
Reincarnated in MHA with The World

A guy gets reincarnated in MHA with The World and Hamon as his quirks. His memories about the plot will be erased while he is getting reincarnated. This is an AU story I don't own any characters in this fanfics, except the mc and few other original characters. I don’t own any image I post. Please forgive me if there are some grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

iM_E · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The Menacing Hobo

"Expulsion... On the first day?" Midoriya says while shaking nervously.

"This is our first day here! But even if it weren't... That's just too unreasonable!" Says Ochaco.

"Natural disasters, massive accidents, ego-mad villains, all kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect them.

Japan's now positively drenched in "unreasonable." And it's our job as heroes to reverse it all, and restore reason.

If you were counting on a friendly chat at the local McDonald's after school, that's too bad.

From now on, for the next three years, all you can expect from your life at U.A. high to be the most difficult years of your life.

That's why our school's slogan is Plus Ultra.

I expect you to overcome these trials, and climb to the top" Aizawa says, so there don't think being a hero is fun and games.

Ida: 'The pressure is on... So this is U.A.'s "baptism".

The pinnacle of hero training... No choice but to give it my all.'

Katsuki: 'I can throw that ball further than him.'

"Now, the demonstrates are over, it's time to step up to the plate," says Aizawa trying to motivate his students.


The race starts with Ida and a girl who looks like a frog.

"On your mark...


Ida bolts as fast as he can and takes the lead. He has exhaust in his legs like a car that starts smoking.

The girl who looks like a frog starts running like a frog, but Ida takes the victory away from her.

"Tenya Ida, 3.04 seconds."

Ida: 'At 50 meters I can only get up to 3rd gear.'

"Tsuyu Asui, 5.58 seconds."

(Image here)

Tsuyu's quirk is called The Frog. It gives her a frog's physiology and allows her to do anything a frog can, giving her abilities such as enhanced swimming abilities, long hopping distances, Extending her tongue up to 20 meters, camouflage and she can stick to walls.

Aizawa: 'To no one's surprise Ida won. Well, he is in his element after all.'

Next are Mina and a blonde haired teenager.

"Hahaha, everyone is being so artless about this race," says the blonde haired teenager and turns opposite to the direction he is supposed to run.

"Get ready.


Mina starts running at full speed. The blonde haired teenager jumps and fires a laser from his stomach.

He starts flying towards the finish line and says "You should use your quirk like me."

He flies for about 30 meters and falls. Then he gets up, jumps, and fires another laser to fly toward the finish line.

"Mina Ashido, 5.01 seconds."

"Yuga Aoyama, 5.51 seconds."

(Image here)

Aoyama's quirk is called Navel Lase. It allows him to shoot a powerful sparkling laser cannon from his navel. It is so powerful, it can blast through two meters of solid concrete. If he fires the laser for more than 1 second at a time, he will suffer intestinal distress.

Aizawa: 'The pushing of quirks to their utmost limits shows me how much room for growth each of them has and allows me to take note of what they can and can't do just yet.

Let's see how you runts use your creativity, to keep yourselves afloat.'

Next are Katsuki and Jojo.

"On your mark...


Katsuki uses his quirk to create small explosions in his hands, to fly toward the finish line.

Jojo transforms his legs into The World and starts running.

"Jotaro Kujo, 1.95 seconds."

"Katsuki Bakugo, 3.13 seconds."

Katsuki glares at Jojo.


"Sero you are up 1st," says Aizawa.

(Image here)

Sero takes the grip strength measuring device. A tape like substance comes out of his hands and wraps around the device.

"67 kg."

Hanta Sero's quirk is called Tape. His Quirk is that he has tape dispenser-like organs in his elbows, from which he can shoot long cellophane tape-like strips; he can also retract them. They appear to be somewhat sturdier than regular tape. Overuse of his Quirk will cause his skin to dry out.

"Shoji you are up next," says Aizawa.

(Image here)

Shoji holds the grip strength measuring device and squeezes it as hard as he can.

"540 kg."

Mezo Shoji's quirk is called Dupli-Arms. Shoji's Quirk grants him a set of tentacles alongside his arms. He can transform the tips of these tentacles to replicate other parts of his body (ex: mouth, ears, eyes). The duplicated body parts are more efficient than the originals; as a result, Mezo can hear better, see-through more angles at a time, and they grant him much higher degrees of strength.

"540 kilos! What are you a gorilla!? No, you're more of an octopus!" Says Sero.

Mineta heard that and starts thinking about octopus. He starts giggling to himself and says "Hot."

"Kujo, you are up next," says Aizawa.

Jojo transforms his into The World and squeezes the grip strength measuring device as hard as he can.


The device gets cracked in his hand.

Next trial: Standing long jump.

Jojo transforms his legs into The World and jumps to the end of the long jump pit.

Next trial: Sustained sideways jumps.

Jojo once again transforms his legs in The World and he performs sustained sideways jumps, so fast that only his afterimage is left behind.

Next trial: Softball pitch.

Ochaco uses her quirk to nullify the gravity of the ball and throws it.

Aizawa shows us the distance measuring device in his hand and it shows an infinite symbol on it.

Jojo: 'Wtf? Shouldn't air resistance stop that ball, unless her quirk can do more than just nullify gravity.'

