
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

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87 Chs

Going All Out (2)

At the top of the staircase, Feng kept making more doppelgangers and sending attacks at Anubis and his guards, draining their HPs while concentrating fire on the weakest wolfmen with the lowest HP remaining. 

When only five seconds of Phantom Stride remained, Feng activated God Speed, boosting his speed even more and creating a larger number of doppelgangers, all of which possessed Thundering Flash. 

In the next moment, a sea of thunder streaks flew through the air at the blond and his guards, the brightness produced by it becoming blinding. 

Anubis narrowed his eyes in order to see past the extreme light produced by over a thousand thunder streaks, when he suddenly noticed a red flash in the sea of blue. 

Suddenly, Feng, covered completely in bright red armor from head to toe with bloody bat wings extending from his back, appeared in front of Anubis, whose eyes widened upon Feng's unexpected appearance, while the Pandemonium Lashbalde became covered with a silver light. 

Imperial Ascendance!

Aura of Fire!

Tier 4 Skill, Moonchaser!

Unlike when the doppelgangers used their Moonchasers and were unable to properly control it, when Feng used it, the silver glow didn't explode out, but condensed into a single point and shot out at Anubis's chest. 

The blow sent Anubis flying and crashing into his throne, while a damage of over one hundred million appeared above his head due to the combination of the damage boost caused by the Thundering Flashes' effects, Aura of Fire, the Trial Clearer Title and Wind Rider's effect, combined by Feng's surprise attack at Anubis's vital area with his Tier 4 skill. 

Quickly reacting, the wolfmen which were standing nearby moved to attack Feng, but Anubis who had immediately stood up was even faster, instantly appearing in front of Feng with the Lightmoon and Darkmoon Sickles slicing through the air and coming close to piercing Feng. 

However, Feng took a step back once more and dodged the attack, while another Feng appeared in front of him, this time possessing a much more powerful aura unlike the previous weak ones with only 1% of his attributes, as the second Feng slashed his sword with a silver glow covering it at Anubis who had just attacked and left an opening. 

Phantom Kill!

Blade Liberation!


Nine Dragon Slash! 

Mysticsteel Dualblades!


Internal Shock!

Silent Steps!

Flame Burst!

Abyssal Bind!

Divine Providence!

The doppelganger immediately used Blade Liberation and slashed with Moonchaser, causing the silver light covering its sword to explode out at Anubis, while Feng activated multiple skills at once. 

Feng appeared behind one of the Anubis's Royal Guards who became bound by pitch-black chains as his swords lit up like miniature suns, while Firestorm enveloped the Anubis's Guards who were further out and had been grouped up in a formation in order to resist the sea of thunder streaks; as twelve phantom Abyssal Blades and two Mysticsteel Blades flew at them in order to prevent them from escaping the fire's range. 

Five Extreme Slashes!

Before the Anubis's Royal Guard could break out of Abyssal Bind, Feng executed five attacks in a single moment, which combined and cut apart the back of the wolfman's neck. With Feng having his Strength increased by 100% from Imperial Ascendance along with Internal Shock ignoring most of the target's defense and boosting his damage along with the rest of the damage boosting, the Grand Lord's HP instantly disappeared. 

As the rest of the Royal Guards started realizing what had happened and were about to react, Feng appeared in front of another of them with Ethereal Blitz and used Five Extreme Slashes once more, reaping away what remained of the wolfman's HP after Feng's countless attacks during Phantom Stride's effects. 

Continuing to the third one, even with the Royal Guard attempting to defend itself, nothing could save it once Feng got within striking range and slashed, and all four of Anubis's Royal Guards soon fell. 

Although Anubis wished to intervene and stop Feng, with the doppelganger which had activated Blade Liberation stalling him, there wasn't anything he could do in such a short amount of time. The doppelganger wasn't strong enough to hold on against the pissed Anubis for long after its Moonchaser didn't achieve much due to being a much weaker version of Feng's and Anubis having been prepared, but with it activating Flame Burst and using the Attack Count to block Anubis's attacks instead of using all of them at once, it could still stall the Wolfsetin Emperor for a bit. 

