
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

DunnoDK · Others
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87 Chs

Going All Out (1)

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


"I'll handle them. You guys stand back and watch if they call for any reinforcements." Stepping forward, Feng gave the command while pacing towards the golden gate and the wolfmen guarding it; while ignoring the astonished looks his unrestored guild members were giving him.

Although they had long since witnessed their Guild Leader's incredible strength, the aura of death they were currently feeling from the Grand Lord was leagues above the Great Lord rank wolfmen they had encountered so far. 

Just the Wolfstein Guard Captain's stiffening pressure alone was nearly enough to render them completely immobile, and it was unimaginable how much of it Feng, who was the Grand Lord's main target and focus, was enduring. Not to mention there were also the nine Wolfstein Guards, each of which seemed more powerful than any of the other Great Lords they had encountered so far.

Thus, the unrestored members couldn't help but feel doubtful over Feng's declaration to take care of all of the ten wolfmen by himself.

Yet, Feng didn't seem affected one bit by any of this as he casually moved forward. 

The gazes of the wolfmen turned towards Feng and focused on him as he approached them with a relaxed pace, as if he wasn't going against some powerful foes. 

After observing the opposing human for a moment, the Wolfstein Guard Captain took a step forward and warned "Humans, this is no place you should be. Leave now, and I will spare your lives." 

'It's actually giving a warning? Guess it's a lot more perceptive than I thought.' Feng didn't feel at all threatened by the Wolfstein Guard Captain's warning, and instead was intrigued by the Grand Lord's perception and intelligence. 

Normally, a monster serving as a guardian would attack as soon as any intruders approach its range, and only monsters with high enough intellect would be capable of communication with players. Though, even if a guardian monster was capable of properly communicating with an intruder, it would still attack regardless of that due to its role. 

Unless there's some kind of set dialogue, creatures serving as guardians of something would normally only talk to an intruder if the intruder had met some kind of special condition. 

However, choosing to first try to dissuade an intruder from continuing forward as a warning usually meant the guardian wagered that there was a possibility it would fail its duty if it confronted the intruder in a head-on clash. 

The Wolfstein Guard Captain's choice to give a warning to Feng's group signified that it was somehow able to sense Feng's strength and decided against immediately fighting. 

That was what got Feng intrigued, as monsters of such low levels usually had a very basic level of intelligence, and even higher level monsters would only barely be capable of communication with players. It's only much later in the higher levels that monsters would sometimes display this level of intelligence. 

Feng wondered if this was because of the Primordial Beast bloodline within the Wolfstein Guard Captain, as he had witnessed the intelligence of lower Level and Tier Primordial Beasts during the Twelve Trials, which was much higher than monsters of the same Tier; so, even though the Wolfstein Guard Captain didn't possess the complete bloodline and its density was much lower than of the ones Feng had encountered, as a Grand Lord which seemed to be around the Peak Tier 3 standard, it wasn't completely impossible for the wolfman to possess intelligence of a much higher level. 

But it was a bit odd. 

If this Grand Lord merely served as a gatekeeper with its amount of Primordial Beast's blood, Feng grew curious about who was the one at the top... and what kind of loot he could get from it. 

"Thanks for the warning, but since I've already come this far, there's no way that I could return without checking out the rest of the palace." Feng paid no heed to the Grand Lord's words as he continued approaching the wolfmen with the same smile on his face, causing the Wolfstein Guard Captain's eyes to narrow, before it took a step forward. 

In the next moment, the Grand Lord's large frame appeared in front of Feng as it took a preemptive strike and swung its spear at him with all its might. Meanwhile, the nine Woflstein Guards moved as well, but unlike the Wolfstein Guard Captain, the Great Lords attempted to circle the two of them and charge towards the Zero Wing members standing in the back. 

Naturally, Feng easily saw through their tactic to use the Great Lord rank wolfmen to deal with the rest of his comrades first in order to stop any backup from helping him before grouping up and working together to finish him off as soon as his opponents took action; and Feng couldn't help but be impressed by the level of intelligence and cooperation these low level wolfmen were showing. 

Though, no matter what kind of plan they implemented, it would still be completely useless against Feng. 

As the Wolfstein Guard Captain's giant spear was just about to pierce through Feng, another Feng appeared in its way and tanked the attack. A shockwave spread out as the spear collided with the doppelganger's crossed swords, the sturdy ground beneath them cracking apart. 

The Wolfstein Guard Captain's eyes widened slightly upon the appearance of another human right in front of it, but before the Grand Lord could figure out what exactly happened, Feng charged out from behind his doppelganger and dashed towards the Wolfstein Guards who were attempting to target his guild members. 

Using Ethereal Blitz, Feng appeared in the wolfmen's way and slashed at the one furthest ahead of the pack, causing the Wolfstein Guard to hurriedly try to block his attack. 

The strike forced the Great Lord to stumble back a couple of steps while the rest of the Wolfstein Guards behind it slid to a halt as well. 

Fourteen swords appeared around Feng and flew towards the Great Lords while Feng used the chance to continue his assault on the wolfman he had just attacked by slashing at it with the power of thunder and flame around the Pandemonium Lashblade. 

A loud explosion sounded as the Great Lord was forced to retreat once more. Although Feng's Thunder Flame Explosion had already been upgraded to Tier 1, with its effects and power significantly increasing, the Wolfstein Guard was a Great Lord with a Primordial Beast's bloodline in it, thus the stunning effect that was supposed to last four seconds did nothing to the wolfman except freeze it for a second as it attempted to recover from the large damage it just received from Feng's attack. 

Still, within that moment, Feng closed in on it as he used Thundering Flash, causing five streaks of blue thunder to fly through the Great Lord and five high damages to appear above its head, before the thunder streaks continued onward to strike the rest of the Wolfstein Guards which were busy fending off the phantom Abyssal Blades and Mysticsteel Dualblades. 

Feng then released a barrage of attacks on the Wolfstein Guard, who was now under the Damage Amplification effect, resulting in it continuously retreating while it tried its best to defend against his attacks, only for the wolfman's resistance to prove futile as its HP drained like flowing water. 

After Feng had reached Level 30, not only did his equipment's attributes increase due to passing a small threshold, but the Free Attribution Points he had previously put in were released along with him receiving plenty of new ones from the Purple Stigmata and Creation Goddess's Blessing as well. 

Thus, Feng's damage dealing capabilities had increased by a bit once more, making the Wolfstein Guards' increase in bloodline density basically inconsequential compared to when Feng faced the rest of the Great Lord rank wolfmen; only the pups taking a bit more time and effort to kill. 

Despite the Wolfstein Guard's efforts, it remained completely unable to land any or block any attacks, and the rest of the Great Lords were being pinned down by the fourteen slippery flying swords, making them unable to help their comrade.

Even though the phantom Abyssal Blades could do only 50% of Feng's damage, which wasn't quite enough to be lethal to the Wolfstein Guards or normally render them completely helpless, under Feng's precise control the flying swords accurately slipped past the wolfmen's defenses, striking their weak spots and obstructing their movements.

There was also the fact that there were more phantom Abyssal Blades than Great Lords, along with the Mysticsteel Dualblades which did 115% of Feng's basic damage and cut apart the wolfmen and their sturdy armors along with preventing any of the Wolfstein Guards who manage to shake away the phantom Abyssal Blades from distancing themselves from the group.

Although the Wolfstein Guard Captain wished to help the helpless Wolfstein Guard pups, the doppelganger prevented it from approaching them by using its skills right off the bat and causing the Grand Lord to retreat towards the golden gate. No matter how much the captain tried, it couldn't do anything to the doppelganger which possessed 75% of Feng's attributes, becoming unable to fight back or move freely at all regardless of its many attempts and skills it used.

The roles were suddenly reversed, as instead of the Wolfstein Guard Captain pinning down Feng while the Wolfstein Guards attacked his guild members, the Grand Lord became the one unable to assist its own comrades as they got slaughtered by Feng.

