
Recreating Civilisation with an Abnormal System

A former Hero swept up in the troubles of a Divine Entity that wishes to save its creations from the destruction of the void, leading the former Hero to return back home to Earth with an abnormal System. Whereas the typical Systems focused on empowering the Host with abilities and skills that lead them towards immortality or more, the System bound to the MC rather wishes for him to develop others besides itself. Rather than fighting against monsters in a dungeon to Level Up, the former Hero would need to generate enough sales from the new products he would create. The former Hero would be able to employ various species as he expanded his influence in another world similar to an apocalyptic Earth Using the help of fantasy races and species, the former Hero needed to both develop a business empire that spanned the planet, Earth, while also using knowledge to help further the evolution of the many races serving the MC. Yet things aren't as simple as creating a brand and distributing finished products…

PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
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13 Chs

High-Capacity Battery


You've made it back Boss!" Thaestus couldn't help but shout in excitement after noticing Dante had arrived at the Second Foundation Base on Terronious.

As a Base Manager, Thaestus was privy to Dante's arrival and departure by instinct, so when Dante appeared on the Base, the High Goblin, including Palimus raced to find their Master.

Dante rather seemed to be inspecting the changes around the Second Base, after witnessing the Skeleton Labourers driving around the Light Truck which was gifted to him by David's father.

While he didn't interrupt with the Skeletons as they sped past him, waving their arms out the sides of the cabin, Dante wanted some answers from his adventurous High Goblins that lacked restraint.

"Thaestus… why are the Skeletons flying through the base in the truck?" Dante struggled to understand how the Skeletons were driving comfortably at roughly 60 kilometres per hour.

"They're testing out the new engine and fuel for the truck while doing their rounds to gather the crops.

Now that the Bases are connected to the Internet from the otherworld, Palimus and I have worked extensively to improve the construction of Light Truck based on everything we researched." Thaestus said as he reached Dantes side.

"If we give it another few days, I'm pretty sure we could craft our own version with the new fuel we developed from starches." Palimus decided to keep his Master aware of their research progression on the Light Truck, especially after they created biofuels.

Though the production amount wasn't too great right now, the two High Goblins believed it wouldn't be long before they could increase the amount of fuel produced per day.


Currently the crops they gathered everyday was substantial but not enough to fulfill all of the plans and ideas Dante wanted to put into effect.

Once the Internet was connected with the Fourth Base and in turn, linking the service with the other Bases, increased the functionality of the Third Base.

The Foundry unlocked certain production methods for items which could be made with the current capabilities of Base systems.

Going off the materials available in the underground bunker, Dante didn't feel like wasting the precious minerals on some of the items naturally unlocked by the Systems interference.

Besides crafting some of the items to help on Terronious, Dante had no thoughts about mass producing the items.

Most of them were slightly improved items already available on Earth, so Dante found those rewards to be a little pointless unless utilised on Terronious but one rewarded crafting method happened to catch his attention.


[High-Capacity Battery]

[Graphene Aluminium-ion battery cells can increase charging speeds 80 times faster than Lithium-ion based batteries.

Able to also hold 6 times the capacity of Lithium-ion batteries, the cells are made from durable materials to extend the lifespan and functionality of the Battery]


Curious, Dante had one crafted by the Foundry to see its capability, but once he saw the appearance of the batteries, he instantly made some rather serious rules and laws that couldn't be broken no matter what.

Its size was roughly the same as car batteries, but the clear thick glass walls of the item and the deep blue electric glow contained within made Dante realise it could never see the life of day on Earth.

A few tests undertaken by Thaestus at the time let Dante know a single High-Capacity Battery could possibly act as an energy fuel for the Light Truck, with an untested range of drive.

Though Dante felt in the future it would be wiser to release such an item to the public, his current strength needed to grow exponentially for it to be safe to do so.

In the end, Dante left the High Goblins experiment whose crafting methods were possible to be made by the Foundry on the Third Base, since he wasn't inclined for them to reverse engineering certain products so they wouldn't cause the world to implode from their release.

What he wasn't aware of was Palimus crude plan to introduce a hybrid engine into the Light Truck, which happened to supercharge the vehicle beyond the High Goblins expectation in the hands of the Skeleton Labourers when driving around.

So far, the Light Truck remained in the grasp of the High Goblins to experiment, leaving them to craft crazed variants of the original vehicle.

The current version of the Light Truck had a hybrid engine using the High-Capacity Battery as the electric power source, but they were using fuel brought from Earth instead of the Biofuel they'd designed as it wasn't ready for complete production, due to some faults with process method.

When Dante eventually learnt about the radical redesigning of the Light Truck, he couldn't help but appreciate the work of the High Goblins while also disheartened by the truth that nobody would become privy to the technology on Earth just yet.


"I have no issues with you two floundering around with the truck, but it'll need to be ready to go within the next few days.

Business will start and the truck will be vital for transporting the produce.

Even though Armeian can acquire the goods through the Base interconnection through the System as a Manager, I wouldn't like people to question how our produce is moved around.

Anyway, I came to ask about the processing and packaging machines you've been tinkering with." Dante wanted to see the productions lines crafted together by the Foundry after he understood they could be used for the fresh produce and goods.

The System and Astakron informed Dante that the advance capabilities of the processing and packaging production line machines would be ahead of anything on Earth.