Which was enough since Feng needed less than five seconds to take down all four of the Royal Guards, before switching to the the regular guards, who had even less HP than the Grand Lords and were enveloped in Firestorm. 

Feng noticed that the phantom Abyssal Blades and Mysticsteel Dualblades couldn't accomplish much except be a slight inconvenience due to the Anubis's Guards simply tanking the attacks while they attempted to get out of the flames' range, so he had the fourteen swords fly down from the platform and help out his guild members who seemed to be struggling a bit; as he used thirty of the Death Auras to decrease Flame Burst's Cooldown, causing his swords to lit up like miniature suns once more. 

Appearing within the pillars of flames, Feng instantly reached one of the Great Lords and slashed two times at it, instantly wiping out its HP, before moving on to the next. 

By the time Firestorm's duration ended, Feng had already taken down three of the Anubis's Guards, and was quickly mowing down the rest despite them trying to group up after surviving Firestorm. 

When only two of the Great Lords remained and Feng was about to take them out, he suddenly turned around, executing Four Extreme Slashes and using up the rest of Flame Burst's Attack Count to cut apart the beam of silver light coming at him from behind. 

Looking towards the source of the sudden attack, Feng saw Anubis crushing the doppelganger's head with his foot while a silver aura surrounded the Wolfstein Emperor as he glared in his direction, before charging at Feng. 

Slashing his sword in the direction of the remaining Anubis's Guards without even looking at them, Feng cast Dark Violent Dance to take away whatever remained of the wolfmen's HP after enduring everything that Feng had thrown at them, before moving towards Anubis as well; but he wasn't planning on engaging in a straightforward clash this time. 

As Anubis rushed towards his opponent, enraged at being played in such a manner and having all of his subordinates killed, he suddenly noticed a change to the human, as another pair of wings with a wing span of ten meters and feathery look suddenly grew out from its back and became covered by the blood red armor covering the rest of its body. 

Before Anubis could react to development, he saw the human's new wings flap in tandem with the original, small bat ones, and appear right in front of him in the next moment as its swords suddenly lit up with scorching flames. 

Bronze Combat Technique, Lightning Flash! [1]

Seventeen flaming sword lights flew toward Anubis with such speed that the emperor didn't have time to defend himself, the combined power of the 17 sword lights slamming into him and sending Anubis flying off once again. 

Feng moved his pure-white wings which were covered by the Blood Emperor's Amor, admiring their new size after he got promoted to Tier 1 and greatly increased his Physique by eating the Chocolate Sticks. As he hadn't had the right opportunity to use them ever since his Class Change Quest, Feng didn't use them until now, this being the first time he got to witness their new size. 

Normally, Feng would have to unequip his Chestplate in order to use his wings, but with Imperial Ascendance being activated, the Blood Emperor's Armor turned into a full suit of armor that covered his entire body, which allowed Feng to grow out the wings he inherited from Sharlyn as the blood armor would change its shape during this time along with them. 

He also got to test out the wings' power after they had grown to have a wing span of around ten meters, and with how fast he moved without spending too much of his Stamina, the size increase was definitely beneficial; and Feng couldn't wait to see how fast he'll get once they grow even larger, possibly to the same size he saw on Sharlyn. 

As he used the wings' speed to instantly reach Anubis, Feng had sacrificed thirty layers of Death Aura in order to use Flame Burst once again, which he had built up after previously spending them through the phantom Abyssal Blades and Mysticsteel Dualblades which were currently helping out his guild members by ripping apart the Lord and High Lord rank wolfmen below the silver platform. 

With how fast and unexpected the attack was, along with Feng using Lightning Flash, a Bronze Combat Technique he had learnt in his previous life, as well as Feng's attributes being increased by the effect of Vanquisher's Surge and Reaper as his fourteen flying swords killed the wolfmen, Anubis had been completely unable to react to his speedy attack. 

