Fragmented Legendary One-handed Sword with the greatest attributes and abilities from amongst the ones he had obtained.

Wielding her main weapon once again, Celestina's capabilities, and mood, were instantly improved, and she no longer had to do battle by relying only on her skills and hands; the limited options for fighting having greatly annoyed her during the previous fight.

Along with Feng's own abilities and those of his restored guildmates who had now properly equipped themselves, the chances of them defeating even the strongest targets on his list had increased by a large margin.

Meanwhile, the effects of Divine Providence while empowered by Kismet Cascade and the Aurora's Blessing had reached stupendous levels; far surpassing even Feng's highest expectations.

When the Mythic monster was killed under his blade, nothing seemed to happen for some time as silence rang out, but after a few moments, the skies seemed to part as a Holy Chant sounded, before a literal mountain of items appeared next to the corpse.

The mountain made up entirely of loot forced the stupefied Zero Wing members to have to crain their heads all the way up in order to see its top, while the number of drops caused them to wonder if they were dreaming.

They could tell at a glance that there were over ten thousand items originating from the monster's death. Such a number was completely unheard of, and they had never seen any other monster drop items of a volume even approaching this.

A few of them quickly connected the dots and realized the reason for why Feng had called them so urgently to gather and raid bosses. Their excitement naturally shot through the roof as well, not only at the prospect of Zero Wing obtaining so many high-quality items, and possibly getting to use some of them themselves, but also at the huge number of Contribution Points which they could earn from participating in the raids, getting a chance of paying off a large part of their debt for the Epic and Fragmented Legendary items Feng had given them before this.

Celestina's shock was not any lesser upon seeing over ten thousand items radiating intense pressures appearing out of nowhere, this being the first time the Demon Empress had seen such a thing as well. Taking another look at her contractor, Celestina was certain he was responsible for this, but just didn't know how; thus she decided to take another proper look at him, but this time through a different method. 

Previously, she had attempted to see through the aspects of this human's being, while she had merely glanced across most other things on the surface level, but now, she was searching for any effects on him which may have caused this impossible situation to occur. 

In the next moment, Celestina's view of the scenery changed as interconnecting glowing lines of all colors appeared everywhere, seemingly how the various factors and variables influence the world becoming visible to the Demon Empress. Before she even needed to do any basic observation, an incredibly bright golden light nearly blinded the Demon Goddess. 

Switching her gaze to the source, Celestina spotted a dark-blue crystal pendant, within which a deep purplish-golden light was swirling around a transparent golden orb, around Feng's neck. The pendant gave off a powerful and mysterious aura, while the purplish-golden light reminded her a bit of the Life Goddess's power, along with something else, but it was the transparent orb that truly shocked the Demon Empress. 

'Could it be the F- no that's impossible!' A ridiculous thought appeared in Celestina's mind, but she quickly shook her head, believing an item with that being's power could not exist in the current world; and especially not here. 

Regaining his calm, Feng had ordered everyone to quickly collect the loot, since it would take too long if he did it himself, and Feng was also too lazy to do it, merely using the Eyes of Truth to appraise all of the drops in his field of vision at once, the information flooding into his mind.

Sorting through the information of all the items he had appraised took a bit for Feng to finish, even with his powerful Concentration and brain power, as he attempted to categorize the loot into the valuables and those of less importance, but realized that each item was of very high-quality and among the top of the Mythic monster's loot drop table; the drops having no items that had zero value to him.

Thousands of Epic and Inferior Legendary materials, a huge amount of equipment and weapons, all of which were at least Dark-Gold rank, with over a thousand being Epic items, and a few Fragmented Legendary items among them, many very valuable Designs and Recipes, hundreds of Tier 3 Magic Scrolls and over fifty Tier 4 ones, a 3-star Shop Promotion Order, and countless other high-quality items.

It would seem like when the Main God's System maxed out on the quality of the items which could appear from the Mythic monster, it had no choice but to simply give him more and more drops until the overall value of the loot all together was equivalent to what Feng should obtain with his current amount of Luck.

But that resulted in such a huge number of drops, and created the cumbersome chore of cleaning up their mess for the Zero Wing members.

After finishing with going through the info dump of the items' appraisal, Feng joined the others in picking up the loot, when he noticed the Demon Empress standing around and doing nothing.

Feng naturally wanted as many hands on deck for the drops' collection, so he attempted to have Celestina be a proper teammate and help out, but her response was that such a lowly task was way too troublesome for a Demon Goddess like her, meaning she was protected by the third condition which she had put on the contract.

Knowing it was impossible to force her to work if the contract's power protected her, Feng could only sigh and give up on having Celestina work as part of the labor force, which was really a shame, as she could have made things much easier by controlling the items to fly to him with Mana; saving him a large portion of the trouble. 

However, Feng also didn't wish to waste any time of Divine Providence's duration, but he could neither leave the items here nor have other players come to pick them up, as any remaining restored members were doing something at the moment with tasks assigned to them and couldn't leave at short notice, while having unrestored members was obviously impossible as well, since not only could they leak information, but they might even have trouble approaching and storing the loot due to their weak strength. 

Having no better choice, Feng decided to leave some Main Force members to clean up, as well as have any restored players who weren't too preoccupied settle their things quickly and meet up with them, while he left with the rest to the second target. 

Even without most of the group, Celestina could easily take down a large part of the monsters on the list by herself, while Feng could help out with damage dealing for the stronger ones in order to prevent wasting too much time on finishing them off. 

In the meantime, the weaker restored members who weren't present could arrive to help out and allow the Main Force to raid the monsters as well. 

Still, he wasn't planning on leaving everything completely to them, as Feng took out a Fragmented Legendary Tool called Salvage Corp, obtained from the previous chest opening, which allowed him to summon sixteen ghost servants at the price of some Magic Crystals, who although possessed zero combat ability, excelled at collecting items from the surroundings with great efficiency and were even capable of appraising and sorting the items they collected, with some limitations depending on the items' rank. 

With the ghost helpers, dealing with the large amount of loot would be much easier, and even if Feng wasn't in the vicinity, the ghosts could collect items regardless according to his orders and simply transfer the drops to his present guild members; before Feng recalls them. 

He also used a few more items of various ranks which, although not as efficient as the Salvage Corp, could help out with the looting to some extent. Seeing Feng's actions, the others, particularly the ones who often went solo to kill monsters and felt that always picking up the drops by themselves was tiresome, used their own ways, if they had them, to bring in either summons or some other help to the mountain of loot. 

Celestina felt it was weird that Feng and the others possessed so many means that would normally be of very little use except for situations like this, not knowing they were a bit of a lazy bunch, especially Feng who had recently been reminded of the pain in the ass that is having to pick up a huge amount of loot by himself from when he was killing the Hot-blooded Orcs as well as massacring Overwhelming Smile's members; resulting in him keeping it at the back of his mind when he had been on his Treasure Chest opening spree and now having a large variety of ways to deal with the troublesome labor. 