Just the use of textile materials in connection with the production line machine required it to be kept at the Second Foundation Base.

Because of the Loom Machine and the modular design of the production line, all the produce would be treated and prepared to be sold with sparkling perfection.

The colour came from plants and flowers which were processed to create industrial level dyes to be used, though it was all natural.

Since the Second Base utilised Magic from the Tree of Beginnings, the entire modular production line was connected to the root of the tree, enhancing the operation systems and quality of the work.

Its modular design allowed textile materials to be separated and prepared as they own finished goods instead of moving further along line production line to be incorporated with other items.

For instance, a bunch of fresh spinach and silverbeet would be wrapped in a thin thread of recyclable lute fabric, keeping the leaves bunched together and airable.

Dante had yet to see the new production line setup at work, but once he made his way underneath the Workshop Hub, the results were enough to please him beyond words.

Unfortunately for Dante, Thaestus had plenty to say in the moment.


"Boss, while Palimus and I have worked on setting up and testing the production line, the spare Skeleton Labourers have been equipped with the swords and shields made at the Foundry to go hunting in the Fog of the Undead.

They've come across an increasing number of Zombies as of late…

Since the number of corpses have gotten more and more with each hunt, the Skeleton Labourers started using the Light Truck to transport the bodies back to base.

We've nearly finished with the fuel, so next off, I think creating a unique truck of our own should be the next project Palimus and I work on." Though he wanted to smack the back of Thaestus head for rambling, Dante understood the increase in Monsters on the Base eventually led to their basic instincts to kick in.

They wanted to fight and battle, especially the Skeleton Labourers Dante had seen of late which all seemed to have a semblance of personality and individuality.

It all started with their increased hunts and progression to gain experience, which developed their minds, abilities, skills, and knowledge forward much quicker than the normal person.

In fact, it was closer to superhuman level.

Dante didn't expect them to grow in his absence but unlike in the past, Astakron happily spoke up and answered the question on his mind.

'Now that you've accessed the Business Management Function of the System, all of the Monsters are considered 'Employees' which means they can be supervised by your Managers, including their growth and development.

This also brings out their baser instincts which is to go out and battle, so in their free time, they all wish to go and hunt to improve their skills.

At the same time, they are increasing their mental consciousness, leading many of the Skeleton Labourers to express their emotions, such as waving and cheering.

And to answer your main concern… they won't go on a rampage and hunt people on Earth.'

'Oh, thank God!' Dante genuinely feared what would happen on Earth if people witnessed the Skeleton Labourers and his other monsters hunting down customers and people on the street.

Astakron made sure to Dante knew the Monsters were in his control and safe to manage, as they wouldn't defy his orders to fulfil their baser instincts.

Knowing this relieved most of Dante's worries, allowing him to focus on the new productions methods the High Goblins had uploaded into the System Interface for the Production Foundry on the Third Base.

Some of it was really basic and simple products Dante brought over from Earth that he'd found around home or bought at garage sales for nearly nothing.

Old gym equipment, old electronics like televisions and computers, even gaming consoles were found, only to be ripped apart by the High Goblins until they could understand the inner workings of the item.

After they made their adjustments the method to recreate the upgraded item would be added to the Production Foundry System.

So far nothing seemed to overly entice Dante to be mass produced and sold over on Earth however they changed once Palimus presented his Master with the plans of the latest project.


"Master, we finally finished reading through those books and after breaking down several units, we can create some of the kitchen tools we found in the homes that were previously around the Second Base perimeter.

While they aren't exactly like the ones we found in the homes, the version for Earth we have designed is simplified enough and not too ground-breaking that it'll cause people to wonder its construction or origin.

However, we have added several fail-safes to keep the hardware of the machines safe from being stolen by a competitor." Palimus explained to Dante as he presented the dozens of blueprints scattered messily across his work bench.

Dante immediately started to scan over the designs, only to find them quite the game changers once they were released.

The first blueprint was code named, 'Kitchen Assistant', a multi-tool item that could be installed under the walled cupboards in the kitchen, with a bench below.

Roughly the size of a pizza box, the Kitchen Assistant would be connected to rails under the cupboards which would allow the machine to move freely across the bench.

2 pair of hands were folded into the machine box that could come out and take care of simple chores like cutting vegetables, fruit, and general prepping of meals.

The rails could extent out onto the exhausted fans without interfering with the airflow as the machine box for the Kitchen Assistant had light openings to allow for airflow.

A great deal of programming was still required according to Palimus to make the arms perform the necessary actions, while also added certain restrictions to stop self-harm or injuries to the user.

Dante knew he would have to name one of the Monsters so they could achieve a specified class, such as TechnoSmith, which Dante really wanted, however he held off for now since the Kitchen Assistant box was still far away from being built.

Another tool they'd designed was called a Wrap-a-ton, that could create bread as long as flour was added to a container in the machine.

It would create fresh bread, wraps, naan, pizza dough and much more however it needed a large amount of programming to make it work efficiently.

Yet Dante really wanted to see the revolutionary 3D Industrial Printer come to life that utilised minerals like steel, cement, and clay to create the necessary items and objects.

It could be used to fulfil part of the labour in major constructions, however Palimus only anticipated its use in building homes since the size of the printer would need to increase drastically for constructions like skyscrapers or large warehouses.

While it couldn't be used immediately without a great deal of testing and planning, Dante believed the technology would revitalise the construction industry.