Feng sent a glance at the two Anubis's Guards, whose remaining HP had been drained away by Dark Violent Dance, and noted that the Wolfstein Emperor was the only one left. As Feng was about to turn and follow up on his previous attack, he suddenly sensed fatal danger, and hurriedly raised his swords above him. 

In the next moment, Feng felt a powerful pressure on his swords, as the ground beneath him cracked from the weight. Placing more strength into his arms, Feng pushed away the sickles which had almost slashed him and distanced himself. 

Taking a better look at his opponent, Feng noticed that instead of the blond man wielding the Two-Sided Moon Sickles, it was a wolfman covered completely in golden fur that glared at him as he stood there and radiated an oppressive aura. 

"Why the glare? Mad that I killed your guard dogs?" Feng asked provokingly while cautiously looking at Anubis. The strength Feng sensed from that attack just now was much greater than when he previously fought Anubis, causing Feng to realize Anubis was no longer joking around. 

"Hmph" Not entertaining Feng's provocation, Anubis merely let out an annoyed sound before releasing a loud howl. 

Emperor's Haki!

A powerful aura that forced one in into submission spread out from Anubis, affecting not only Feng, but the Zero Wing members below the platform as well. Feng felt his mind stagnate under the effects of the Wolfstein Emperor's skill, but quickly recomposed himself as his skin under the blood armor turned slightly blue after activating Mysticsteel Body, before releasing a loud roar to the skies. 

Dragon's Authority!

The oppressive aura was instantly offset, and the Zero Wing members no longer found it difficult to move as they quickly defended against the wolfmen's attacks, who had initially been pumped by the aura of their emperor, before it was suppressed by Feng's Dragon's Authority. 

Anubis narrowed his eyes at Feng, not expecting the human to be able to counter his skill, before scoffing and dashing towards Feng. Reading his swords which were still covered with Flame Burst, Feng charged forward as well, clashing his blades against the Wolfstein Emperor's sickles. 

However, Feng found himself struggling against Anubis's current strength, despite Feng's attributes being increased by Imperial Ascendance while his strikes were empowered by Flame Burst and Internal Shock. 

As Feng took a step back to distance himself, Anubis swung the Lightmoon Sickle in his direction, before the pure-white sickle shone slightly. A crescent moonlight cut apart the air and flew towards Feng, who quickly deflected the crescent light with Flame Burst's last attack count. 

In the next moment, though, Feng found himself surrounded by stars that quickly flew down at him from above, while a moon half white and half black appeared in the sky. 

Recognizing the stars as one of the Lightmoon Sickle's skills, Feng quickly avoiding the stars, knowing that Anubis could spawn many stars with 100% of his strength while this skill was in effect as long as he doesn't receive any damage or move. While the two-colored moon was one of the Two-Sided Moon Sickle's Set Effects that suppressed all opponents in the surroundings with both holy and dark powers. 

Though, since Feng had Mysticsteel Body activated, while he was resistant to both holy powers due to being a human and possessing Sharlyn's Full Blessing as well as to dark powers due to wielding the Pandemonium Lashblade, which even increased his attributes, so the two-colored moon's effect became useless. However, it was the stars that concerned Feng. 

When the Lightmoon Sickle Replica that Feng had seen was an Epic Weapon, it could summon up to 150 of these incredibly fast stars, but right now, Feng had no idea what the upper limit of the stars summoning count would be. 

Regardless, Feng wouldn't be able to last for long even if it was only 150 stars with 100% of Anubis's strength, thus he needed to quickly deal some damage to him or force the emperor to move before he summoned too many to deal with. 

Thinking of that, Feng immediately rushed towards Anubis while avoiding the many stars, but quickly found his path completely blocked from all angles, forcing him to slash in the Wolfstein Emperor's direction with Thundering Flash, before following up with Earth Splitter. 