The thought of summoning some demon spawns to hasten the process appeared in her mind, but the demon girl denied it upon remembering she was no longer capable of such a thing, explaining the matter to Feng when she noticed him looking at her after he had used up all of his methods of providing help to the group tasked with picking up the drops, by saying: 

"Don't expect me to provide any help with this. I'm not able to summon any underlings in my current situation." 

Though, Feng didn't seem surprised by her words, and instead gave her a response that made veins bulge on the Demon Goddess's unblemished snow-white forehead "I know. I was merely looking at you because I found it hilarious that the Demon Empress has no authority over her own demons to use them. How pathetic can you get?" 

Restraining herself from smashing in her contractor's laughing expression, Celestina had taken deep breaths and simply choose to ignore everything around her; focusing on taking out her anger on the opponents to come. 

Naturally, Feng knew of the Demon Empress's current condition, and that her Demon Authority had been stripped from her, while most demons, and especially Demon Gods, treated her as a threat that needed to be purged, meaning she was unable to command any lesser demons to do her bidding. 

Thereafter, whoever was not tasked with looting the battlefield came along with Feng and Celestina to continue the raids. 

For the first couple dozen monsters, taking care of them was fairly easy for Celestina, and the thing that took the most time was the journey once Celestina's teleportation skills ran out and were on cooldown, with around five minutes being needed for each monster to kill. 

They spent around three hours running around and taking down the Mythic ranked monsters Feng had placed on the list, collecting a huge amount of loot in the process that forced them to travel back to the city a couple of times in order to store it, but specifically the high-ranking special materials and items he had wished to obtain from them had now been mostly gathered. 

After enough of Zero Wing's restored members had gathered to relieve the Main Force members from clean up duty, the group moved on to bigger targets. The Superior Mythic monsters and other powerful creatures they hunted afterwards were more challenging to deal with and took some effort of the entire team to quickly wrap up the fight. 

This wasn't to say their opponents were extremely strong or stronger than the current Demon Empress, but simply had too much HP along with their impressive strength, while Celestina wasn't doing the amount of damage she should as a demon to other monsters, resulting in the monsters' HP draining to take way too long with just her. 

Not to mention it was also unfavorable to let Celestina exhaust all of her Stamina fighting just a few monsters, so Feng decided to have all of the Main Force members along with himself bombard their targets while Celestina served as the MT and main damage dealer. 

Thus, they raided many monsters all across God's Domain's maps from Level 50 to Level 95, only pausing their hunt when Feng noticed a bit less than an hour of Divine Providence's duration remained, deciding to finish the outing by killing the strongest monster on his list. 

During this time, Feng's group had slain around two hundred Tier 4 creatures, a few dozen at the beginning being Mythic ranked targets, while the majority of later ones had been Superior Mythic monsters, along with a couple of other powerful monsters as well, all of which possessed Peak Tier 4 combat power, and a few at the Basic Tier 5 standard. 

Although it took some effort, with Celestina's assistance and the Main Force's expertly cooperation, the group was eventually able to slay all of its targets; obtaining a huge amount of treasures in the process. 

Countless Epic items all meant for above Level 50, along with around a thousand Fragmented Legendary items, greatly increasing their supply of high ranking equipment and having a large amount of Fragmented Legendary equipment and weapons for the other restored members even without the ones the Main Force members were currently wielding. 

With the addition of the loot from the many monsters, each of the Main Force members was fully kitted out with Fragmented Legendary equipment and weapons. 

Zero Wing's Warehouse has also been enriched with all types of rare materials, many of which were at the Inferior Legendary rank, and a few dozen at the Legendary rank. This would undoubtedly make using the Designs and Recipes they had collected doable, as well as help out the restored Lifestyle Players increase their ranks when they need to create custom items. 

Some special items of great value had also been acquired, such as quite a few 3-star and 4-star Guild Residence Promotion Orders, from the various powerful monsters like the World Bosses they had slain. 

Though, Feng didn't rush to upgrade Zero Wing's Guild Residence immediately upon getting the Promotion Orders. After all, he still had to have Nine Dragon Emperor attempt to attack it, so he couldn't have the Pavilion Master hesitate due the Residence's high rank. 

Their EXPs also soared since they were killing such powerful monsters with levels higher than them one after another. 

At first, when their levels were still low, they'd target monsters at around Level 50, moving up higher along with their levels until they were raiding Level 95 monsters, causing their levels to skyrocket within only a few hours. 

Even after their levels got higher and they weren't killing creatures tens of levels above them, the amount of EXP they received was still huge, resulting in the entire Main Force being above Level 80, with a couple players whose Legacies didn't require a lot more EXP even reaching Level 90. 

Once their levels increased high enough, they had started raiding the more powerful monsters, and even tried taking on a Level 100 Mythic rank monster. 

Level 100 was the second major threshold in the game, and it was a far greater one than Level 50.

To be precise, Level 100 was a major turning point when it came to monsters' Basic Attributes. Everything, including the monsters' HP, Strength, and Agility, would undergo a qualitative transformation. In comparison, there wasn't much of a difference when it came to players' equipment. After reaching Level 100, the Main God System stopped sheltering players and fully removed its binding on God's Domain's monsters. 

A Level 100 Mythic monster was stronger than even a Level 95 Superior Mythic monster, and took much more of their effort to kill. 

It wasn't exactly too much stronger than the Level 95 Superior Mythic monsters, which they had previously killed, per se, but was a lot more difficult to defeat it. Purely in attributes, the challenge increased by only a bit, and while the Level 100 Mythic's skills and attacks were more powerful, along with their combat standards and intelligence being greatly enhanced, it wasn't to an extent it was more than they could handle. The problem was its HP. 

After passing Level 100 the monsters possessed HP that was difficult to overcome at their current standard, taking much more time to kill. However, the worst part was that the loot wasn't of a value greater than a Level 95 Superior Mythic's, only being better than a Level 95 Mythic monster's to a certain degree. 

Sure, there were some better items, with the Dark-Gold and Epic equipment being meant for Level 100 and above, while the Fragmented Legendary stuff that had dropped had a bit better attributes, along with some materials that could only drop in Level 100 maps; but those items weren't of the most importance. 

Those materials weren't currently necessary, while the Level 100 equipment and weapons couldn't constantly be used by even players with items that had level requirement reduction, since there may be situation that needed them to be at lower levels, meaning they wouldn't be able to use them at all times for now; not to mention they'll definitely lower their levels for the Tier 2 Promotion Quest. 

