
Reincarnated in MHA with The World

A guy gets reincarnated in MHA with The World and Hamon as his quirks. His memories about the plot will be erased while he is getting reincarnated. This is an AU story I don't own any characters in this fanfics, except the mc and few other original characters. I don’t own any image I post. Please forgive me if there are some grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

iM_E · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

All Might

After the match ended Jojo walks up to Kyoka and Kirishima. They were sitting on the floor a few buildings away.

The moment Kyoka sees Jojo, she gets ready to run away, and Kirishima is staring at the ground not paying attention to anything around him.

Jojo raises his hands and says "Calm down, the match is already over. I'm here to see how the two of you are doing."

Kyoka still looks a bit wary of him and says "I'm fine," but Kirishima doesn't respond.

Jojo walks in front of Kirishima and asks "Dude you alright?"

Kirishima finally notices Jojo and says "I'm fine," and starts to walk away.

"He doesn't look alright, does he?" Asks Jojo.

"You think so?" Kyoka says sarcastically and walks back to the monitoring room.

Jojo: 'Ah, fuck. I fucking overdid it.'

Then he walks back to the monitoring room.

50 minutes later

Jojo meets Asta in front of the school and they are talking about how their day went.

"Dude, why would you use your frightening presence on your friends, when it can be that traumatizing?" Asks Asta.

"Alright, I'll be honest, never realized it can be that effective.

I use it at my mom and grandpa all the time, and they are barely fazed by it" Jojo says while trying to defend himself.

"By the way you made it sound, they definitely have some trauma because of it," says Asta.

"You are right, but I never dealt with something like this before, so I don't know how I can help them" Jojo replies.

"Maybe you-."

"Kacchan, I need to tell you something!

I got this quirk from someone else!" Midoriya screams in front of the school building.

Asta and Jojo look towards the voice in surprise and see Midoriya talking to Katsuki.

"No matter what, I can't tell you who! But I swear it's true, even if it sounds like a story out of a comic book!

In addition, I still can't fully use it the way it's supposed to be. It's a "borrowed power" I can't make my own yet!

One day, I'll have made it properly my own power, and then I'll surpass you by my own power," Midoriya says in determination.

"What the hell is that? A "borrowed power?! Don't get what the hell you're trying to say?!

Did you come to make an even bigger fool of me!?....huh!?

Even if not, then so what!?

Today you beat me, that's all there is to it!" Katsuki says while crying.

He glares at Midoriya and says "Don't you dare get the idea, that you'll ever beat me again!"

All Might runs in, trying to calm down Katsuki. He keeps his hand on Katsuki's shoulder and says "Bakugo my boy!

I'll tell you this once! Self confidence is indeed a very vital thing, and you're not mistaken that you have talent befitting a pro!"

Katsuki shrugs off All Might's hands and says "Let go of me, all might.

I didn't tell you before, so allow me to correct that. I'm gonna surpass you, too! I'm gonna vault over you as the top hero!" And he walks away.

Asta: 'What are they talking about? Why did All Might act as he understood, what are they talking about?

I have so many questions.'

"Teaching is difficult," says All Might and turns around. He sees Jojo and Asta looking at him confused and starts panicking.

Midoriya looks at All Might and turns around to see what's going on. He sees Jojo and Asta and starts panicking.

Jojo: 'Considering how crazy quirks can be, a quirk that can be passed around doesn't sound like too much of a stretch.

I remember Ida mentioning that looking at Midoriya using his quirk is like, looking at a child using his quirk for the first time. So him getting his quirk recently makes sense. And Katsuki was saying that Midoriya is quirkless.

His quirk is similar to All Might's. All Might looks like he understood what Midoriya was talking about and he panics after seeing us like he's trying to hide something.

But I'm not 100% sure, because they are screaming in front of the school. Only one way to find out.'

Jojo looked Midoriya in the eyes and says "You have All Might's quirk, don't you?"

All Might cough blood and deflates and turns into Skinny Might.

Midoriya panics and says "N-Nno, no, w-why you t-think tha-t?

Jojo: 'Looks like I was right. I knew he would crack under pressure if I put him on the spot.'

5 minutes later

All Might takes Midoriya, Asta, and Jojo to the teacher's lounge.