However, the Wolfstein Guards released a unified howl when they realized their situation was dire, the shockwave produced from the howl causing the phantom Abyssal Blades to get sent flying away in different directions while the mysticsteel swords were repelled for a moment.

Taking the chance when they weren't being bugged by the flying swords, the Wolfstein Guards grouped up and threw their spears at Feng who had already killed two of the Great Lords and was in the midst of finishing off a third one with his back turned towards the six wolfmen.

Flying quickly through the air, the six spears reached Feng in an instant. Just as they were about to skewer Feng, a faint blue barrier appeared behind him and blocked the spears' advance. The Guardian's Bulwark's HP bar, which was three time of Feng's, dropped by over 10% as the spears bounced off it while the blue barrier showed no physical damage. 

Before the six Wolfstein Guards could attack again, Feng used a chain attack of Thundering Flash, Thunder Flame Explosion and Earth Splitter to finish off the wolfman that he has been draining, the Great Lord collapsing to the ground in front of him as Feng turned towards the remaining Wolfstein Guards. 

Deciding to not take any more chances with the human, the silver hairs all over the Wolfstein Guards' bodies lit up with a fascinating glow as soon as Feng turned towards them. In the next moment, the silver light given off by the Wolfstein Guards gathered above them and moved in unison, eventually forming the shape of a giant silver wolf.

Releasing a majestic howl, the silver light wolf charged through the air at Feng.

Feng actually felt a faint threat from the wolf made of the Great Lords' silver light as he watched it charge at him with its illusionary mouth wide open.

Of course, Feng wouldn't stray away from a challenge as he dashed towards the silver wolf while his swords lit up like miniature suns as well as activating Mysticsteel Berserk to use this opportunity to test the boost it gives to him.

Just when they were about to collide, the silver wolf switched from a bite attack to swiping its massive claw at Feng. Though, the change didn't prove of much use as Feng lightly hopped and dodged the silver claw while also using it as a springboard to reach the wolf's face in an instant.

Eight Extreme Slashes!

The eight attacks combined into one and ripped apart the wolf head made of silver light, the flames caused by Flame Burst spreading through it and the rest of the wolf's body, causing the silver light to fall apart and collapse.

Meanwhile, upon the destruction of the light wolf created by them, the Wolfstein Guards coughed out a mouthful of blood as they fell into a temporary Weakened state and had trouble fully standing.

Feng didn't stop his charge and continued towards the six Great Lords with the fourteen flying swords following behind them as they stabbed towards the wolfmen while Feng slashed two times at the one closest to him.

After being weakened, the Wolfstein Guards' attributes dropped by quite a bit while their Defense dropped significantly. Along with the damage they previously received from Feng and the flying swords, as well as Feng's attributes being boosted by Mysticsteel Berserk, two slashes of Flame Burst to the head were enough to take away the rest of the Wolfstein Guard's HP.

Although the remaining five Wolfstein Guards attempted to regroup and work together to resist Feng and the flying swords, Feng was simply too quick and reached another guard in the blink of an eye, two flaming sword images appearing as Feng moved on to the next one while the attacked wolfman's HP bar emptied.

Two slashes per Great Lord, Feng took down all six of the remaining weakened Wolfstein Guards with the last of Flame Burst's attack count.

Glancing at the pile of loot originating from the nine Great Lords, Feng switched his gaze to the fight between his doppelganger and the Wolfstein Guard Captain.

Glaring at its opponent and noticing the death of the nine Wolfstein Guards, the Grand Lord released an enraged howl as its mostly silver fur lit up, with even the wolfman's eyes turning silver. An even more powerful aura spread out from the Wolfstein Guard Captain that caused the backs of the unrestored Zero Wing members to be covered in cold sweat, and even some of the restored members were slightly affected by it due to the difference in their current strength. 

The doppelganger, though, was not the least bit affected by the Grand Lord's change and its greatly increased prowess, simply responding with Blade Liberation. A large change occurred to the doppelganger's aura too, as its body size increased slightly as well.

They reached eachother in a split second and collided once more, the resounding shockwave from the clash stirring up the wind in the entire hall.

Being the loser of the exchange once again despite it activating its bloodline potential, the Wolfstein Guard Captain growled quietly as it carefully watched the liberated doppelganger, while also not forgetting to pay attention to the nearby Feng.

Although the boost in attributes resulting from activating the blood inside of it was large, the Wolfstein Guard Captain's was still inferior to the doppelganger's which had used the Legacy Berserk skill.

Of course, the difference between them currently wasn't incredibly large, and the Wolfstein Guard Captain could keep its boosted state for several minutes while Blade Liberation's effects could only last for twenty seconds; not to mention the doppelganger would fall into a weakened state after it ended. Thus, despite it having the advantage, the doppelganger would be in a precarious situation if it couldn't finish off the Grand Lord quickly.

Knowing that, Feng controlled the doppelganger to go full in and do as much damage to the Wolfstein Guard Captain as possible during this time, while the captain tried to distance itself from the other human and buy time.

However, Feng wasn't planning to let the wolfman draw out the fight for long, as the doppelganger quickly reached the Wolfstein Guard Captain and broke past its defenses.

In the next moment, the sword in the doppelganger's hand became covered with a silver glow, and the doppelganger slashed it at the Wolfstein Guard Captain's large, wide-open body.

Tier 4 Skill, Moonchaser!

The silver glow surrounding the sword flew out and exploded, enveloping the Wolfstein Guard Captain in it, while a huge damage appeared above its head as the wolfman yelped in pain and got sent flying; slamming heavily into the golden gate and causing it to shake slightly.

When the dust cleared, the sight of the fallen Wolfstein Guard Captain was revealed. Currently, the wolfman's chestplate had been completely melted while most of its fur had been burnt off, leaving a large bloody wound on its chest and many smaller ones all over the Grand Lord's body.

Though, Feng wasn't completely satisfied as he looked at the damage the doppelganger had dealt, as he had a rough estimate of Moonchaser's capabilities from its description, and knew it wasn't completely made use of in that strike. 

But this couldn't be helped, however, as the Abyssal Blade, and the doppelganger by extension, was currently only Tier 0. Although it could still replicate Feng and his skills to some extent even with Feng's current stats, there were limits as well. 

With Moonchaser being a Tier 4 skill, even Feng would struggle a bit to use its full power with his current Physique and Tier 1 body; not to mention the doppelganger which could only replicate a part of his attributes and still possessed a Tier 0 body. 

Not giving the Wolfstein Guard Captain any time to recover, the doppelganger used Wind Blade and Windwalk, reaching the fallen Grand Lord in an instant as its swords lit up like miniature suns. Although the Wolfstein Guard Captain wanted to defend itself, with its injuries and the speed of the doppelganger's attack, it wasn't able to put up any sort of defense to the incoming attacks. 

Ten Extreme Slashes!

Ten Extreme Slashes!

Using up all of Flame Burst's attack count in two breaths, two huge damages appeared above the Wolfstein Guard Captain's head from the doppelganger's attacks, greatly decreasing a large part of its remaining HP; but the doppelganger wasn't done just yet, as it used its skills that came off cooldown along with basic attack to continue draining the Grand Lord's HP. 

Finally being able to react and attempt to retaliate, the Woflstein Guard Captain swung its hand and tried to slash the doppelganger with its claws, but before it could, a flaming needle flew through the air and landed on its hand. A gaping hole appeared in the Wolfstein Guard Captain's hand as flames spread across the fur surrounding it, causing the Grand Lord to wince in pain. 

As the Wolfstein Guard Captain turned to the direction from which the needle came from, a beam of fire collided with its face and forced the wolfman to close its eyes while attempting to defend against the flames with its wounded arms; all to no avail. 

Flame God's Fury! 

Dragon Breath!