The only drop that made killing the Level 100 Mythic monster worthwhile was a 4-star Shop Promotion Order, which could only have a chance at dropping from Level 100 Tier 4 Field Bosses, or by opening a high-ranking Treasure Chest found in Level 100 and above maps. [1]

Still, even with the 4-star Shop Promotion Order, raiding Level 100 monsters wasn't entirely worth it, as Feng could get the Promotion Orders with a regular Divine Providence once he wasn't on a time crunch. 

Since it took more time and energy to raid, but the drops weren't worth the effort considering the circumstances, it would make more sense to continue raiding below Level 100 Superior Mythic monsters for their rare materials, of which a shit load of dropped every time he killed one during this time of six digit Luck. 

Though, the person whose strength had increased the most during this time was undoubtedly Celestina. Apart from her level increasing to 85 along with Feng's, her contractor had abided by the first condition in their contract and fed her plenty of souls, only saving the souls of 47 powerful monsters into the Pandemonium Lashblade after emptying its storage of all the souls except the Mechanical Slayer's and Moon-Howling Silver Wolf's. 

This resulted in a very small portion of the Demon Empress's soul recovering, along with her level and her being able to utilize the Demon Sword's full capabilities unlike Feng, Celestina's combat power was at the cusp of Tier 5 Intermediate standard. 

Of course, Feng's own power greatly increased as well. 

With him reaching Level 85, not only had his attributes increased from the increase his Epic and Fragmented Legendary items gave him after scaling to a much larger amount due to passing multiple level thresholds, including the Level 50 major one, along with his assigned attributes, which he had obtained from reaching Level 96 at one point before he had de-leveled down, being unlocked, but the attributes for leveling up from Level 20 to Level 85 while being at Tier 1 and having both the Purple Stigmata and Creation Goddess's Blessing were huge as well. 

Just the passive increase had given him 650 points in all basic attributes, while he had acquired 1,430 Free Attribution Points on top of them, some of which he had assigned after the Wolfstein Palace raid, only for them to be locked and then now released. Feng had split the stacked up Free Attribution Points into his Strength and Agility evenly, both attributes receiving a massive boost. 

Soon, they had arrived at the core of the Level 90 map, the Seven Hill Forest, and launched an attack on the Level 90 Tier 4 Infant Silver Dragon which resided there. Being an Infant Dragon from the Silver Dragon tribe[2], the Infant Silver Dragon was much stronger than regular Dragons, possessing combat power nearing Tier 5 Intermediate rank, and was the strongest target on Feng's list; which he wasn't even 100% sure they could defeat even after calling up Black Flame to join them in the raid. 

This was a completely full powered Tier 4 Dragon which the system hadn't suppressed in the least, thus the fight would inevitably be incredibly difficult. 

The first proper Dragon Feng had ever manage to kill had been a Tier 4 Infant Golden Dragon in his previous life; which although was stronger than this one by a larger margin, had been practically crippled by a Tier 5 Great Demon King Feng had nearly summoned. 

That being said, Feng was a Tier 4 Sword Emperor at the time and had multiple Tier 4 players and many Tier 3 players supporting him, along with having some other means to deal massive damage to the Infant Golden Dragon. Facing a complete Tier 4 Infant Dragon with his current team and strength, the fight could go both ways. 

After all, although Celestina was technically stronger than the Infant Silver Dragon and could suppress it to some extent, it was impossible for her to kill it due to its monstrously huge HP, so it was necessary for the Main Force members to assist her in draining the Infant Dragon. 

There was also no guarantee she could pin it down and prevent it from massacring the Main Force members, who, even with their current strength and powerful combat standards, would quickly get wiped out. 

Although he could have Celestina use her full powered, strongest attack at the beginning, which was not something the Infant Silver Dragon could hope to defend against, he also wasn't certain how much of a Primordial God-ranked Mana Technique's power the Demon Empress was currently capable of using, and whether it would be enough to one-shot the Tier 4 menace. 

If she was not, and the Infant Silver Dragon survives, and worse yet goes Berserk, that would be that. Using such an attack at her current standard would definitely completely drain Celestina, rendering her completely powerless to do anything else. 

In front of a Berserk Tier 4 Infant Silver Dragon, unless it was literally on the verge of death, even Feng and Black Flame could only flee. 

Deciding to simply try the regular way and then see from there, Feng gave the order to attack. 

Knowing this was the final fight of the day, and who her opponent was, Celestina no longer held back and fully used the Combat Techniques and Mana Techniques currently in her arsenal without draining herself too much for when the time came. 

As expected, Celestina wasn't able to completely restrain the Infant Silver Dragon, but she did much better than expected, clearly showing her formidable power even as a mere fragment of her original self. 

One of the dragons' main strongest advantages was their incredible control over Mana, allowing them to overpower most opponents easily, but that was completely useless against Celestina. When it came to Mana control and its utilization, the Demon Empress far outshined a mere Tier 4 Infant Dragon. 

It seemed like the Infant Silver Dragon was a bit inexperienced, as it was unsure of how to go about fighting against an opponent like Celestina, who surpassed itself in both attributes and Mana, along in nearly every other possible metric. 

Still, it was a powerful member of the Dragon race nonetheless, and started putting up a fight after getting serious and trying its best. Although it was still helpless against Celestina due to the difference in their combat standards and Mana control, along with the Demon Goddess's Mana Domain, the Infant Dragon was still able to resist her to some extent and do damage to Celestina; as well as attempt to attack the players. 

Now, the problem of the difference in their HPs showed itself. Even with all of them bombarding the Infant Silver Dragon, they were barely making a dent in its HP, mostly due to the majority of Main Force members not being able to do much damage. 

Of course, it wasn't because they were weak, but because the enormous difference between Tier 1 players and a Tier 4 Infant Dragon couldn't be bridged with just a bunch of Fragmented Legendary equipment and high combat standards. The players even had to activate their Berserk skills in combination with their other skills and Combat Techniques in order to to anything of significance. 

Only players like Feng, Black Flame, Fire, Aqua, and some of the others could manage to do a decent amount of damage without Berserk skills, but the main damage dealer was still Celestina, with Feng and Black Flame being the second in line; doing close to as much damage as her. 

While they were struggling to overcome the Infant Silver Dragon's battle recovery, the dragon had no problem doing large amounts of damage to Celestina, whose HP was only comparable to a Level 85 Mythic monster's due to her scuffed physical body being created from the Spectral Animacell and not having a proper basis from her fragmented soul. 

Thankfully, the damage she received seemed to have also been scaled down to how much a player would receive, while she could avoid a large portion of the Infant Dragon's attacks thanks to her techniques; otherwise the Demon Empress would have been in trouble and unable to protect the Zero Wing members. 

