
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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Legacy and Jealousy

[Day after Halloween, Third Person POV]

The students at the Slytherin table looked gloomy, Draco Malfoy looked visibly scared while reading the letter his owl has dropped, it seems something had happened last night which had affected their families.

But as a closed group, nobody asked questions to eachother, they put away the letters and continued their breakfast silently.

On the other side Harry Potter and his friends were sitting, ignoring everything that was happening in the great hall.

"How was he, V.. the dark lord?" Asked Ron in a hushed voice, he was scared to even say the man's name which made Harry upset.

"He was noseless, white, snake like face Ron, I almost laughed looking at his hideous face" said Harry laughing at the end, this made Ron and Hermione frown.

Harry was indeed affected by last night's events but he didn't let that weigh him down, fear, he obviously was scared of voldemort but if he's going to fight him, he wouldn't show him his scared face, he'll fight him fearlessly.

In the graveyard, they had fought, he saw his parents soul, they tried to protect him even after their deaths, he will honour their sacrifice and get stronger to defeat voldemort and protect his friends and newfound family.

"Ron! Why are you making him remember that!" Admonished Hermione from the side.

"And you Harry! Take this seriously, he will come after you again" she said while looking scared.

Ron who was okay now asked, "did you see peverell fight him?"

"No I didn't, I was unconscious, I didn't see them fight, I was already here when I opened my eyes"

Ron looked disappointed, he really wanted to know how he fought voldemort.

"He saved your life again, you have to thank him" said Ron.

"Sirius will organise a official meeting, until then he said not to approach him" said Harry. Hermione looked uncomfortable when they were taking about peverell, she missed him but couldn't do anything about it, as he disrespected her favourite professor.

Hermione looked annoyed, "we should stop talking about that now, we have professor Lockhart's class, we could ask him to teach us some spells that could help us in protecting ourselves" she said in a bossy manner which made both boys sigh.

"Hermione you realise we won't learn any spells in that class?" Said Ron tiredly.

"Yes he's right, we would just waste our time in that class!" Groaned Harry.

"Even Snape's class is more helpful than his" said Ron.

"I hate to do this but I agree with you Ron"

Hearing them Hermione glared at them and said, "Don't disrespect professor Lockhart, he can definitely duel dark lord, he is a great wizard, he is not accustomed to teaching, we just have to ask him, he'll definitely help his students" , she had a conviction in her voice, she adored that professor and won't listen to their lies.

This phenomenon is called confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out and interpret new evidence in ways that confirm what you already think. People are quite good at challenging statements made by other people, but if it's your belief, then it's your possession-your child, almost-and you want to protect it, not challenge it and risk losing it.

And she is the perfect example of that phenomenon.

[Pov end]

[Third Person POV - Slytherin Common Room]

Agustus and Dora sat together, discussing the third member of their group, who was engrossed in the Quibbler, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings.

"She looks like a cute bunny, doesn't she?" exclaimed Dora, casting a glance at Luna.

He nodded in agreement, "She does."

Luna knew they were talking about her but she didn't look at them, she admired both of them, if not for Agustus and Dora she won't have friends.

Luna was used to be alone, even her childhood friend Ginny had broken her friendship with her by calling her wired girl, but they both cared for her and loved her.

Luna knew she was not normal, she could see things which other don't, due to this people didn't believe her, and made fun of her. But now nobody does that cause they know she's peverell's friend, like right now, she's a ravenclaw sitting in Slytherin common room and nobody was questioning her why she's here.

This wasn't their first venture into different house common rooms. They unanimously agreed that Slytherin's was the best for hanging out, while Ravenclaw's was optimal for studying.

"Big brother!" a little girl exclaimed, bounding over to Agustus and settling on his lap.

He affectionately patted her head, "What's wrong, Tori?"

She hugged him tightly and complained, "That bloody Lockhart! I hate him! Why can't you curse him out of Hogwarts?" She gazed up at him with innocent, pleading eyes.

"I can't do that, Tori. Just avoid his class from now on. I'll teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts," he reassured her.

"Hey munchkin, I'm a better duelist than him. I'll teach you," Dora chimed in, flexing her muscles to impress Tori.

She always wanted a little sister as everyone at home is bigger than her, so she choose to adopt tori as her little sister, she wanted to be the one to teach her.

"But I want to learn from big brother," Tori protested, her eyes filled with longing.

"Well, I'm quite busy, Tori. Dora is a fantastic duelist. She's my girlfriend, which makes her your big sister. She'll make you a powerful witch," Agustus explained, planting a kiss on Tori's forehead.

Tori nodded shyly, conceding, "Alright," while Dora beamed with delight.

"Can I learn too?" Luna interjected from the side.

"Of course, Luna," Dora replied, pulling Luna into a warm hug, eliciting a smile from Luna.

As they conversed, Agustus received a letter from Lord Black, requesting a meeting. He knew why lord Black was desperate about this, he would make sure to gain everything black family has to offer.

[POV end]

[Dumbledore's POV]

I had lost everything when Arianna died: my ambition, my love, my family—everything.

I had neglected her and my brother due to being enamored by Gellert, and I took all the blame for her death. Slowly, I learnt to live with that pain, but today, it happened again.

I was late, powerless, helpless.

I finally made a decision. I will give the boy everything: my years of knowledge, artifacts—everything.

I just want Arianna and Rosemerta to be alive. He can definitely do that. I have to meet him.

Godric Gryffindor would be disappointed with me, but I don't care about his legacy anymore. I would sacrifice it if I have to.

People Always thought I was more powerful than gellert, but that wasn't the truth.

Gellert Grindelwald, he was the master of dark arts and prophesy, it was hard for us to defeat him and his 'friends'.

The elder wand turned that difficult to impossible, but on the right time I found the legacy of one of the most influential and powerful wizard, Godric gryffindor.

With the help of his artefacts and Rituals, I reached the pinnacle of my power. I would give him this inheritance for bringing them back.

[POV end]

[Frank Longbottom POV]

Everything was a mess at the Ministry. There were many casualties in this fight. It was good we reached there in time; otherwise, there would be more.

St. Mungo's was filled with people. The Ministry was trying to request healers from other countries to treat everyone. I was confused by this. Why were they not calling Heir Peverell to heal these people?

The boy was a miracle healer. As long as someone is breathing, he would heal them into perfect condition.

I admire the boy. He had given me and Alice a second chance at life, and I am grateful for that.

Speaking of Alice, I had talked to her about her killing Greyback. Honestly, that came as a surprise to me, as she used to be a firm supporter of restraining her opponents, not finishing them.

And her answer made me speechless. She would kill anyone who tried to hurt her family. She had become a barbarian!

I too loved my family, but this was something I can't tolerate. I don't even recognize her anymore. All day she is either with Mother or writing to Neville or that Potter boy.

About Harry, yes, I don't like him. James was a troublemaker. He made my life hard as I was the prefect and Head Boy in our final year. The boy reminded me of him. But what made me not like him was my wife. She doted on him more than our own son.

I get it. She was his godmother, and James and Lily didn't find me capable of being Godfather. In their eyes, Sirius was more reliable. But to me, this was unacceptable.

I had to do something about this, as Lord Longbottom.

[POV end]


Alright, the streak continues for the stoners, gimme stones.

Seeya tomorrow.