In the next moment, towering flames rose from the ground and enveloped both the doppelganger, who was still attacking the wolfman without paying any mind to the flames, and the Wolfstein Guard Captain, which screamed in pain and attempted to escape from the fire's coverage area but was stopped by the doppelganger, in them. 

By the time Firestorm's duration ended, the Wolfstein Guard Captain was no more, and only a giant pile of items remained. 

Meanwhile, the enormous amount of EXP from killing the nine Great Lords four levels higher than him and one Grand Lord five levels higher than him caused Feng to jump from a bit in Level 30 to Level 33 even with him needing double the EXP than other players. As for the rest of the Zero Wing members in the back, although they didn't participate in the battle, some of the EXP was still shared with them due to being in the same team as Feng, causing some to level up. 

As for the loot, Feng had activated Divine Providence just before killing the first Wolfstein Guard, and managed to take down the Wolfstein Guard Captain with barely one second of its duration remaining, thus, along with Feng's normal high luck, the items dropped by the wolfmen were abundant and of very high quality. 

Feng decided to let everyone take a break after taking care of the guards since they have been fighting all this while, and he didn't know what awaited them up ahead past the golden gate. He also wanted to wait for the cooldown of Divine Providence and the rest of his skills to end before continuing further. 

After collecting all of the drops and appraising them, Feng distributed the items accordingly to the Zero Wing members. The loot from the Wolfstein Guards far surpassed the rest of the items gained from other Great Lord rank wolfmen, most likely because of the difference in the Primordial Beast blood they contained, with each dropping a few Epic items; not to mention there were also the drops from the Wolfstein Guard Captain. 

With the newly gained items, along with the ones previously gained from the various Wolfstein forces, the equipment worn by the players from Zero Wing's team received a drastic change. 

Previously, only a couple of members with the highest combat standards possessed Epic rank equipment, but now, aside from those members gaining even better equipment, multiple other members had also equipped themselves with a piece of Epic equipment; as well as replacing their low level and rank items with Level 30 Dark-Gold ones. 

This went for even the unrestored members, as all of them were currently completely kitted out in Level 30 Dark-Gold Equipment and Weapons; their equipment standards surpassing pretty much all other players across God's Domain. 

The unrestored members naturally knew this as well, which caused great excitement within them while also boosting their confidence and loyalty of Zero Wing; especially towards their invincible Guild Leader after watching him easily defeat the lineup of wolfmen. 

After around an hour or so passed, Feng ended the break and led his group towards the golden gate, pushing it open with little effort as the gate seemed to open on its own after Feng pressed on it lightly. 

When the golden gate fully opened, a giant hall nearly comparable with the battlefields in size was revealed before them, with giant spiraling pillars supporting the ceiling in rows to the sides. 

At the far end of the hall, a silver colored staircase led upwards to an elevated platform. On the first step of the silver stairs, a row of ten heavily armored wolfmen with completely silver fur and eyes stood and glared forward; the aura coming from them being nearly comparable to the Wolfstein Guard Captain when it activated its bloodline potential. 

A large golden throne resided on the top of the elevated platform, while four even larger silver wolfmen stood next to the golden throne with two guarding each side. 

Meanwhile, sitting on the throne was a blond haired young man, whose golden eyes shined with interest as he looked down at Feng's group with a faint smile. 

[Anubis's Guard] (Humanoid Creature, Great Lord)

Level 35 

HP 27,000,000/27,000,000

[Anubis's Royal Guard] (Humanoid Creature, Grand Lord)

Level 35

HP 70,000,000/70,000,000

[Anubis, Wolfstein Emperor's Phantom] (Humanoid Creature, Grand Lord)

Level 36

HP 300,000,000/300,000,000

The gazes directed from the wolfmen pinned the Zero Wing members in place, chills running down the unrestored members' spines particularly when the Wolfstein Emperor's eyes glanced over them; while the restored members' expressions grew serious as they evaluated their opponents. 

Unlike the previous Wolfstein forces they encountered, these wolfmen's Primordial Beast blood seemed to be very pure, reaching an entirely different level. Not only was the difference in bloodline purity between these wolfmen and the Wolfstein Guard Captain very large, but it had reached a level where the benefits it provided were much greater than regular ones. 

Aside from giving an incredible boost to basic attributes and Physique, the wolfmen's intelligence, which was already very high for creatures of their level and tier, would be enhanced by a large margin as well, becoming not too much inferior to an NPC's. This meant that the wolfmen will be able to execute strategies and techniques of greater complexity with more proficiency; making basic tactics useless against them, while the danger from their attacks increased. 

On top of that, the Life Rating of these wolfmen had far surpassed that of those wolfmen with only some amount of Primordial Beast blood in them which they had previously encountered. 

It was akin to the difference between a regular monster and an Archaic Species. Thus, the difficulty of fighting these Anubis's regular and Royal Guards would be much greater than any of the previous Wolfstein forces of the same rank. 

Not to mention there was still the main threat. 

"Since you've made it this far, I suppose you should possess some capabilities." Anubis spoke casually in a playful manner as he glanced at the group, seemingly not in a hurry to attack them "It has indeed been a long time since someone has paid this liege's throne room a visit, so I do hope you'll entertain this liege for a bit." 

Despite addressing the entire group with his haughty remark, Anubis's eyes were locked onto Feng, apparently identifying the strongest opponent within the Zero Wing group at a glance. 

A boundless aura of authority expended from Anubis, the Mana in the hall churning around him as if he were the ruler of the surrounding space. 

Feng returned the stare while releasing his own aura in response to the challenge, as well as carefully observing the Wolfstein Emperor. Unlike his guards, Anubis looked in no way like a wolf, and this human form of his could fool one if not for that beastly aura around him. Though, Feng was unsure whether or not this was Humanization. 

Regardless, this form increased the Wolfstein Emperor's threat level by an entire level, as not only does a humanoid form represent high intelligence for monsters, especially amongst Humanoid Creatures which already possessed considerably high intellect, the creatures would also possess high combat standards and be capable of executing combat techniques much more complex than normal. 

Not to mention that Feng could feel from Anubis's aura that the latter's strength wasn't inferior to his own. On top of the emperor's three hundred million HP, he made for quite the tough opponent. Though, it was also apparent that the young man isn't the real Wolfstein Emperor Anubis. 

After all, Feng knew from the information gained from some of his guild members as well as the books from the Wolfstein Library that the original Wolfstein Emperor had reached Tier 6 and ruled over his Empire for a while before disappearing during the Great Destruction.

Naturally, the young man sitting on the throne could not be the Wolfstein Emperor, so Feng summarized from the young man's description that this was only a Grand Lord rank projection of the original Anubis who ruled the Wolfstein Empire. 

There was also something about his aura that seemed different from the rest, as aside from its power and very high concentration of Primordial Beast blood, Feng also sensed something else in it that made him feel slightly threatened; but he couldn't quite place his finger on what it is. 

"Work together on pinning down the Great Lord rank wolfmen while I deal with the Royal Guards and Anubis." Feng commanded his group out loud after assessing the situation for a moment. 

"Well that won't be much fun." Overhearing Feng, Anubis commented playfully while snapping his fingers. 

In the next moment, the two side doors of the throne room opened, and in rushed a large number of wolfmen. Even the weakest among them was a Level 34 Lord, of which there were hundreds of, while there was a little over a hundred of Level 34 High Lord rank wolfmen standing in formation. 

At the lead of the army, five Level 35 Wolfstein Warchiefs with over half of their fur being silver stood behind a Grand Lord rank Wolfstein Army Commander that seemed even larger than the Wolfstein Guard Captain, while its fur was nearly completely silver. 

Feng's lips curled upwards in amusement upon seeing the newly arrived Wolfstein forces. In reality, he hadn't bothered to use the team chat and spoke out loud in order to see Anubis's reaction and see if he'll take any precautions to being overwhelmed with numbers in order to gauge the emperor's intelligence; but he didn't expect the guy to summon a bunch of minions. 

Though, this would indeed make things more interesting.