Even with the Main Force's healers attempting to recover Celestina's HP, it was getting drained very fast, as none of them possessed Tier 3 or Tier 4 healing spells, so the effects they had were limited. Another reason for the Main Force not being able to properly heal the Demon Goddess was that their Chief Healer, Violet, was unable to heal Celestina due to her unique Legacy, and Violet would only do harm to the demon if she tried casting spells on her. 

At this moment, Feng's Aura of Water, which he had barely managed to upgrade to Tier 3 after constantly placing EXP into it, before using Information Uptake to get the levels back from Black Flame, finally came in handy. Although Life Bloom couldn't recover the massive amount of Celestina's HP like in the skill's description, the continuous recovery was still enough to keep the Demon Empress from succumbing to the Infant Silver Dragon's attacks. 

During the fight, Feng hadn't been stingy and used many of the items he had acquired both from the Treasure Chests as well as from the many drops of the previously slain monsters. From summoning helpers, to Magic Arrays, Consumables that did a large amount of damage, some even at Tier 5 Basic standard, along with many of the gathered Tier 4 Magic Scrolls in order to outpace the Infant Silver Dragon's recover as well as protect his guildmates. 

Still, despite Celestina's efforts to tank the Tier 4 Infant Dragon and Feng's lavish expenditures, the Main Force still rapidly lost its members; but they were also managing to drain the dragon's HP. 

The fight went on like this for over twenty minutes, and when Feng noticed the Infant Silver Dragon's HP had dropped to around 50%, he had Celestina distance herself to catch a breather and prepare, while everyone else activated their Berserk skills, with some even using Twofold Berserk, and went on to dish out their strongest attacks. 

Feng and Black Flame also used Heavenly Dragon's Power and Imperial Ascendance respectively, along with Blade Liberation, before going in and attempting to restrain the Infant Dragon with all of the skills they had left. Cola and the others MTs activated whatever remaining skills they had left along with their Berserk ones in order to withstand the Infant Silver Dragon's attacks, but even when utilizing Bronze Combat Techniques, they barely remained alive for two to three hits. 

Naturally, Feng was using the remaining Main Force members as sacrifices to stall the Infant Dragon, while it would depend on skill if anyone managed to survive. Though, he and Black Flame attempted to draw as much of the dragon's attention as possible due to having the highest survivability among them, but he wasn't able to prevent it from killing his guild members. 

While the Infant Dragon had started to enjoy itself as it was finally able to kill these ants after being suppressed by that demon for so long, it suddenly noticed a stupendous amount of Mana had started to gather a small distance away. 

Taking a glance at the location in the air where the Mana was gathering, the Infant Silver Dragon's reptilian pupils constricted into thin lines as it witnessed a terrifying scene. All of the Mana within the Seven Hill Forest was converging into the chain sword wielded by that female demon, before multiple long, thin Mana whips extended out of the Demon Sword. 

A life-threatening sense of danger, like one the Infant Silver Dragon had never felt before, had struck it and warned of its impending doom as over sixty Mana whips had already been manifested. 

Instantly abandoning its fight with the humans, the Infant Dragon flapped its giant wings and rushed towards the demon in hopes of stopping it, but Feng's group kept the dragon at bay with all their might, especially Feng and Black Flame who were stopping it in its tracks; though, the players only ended up getting killed off even quicker this way. 

Seeing that ninety Mana whips had already extended out of the Pandemonium Lashblade, the Infant Silver Dragon threw all caution to the wind as its scales lit up with a dazzling, silver glow, and its eyes turned bloodshot. It had evidently entered a Berserk state; causing Feng to order all of the remaining Main Force member to retreat, along with himself and Black Flame. 

Widening its giant maw, the Infant Silver Dragon prepared its strongest move. Immediately afterward, a threefold magic array took shape before it. 

The threefold magic array had quickly taken shape. In the next moment, a destructive energy ball shot out of the Infant Dragon's mouth, the energy ball's speed and size making it impossible for Celestina to avoid it in time. 

This Tier 4 Dragon Breath would undoubtedly carry power at the Tier 5 Intermediate-rank standard, and would be a threat to Celestina who was, at the time, focusing on guiding the Mana and remained completely defenseless. 

However, even after noticing the incoming energy ball, the Demon Goddess showed no signs of moving or defending as more Mana whips extended from the Demon Sword in her hands. 

Just as the Dragon Breath was about to reach her, an emotionless middle-aged man appeared in the energy ball's way, while his sword lit up with a silver glow. His face remaining unchanged, the man thrusted his sword at the energy ball. 

Tier 4 Skill, Mooncahser! 

Normally, a Tier 4 skill would get instantly shattered by an Infant Silver Dragon's Dragon Breath, but Black Flame had the Swordsmanship Great Grandmaster title equipped, boosting Moonchaser's power to the Tier 5 Basic standard. Along with him executing the skill with a Completion Rate of 110% in combination with using a Bronze Combat Technique, the silver light that had transformed into a giant moon disrupted the energy ball when they collided, causing a huge explosion as both attacks got neutralized. 

Although Black Flame was on the losing end of the exchange, Void Shield managed to protect him and Celestina from the resulting aftermath which shattered the surrounding space. 

When the Infant Silver Dragon saw that Celestina had remained unscathed from its attack, a look of horror appeared in its eyes, but before it could do anything else, the ninety ninth Mana whip had finished forming; while Black Flame had already dipped after offsetting the Dragon Breath. 

Each of the ninety nine Mana whips had radiated a pressure that sent chills down the Infant Silver Dragon's spine, but the Demon Empress seemed unsatisfied. 

Merely ninety nine Mana whips forming for her Mana Technique was a great embarrassment to Celestina, who had been able to manifest 999,999 Mana whips in her prime and shred apart even Primordial Gods with the attacks of a million whipping slashes at once. 

But at her current standard, she wasn't able to use even 0.1% of the technique's whips, let alone its power. Channeling her anger over the situation a Demon Goddess like herself had fallen into, Celestina slashed at the Infant Silver Dragon. 

Primordial God-ranked Mana Technique, Millionfold Hellwhip! 

The space where each of the Mana whips passed was completely obliterated, turning into an empty void. It gave its greatest effort to withstand the incoming whips, but the very first Mana whip completely shattered all of the Infant Dragon's defenses and broke apart its silver scales while ripping a chunk of its flesh. 

One could guess what the following Mana whips did to the poor dragon. 

Before all of the whips managed to land on the Infant Dragon, it was flung away into the ground using a last ditch effort to distance itself, the force it was sent flying at causing the main hill of the Seven Hill Forest to crumble when the Infant Silver Dragon landed on it. 

When the Mana whips extended even further and were about to completely annihilate the Infant Dragon, they suddenly collapsed as Celestina's Concentration was no longer able to support them; the Demon Empress falling unconscious as she was no longer able to maintain her flight and plummeted to the ground. 