Jojo looks behind him and see's Midoriya who's about it cry.

"Dude, are you alright?" Asks Jojo.

"I'm about to get expelled," says Midoriya and tears start forming in his eyes.

"Oh, don't think about what, Aizawa sensei said, and just give it your all," says Jojo trying to cheer him up.

"Midoriya your up next" says Aizawa.

Midoriya starts shaking nervously.

Jojo taps him on the back and says "Just give it your all."

Midoriya starts walking toward the circle.

"Midoriya's not doing too well, is he?" Says Ida slightly worried.

"Of course not! He's a quirkless fucking guppy!" Says Katsuki.

Jojo raises an eyebrow.

"Quirkless? Did you not know, what he did at the entrance exam?" Ida asks in confusion.

"Hahh?" Katsuki looks confused at Ida.

Midoriya throws the ball.

"46 meters."

"What? I used it for sure, then why didn't it work?" Midoriya asks himself in confusion.

"I erased your quirk.

It defies reason. How did somebody like you manage to enter this academy?" says Aizawa, while his eyes are glowing red and his hair starts floating.

"You erased it? And those goggles!... Oh my god!

The Erasing hero, "Eraserhead"!" Midoriya says while fanboying.

Aizawa's quirk is called Erasure. It gives him the ability to nullify anyone's Quirk by looking at the user. The effects of this Quirk can still last even if Shota's line of vision is out of range.

Sero looks confused and says "Eraser" who? Never heard of him."

"I've just heard the name. He's an underground hero" says Shoji.

Underground heroes are those heroes who work outside the public and the media's eyes. They usually don't like public attention on them.

Aizawa looks Midoriya in the eyes and says "From what I observed, you can't rein in your quirk's full power. Meaning you can't use it efficiently at all.

Did you believe someone would come to save you after you crippled yourself again?"

Midoriya nervously tries to defend himself by saying "N-no, I didn't, I ju-."

Aizawa cuts him off by saying "Whatever hopes you may have nursed of your imminent rescue. As you can see, nobody is in a position to come to your aid.

Face it, your "power" won't help you to become a hero, Izuku Midoriya."

Jojo: 'Damn Aizawa's hero name should have been "The Menacing Hobo".'

Aizawa's eyes turn back into black and his hair goes back into hobo style.

"I gave you back your quirk... Try the ball pitch a second time.

Let's get this over with" says Aizawa.

Jojo sees All Might peaking from behind a building. All Might see Jojo and quickly hides behind the building.

Jojo: 'What the fuck is he doing?' Jojo decides to ignore All Might being weird.

"He's going to get expelled for sure," says Katsuki.

"Do you guys know what sensei meant by his quirk crippling him?" Asks Jojo.

"His quirk is stupidly strong, but whenever he uses it he breaks his body and he has no control over it. Almost as if he's using his quirk for the first time" replies Ida.

Katsuki looks confused and asks "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hurry up and throw the ball we don't have all day," Aizawa says in annoyance.


Midoriya throws the ball and it creates a small sonic boom.

"705.3 meters, not bad, but you still broke a finger," says Aizawa.

Jojo: 'So he threw the ball that far by just using a finger, but it's still weird. A quirk usually awakens at the age of 4 and the body usually adapts to it within a few years.'

"His broken finger reminds me of the entrance exam," says Ida.

Katsuki looks at this in shock for a few seconds. Then he starts running towards Midoriya in anger, while yelling "What is this, Deku!? Explain now, shitrag!!"

The role of white clothes around Aizawa's neck looks like they came to life. It shoots toward Katsuki and starts to wrap around him.

"Shit's this cloth? I can't.." Katsuki says while struggling to break free.

"It's my special "capturing weapon," a steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers!

Jeez, don't make me use my quirk so much. Now I've got dry eyes, dammit!" Says Aizawa in annoyance.

Katsuki calms down, so Aizawa lets him go.

The capturing weapon wraps itself around Aizawa's neck loosely.

"We're wasting time, prepare for the next trial," says Aizawa who starts to use eye drops.

A few minutes later

"Now that we are done, here are the results.

1) Jotaro Kujo

2) Momo Yaoyorozu

3) Shoto Todoroki

4) Katsuki Bakugo

5) Fumikage Tokoyami




19) Minoru Mineta

20) Izuku Midoriya

After seeing the scores Midoriya starts to lose all hope

"Oh yeah, that whole "expulsion" thing was a lie.

It was a logical ruse, to pull out your best performances" Aizawa says with an amused smile.

"Whaaaaaat!?" Midoriya, Ida, and Ochaco scream in unison.

"C'mon guys, use your brains. Of course, it was just a ruse" says Momo.

In a nearby building, the principal Nezu was seeing all of this unfold, while drinking tea.

"Aizawa you lying son of bitch, last year you failed an entire class just because you thought they didn't deserve to be heroes.

Well, as long as he shows me good results I don't care what he does" says Nezu and takes a sip from his tea.

Back in the P.E. grounds

"Since that's over, your curriculum sheets are back in the classroom so give them a once-over.

And Midoriya, go to recovery girl and get yourself patched up" says Aizawa, and he Leaves.

===>To be continued


Author's note: I read your suggestions for Jojo's hero name. Among them, I liked Dio and The World.

Can you suggest some more hero names?