Anubis already knew that Feng was the only one among Zero Wing's group of five hundred who could face his Royal Guards or him while the rest would struggle to defeat the Great Lord rank guards; yet he still chose to force Feng into fighting all of them by himself while preoccupying the rest with the army of wolfmen, knowing that Feng's troops would be unable to take on both the army and Anubis's Guards at the same time.

"Change of plans, then. You guys do your best to combat the army and hold on for a while. I'll deal with the top dogs." Chuckling internally at his unintentional pun, Feng dashed towards the silver staircase in order to avoid getting encircled by the approaching army of wolfmen, as well as wishing to confront the pure blooded doggos in a frontal clash.

Amused by Feng intending to fight him and his guards head-on, Anubis's faint smile grew as he casually stood up from his golden throne. Even though he could sense that the human wasn't much weaker than himself from its aura, Anubis had still intended to first have his guards test the human before deciding if Feng was worthy of fighting him or not, but since the human had made its intent of fighting all of them at once clear with its killing intent directed at him as well, Anubis couldn't just sit back and let the challenge slide. 

As soon as Feng reached the silver staircase, all ten of the Anubis's Guards moved. With their spears and attacks in coordination, they prevented Feng's approach towards their emperor while attacking him as well as sealing all paths of retreat. The ten guards seemed like an offensive impenetrable wall that would let no intruders get passed them. 

Though, it only seemed like it to the untrained eye, as Feng easily weaved through their attacks and caused them to collide with eachother as he broke apart their formation and continued running up the silver stairs. 

By the time the Great Lords stabilized themselves and attempted to stop Feng, he was already out of their range, forcing them to give up on attacking and chase after the trespasser. 

It was the Royal Guards that attempted to stop Feng this time as he reached the top of the platform, but unlike the previous attempt of the Anubis's Guards, although the Grand Lords attacked in unison and formation as well, they didn't cooperate with eachother completely and had separate attacks using their weapons and skills in order to prevent suffering the same fate as the previous guards while casting Royal Barrier, forming a golden wall spanning the size of more than half the silver platform behind them, prohibiting Feng from going further without fighting them or slowing down to get passed the barrier. 

Of course, their attacks were proven useless as Feng easily bypassed them and ignored the Anubis's Royal Guards, using Chop and sending out three crescent moons which combined into one and slashed a hole in the Royal Barrier; through which he passed and quickly neared Wolfstein's Emperor. 

Feng didn't care much for the rest of the pups, as, despite them being powerful Great Lords and Grand Lords, he was certain he'd be capable of killing all fourteen of them as long as he put in the necessary effort; only their large HPs would take some time to completely drain. The rest of wolfmen that had been summoned didn't bother him either, as they'd all be easy to take care of with enough time. 

The only thing concerning Feng was the smiling blond before him. He had no idea how exactly strong Anubis is, and how much effort killing him would take, especially whether it was possible with the emperor's guards coming up behind him since they would definitely interrupt their fight. 

One thing that caught Feng's attention, though, was that unlike Anubis's guards who all wielded spears, as well as most of the other wolfmen he had encountered through the Wolfstein Palace so far who either used spears, greatswords or the like, Anubis seemed to wield two one-handed weapons which hang from his waist. 

Though, as the sheathes for the weapons weren't long like for swords or had much of a particular shape, Feng wasn't entirely sure what weapons the Wolfstein Emperor used, and he didn't remember seeing any kind of information about it from the history records he had found. 

Nevertheless, his acute senses picked up on the faint danger from the sheathed weapons, and Feng was sure the two weapons weren't simple. He also grew curious of them and wished to see just what kind of items the Wolfstein Emperor used to create the legends which Feng had read about. 

Thus, Feng first wished to face Anubis head-on and asses his strength before deciding how to continue fighting onward, and how hard he'll have to try. 

Of course, the possibility of losing never crossed his mind. 

Anubis became more amused and excited as he watched Feng get pass his closest aids with little to no effort, feeling like he had found himself someone fun to play around with. 

Naturally responding to the head-on challenge, Anubis charged forward as well, but didn't bother with unsheathing his weapons. 

When the two were just ten yards apart, Feng slashed his sword in Anubis's direction, causing five streaks of blue thunder to shoot out and fly towards the charging blond man. 

Not appearing concerned by the incoming thunder streaks, Anubis kept charging forward, merely changing his footwork and avoiding the five lighting attacks. Despite the thunder streaks curving and attacking from unavoidable angles, Anubis managed to easily pass through Thundering Flash and continue towards Feng. 

Just as he weaved his way through the streaks of thunder, a needle covered with scorching flames appeared right in front of Anubis's face. As the Blazing Meteor with Flame God's Fury activated had already gotten too close while both it and Anubis were moving at fast speeds, it would be incredibly difficult to avoid it in time; not to mention the flames surrounding it would still pose some threat even if the needle was dodged. 

His expression remaining unchanged from its faint, amused smile, Anubis placed a hand on the handle of one of his weapons. 


In the next moment, a pitch-black sickle collided with the Blazing Meteor, changing the scorching needle's course and sending it flying into the hall's ceiling. 

The Pandemonium Lashblade appeared and slashed at Anubis's torso as soon as he deflected the Blazing Meteor, nearly reaching him in an instant, but the blond man casually, yet quickly, unsheathed the pure-white sickle from his waist and blocked the pitch-black sword. 

'Those are...' Feng's eyes widened slightly as he identified the pair of sickles, but the black sickle cut apart the air and forced him to block with the Abyssal Blade while distancing himself from the Wolfstein Emperor before he could finish the thought. 

Anubis didn't bother following up on the attack as he stood in the same place and observed the human before him, the blond's expression growing a bit serious while carefully evaluating his opponent. 

Although they had exchanged only one clash, that was enough for Anubis to tell that the human not only possessed very high strength, but his techniques were incredible as well. He seemed to even have high progression into that realm. 

There was also the unknown number of tricks the young man before him might have up his sleeve, as Anubis could sense something extremely dangerous from the human for some reason he couldn't pinpoint. 

However, an excited grin appeared on Anubis's face in the next moment as he threw those pointless thoughts away, becoming thrilled at the prospect of finally getting a powerful opponent after the long wait. 

Meanwhile, Feng was observing Anubis as well, especially the two sickles in his hands. 

The Two-Sided Moon Sickles, one of his God's Domain's Six Great Legendary Weapon Sets. 

Legendary Weapons were very rare even in the Greater God's Domain, not to mention Legendary rank Weapon Sets. As for the Six Great Legendary Weapon Sets, even a single weapon from one of the Sets would already be a powerful Legendary Weapon, and when a Set is complete, the might it could exhibit could even surpass some of the Ten Great Legendary Weapons. 

When a Super Guild had managed to collect one of the Six Great Legendary Sets in Feng's first life, its might had greatly increased and caused the guild to prosper, helping it rise from a bottom-rank Super Guild to a top-tier one. 

However, even though the Super Guild had completed the Set in Feng's previous life as well, they were unlucky to have pissed off Feng, causing it to disappear from God's Domain while the Great Legendary Weapon Set was pocketed by him before the guild could rise to power and make proper use of it. 

Though, aside from that Set, Feng didn't know of any other of the six to have been completed, only some singular pieces having been discovered and wielded by players. As for the Two-Sided Moon Set, there wasn't any information on it and no clues of the Set's whereabouts were ever discovered. 

Feng certainly didn't expect to encounter the Set here, being wielded by the Wolfstein Emperor. Though, he also doubted whether this Two-Sided Moon Set was Legendary rank. After all, although the sickles gave Feng a threatening feeling, it wasn't at the level he'd feel from an actual Legendary Weapon with his current strength. Not to mention it would be weird for a mere phantom of Anubis to wield the original Legendary Weapon Set. 