Remaining completely unbothered by the five thunder streaks and swordlight quickly flying at him, Anubis simply had some of the stars move and block them. As the attacks were blocked, Anubis sensed something flying at him from the side. Glancing in the direction, Anubis spotted the two platinum-blue swords which he had previously seen the human summon quickly approaching him, and had two stars move to intercept them. 

As the swords were blocked, Anubis sensed another object flying at him from the front at a speed much faster than the Mysticsteel Dualblades, but having already expected the incoming attack, Anubis easily deflected the Blazing Meteor with Flame God's Fury activated using a star he had prepared; knowing in advance that the human would throw the needle after previously seeing it, while also knowing the human had used up all of its ranged attacks. 

But as the Wolfstein Emperor returned its gaze back to the human, a pitch-black sword appeared right in front of his eye, causing Anubis to instinctively move his head and avoid the sword which only grazed his cheek and left a small wound across his golden fur. 

Precision Throw!

Looking at the human, Anubis became shocked that it would suddenly throw its sword, the stronger one of the two as well. Without the sword, even with the Lightmoon Sickle's skill being deactivated after he had moved his head to dodge the Pandemonium Lashblade, Anubis could still easily crush this human. 

Seemingly unaware of this, though, Feng activated Windblade, quickly reaching Anubis and slashing the Abyssal Blade with the power of thunder and flame around. 

Snorting at the attempt, Anubis was about to slash his sickles and finish off this human, when he suddenly sensed the sword which the human had thrown turn around in mid air and fly back towards him. 

Becoming shocked by how the sword had suddenly changed directions and attacked his back, Anubis forgot to defend against Feng's attack, causing him to receive it head-on, while the Pandemonium Lashblade stabbed into his back while he was recovering from Thunder Flame Explosion. Aside from the Pandemonium Lashblade, four more Epic ranked swords which Feng had identified using the Eyes of Truth from the pile of loot dropped by Anubis's guards flew towards Anubis and stabbed into him as well. 

Blade Dance! 

Using his inherit Legacy Skill, Feng controlled the Pandemonium Lashblade to lodge itself out of Anubis's back and fly above him to Feng, at which point he grabbed and reequipped the Demon Sword while distancing himself from the enraged emperor and sending out five thunder bolts at him. 

Summon Lightning!

Anubis's wolf eyes turned bloodshot upon being made a fool out of by Feng again, causing him to slash the two sickles and a galaxy of stars to appear around him which deflected the five lightning bolts and four swords while attacking Feng. 

Responding with his own galaxy of stars, Feng defended against the Two-Sided Moon Sickle's skill with Sword's Orbit and barely held on by executing it at the standard of a Bronze Combat Technique. 

After a couple of seconds, Anubis's galaxy of stars disappeared, revealing his enraged appearance once more. Before Feng could wonder what the Wolfstein Emperor would do next, Anubis released another, louder howl, which this time gave off an entirely different feeling from before. 

In the next moment, the space beside Anubis cracked, from which came out a giant wolf with completely silver fur all over its body that sparkled like countless stars. 

[Moon-howling Silver Wolf] (Grand Lord)

Level 36

HP 660,000,000/660,000,000 

Feng's eyes widened upon the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's appearance, instantly being able to tell that the wolf was a pure-blooded Primordial Beast, and he couldn't help but wonder how and why one would appear here, as well as how Anubis had the capability to summon one. 

With a light hop, Anubis jumped on top of the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's back, which showed no objection to the Wolfstein Emperor standing on top of it as it glared at Feng. 

"Kid, I wasn't taking the fight seriously before, and you've done well to hold on until now, but since I'm no longer joking around, this fight is coming to an end." Anubis said arrogantly while looking down at Feng. 

Even if Feng was capable of fighting either him or the Moon-howling Silver Wolf, there was no way he could fight both, so this naturally marked the end of the fight between them. 

Of course, Anubis wasn't planning on letting the human off so easily with just a death. Since the human had used a tactic which was to pin him down while it massacred his helpless comrades, Anubis could only return the favor by doing the same and having the Moon-howling Silver Wolf pin down the human and stop it from interfering while he went down and killed all of the human's troops. 

