
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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95 Chs


It had been two days since the attack at Hogsmeade on Halloween. The Ministry chalked up the incident as people began questioning Minister Millicent Bagnold's capabilities, but they had no other options.

The attack was described in the Daily Prophet as a rebellion by werewolves and vampires, but the ancient noble families knew the real reason behind it.

The tension was palpable. Voldemort was alive and resting at Malfoy Manor. After the fight with Agustus, he had summoned his Death Eaters there. They had arrived, compelled by the excruciating pain in their hands, knowing they had no other choice.

However, not all of them came. Snape and Karkaroff did not appear, while others were either dead or locked in Azkaban.

[Malfoy Manor - Third Person POV]

"It was humiliating, wasn't it, cowards? I couldn't believe my friends ran away from a boy," said Voldemort in an icy voice.

"Lucius, you have something to say?"

The pale man shivered, hearing himself being addressed by Voldemort.

"My L-Lord," he stammered.

"Crucio." Malfoy writhed in pain; he no longer looked like the lord of a noble family.

Leaving Malfoy, Voldemort patted the snake affectionately and hissed, "No, Nagini, he's still useful."

The snake looked visibly disappointed and nodded.

Ignoring everyone, Voldemort walked towards his most trusted Death Eater.

"Barty, did you find her?" he said to a man kneeling in front of him.

"My Lord, I failed to find Bellatrix. I have searched for her everywhere. My house elf is still looking for her," he said with sadness, as he had failed his master.

'I can't sense her through my mark. Snape is also not responding. I need more manpower, and Peverell needs to die,' Voldemort thought.

"I know something about her, my Lord," said a Death Eater, Nelson Yaxley, brother of Corban Yaxley, Barty glared at him from the ground.

Everyone looked at him. Malfoy, who was on the ground, looked horrified at this. He, too, knew where she was, but he was more scared of the boy than Voldemort. This was why he hadn't disclosed her location.

"I was at the Greengrass's party. There was a woman with Peverell that looked like a younger Bellatrix, and it is no secret that he can de-age people," Yaxley said hesitantly.

Voldemort came to a realization. He nodded and turned towards Barty.

"Barty, contact Peter Stubbe. He and his dogs will be helpful. Greyback was disappointing. We need to contact vampires too. I am planning on getting our friends out of Azkaban," he said as he sat down in a lavish chair and ordered Crouch Jr.

Stubbe had the biggest werewolf pack in the world, he has more than six hundred werewolfs, which would be very helpful to him.

"It will be done, my Lord," said Barty with pride.

"And all of you, assist him with everything you have. If you don't, I will know. Now leave."

Everyone left leaving voldemort and Nagini alone.

[POV End]

[Longbottom Manor - Frank Longbottom POV]

"You are saying House Longbottom owes Heir Peverell a life debt?" I asked Alice incredulously.

Didn't Mother already deal with this? I looked at her, confused, to make her elaborate.

She looked angry at my comment. What did I do now?

"You know I saved Harry's life from the Dark Lord, right?"

"So?" Again, what does that have to do with our house? Harry is the heir of an ancient noble family; he and his regent will handle this matter.

"You! I am his godmother, we are his guardians. Of course, we are in his debt," she shouted at me.

I don't understand how 'we' are his guardians. Last I checked, I had only one son. Yes, she is his godmother, but I am not. This stupid thing is getting out of hand.

"Alice, you understand that a life debt is a serious matter for a noble family, so calm down and think about it carefully. That's all I am asking, alright?" This time, I spoke to her in a calm and understanding manner.

"So now you're saying I am not being rational? I am. Lily was like my sister, Frank, and Harry has no one other than us. If we move away from this responsibility, it would mean betrayal to both of their love and trust."

And people ask me why I joined the Aurors as soon as I got healed! This! This is the reason. I don't like being at home; both my mother and my wife are insufferable. I would rather spend my evening hunting dark wizards than be with them at home.

Initially, it was all good, in fact, amazing. In Hogwarts, Alice seemed to be a perfect match. She was talented, hardworking, beautiful, soft-spoken, and caring. But as I dated her, I realized how wrong I was. By that point, she was pregnant, and I was done for. You don't know how much I regret being married to her.

Now I realised why didn't boys really pursued her at Hogwarts, they must have better understanding of people compared to me , and I thought I had found a gem and other boys were blind ignoring such a beauty, but how wrong I was.

"Alright, I will be present during the meeting, but if he demands something unreasonable, I'll back out, I don't want to be insensitive of your feelings Alice but you have to understand, I would put my House's interest first as Lord Longbottom, not the boy's feelings who isn't even mine."

She looked sad but I had made my mind at the subject, "Thanks for being 'considerate' Frank, I love you.", now she's being sarcastic.

Oh, you bitch.

"I love you too." I really don't.


[Agustus POV]

Everything went smoothly after Halloween. I had a few scheduled meetings, including ones with Lord Black and Lady Greengrass on Christmas. I also visited St. Mungo's, where they gave me a Senior Healer certificate. I didn't really need it, though.

Slytherin House seems to be on edge. They stopped needlessly bullying other students and maintained a distance from them.

Snape arrived at Hogwarts two days after being missing, which made the school depressed as everyone was enjoying their free lecture time. People noticed a difference in Snape: he walked differently and stopped taking points needlessly from other houses.

The twins started a rumor that someone had removed the stick that was stuck in his ass. They didn't know how horrifying that statement was.

Astoria and Luna stopped going to Lockhart's class after Halloween, which made Snape, Flitwick, and Professor McGonagall question them about it. They told them to talk to me, so I was called into her office. This resulted in her agreeing to my request, as I had letters from both of their parents.

After a week, Dora started her DADA classes. Astoria and Luna joined her training and decided to quit the same day, which made Dora depressed.

I had to bribe both girls with pudding and hugs so they would continue training with her. Sigh, the things I do for my girl.

On a usual Sunday, I was sitting near the Black Lake. I could see Luna playing with thestrals. I had planned to revive her mother and give her a surprise on her birthday. I could see her sad sometimes, faking a smile to not worry us. She cared for us more than herself.

As I was reading a book on unicorns, I felt something collide with my POD armor.

I saw a big Burmese python trying its best to bite my leg. A layer of venom was on my POD. Recognizing its attempts were in vain, the snake tried to flee, but I levitated it into the air, the snake struggled to get away and just tired to move in air.

It took me a few seconds to realize that this was no ordinary python, it was in reality a Maledictus, a woman cursed to become an animal.. It was Nagini.

[POV end]


I'm a snnnaake~~

Seeya tomorrow. Gimme stones.