Principal Nezu enters the teacher's lounge and asks All Might "Why did you call me in such a hurry? Did something happen?"

"Two of them found out that I gave my quirk to young Midoriya," All Might says in embarrassment.

"What? How?" Nezu asks in confusion.

"The two of us were talking in front of the school and we heard Midoriya screaming, "Kacchan I got this quirk from someone else," and All Might looked like he knew what Midoriya was talking about. So it really wasn't that hard to figure it out.

I'm surprised the whole school hasn't found out," Jojo says sarcastically.

Nezu couldn't believe what he heard, so he tried to make sense out of it.

After a few seconds, he laughs "HA ha ha, a good one I believed you for a few seconds. Now tell me what actually happened."

"That's exactly what happened," All Might says in a low voice.


Yo-... Ar-... why....?

Are you fucking kidding me?" Nezu starts taking deep breaths trying to control his anger.

Nezu looks at Asta and Jojo and says "Can you two go out for 5 minutes, I need to have a word with them in private."

"We understand," Asta says and both of them walk out of the room.

The moment they walk out they can hear Nezu screaming at All Might and Midoriya.

5 minutes later

Midoriya walks out of the room crying and Nezu peeks his head out of the door, and says "You two can come in now."

Jojo and Asta walk into the teacher's lounge.

"I know his name, but I don't know didn't yours," Nezu asks Asta.

"I'm Asta Iki," Asta replies.

Nezu takes out his phone and starts looking for Asta's information in the school database.

"You might be wondering, why do I look so pathetic. 5 years ago I got terribly wounded in a fight against my arch nemesis," All Might says and lifts his shirt.

Under his shirt, they see a nasty scar that covers his lower chest and his left abdomen.

"My respiratory system is in shambles, and my stomach was totally scooped out.

I've wasted away from constant surgeries and their complications and I've been reduced to a maximum of around three hours of heroics every day," says All Might.

"I always thought of you as someone who defeats every Villain with a fearless smile on his face," says Asta.

"Oh, there is plenty of fear behind that smile.

The reason I smile is to deceive myself and distract from the pressure and terror that dwells within me" All Might replies.

"If you are sick then why did you decide to become a teacher? I look like you barely hold on to your muscle form, you should probably take a break for a while " says Jojo after looking at All Might's pathetic state.

"The reason why I became a U.A. teacher, is so that I can find someone to inherit my quirk and then I meet Midoriya.

His friend was taken as hostage by a villain and the heroes couldn't get close to him.

Even though he didn't have a quirk, he jumped into danger without a second thought and that's why I gave my quirk to him," All Might says with a smile.

"Damn the bar to inherit your quirk is super low," says Asta.

"What?" All Might asks in confusion.

"I agree with him, any decent person will jump in if their friend is in danger," Jojo says not understanding what's so great about Midoriya.

"No, I mean he has the spirit of a hero," All Might says, trying to clarify what he meant.

"Yeah, sure," Jojo says sarcastically.

Nezu interrupts them and says "I feel like you are going off topic."

"Oh, you are right.

"The reason why I haven't told anyone about this is because the "symbol of peace" who always rescues innocents with a smile must never succumb to the forces of evil.

If people find out that I'm just a pathetic old man, then it will create a lot of panics and those who are hiding in the shadows because of me will start to come out.

So I humbly ask the both of you to keep this a secret," says All Might.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed" Asta replies.

"I won't tell anyone about this, but I need a favor from you," says Jojo.

"What kind of favor do you want?" All Might asks slightly suspiciously.

"I can use my quirk to make someone feel fear and I might have given Kirishima and Kyoka some trauma. So can you help them with that? Because I don't know what to do," says Jojo.

"Oh, yeah I don't mind" All Might replies.

Jojo walks up to Skinny Might, lifts his quirk, and says "This might be a bit painful."

"What are you doing?" All Might asks in confusion.

Jojo charges his right hand with Hamon and uses it to heal All Might.

All Might collapses and starts screaming in pain.

"Asta help me move up to the couch," says Jojo.

Jojo and Asta pick him up and lay him down on the couch.

"I read about your quirk's ability to heal for the cost of your life energy. But are you sure he is alright, he looks to be in a lot of pain" Nezu asks in concern.

"Don't worry, he's in pain because he is regrowing his missing organs" Jojo replies.

===> To be continued