Feng sent his doppelganger to catch the falling demon as he appeared next to the collapsed Infant Dragon, his sword lighting up with a silver glow as he used his own Moonchaser to finish off the Infant Silver Dragon; marking a worthy end to a hunt of this level. 

In the next moment, brilliant flashes had suddenly enveloped the bodies of the four surviving players, excluding Black Flame whose EXP bar Feng had told him to lock beforehand, as their experience bars filled up rapidly. The amount of EXP the Infant Silver Dragon awarded was leagues above the EXP from ordinary Mythic Bosses. 

Thus, the current situation of the six remaining members of the original group resting on the Infant Silver Dragon's corpse came to be. 

After going all out at the end, Feng, Black Flame, Fire and Violet had fallen into a Heavily Weakened state, their Stamina and Concentration being exhausted as well from the many battles during the last twenty hours and now giving all of their effort for the final fight. 

Celestina had regained conscience after a short time, but her Stamina, Concentration and Mana were completely spent, and would need some time to recover; so she merely rested as well until Feng decides to get out of here. 

Though, it was the sixth survivor, a blue-haired peerless beauty with a calm expression that didn't seem at all tired as the rest of them as she rested on the corpse with her eyes closed, that truly shocked everyone. 

Aqua was the sixth person who had managed to stay alive until the end, which was the strangest part. Although she possessed equipment even better than most of the Main Force members, as a Tier 0 player, not only were her attributes still lower, but her Physique was weaker as well. 

Logically, even with her combat standards, which surpassed everyone else's, except for Celestina's, she should have not been able to make it to the end of the fight, especially not after the Infant Silver Dragon had gone Berserk and the aftermath of both the collision of Dragon Breath and Moonchaser as well as Millionfold Hellwhip. 

Despite the attacks not being directed at them, a large number of the Main Force members that had managed to survive stalling the Infant Dragon and it going Berserk had fallen to the effects they had done to the surroundings. Yet, not only had Aqua survived through it all, similarly to Feng and Black Flame, she had emerged unscathed; her HP not having decreased at all. 

No one was really sure how she did it due to the chaos, but it wasn't like Aqua had stayed in the back and did nothing while being safe and sound, as everyone had seen her attack and do heavy damage to the Infant Silver Dragon from up close.

This situation even surprised Feng, while Celestina, who was unfamiliar with Aqua, had been particularly shocked to see a Tier 0 human still alive. 

Level 90 was reached and surpassed by the four of them thanks to the Infant Silver Dragon's death, with Feng having reached 99% of Level 99, only stopping his level from reaching 100 due to the cap he had placed on it. 

Once players reached Level 100, the system protection granted to them would be removed. Of the many ways the Main God's System sheltered players before Level 100, the one Feng valued the most was preventing NPCs from randomly attacking them. 

This protection had prevented the War God's Temple's traitorous Vice Temple Lords from just murdering Feng after he became targeted by Aza; even the Primordial Evil God not being able to do him any harm unless he was willing to pay an extraordinary price. 

But if that protection was to disappear, the situation would be much different. 

Even with Celestina, Feng would stand no chance against the three Vice Temple Lords who had turned traitor, as they were all Level 200 Tier 5 Demigods. Against such an existence, Feng was no different than an ant regardless of him being capable of crossing three tiers and slaying Tier 4 opponents multiple levels higher than himself solo. 

The other Zero Wing members naturally knew about how much easier it is to get around as a Level 99 player than a Level 100 one from experience, so they had placed the same limit on their levels as well. Though, the three beauties who had survived the fight had not received that much EXP, only leveling up to around Level 95 or so. 

As for Black Flame, due to Feng having him lock his experience bar, he didn't receive any of the Infant Silver Dragon's EXP. After experimenting previously, Feng had tested and figured out how the Ethereal Replicant Core dealt with levels. 

Between Level 20 and Level 50, Feng would have to spend double the Seven Luminaries Crystals of the level, for every level up to his current one, in order to upgrade Black Flame's level; meaning Feng had spent 2,044 units of Seven Luminaries Crystals to upgrade Black Flame from Level 22 to Level 50. 

Higher than Level 50, every upgrade in levels would require three time the Seven Luminaries Crystals of the level, up to Level 80; after which, it would require four times the Seven Luminaries Crystals of the level for every upgrade. 

Overall, Feng had spent nearly 10,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystals to upgrade Black Flame from Level 22 to Level 85. After including the Seven Luminaries Crystals required for his new attributes, it was even more. Thankfully, the increased attributes from the equipment and the passive increase from the Purple Stigmata and Creation Goddess's Blessing seemed to be included with the levels, so Feng only needed to pay for the Free Attribution Points he had assigned. 

Though, it worked a bit different when Feng used Information Uptake to get levels, as Feng would only need to pay for the new information which Black Flame got himself, not original information his clone got from him. 

Thus, if Feng's level was to decrease below Black Flame's, he could get back to the same level as Black Flame for free, but if Black Flame got any EXP through his own efforts, Feng would need to pay for it using Seven Luminaries Crystals. 

Taking advantage of this feature, after upgrading Black Flame's level to 85 before the raid, Feng had poured his EXP into the Seven Luminaries Ring, upgrading the Auras as much as he could, before gaining the levels back from Black Flame through Information Uptake, and then spending it again, repeating the process until he had upgraded all seven Auras to Tier 3. 

However, when Black Flame had originally appeared after Feng had called him over, and they saw their interaction with each other as two separate individuals, the Zero Wing members' minds stagnated for a moment. They couldn't tell the difference between Feng, who had his default Ye Feng look on, and the clone, who looked like Black Flame, the Guild Leader of Zero Wing. 

Black Flame's look was the one they were all most familiar with due to Feng having practically only used it at the later stages of the game, especially when they went to the Greater God's Domain, since everyone already knew him as Black Flame, but all of Zero Wing's members present knew of his real identity. 

Two people who looked as both Ye Feng and Black Flame appearing in the same place at the same time was not something they could wrap their heads around, though, and they all wished to immediately question Feng about why there were two of him. 

After all, Black Flame gave off the same pressure as Feng, seemed like the real deal to their sharp senses, especially since they were very familiar with Feng's aura and presence, and he even conversed like a normal person. Naturally, they were curious about how Feng had managed to achieve such a feat, and if it was possible for them to duplicate themselves as well. 

But none of them dared to ask, as they didn't know if it was some kind of secret of Feng's, until Fire's straightforward attitude won over and she posed the question everyone was dying to know about. 

To Fire, there was no problem if she asked, as Feng would simply tell them he wasn't going to say anything about Black Flame's origin if he didn't wish to reveal it; not that there would be a need for that, as no one here would dare to spill any info, or use the same method as him, assuming that was possible, if he said not to. 