Nevertheless, Feng still grew cautious upon the discovery, as not only had he witnessed the might of one of the Six Great Legendary Weapon Sets during his previous life, he had also encountered an Epic rank Replica of the Two-Sided Moon Set. Although it had only been an Epic Weapon Set, the power and skills the pair of sickles possessed were incredibly powerful, equipping both practically equivalenting to wielding a Fragmented Legendary Weapon. 

If the Set wielded by Anubis was above Epic rank, then Feng would have to be cautious with the way he fought this fight. 

But before Feng could strategize further, Anubis had already charged at him, swinging the Lightmoon Sickle in his direction a couple of times and causing crescent moon shaped lights to fly in his direction; while the emperor's guards had also nearly reached him as well. 

With a thought, Feng cast Firestorm behind him and blocked the wolfmen's path while also enveloping in flames the Royal Guards which were about to attack them, forcing them to retreat, while rushing forward as well and sending out Earth Splitter, crushing the approaching crescent moons. Feng and Anubis reached each other in the next moment, their weapons clashing once again as they attempted to further probe the other's strength. 

Although Firestorm blocked their way, preventing their charge past the pillars of flames while the ones enveloped in them were forced to abandon their attacks and retreat outside in order to avoid sustaining heavy damage, Anubis's guards didn't just sit idly by and wait for the end of Firestorm's duration. 

Taking a stance in front of the towering flames, the fourteen Anubis's guards' spears became covered with a silver light, as they thrusted them forward into the flames. The silver light pierced the wall of fire before exploding out and disrupting the flames, the wolfmen's combined attacks causing a tear to from in Firestorm and it to collapse. 

Noticing the wolfmen getting past Firestorm and charging at him, Feng, who was exchanging blows with Anubis, used Silent Steps, avoiding Anubis's fast attacks and appearing behind the Anubis's Guard furthest in the back; slashing the Pandemonium Lashblade at the Great Lord with the power of thunder and flames around it. 

Thunder Flame Explosion!

Despite being suddenly ambushed, the Anubis's Guard reacted quickly and effectively as it swung its large spear behind it without even looking and blocking the pitch-black sword. The attack forced the wolfman to retreat a couple of steps back, but it quickly stabilized itself and immediately regrouped with the rest of its comrades. 

The Anubis's Guards could naturally tell that they were no match for the human by themselves even though they were Great Lords with powerful strength and techniques, so they coordinated with each other and stuck together in order to avoid being picked off one by one. 

Feng naturally noticed this as well and couldn't help but click his tongue in annoyance as he distanced himself from the group of wolfmen who had already gotten in formation along with the Royal Guards, while Anubis stood at the back and watched with a curious look as if wondering what Feng would do next. 

With this lineup of powerful, high-ranking wolfmen with such intelligence, fighting them would be challenging even without Anubis's presence. After all, if they constantly worked together in formation to fend him off, Feng would need a long time to break them apart and drain their large HP pools. 

And with Anubis there, things reached a whole other level of difficulty. 

Though, Feng also found himself getting excited. 

After all, ever since he reincarnated, he had either been fighting opponents with laughably low combat standards in comparison to him, or ones he could just crush with his attributes. Even when fighting against the Atrocity, even with its intelligence and strength, it wasn't too huge of a challenge to beat it; with Feng's inadequate damage dealing capabilities and the Atrocity's high HP being the only problem to overcome. 

It only got a bit difficult when it entered the Slaughter State, but then it just tried suppressing him with attributes and no actual techniques, which Feng immediately trampled over when he got a bit more serious. 

Now that opponents with both powerful strength which he couldn't effortlessly crush with overwhelming attributes as well as combat standards that could pose a challenge had appeared, Feng finally found himself an opportunity to display his full might and enjoy a fight. 

Behind Feng, the army of wolfmen fiercely charged at Zero Wing's group of five hundred players, which was commanded by their Main Force Commander. 

"Cola, Wumian, Turtledove, Flying and Shadow, you five pin down the Wolfstein Warchiefs and make sure to stop them from interfering with the others, while doing as much damage as possible. The rest of you form groups and focus on taking down as many of the Lord and High Lord rank wolfmen as you can. I'll prevent the Army Commander from joining in on the fight." Fire gave a couple of simple commands before rushing towards Wolfstein Army Commander. 

In reality, the rest were more than experienced to know what to do and all that was needed was the general plan, while the unrestored members were already used to this kind of strategy and knew what to do. 

Fire had Cola, Ye Wumian and Turtledove, who were Zero Wing's main MTs, tank the Great Lord rank wolfmen and prevent them from attacking the rest of the Zero Wing members, while Shadow Sword and Flying Shadow would assist them and do as much damage to the wolfmen as possible. 

Although their attributes were still a bit inadequate to solo or properly fight Great Lord rank monsters, with their new equipment, the attributes of the Zero Wing members, especially the stronger ones which equipped Epic rank equipment and weapons, had greatly increased, causing them to be capable of taking on Great Lords with their techniques while working together. 

Since classes like Shield Warriors and Guardian Knights had taunt skills and the like, Cola and the other two could stop the Wolfstein Warchiefs' advance and prevent them from attacking the weaker players while Shadow and Flying would focus on dealing damage to the Great Lords, helping out the three MTs when things get tough and prevent any of the Warchiefs from leaving if the tanks aren't able to. 

Along with the damage from the mage players and help from powerful healers like Violet, who although possessed powerful attributes and could fight Great Lords as well was more suitable for keeping the entire group alive and assisting them with her class, they could eventually kill the Wolfstein Warchiefs with enough time; or stop them in their tracks at the very least. 

As for the unrestored members, their combat standards had improved by leaps and bounds under the instructions and guidance of the restored ones as well as after watching them constantly fight, thus, along with their top-tier equipment, the regular players of Zero Wing's group were now able to contend and last some time against the Lord rank wolfmen after continuously fighting them during the exploration of the Wolfstein Palace. 

They could even take them down if they formed groups, and some of the more talented members who have progressed even further, becoming able to fight the Lords on their own. Among them, Aqua had improved her combat standards the most, quickly reaching the Refinement realm from watching Fire and the others fight close up and receiving their guidance, along with the tactics and training discovered by Zero Wing in the previous timeline used to quickly improve the techniques of players with low combat standards. 

Though, Aqua wasn't really satisfied with her progress, as she had seen Shadow Sword and Turtledove when they had just joined and knew how strong they had been, but overnight, after having their memories restored and once again becoming experts on the third step Domain realm and Transcendental realm, as well as finishing their Class Change Quests just in time to come here along with the rest of the group, she had seen them become entirely different people completely out of her league. 

Not to mention that after reaching the Refinement realm, she understood even better how powerful the experts of Zero Wing truly are, and how unfathomably large the gap between them is, which caused her to strive to become stronger even more and strengthened her wish to undergo Zero Wing's Special Training after hesitating for a bit and eventually asking Shadow and Turtledove how they had suddenly reached such a level; and the Special Training being their answer. 

As for the restored members, those that weren't capable of quickly killing multiple Lord rank wolfmen are tasked with stopping the High Lords, while those that were would go around reaping as many of the Lords' lives as possible in order to quickly thin down the numbers so that they wouldn't be overwhelmed. 

Meanwhile, Fire, who had the highest attributes among them with her Atrocity Bloodline giving her a large boost as her levels increased along with her equipment, would stop the Grand Lord ranked Army Commander's charge and prevent it from joining its troops, as it could easily massacre not only the unrestored members, but the weaker restored ones would be in grave danger as well with their current attributes regardless of their combat standards. 

When the restored members with high Agility took the lead and charged into the army of wolfmen, they skillfully moved along the enemies and thoroughly broke apart their formation, preventing them from utilizing their coordination and tactics while forcing them to fight by themselves or at least in much smaller groups by singling out core parts of their formation and disrupting them, while the rest of the Zero Wing members immediately followed up on the attacks after catching up with the vanguard; not allowing the Wolfstein army to properly reorganize and get back into their formations. 

