
Reincarnated in MHA with The World

A guy gets reincarnated in MHA with The World and Hamon as his quirks. His memories about the plot will be erased while he is getting reincarnated. This is an AU story I don't own any characters in this fanfics, except the mc and few other original characters. I don’t own any image I post. Please forgive me if there are some grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

iM_E · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Battle training

Next day

Jojo enters the class. He sees Midoriya and asks "How's your finger?"

"Oh, it's doing great, thanks to Recovery girl" Midoriya replies.

"Who?" Asks Jojo not knowing who he is talking about.

"She's our school nurse. Her quirk stimulates our ability to heal, but it drains a lot of stamina" Midoriya replies.

"I see.

Having someone like that in this school is super useful" says Jojo.

1: 00 pm

All class 1-A students are waiting for the class to start when they hear "It's meeee!"

Jojo: 'Mario?'

"Coming through the door like a normal person," All Might says while entering the class.

"Oh boy, it's All Might."

"He's really going to be our teacher."

"How did they convince All Might to be a teacher?"

"This year is going to be awesome."

"Look he is wearing his silver age costume."

(Image here)

"Hello everyone!

I'm going to teach you one of the most important subject that every hero needs to learn!

The Foundational Hero Studies!

Otherwise known as Hero 101!

In this class, you are going to learn the basics of being a hero and what it means to fight in the name of good!

So let's get into today's lesson, the battle training!" Says All Might.

"Let's fucking go!" Says Katsuki in excitement.

"But before we start, you need to dress like a hero!" says All Might.

4 shelves come out of the wall on the right side of the classroom.

"These shelves contain your costumes and support gears you requested!" Says All Might.

"This is what we've been waiting for!" Kirishima screams in excitement.

"Get charged and gather around Ground Bata! From here on out, your hero training officially begins!

So let's see what you are made of!" Says All Might.

20 minutes later

Jojo changes into his hero costume and arrives at the ground beta.

(Jojo's hero costume)

"I see that all of you like you are ready to start, so let me explain the details.

This will be an indoor battle trial.

You will be split into villain and hero groups for a two-on-two team battle" says All Might.

"How are we going to determine who will be a hero and who will be a Villain?" Asks a girl with blue hair.

(Image here)

This is Mai Eguchi and her quirk is called Hydrokinesis. Her quirk gives her control over water.

"We will decide your terms and who plays what role by drawing lots" All Might replies.

"What is the win condition?" White haired girl asks.

(Image here)

This is Ayako Ahane, and her quirk is called Darkness. It lets her create and control Darkness. It allows her to see in the dark.

"Let me explain first, then all of you can answer your questions.

Today you have to play the role of heroes and villains seriously.

The villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme.

If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win.

If the villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the heroes, they win.

If the villains capture the heroes they can use this capturing weapon. You might have seen Aizawa sensei using this.

So, now any of you have any questions?" Asks All Might.

"Are we allowed to blow them up?" Katsuki asks.

"You are not allowed to seriously injure your opponent" All Might replies.

If no one else has any questions, then let's start drawing lots" Says All Might.

Team A: Ochaco Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya. They will be playing the role of the Heroes.

Team B: Shoto Todoroki and Fumikage Tokoyami. They will be playing the role of the Heroes.

Team C: Mina Ashido and Toru Hagakure. They will be playing the role of the Heroes.

Team D: Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Ida. They will be playing the role of the Villains.

Team E: Yuga Aoyama and Minoru Mineta. They will be playing the role of the Villains.

Team F: Mei Eguchi and Ayako Ahane. They will be playing the role of the Villains.

Team G: Kyoka Jiro and Eijiro Kirishima. They will be playing the role of the Heroes.

Team H: Mezo Shoji and Tsuyu Asui. They will be playing the role of the Heroes.

Team I: Hanata Sero and Denki Kaminari. They will be playing the role of the Villains.

Team J: Jotaro Kujo and Momo Yaoyorozu. They will be playing the role of the Villains.

The 1st fight is between Team A vs Team D.

The 2nd fight is between Team B vs Team E.

The 3rd fight is between Team C vs Team F.

The 4th fight is between Team I vs Team H.

The 5th fight is between Team G vs Team J.

Momo walks up to Jojo and says "Since we are on the same team, we should share the details about our quirk so that we can come up with a plan."

"Yeah sure, but I'm pretty sure that Kyoka's quirk is hearing or sound related. So we should discuss this somewhere outside" says Jojo.

"Oh, then let's go outside," says Momo.

The fake villain hideout is filled with cameras so that All Might and the student can monitor the match.

The 1st fight starts with Katsuki constantly attacking Midoriya while screaming die. They talk a bit about how Midoriya lied to him his entire life.

The match ends with Ochaco touching the fake nuclear missile. Midoriya ends up breaking a bunch of his bones and Katsuki couldn't believe that he lost.

The 2nd fight ended in an instant because Todoroki froze both Aoyama and Mineta.

(Authors note: Todoroki's quirk is half cold half hot. It gives him the ability to generate ice from the right side of his body, and flames from his left side.)

3rd fight was also 1 sided, because Ayako covered the entire top floor in the darkness, so no one other than her can see anything. While Mai submerged both Toru and Mina in water, with her quirk.

(Authors note: Toru's quirk is invisibility.)