Naturally, Feng hadn't felt there was any need to hide Black Flame's existence or how he came to be, and it had been his plan from the beginning to introduce his double to the Zero Wing members in order for them to not be caught off guard later on when he suddenly appears, and that they could also work together with Black Flame in the future, so he gave them a brief explanation on Black Flame's existence and the Ethereal Replicant Core. 

It was Celestina's reaction, though, that Feng was the most curious about. Even if she wasn't in her prime, someone like her should still be able to spot a real from a fake with ease, so Feng wished to test the Ethereal Replicant Core's capabilities to hide Black Flame's real identity. 

Apart from a slightly surprised look after sensing another monstrous human appear, and sensing that the new one's and her contractor's auras and souls were quite similar, nearly completely identical, the Demon Empress had not been able to discover anything else; and went with the assumption that Feng and Black Flame were two different people. 

Though, a part of why she hadn't bothered to think too much about the situation was because she could sense the contract between herself and Feng, making it impossible for her to even consider Black Flame being Feng. 

A fourth additional thing the Ethereal Replicant Core was unable to replicate was also discovered by Feng, after updating Black Flame, as it seemed a contract of a rank like the one Feng and Celestina had signed could not be copied by the Fragmented Divine Artifact. 

Although Feng could have also tested the core's ability of disguising with Sharlyn, not only has her power greatly fallen after giving away a Full Blessing, she'd also be able to instantly tell which Feng was the original and which one the clone through the presence, or non-presence, of the Chibi Sharlyn residing within Feng's soul; thus Feng wouldn't be able to gauge the Ethereal Replicant Core's power with her. 

Meanwhile, as a Holy Chant descended and over a thousand items appeared around the Infant Dragon's corpse, a system notification also entered everyone's ears.

System: Congratulations! You have killed a Tier 4 Infant Silver Dragon. You have obtained the Dragon Slayer title, World Reputation +75, and one Silver Legacy Treasure Chest. 

Apart from the surviving members, the dead ones received the same notification as a Silver Legacy Treasure Chest appeared in their bags. 

Feng was also reminded of this matter upon seeing the system notification, growing curious as he took out the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest and looked at its information. 

[Silver Legacy Treasure Chest]

Players have a high chance of obtaining a top-tier weapon or equipment piece catered to their class and level, a small chance of obtaining a Tier 3 Skill or Spell Book catered to their class, a very small chance of obtaining a piece of Epic Equipment, and a minute chance of obtaining a unique Legacy or Legacy Weapon catered to their class upon opening this chest. 

Since he still had Luck in the six digits, Feng wondered what kind of item he could get from the chest, so he casually opened it, not expecting to obtain anything of much significance from a mere Silver Legacy Treasure Chest; as there weren't too many items which could peek his interest at this point. However, when the light from the Legacy chest subsided, Feng's nonchalant expression instantly changed as his eyes widened to the limit. 

Within the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest, a sword with a golden hilt and guard, and a blade that was as pure and clear as a diamond, rested silently. 

"The Destroyer of Immortality!" Feng couldn't help his shock as he laid his eyes on the beautiful sword, instantly recognizing it. Hurriedly, Feng checked the sword's information. 

[Destroyer of Immortality] (One-handed Sword, Legacy Weapon) 

Level 20 - Level 50

Equipment Requirement: Strength 700, Agility 500, Sword-related Mastery 300 

Class Restriction: Blade Saint

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level. (Level 50) 

Attack Power +2,000.

Strength +350, Agility +300, Endurance +200

Attack Speed +44

When Equipped: 

Attacks have a 80% chance to do 200% Damage

Attacks have a 50% chance to do 300% Damage

Attacks have a 1% chance to do 1,000% Damage

Strength increased by 30%

Agility increased by 20%

Attack Speed increased by 15%

Reaction Speed increased by 10%

All Sword-type Skills effect +100%

All Sword-related Mastery +300

Ignore Levels +20

Damage dealt to all creatures whose tier is higher than the wielder's increased by 150% for each tier

Damage dealt to all creatures at Tier 6 increased by 400%

Equipment Tier 1. Can be evolved (Complete the God Mode Tier 2 Promotion Quest)

Additional Passive Skill: Sword King (Tier 1) 

Damage and Attack Speed of all sword-type attacks directed at the wielder decreased by 40%. 

Additional Active Skill 1: Slashing Domain (Tier 1)

Attack any enemy within a 30-yard radius with a sword light that appears from any direction by consuming some of the wielder's Concentration. Damage done scales according to the amount of Concentration consumed. (Up to 100% of wielder's Attack Power at maximum) [3]

No cooldown. 

Additional Active Skill 2: Killer (Tier 1) 

Increase the power of a single attack by one rank. (Up to Tier 2 Basic rank at maximum) 

Cooldown: 15 minutes

Additional Origin Skill: Immortality Slayer (Tier 1)

Consume 10% of wielder's Concentration a second to grant attacks the power to annihilate all Mana and souls the Destroyer of Immortality touches. 

Cooldown: 1 day

A creation born of nature, containing unrivaled power. Although it was greatly damaged during the war between the Ancient Gods, it had absorbed some of their powers. If one can master this blade, they will obtain a trace of the Ancient Gods' powers. Grants its wielder the power to slay all creatures. 

Although the attributes of the Tier 1 Destroyer of Immortality were only a bit better than to those belonging to Epic Weapons of the same level, and while the skills were great, even containing an incredible Origin skill, Feng cared for none of that. 

What he really valued was the sword itself being in his hands, not its attributes. It could even be a scrap of metal for all he cared. 

The Destroyer of Immortality had once been a top-grade Divine Artifact wielding incredible power and allowing its wielders to slay even Primordial Gods with ease, which was shown by its first wielder, the God Slayer. 

As for how it was capable of such a feat? It is because the Destroyer of Immortality is a weapon catered to slaying immortal creatures and completely destroying them, its abilities when complete specifically existing for killing Tier 6 existences; having two Laws within it to complete its purpose, an Advanced Law and an Unranked Law, and both being at the Full Mastery standard. 

Destruction Law at Full Mastery was capable of annihilating most things, and even Peak Laws weren't a match for its potential destructive power; at least not in the physical sense. Of course, just the Law of Destruction by itself wouldn't quite be enough for the Destroyer of Immortality to achieve such feats and gain its title in the literal sense. 

That's where the Unranked Law within the Destroyer of Immortality came in, a Law which had allowed the God Slayer to kill his first Primordial Gods, becoming feared throughout the entire Universal God's Domain, until he eventually mastered the Law himself and passed the Destroyer of Immortality onto his somewhat of a disciple, the Blade Saint. 