Following which, an intense battle commenced as the two groups fought, but despite being a bit outnumbered by such powerful monsters, Zero Wing's players managed to hold on and thin down the numbers of Lord rank wolfmen while the rest were pinned down and prevented from working together. 

However, the Stamina of the players decreased much more rapidly than the wolfmen's HPs, making it unknown which of the two parties would end up drained first. 

On Feng's side, he was rapidly dodging attacks of Anubis and his guards, remaining untouched despite the high-intensity onslaught. Though, he was forced into a passive state, fighting back at all becoming difficult under the constant well-coordinated attacks. 

With the wolfmen working together to corner him and restrict his movements while also dishing out lethal attacks, Feng found himself having to constantly break past their combined attacks and formations while also trying to deal as much damage as possible. 

This wouldn't normally pose this much of a challenge to him, but with Anubis roaming on the side and always looking for opportunities to strike, Feng had to be extra careful; as Anubis could take away a very large amount of his HP if Feng let his guard down, and if the Wolfstein Emperor chained his attack, used more powerful ones or Feng was struck by more attacks from the other wolfmen, he'd quickly find his HP reaching zero. 

Thus, Feng could only avoid attacks and encirclements while trying to do some damage, which didn't work out well since he was barely putting a dent in some of the Anubis's Guards' HPs, as well as pay close attention to Anubis's movements; who seemed to be playing a game of cat and mouse with him. 

Feng was also forced at one point to switch to the Aura of Wind in order to boost his speed even more, making the wolfmen's attacks unable to land as he moved too fast for them; as well as at some point activating Mysticsteel Berserk so as to endure a combined assault from all fifteen of his opponents. 

During this time, he also observed and gauged the full power and capabilities of his enemies, especially Anubis. The Anubis's Guards and Anubis's Royal Guards were about what he had expected, except a bit more cowardly, or calculated depending on how you look at life; but the emperor was the one who surprised him slightly once again. 

From the way Anubis moved and utilized his body and techniques, Feng could tell that Wolfstein's Emperor had reached around the Ascension realm in the Realms of Truth, and seemed to possess vast combat experience. 

Thankfully, after promoting to Tier 1, Feng's Physique had grown much stronger, and he could execute his movements at the Ascension standard as well without placing too big of a burden on his Stamina and Concentration. Only, he normally didn't do it since it still placed a strain on his mind, but since he entered a fight with such tough opponents, he naturally would use his techniques to their full potential; especially against Anubis who used a similar combat standard. 

Along with his high intellect and attributes, he became a very fearsome opponent. But, because of God's Domain not yet having undergone many upgrades, just one so far actually, Anubis was unable to display his full might, his movements and attack patterns still seeming somewhat monotonous; which also disappointed Feng a bit. This went for the other wolfmen as well, with Feng feeling like they currently weren't living up to their full potential. 

Otherwise, Feng might have even been forced to use a Berserk skill by now. 

However, Feng also discovered another interesting matter upon considering his current situation, finally being able to use one of his gains from the Twelve Trials which he originally didn't think he'll have much of an opportunity to do for a while. 

The reward for clearing the Twelve Trials, the Trial Clearer Title, which increased his Reputation somewhat and tripled the damage he did to Primordial Beasts. 

Although these wolfmen weren't Primordial Beasts, they still possessed some of the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's blood in them, causing the Trial Clearer Title to have a lessened effect and only increase the damage he did to them by around 100%. 

As so, Feng continued this clash while observing his opponents and looking for the right opportunity. 

But after Mysticsteel Berserk's duration ran out, Feng found himself surrounded from all sides by the Great Lords and Grand Lords, and with dangerous attacks coming at him; which would most likely kill him if they all landed. Anubis, though, didn't join in on the joint attack, instead waiting by the side for Feng to block the attacks and show an opening. 

If Feng were to attempt to either block or dodge the attacks, having no other option since Silent Steps were currently on cooldown, he'd reveal an opportunity for the emperor to deal a lethal blow. 

Outside of Anubis's expectations, though, he noticed that not only was Feng not moving from his spot, but the human was also not taking any offensive or defensive actions. Just as the blond was pondering over the human's reaction and whether or not it had already given up, he suddenly noticed that the Mana inside of the human's plain looking Chestplate go berserk. 

His eyes widening slightly, Anubis immediately distanced himself out of instinct. His guards also noticed the sudden change a moment later and attempted to move as well, but it was too late...

Sanguine Annihilation! 

The Blood Emperor's Armor exploded out into a bloody mist that instantly spread out and collided with the wolfmen within ten yards which were attempting to attack Feng. 

Anubis's guards were sent flying in all directions by the bloody mist despite putting up their defenses, the Anubis's Guards' HPs decreasing by over 20% as they got embedded into the hall's walls, while Anubis's Royal Guards lost nearly 10% of their HPs and got sent flying over twenty yards away from Feng; all of them entering an Injured state as bloody wounds covered their entire bodies. 

After spreading out to ten yards away from Feng in a single second and sending the wolfmen flying, the bloody mist returned to Feng and formed a Chestplate once more, but unlike the armor's original bright red appearance, the color of the Blood Emperor's Armor was now a murky red, as if it was made from dried up blood. Feng's attributes dropped by a bit as well as the Blood Emperor's Armor lost its abilities. 

This was the result of using Sanguine Annihilation, as Feng would temporarily sacrifice all of the Blood Emperor's Armor's attributes and skills for 1 minute in order to cause 4,500% damage to all enemies within 10 yards. 

Before Feng could admire the result of Sanguine Annihilation's effects, a spinning circle made of half silver light and half darkness flew at him, followed by a couple of white and black crescent moon lights. 

Not surprised by the sudden attack, Feng inhaled sharply and spewed out Dragon Breath, the flames colliding and erasing the incoming attacks. Taking advantage of Feng defending against his attacks, Anubis quickly reached him and slashed his sickles at Feng. 

Naturally having expected Anubis to follow up on the assault, Feng took a step back, avoiding the black and white sickle. Anubis continued attacking Feng and trying to slash him apart for a bit before Feng retreated even further. 

Just when Anubis was about to continue following after Feng and putting pressure on him while his guards hadn't yet recovered, Anubis suddenly noticed that although the human had taken a step back and dodged his attack, another human appeared as the human distanced itself from him. 

Though, the danger Anubis sensed from this human was in no way comparable to the original one, and even when the human slashed its sword at him, sending five blue thunder streaks, Anubis still didn't feel even the least bit threatened; almost like he was fighting against an entirely different creature. 

Nevertheless, Anubis still remained cautious as he dodged the thunder streaks and quickly reached the human, slashing his sickles at it. But to Anubis's surprise, not only was the human incredibly slow, being completely unable to dodge his attack, but Anubis also felt little to no resistance as his sickles ripped apart the human, instantly killing it. 

As the Wolfstein Emperor wondered about the other human's appearance, he noticed another human giving off the same weak feeling standing in front of him where the original human was just at. Moreover, more of those weak humans appeared from behind that human, all of them slashing their blades at him and sending out the same five thunder streaks as the one he had just killed. 

Being surprised by the sudden odd development, Anubis was unable to dodge all of the twenty or so thunder streaks, being forced to block a few. Swinging the Darkmoon Sickle in the humans' direction, pitch-black crescent moon lights flew out and sliced the humans clean in half, their few thousand HPs disappearing. 

But Anubis found that there even more humans now behind those ones, and more appeared with each step the original human took. Although Anubis wanted to stop the human from distancing itself, his path was blocked by tens of those weak humans which shot out thunder streaks, along with some who slashed out attacks which exploded with the power of thunder and flames. 

He could only helplessly watch as the human reached the end of the platform, before it started running from side to side at the staircase's beginning and creating tens of humans which kept shooting out attacks. 