Feng naturally knew the situation as well, and could tell what Anubis was thinking by the sinister look on his face. But he also found the pup's overbearing words both humorous and a bit irritating. 

"Oi, golden puppy, tell me..." Feng spoke up in casual and laid back tone as he controlled the blood armor to retract from his head, causing Anubis to grow irked at the way he was addressed and turn to Feng about to give him a piece of his mind, but suddenly noticed a large change in the human's aura, while the faint smile on the human's face made the Wolfstein Emperor quiver for some reason "Who told you that you were the only one not taking this fight seriously?"

Blade Liberation! 

Feng's aura surged as he activated his Legacy Berserk Skill with the Pandemonium Lashblade as its target, and took a step forward. 

Appearing in front of the Moon-howling Silver Wolf with his swords lighting up like miniature suns, Feng used Lightning Flash and slashed at the wolf's face. Immediately noticing the human appear, the Moon-howling Silver Wolf raised one of its paws and blocked the attack, but its leg was instantly severed in the next moment as it got sent flying. 

Slashing above him, Feng blocked Anubis's attack, who had jumped off his mount when he noticed it was taking on the human's attack, immediately following up by rushing towards the Wolfstein Emperor before he even landed. 

Anubis sensed that he was in life threatening danger, thus he didn't hesitate as he activated the Two-sided Moon Set's strongest skill, causing the Lightmoon Sickle and Darkmoon Sickle to combine into a two-handed, white and black scythe, while Anubis's golden fur transformed as well. Anubis's left side turned completely white with his eye turning as black as the night, while his right side turned pitch-black with his right eye glowing white. 

Although Feng didn't recognize or know what this skill is, he didn't care much after activating Blade Liberation. After all, Blade Liberation was a skill that increased Feng's attributes depending on the weapon he used and its potential. 

In his previous life, he had only used it with weapons at Epic rank or strength of a similar standard. But now, he was using the Pandemonium Lashblade as the target for the skill. Not only was the Demon Sword a top-tier Fragmented Legendary Weapon, it was also a former Divine Artifact. 

Thus, the boost to his attributes was worlds beyond what he had previously received from using the Legacy Skill. 

As he reached Anubis, the emperor slashed his scythe at Feng at extremely high speeds, showing that he was indeed very proficient with the weapon, but Feng simply disappeared and appeared behind Anubis, slashing at him with even faster speed than the wolfman. 


Before Anubis could dodge or block, he was sent flying as a his HP decreased by a huge amount and a bloody wound appeared on his back. The moment Anubis stabilized himself, Feng appeared in front of him and slashed the Pandemonium Lashbalde once more. 

Quickly reacting, Anubis swung his two-colored scythe at his opponent, only for Feng to once again appear behind him. But as if being prepared for this, a reflection of Anubis with its colors reversed appeared behind him in the same pose and blocked Feng's sword, causing the reflection to instantly collapse, but it had bought Anubis enough time for the emperor to move out of the way. 

Not giving the Wolfstein Emperor a break, Feng slashed the Pandemonium Lashblade again, but Anubis kept blocking it either head-on or using his reflection. 

Feng was quickly becoming annoyed by Anubis's tactic, as he didn't have a lot of time left. Though, Feng wasn't thinking about Blade Liberation's short twenty second duration, but the remaining time on Divine Providence. 

From the moment Feng activated the godly skill when he killed the first Anubis's Royal Guard, to the moment he killed the last Anubis's Guard, only around ten seconds had passed, after that, although his and Anubis's exchange seemed long, it only took around ten seconds as well, so Divine Providence currently had less than ten seconds remaining. 

Both Anubis and the Moon-howling Silver Wolf were extremely powerful and rare Grand Lords, so the loot they would drop would surely be splendid as well, and it would be a shame if Divine Providence's bonus to Luck were to be absent when Feng killed them. 