During a war, however, the Destroyer of Immortality ended up getting pretty badly damaged, a part of it shattering and disappearing somewhere, while its base absorbed some of the Ancient Gods' power and the Blade Saint's Legacy, falling into its current state and becoming a Legacy Weapon that had originally led Feng to the Blade Saint's Tier 1 Legacy Land. 

With the base of the sword, Feng could possibly recast the Destroyer of Immortality if he finds the shattered part which had been lost... but he had already done so. 

In his previous life, most likely as a reward for being the first one to attempt the Tier 4 Promotion Quest, Feng had been transported to the Tier 4 Legacy Land related to the Blade Saint using an Epic ranked Legacy Scroll, in which he found broken down fragments of some kind of weapon. 

Only after spending some time in the Greater God's Domain and learning more of the Blade Saint's history did Feng realize those metal fragments had once been pieces of the Destroyer of Immortality. 

Immediately after learning this, Feng had attempted to use the metal fragments he had gathered, along with many other Divine Artifact rank materials, to recast the Destroyer of Immortality. 

However, due to lacking the weapon's base and main components, only possessing the fragments obtained from the Legacy Land and some other things left behind by the Blade Saint, Feng had not succeeded in recreating the Divine Artifact rank Destroyer of Immortality; but he did manage to create a different Fragmented Divine Artifact rank sword for himself with amazing abilities. 

Thanks to that weapon which possessed some of the original Destroyer of Immortality's power, and parts of its Laws at a lower level of Mastery, Feng's strength had undergone a drastic change, as he managed to accomplish many incredible feats; the weapon's special abilities even helping him in slaying a Primordial God some time before he had reincarnated again. 

Now that he had both the base of the Destroyer of Immortality and knew where to obtain the fragments of its original body, it would be possible to recast the weapon into the original sword which had slain Gods with ease. 

In fact, with the addition of the newly obtained Yog-Sothoth, despite only being a month into his reincarnation, Feng could already see the path to wielding two top-tier Divine Artifact swords at the same time, when he had never even owned one in his previous life. And there was also the Pandemonium Lashblade. 

As for the current Destroyer of Immortality, except for its Origin skill, it didn't have much use to Feng with it only being at Tier 1. Though, the Origin skill was quite pricey to use, and its effectiveness for situations when he'd actually need it wouldn't necessarily be worth the price. 

There was also the fact that the Destroyer of Immortality was a very unique weapon, as unlike most weapons which grew less effective the more powerful opponents they were up against, the true capabilities of the Destroyer of Immortality were only shown when faced with beings of higher tiers; and the true damage it could deal decreased along with the opponent's tier, up from Tier 6. Of course, that was also limited due to the Legacy Weapon's current low tier. 

Still, if he had obtained it in his previous life, even at only Tier 1, the Legacy Weapon would have been of immense help to him, and might have even been his main weapon. Although that wasn't the case right now, as long as he could upgrade its tier, the sword's power would definitely be of great use even to him; which only bolstered his resolve to take on the God Mode challenge for his Tier 2 Promotion. 

After all, the power of a Legacy Weapon depended on the Legacy it originates from. As an Advanced Peak Legacy rivalling Top-Tier Peak Legacies, a Legacy Weapon belonging to the Blade Saint Legacy would be incredible powerful once it reaches Tier 6, possibly even being comparable to Divine Artifacts. 

To the side, seeing the item Feng had obtained from the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest, the others' eyes widened in shock upon recognizing it, particularly Celestina's, which held a hint of fear in them as she stared at the diamond blade; as if recalling something. 

Fire and Violet took out their own Silver Legacy Treasure Chests and asked Feng to help them open the chests with his lucky hands. Although they had to be the ones who opened the chests so that the items would be meant for them, there were still ways for Feng to influence what appears in the chests. 

From his experience in the previous timeline, Feng knew that once a person's Luck reached a certain threshold, just their presence would be enough to influence what happens around them, but that wasn't all. When his Luck had reached 1,000 points at one point, Feng realized the true capabilities someone with an item like Icarus's Heart possessed. 

Despite not opening the Treasure Chests himself, with that amount of Luck and Probability Manipulation, he could have someone obtain a powerful Legendary item suitable for themselves from an Inferior Legendary Treasure Chest simply through being in contact with the Treasure Chest. 

With his current Luck, Feng could undoubtedly assist anyone in obtaining the best possible item per their wishes. 

Following which, Feng held the top part of Violet's hand as they both placed them on her Silver Legacy Treasure Chest, and Violet chose to open it. There technically was no need for them to be so intimate, but it was Feng's personal choice, and he was also curious if it would bring about additional effects. 

Of course, it wasn't guaranteed that Feng could help when it came to the matter of obtaining the item they wanted, as not every Legacy would have a Legacy Weapon, so it was naturally impossible for one to appear in the chest if that was the case. 

Thankfully, Violet's True Saint Legacy did have a Legacy Weapon as a possibility, resulting in a pure-white staff with golden patterns on it to appear in the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest. 

This, was the Seraphim of Virtue, a Legacy Weapon Staff of the True Saint, which had once been a Divine Artifact similarly to the Destroyer of Immortality, before it became damaged and its power diminished. 

Though, compared to the Destroyer of Immortality, the Seraphim of Virtue was much weaker and didn't have as many incredible feats like slaying Primordial Gods, but it had been a powerful weapon nonetheless which had commanded over the Law of Life, an Advanced Law, at the Full Mastery level. 

The staff was also a Tier 1 Legacy Weapon at the moment, meaning it wouldn't be of as much use to Violet as the Fragmented Legendary Staff she was currently wielding, but as long as she manages to upgrade its tier, it could rise to a weapon more powerful than many Divine Artifacts. 

Luckily for Violet, the upgrade conditions for her Legacy Weapon weren't as extreme as for Feng's, and she was only required to complete the Asura Mode Tier 2 Promotion Quest as well as exorcise a Tier 3 Demon. 

Although completing the Asura Mode of the True Saint's Legacy's Promotion Quest is a bit challenging, Violet had already been planning to do such a thing from the beginning, and the only extra thing that she needed to do was exorcise a Demon, which is a bit more complicated than simply killing one; but it was perfectly manageable for her. 

Fire's turn came after Violet's, and Feng helped her open the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest as well, but as the Atrocity Legacy is a Legacy meant for any class, and its details an unknown situation to Feng, he wasn't as sure about what she'd obtain as he was for Violet's case. He didn't even know if the Atrocity Legacy had a Legacy Weapon, and Fire might just obtain a Tier 3 Skill Book suitable for her class. 

After the shining light disappeared from the chest, the curious glances of Feng, Fire, Violet and Aqua landed on a finger-sized, pitch-black metallic stinger, resembling the end of a scorpion's tail. Confusion appeared in all of their eyes, as they had never seen such a weapon, nor did it look big enough to be one, before Fire picked it up and checked the stinger's information. 