This was effect of the Boots of Slaughter's Phantom Stride, which created a doppelganger with 1% of wielder's attributes and one learnt skill for three seconds with each step Feng took. With Feng's Agility and Movement Speed, he could take over ten steps in a single second if he made very small steps with a short distance inbetween them. 

Although Anubis's guards attempted to help their liege in fending off the many attacks after recovering slightly from Sanguine Annihilation, they only served to offset some of the burden as they too became helpless under Feng taking full advantage of his incredible speed and Phantom Stride's effects. 

Even though each of the attacks were weak and didn't pose a threat to them, with hundreds of them raining down while being expertly controlled by Feng, the wolfmen had to be careful with how many they allow to land on them. After all, with Thundering Flash's Damage Amplification effect, even with it and the rest of the attacks doing little base damage to them, after being amplified and hundreds of attacks coming at them at once, they could find themselves in a precarious situation with their HPs quickly decreasing. 

Though, there was a cap on how much Damage Amplification a single being could get, as a single thunder streak's effects starts decreasing after ten or so land on the target. Still, the effects still grew to up to around 1,000%, greatly increasing the damage received by each attack the target received. 

Aside from throwing out Thundering Flashes, Feng also had some doppelgangers spawn with Earth Splitter, with them charging their attacks until they almost disappear and hurling them at the wolfmen, as well as spawning some of them with Precision Throw, causing hundreds of swords to fly through the air and accurately stab into the helpless defenders who were being overwhelmed by the sheer number of attacks. 

Anubis's guards attempted to use ranged attacks in order to disrupt the creation of more Fengs as well as their attacks, but Fengs with Parry and Defensive Blade would jump out of the group and use themselves as meat shields in order to block the attacks. 

Going up to the group of Fengs and attempting to use melee attacks while tanking the hits didn't work either, as besides the ones with Parry and Defensive Blade blocking them, Fengs with Thunder Flame Explosion, Flame Burst and Moonchaser would rush them and do heavy damage, forcing the wolfmen to retreat lest they end up quickly drained of HP. 

Thus, the wolfmen could neither attack nor properly defend, being forced to simply receive the countless attacks and try to survive while working together to offset the pressure. 

As if to make things worse, though, Feng activated Wind Rider and Gravity Liberation, increasing his speed even more. Along with him figuring out the best tactic to pace his steps while creating as many doppelgangers as possible by now through trial and error, Feng could spawn in nearly one hundred doppelgangers a second. 

With each of the doppelgangers lasting for three seconds, Anubis and his guards now had to deal with nearly three hundred Fengs at once. Of course, controlling so many doppelgangers with the necessary precision also placed a heavy burden on Feng's concentration, and he would drain much of it by using it in such a manner during Phantom Stride's duration. 

'This is getting ridiculous.' Anubis's eyebrow twitched upon witnessing this scene of hundreds of Fengs shooting out their attacks at them before charging up in order to try and get in their way as much as possible. 

Though, Anubis couldn't do much about the current situation. Any of his ranged attacks would get blocked by the shield Fengs, and running in up close would be too much of a risk. The other wolfmen didn't have to worry about Feng coming at them if they tried to get close and disrupt him because of Feng's caution of Anubis, but if Anubis himself were to run in, Feng would definitely take the opportunity to kill or injure the Wolfstein Emperor. 

Aside from the threat of the many attacks the doppelgangers produced, Anubis would also be unable to determine the real Feng's exact location due to the large number of Feng's, and even if he could, Anubis would be blocked and attacked from all sides, giving Feng an opportunity to use his strongest moves to quickly deal as much damage as possible to Anubis.

Considering that, Anubis could only have his guards stop trying to get close and instead focus on working in unison to defend against the onslaught of attacks while waiting for the human's skill to end, knowing that such a powerful skill couldn't last for too long. 

However, Feng naturally wouldn't let his opponents simply hole up and wait him out. Aside from the Fengs that charged ahead after using their skills, a Feng would grab the Feng in front of him, which had either Thunder Flame Explosion or Moonchaser, and lob them towards the wolfmen, turning the Feng into a kamikaze which got as close as possible before using his skill and getting crushed immediately after by the wolfmen. 

Although Anubis and his guards attempted to shoot down the kamikaze Fengs and prevent them from getting close, there were simply too many Fengs flying through the air for the fifteen of them to stop; resulting in the wolfmen taking heavy damage. 

Something that Anubis didn't notice, though, was the black mist that seeped out of the Abyssal Blade and into Feng as he activated Black Emperor. 

Back on the battlefield below the staircase, the humans and wolfmen fought fiercely while trying to take down the opposing party, with Zero Wing's group being currently advantageous as the restored members were managing to thin down the Lord rank wolfmen while keeping the rest pinned down and preventing them from interfering. 

Though, when the Wolfstein Army Commander noticed the situation at the silver platform, it abandoned its fight with Fire and tried going up the silver stairs in order to assist its liege. Although it was being continuously attacked by Fire, the Army Commander simply chose to tank the hits and not slow down. 

In reality, even with her equipment and Bloodline, Fire currently did not possess the necessary attributes to stop a monster of the Wolfstein Army Commander's strength if it truly wished to escape. 

The reason for why the Grand Lord had stayed to fight with her was because it had sensed that it would have to sustain a large amount of damage in order to get away from her, while the human would also pose a threat to the rest of its soldiers if it allowed her to go loose. 

Thus, the Wolfstein Army Commander had decided to first take on the female human and quickly kill her using its superior strength before joining its army and eradicating the rest of the humans, but it had never expected that, let alone killing the human, the Grand Lord wasn't even able to land a single hit on the nimble figure. 

With its frustration growing from being played around with by the human, the Wolfstein Army Commander gave the fight its all and forgot about the need to help out its slowly dwindling comrades; the progression of the fight not changing though regardless of how hard it tried and its attempts. 

Now, however, the situation had changed, and the Army Commander ignored the pestering human as it made its way up the silver stairs. 

Fire noticed things wouldn't work out this way, so she activated the Berserk skill which she had acquired from the Trial of God and blocked the Wolfstein Army Commander's path. 

Noticing the human's sudden change and the increase in the danger it felt, the Wolfstein Army Commander paused for a moment as it observed the opponent blocking its way, but dismissed it in the next moment and swung its spear at the human, thinking that even if the human had somehow grown stronger, it still shouldn't be a problem to send it flying with an attack. 

But before the wolfman could get within striking range, it noticed that the human's sparkling daggers suddenly shone with a silver glow, as the human slashed its daggers in the Grand Lord's direction in the next moment. 

Tier 3 Skill, Lunar Blades!

Ten silver crescent moon lights shot out of Fire's daggers as she swung them ten times in a single moment, the moon lights combining into one as they flew towards the Wolfstein Army Commander. This was the Tier 3 skill which Feng had acquired from the Wolfstein Library and passed to her, Lunar Blades. 

Although the Army Commander attempted to defend itself from the incoming attack, the large crescent moon seemed to have a mind of its own as it circled past the Grand Lord's defenses and landed on its chest, causing a bloody wound to appear on the wolfman's chest as it got sent flying down the staircase. 

Its head collided with the stairs a couple of times, causing the Army Commander to grow dizzy as it attempted to stabilize itself and stop falling down the staircase, but more of Fire's attacks prevented it from stopping its fall until it hit the ground below the silver staircase. 

The Wolfstein Army Commander shook away its dizziness and stood back up, only to be greeted by Fire's daggers that heavily stabbed into its ankles and nearly crippling the wolfman's legs, slowing down its Movement Speed by a large margin. 

In its current condition, it wouldn't be able to get away from Fire even before, let alone now that she had activated a Berserk skill. Thus, the Wolfstein Army Commander was forced to defend itself from Fire's continuous attacks while being pushed further back away from the staircase. 

Similarly noticing the situation on the silver platform and the Wolfstein Army Commander rushing up the stairs while being chased down, the Wolfstein Warchiefs attempted to get away from their opponents as well in order to provide assistance. 