Thus, Feng needed to quickly kill them both. 

Destruction Soul Flames!

The Pandemonium Lashblade suddenly blazed with pitch-black flames that sent chills down Anubis's spine, and he couldn't help but wonder why this human would be in possession of such a thing. 

But before Anubis could think further, Feng had already slashed the flaming sword at him, which Anubis hurriedly blocked. In the next moment, though, the Pandemonium Lashblade's Splitting effect activated, and the chain sword, along with the flames covering it, spread out to over three yards. 

Expertly controlling the chain sword, the Pandemonium Lashblade whipped through the air, bending its blade as it went down before slashing up at Anubis's wrists. 

Unable to react in time, the Destruction-Soul-Fire-covered sword sliced through Anubis's tough armor and wrists, causing the scythe to fall to the ground along with the Wolfstein Emperor's hands. 

When Feng was about to finish off his challenging opponent, though, the scythe flew up from the ground and nearly stabbed him, but Feng managed to react in time and deflect it into the air. 

Having taken the chance to distance himself, Anubis moved nearly ten yards away from Feng and pointed with his sliced off hands at him, in which some kind of holy and dark power gathered and was about to shoot out at Feng. 

Aside form Anubis, the Moon-howling Silver Wolf had recovered as well and approached the fight stealthily like a predator, widening its mouth in which a powerful silver light gathered and was about to shoot out as well, while the scythe which Feng had knocked away into the air was spinning down at him, obviously under Anubis's control. 

The attack range of Anubis's and the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's upcoming attacks would definitely be much more than five yards according to Feng's experience, which was more than what Blinkstep allowed Feng to teleport at a single time, so Feng couldn't avoid the attacks unless he teleported away using one of the Space Helmet's skills. 

Though, he naturally wouldn't give away such a golden opportunity to finish off both of his opponents, so Feng took a stance. 


The scythe, Anubis's white and black beams as well as the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's silver beam reached Feng in an instant and collided with him, but were blocked by the Invincibility Skill. 

Meanwhile, Feng executed Sword's Orbit, causing a dome made of pitch-black fire to appear, which enveloped Anubis and half of the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's body. 

A second later, though, the pitch-black dome disappeared, causing the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's back half, which was out of the dome's range, to collapse without its front half. The power of the Soul Destruction Flames could not be underestimated, as it had nearly instantly erased Anubis and half of the Moon-howling Silver Wolf; and would have even completely eradicated their souls if not for Feng quickly interfering and collecting them in Reaper's storage. 

Looking at Divine Providence's remaining duration and seeing he still had three seconds left, Feng sent Violet a message. 

"Activate Aegis of Harmony."

In the next moment, Feng leaped up and propelled himself above the battlefield. 

Although she didn't know why Feng suddenly told her to use Aegis of Harmony, a powerful defensive skill which she had obtained from the Trial of God and leveled up to Tier 2, Violet still did as commanded and cast the skill in the next moment, causing a golden barrier to appear around every member of Zero Wing, most of which were still battling the wolfmen. 

As he floated above the battlefield, Feng tightened his fist and punched out. 


A shockwave spread downwards, before colliding with the ground and spreading out in all direction along the battlefield, instantly turning all of the wolfmen it passed through into dust while the walls and pillars of the hall cracked all around. Thankfully for the Zero Wing players, they were in the same team as Feng, and since the Free Combat System update hasn't happened yet, they wouldn't be directly affected by Shockwave's power and Feng's immense strength which crushed all of the remaining wolfmen. 

Though, they were still affected by the Shockwave's shockwave, which sent them flying in all directions, but they were protected by Violet's Aegis of Harmony, so they all managed to survive with only a few taking damage or becoming dizzy and disorganized. 

Meanwhile, apart from a few rare High Lord rank wolfmen who had stood far from the epicenter, no other enemies had survived. 


1. Bronze Technique from the OG novel where the player has to execute a series of 17 attacks and merge them seamlessly.