An amused smile appeared on Fire's face immediately after, as she said while revealing the stinger's information "A Throwing Legacy Weapon." 

Quite an interesting item, they had to admit, and suitable for a Legacy which was usable by any class. Although it wasn't the dagger Legacy Weapon she had been hoping for, Fire was glad she could at least use it without it disrupting the equipment she was used to, and it may even be better than her original wishes. 

This was due to the method the Throwing Legacy Weapon, Monstrous Piercer, upgrades its tier. Unlike Feng's and Violet's Destroyer of Immortality and Seraphim of Virtue, Fire's Legacy Weapon's tier increases along with the quality and density of the Atrocity Bloodline the wielder possesses. 

Normally, this would make it difficult to increase the Monstrous Piercer's tier, as most would not even have the Atrocity Bloodline, meaning it would be at Tier 0, but there wasn't a better requirement for Fire. 

Thanks to Feng previously using Primal Infusion on her, Fire's originally Basic rank ordinary Atrocity Bloodline had transformed into a Basic rank Royal Atrocity Bloodline, with the greatest density a player could have, resulting in her newly acquired Throwing Legacy Weapon instantly reaching Tier 4. 

As long as Fire upgrades the rank of her Atrocity Bloodline, it would quickly reach Tier 6. Meanwhile, even at Tier 4, the Monstrous Piercer's attributes were incredible. 

Due to the highest ranking Throwing Weapon he had ever seen being Epic rank, Feng couldn't give a proper estimate of its power, but if he had to guess, the current Monstrous Piercer was better than even Fragmented Legendary rank Throwing Weapons of the same level, and might be close to what a Legendary rank one should be like. 

With the Atrocity Legacy being a bona fide Top-tier Peak Legacy, Feng couldn't even begin to imagine how strong the Throwing Weapon would become at Tier 6. 

Unlike the other two, Aqua didn't chose to open her Silver Legacy Treasure Chest, as she didn't have a Legacy yet, meaning she would most likely obtain some kind of Legacy suitable for her class, but considering the quality of the Legacy Treasure Chest, Aqua doubted she'd receive more than an Advanced Legacy; and a Basic Peak Legacy at the absolute very most. 

The Sea God's Legacy, the Peak Legacy Aqua had possessed in her previous life and the one on which she had set her sights on in this timeline as well, was an Advanced Peak Legacy. Although it was among the weaker Advanced Peak Legacies, and not comparable to the Ten Great Saint Legacies, the Sea God's Legacy was still immensely powerful; and much better than any the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest could give her.

In fact, when on water, the combat power she could display with the Sea God's Legacy was greater than even most Top-tier Peak Legacy users.

Thus, as she already knew where to obtain the Sea God's Legacy's Legacy Weapon, she planned on leaving her Silver Legacy Treasure Chest in the guild's Warehouse. Even though she could still open it to obtain a Tier 3 Spell Book, it would be a bit of a waste considering the chest could provide one of their guild members a chance to potentially obtain a Peak Legacy. 

A similar decision was made for the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest Black Flame had obtained, as they had already obtained the Blade Saint Legacy's Legacy Weapon, Feng and Black Flame had decided to leave it for one of Zero Wing's experts who didn't have a chance to participate in the raid to open and give a shot at obtaining a good Legacy or their Legacy's Legacy Weapon. 

Of course, neither his nor Aqua's chest would be for free, and a large amount of Guild Contribution Points, even more than for a Fragmented Legendary item, would have to be paid for it. 

Following which, after Violet's Mana had recovered enough, she started reviving the fallen Main Force members, all the while the Salvage Corp and Feng's other means were collecting the spoils of war. 

When the revived members found out about the rewards for slaying the Infant Silver Dragon, they were all naturally excited. 

Apart from the Silver Legacy Treasure Chest, they had all also obtained the Dragon Slayer title, which would allow them to enjoy the status of a High Noble in the various cities of God's Domain. Not to mention, with the Dragon Slayer title equipped, their Basic Attributes and Physique would increase by 20% when dealing with Dragon-type monsters in the future. 

Members who already had Legacies chose to have Feng help them with the chest opening, those whose Legacy had an available Legacy Weapon obtaining it, while those whose didn't mostly obtained Tier 3 Taboo Skill Books and Curse Books. 

As for the players who were still at Tier 0, some already had an idea of what Legacy they wanted and how to get it, so they saved their Silver Legacy Treasure Chests for the future, while some who had no reliable information on possible Legacies chose to gamble and try to get a good Legacy. 

Worst case, even if they aren't satisfied with it, they could always simply sell the Legacy to one of the other Zero Wing members who was suitable for it, or place it in the Guild Warehouse for some Contribution Points which they could spend on other things. 

Most of the Tier 0 players who chose to open their Silver Legacy Treasure Chest obtained Advanced Legacies, with a few obtaining Basic Peak Legacies. There were also the very unlucky ones who didn't obtain a Legacy at all, the chest granting them Tier 3 Books; but thanks to Feng's high Luck and Probability Manipulation, such cases numbered very few, and even they obtained powerful Taboo Skills or Curses. 

"Master, the assigned items have been collected, but some we couldn't get." In the meantime, the Salvage Corp's ghost servants had collected all of the drops from the Infant Silver Dragon and the monsters which had died due to being in the fight's vicinity, and the faceless salvage ghost captain reported to Feng with an emotionless voice as it handed him a bag containing the loot. 

On the battlefield, though, a few dozen items still remained. 

The aura that the Infant Dragon's loot radiated was very pressuring, and even ordinary Tier 3 players would normally have to expend a lot of effort just to approach the items. Thanks to being ghosts without a proper physical form, however, Salvage Corp's ghosts were mostly unaffected by the pressure, and only the remaining items which possessed powerful Divine Might could stop their collecting. 

Considering this, the items which had been left alone by the ghosts would definitely be extraordinary. 


1. The exact requirements for obtaining a 4-star Shop Promotion Order were never stated, but considering that the 3-star order was obtained from a Level 50 Mutant and then its means of acquiring were said, while the 4-star order was obtained from a Level 100 Mutant, while LOC had compared 3- and 4- star orders like the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 3 players, with both having appeared from a Level 50 and Level 100 monster, I'm just gonna assume a similar principle applies to 4-star orders. And even if it doesn't, it doesn't really matter by much. 

2. If you're not aware of the Dragon race's ranking system, at least the one which is presumed to exist due to LOC never really clarifying anything, check the wiki. 

3. In case I didn't make what happens clear enough, a sword light appears out of thin air at Feng's will to attack any enemy within range with it from any place and direction within 30 yards, without Feng needing to actually slash or attack with the sword.