However, with three tanks possessing aggro skills standing in their way, the Great Lords could do nothing except fight more desperately in order to quickly kill their opponents. Realizing the current situation and where it was going, the Wolfstein Warchiefs exchanged glances, before the silver fur all over their bodies lit up. 

Their attributes greatly increasing, the Great Lords used their stronger skills to send the three MTs flying while also fighting off Shadow and Flying, dashing towards the silver staircase once all of the nuisances were gone. 

The five players quickly rushed after the Great Lords, but found that the wolfmen were moving too fast to stop, and their strength would be inadequate even if they could. 

"Go all out. We'll kill these pups right now." Violet, who has been providing healing to the entire Zero Wing group but mostly focused her attention on the fight against the Wolfstein Warchiefs, was aware that they couldn't stop or finish off the Great Lords in the current situation, so she gave a command as she made her move as well. 

In the next moment, Violet became surrounded with a golden glow as she activated the Berserk skill from her Fragmented Legendary Staff while chanting an incantation, causing a giant silver Magic Circle to appear in the sky, from which a large moon came out. 

Tier 3 Spell, Thundering Moonlight!

As the Wolfstein Warchiefs turned towards the sky to see what caused the sudden surge of Mana, a silver beam came from the moon and instantly landed on one of the Great Lords, a large damage appearing above its head as the wolfman nearly collapsed to its knees. 

Before the rest of the Great Lords could react, another beam landed on the second wolfman, resulting in it falling into the same as the first one. The Warchiefs finally reacted and put up their defenses towards the moon, but more beams came from it and seemingly passed through the Great Lords' defenses one after another, the sixth silver beam landing on the Wolfstein Warchief which had been first struck and was attempting to recover. 

While watching the Woflstein Warchiefs being showered with the moonlight beams, Violet weaved her hand across the air once more and chanted an incantation as a golden Magic Circle appeared in the sky this time. 

A huge number of golden lights started falling from the Magic Circle like snowflakes, causing +500 to appear above all of the Zero Wing members which came in contact with the golden dots. 

This was one of the Active Skills Violet had acquired from Class Changing into a True Saint. Though, as Violet had the same mindset as Feng about spending Legacy Skill Points on weak skills during the early tiers, she had only purchased the Legacy Berserk Skill which was offered to her and didn't bother with the rest; so all she had were the skills completing the Class Change Quest gave her. 

Fire and the rest of the restored Zero Wing members essentially did the same thing as well. 

By the time three beams landed on each of the Warchiefs and Thundering Moonlight ended, the Great Lords had fallen into an Injured state and couldn't stand properly anymore. Cola, Wumian, Turtledove, Shadow and Flying activated Berserk skills from either their equipment or learned ones as they reached the fallen Wolfstein Warchiefs, using their strongest attacks in an attempt to drain their HPs quickly. 

The surrounding restored players noticed this development as well, and those that weren't too preoccupied with dealing with multiple enemies at once sent their own attacks at the Wolfstein Warchiefs, with the ranged players focusing most of their power on taking down the Great Lords; knowing things would become dicey if those wolfmen were to roam free and disrupt their Guild Leader. 

Under the constant bombardment while being in an Injured state and unable to properly defend themselves, a Wolfstein Warchief soon fell under Shadow Sword's blade, and was soon followed by another one. Though, as the Zero Wing members had used up most of their powerful skills in order to take down the Great Lords as quickly as possible, the speed at which they did high damage slowed considerably. 

Nevertheless, all five of the Wolfstein Warchiefs fell before the players' Berserk skills ran out. However, Violet and the main attackers didn't stop and immediately rushed towards the Wolfstein Army Commander, whose legs had mostly recovered by now and was making its way up the silver staircase while doing its best to fend off Fire's attacks. 

But with her attributes already not being enough while her Berserk skill would end soon, Fire wouldn't be able to slow it down for much longer. 

Upon noticing the approaching players and that the Wolfstein Warchiefs had been killed, the Wolfstein Army Commander's anger peaked, its mostly silver fur lighting up along with its eyes turning silver. 

A swing form its spear caused Fire to distance herself as she observed the Grand Lord who was starting to go all out. Knowing that she had to stop it right here and not let it reach the platform where Feng was fighting against Anubis, Fire's eyes turned bloodshot as her body started emitting an incredibly dark aura. 

Appearing in front of the Wolfstein Army Commander in the next moment, Fire's daggers lit up with electricity, and the daggers' length seemed to triple as she slashed them. 

Originally thinking that this human won't be a problem anymore once it activated its bloodline potential, the Army Commander's eyes widened upon seeing the human's speed suddenly increase so much once more. Moreover, the danger given off by the human had transformed into an entirely different level, while the dark aura coming out of it send chills down the wolfman's spine. 

However, the Wolfstein Army's Commander's eyes turned firm as it knew it couldn't afford to hold back in the least anymore. Knowing that it wouldn't be able to dodge the attack in time, the Grand Lord opted for mutual destruction in this exchange as it summoned four spears made of silver light behind Fire which quickly reached just centimeters away from her. 

But just as the silver spears were about to stab through her back, Fire's red hair suddenly moved and twirled around the spears as if it was made of tentacles, changing their direction to brush past her and fly towards the Wolfstein Army Commander. 

This was one of the effect of using the Atrocity Legacy and Bloodline, as Fire would gain the ability to transform and control other body parts as her tier progressed and she improved the Bloodlines rank; with her hair transforming into the Atrocity's tentacles at will and her being able to control them an effect after reaching Tier 1. 

Though, she wasn't necessarily thrilled about it, as she had seen some of the Tier 6 players which possessed the Atrocity Legacy turn into horrendous monsters after using the Legacy's ability in her previous life. 

The spears made of silver light stabbed into the Wolfstein Army Commander's chest while the electric daggers slashed it apart, sending the Grand Lord flying down the stairs once more. But this time, the Army Commander quickly stabbed its spear into the ground, stopping its descent and standing on its feet while immediately blocking Fire's incoming attacks. 

Seeing the Wolfstein Army Commander activate the potential of its bloodline while Fire use her Legacy Berserk Skill, the Zero Wing members which were rushing towards the silver staircase knew that the situation had grown dire, and increased their speed while those whose Berserk skill's duration ended either used another one if they had a spare or activated whatever skills they possessed in order to boost their attributes. 

Among them, Violet used her Legacy Berserk Skill as well, causing her to become surrounded by a pure white light that gave off a sense of holiness while the sound of toiling bells echoed with her every movement. 

Attacks rained down on the Wolfstein Army Commander from all sides, but the Grand Lord valiantly stood its ground and fought back against its opponents, managing to hold on even as its HP rapidly declined due to the players having used up practically all of their skills during the earlier fights, along with having drained much of their Stamina while the mage players which were assisting from the sides much of their Mana. 

As the players' Berserk skills started ending one after another, they fell into an even further disadvantage even though less than 10% of the Wolfstein Army Commander's HP remained, and Fire's and Violet's Twofold Berserk would end as well very soon, at which point they'll enter a Heavily Weakened state; causing the Zero Wing members' stress to increase even more. 

Their frustration also grew. 

After all, they had previously been top-tier experts who could crush a creature like the Wolfstein Army Commander with ease. Yet now, they were struggling to fight against it. 

Just as the Zero Wing members were about to fall into an even worse situation, two platinum-blue sword flew down from the staircase and stabbed into the Army Commander's eyes, causing it to howl in pain. 

Using the chance, Fire and the others used a final burst of strength and whatever skills came off cooldown while the two blue swords unstuck themselves from the Grand Lord's eyes and started slashing it apart. 

Under the two swords' aid, the Wolfstein Army Commander's remaining HP was quickly drained, causing the Grand Lord to collapse as a giant pile of loot appeared. 

After breathing a sigh of relief at finally taking down the opposing Grand Lord, the members that could still fight went on to attack the rest of the wolfmen in the army along with the platinum-blue swords. 