4th fight dragged out a bit because they were pretty even. Kaminari might have been able to defeat Shoji and Tsuyu with his quirk Electrification. But he didn't because he might seriously injure them, because he has very little control over the electricity he discharges.

The fight ended, and Tsuyu managed to touch the bomb with her elongated tongue.

The last fight is about to begin and Jojo and Momo already came up with a plan.

Their plan is for Jojo stores the fake nuclear missile in his inventory and stealthily fly into a nearby building with Momo, to hide the missile in there.

Momo stays in the building to protect the bomb, just in case and Jojo comes back to the original building, to distract the heroes. So that they never reach the top floor and find out that the bomb isn't in the building.

"This is a pretty good plan, but are you sure that you can stop both of them from reaching the top floor?" Asks Momo.

"Yeah, all I have to do is channel my inner Dio and use my quirk's frightening presence" Jojo replies with a smile.

"Your inner Dio? Is that a reference to something?" Momo asks in confusion.

"Don't worry about it" Jojo replies.

Meanwhile with Kyoka and Kirishima.

"Our plan is simple. I use my quirk to detect all sounds to know where they are and we sneak in.

No matter what happens we do not fight Jotaro" says Kyoka.

"Yeah, I get it you don't have to repeat yourself.

Why are so afraid of fighting him? Asks Kirishima.

"Because I have seen what he can do, during the entrance exam" Kyoka replies.

"It's time to begin the 5 match!" All Might announce through a speaker.

Kyoka and Kirishima enter the building through the main entrance.

Kyoka constantly checks if she can hear any movements with her quirk.

There climb the stairs leading to 1st floor and when they are about to climb the stairs to the second floor they feel an ominous feeling coming from above.

(Authors note: I recommend you play "Yamino Sosei" soundtrack on repeat for the rest of the chapter. It's available on Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube music.)

"Do you hear something from above?" Kirishima asks in a low voice.

"N-" at that moment she hears footsteps.

*Ctok Catak Ctok Catak*

And Jojo menacingly walks towards the stares and activities his frightening presence.

Kyoka and Kirishima feel his cold gaze trying to pierce into their hearts.

"Well hello there, I wasn't expecting any guests today, but I hope you feel comfortable in here.

Would you like to have a drink?" Jojo asks in a soothing voice.

"We aren't here to mess around, we know you are hiding a nuclear missile that is above to launch and we are going to put an end to you," Kirishima says with a heroic smile. But it's an act that he put up to hide the fact he is afraid of the man standing in front of him.

"Ho, so heroes found out about my plans, would be kind enough to protect me from those heroes," Jojo says in a soothing voice.

Jiro: 'What's going on?

Why do I fear him so much?

Why is he talking like that?

And why do I want to hear out what he wants to say?'

"The two of you look strong, so would you be so kind enough to join me and become my subordinates," Jojo asks in a soothing voice.

Jiro: 'Why does his voice bring a strange peace to my soul, they are almost dangerously sweet.

His words feel like the whispers of the Devil and I find it terrifying.

Calm down Kyoka he is just acting.

Yes, he is just acting, he won't do anything to me or Kirishima.'

"Like hell, we will. We are going to take you down no matter what," Kirishima says determined to win this match.

Jojo disappears from his spot and a chill runs down their spine.

They feel a hand on their shoulder and hear Jojo say "Don't be like that.

I promise I treat my subordinates with kindness and respect, so I humbly request you to think again" Jojo says in a soothing voice.

Both Kyoka and Kirishima start breathing heavily and their body starts shaking from fear.

Fear, what is fear?

Fear is an emotion found in all animals.

Why does it occur?

It is an instinct that warns you of danger.

It occurs when you find something unknown or when you encounter something stronger than yourself and you realize that you have no way of facing it.

When you feel fear you have several choices.

You might struggle, resist, attempt to flee, accept it, or many other things.

And at this moment Kyoka and Kirishima feel a sense of hopelessness and an overwhelming desire to flee.

They don't feel his hand anymore, so they look behind and he's not there anymore.

They look around and see Jojo standing on top of the stairs.

Kyoka starts to think of a way out, she looks outside the window, and down on the ground floor, she sees a few bushes.

Kyoka: 'I don't know what's about to happen, but if things go south we need to jump out of the window.

We are still on the 1st floor, so we won't take a lot of damage from the fall, and those bushes look like they could cushion our fall.'

Kirishima: 'Why am I afraid?

Why am I thinking of running away?

On that day I promised myself to never run away ever again.

So why hasn't anything changed?



No, I have to change.

I can't keep running forever, so I need to change.'

"Jotaro! You keep telling us to join you while looking down on us.

But no matter what you say, today we will defeat you" Kirishima says with determination.

He hardens his body and gets ready to fight Jotaro.

"Hm, is that so?

Well, it's truly a shame... that I have to kill both of you" Jojo says in a voice filled with disappointment and he transforms his entire body into The World.

The moment Jojo transforms into The World, his frightening presence elevates to a new level.

All of Kirishima's courage and determination gets wasted away in by overwhelming fear and he freezers in his place.

"RUN!" Kyoka screams and gets ready to jump out of the window, hoping Kirishima will follow her.

She looks behind at Kirishima and he's not moving. So she grabs him and jumps out of the window.

And they don't return to the building until the time runs out.

===>To be continued


Author's note: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did, drop some Power stones and consider writing a review.

I was thinking about killing Kermit, so what do you think?