
Recreating Civilisation with an Abnormal System

A former Hero swept up in the troubles of a Divine Entity that wishes to save its creations from the destruction of the void, leading the former Hero to return back home to Earth with an abnormal System. Whereas the typical Systems focused on empowering the Host with abilities and skills that lead them towards immortality or more, the System bound to the MC rather wishes for him to develop others besides itself. Rather than fighting against monsters in a dungeon to Level Up, the former Hero would need to generate enough sales from the new products he would create. The former Hero would be able to employ various species as he expanded his influence in another world similar to an apocalyptic Earth Using the help of fantasy races and species, the former Hero needed to both develop a business empire that spanned the planet, Earth, while also using knowledge to help further the evolution of the many races serving the MC. Yet things aren't as simple as creating a brand and distributing finished products…

PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Fifth Foundation Base


[Another Skeleton Labourer of the original four has been awarded a name by the Host!]

[Divine Sparks connected to Host Soul Activated!]

[Named Skeleton Labourer has evolved into a TechnoSmith Engineer!]

[֍ Monster Status ֍]

[Name: Raaz]

[Level: 3 (365/3000)]

[Monster Type: Skeleton (Undead)]

[Monster Craft: TechnoSmith Engineer]

[Description: Skeleton merged with processers and CPUs, its unique body structure and knowledge allow Raaz to create computers and programs at lightning speed with its high processing ability.

Raaz is also able to use his TechnoSmith skills and abilities to enhance the items he crafts together, vastly increasing their basic capabilities.

This includes machinery already created and operational.

Capable of expanding their knowledge, TechnoSmith prefer a connection to the Internet whenever possible, especially if they are asked to design blueprints or production methods]



'Really didn't expect to reach this stage so early.'

Dante sighed in his heart as he begrudgingly named one of the original four Skeleton Labourers, turning it into a TechnoSmith, yet his Divine Spark helped enhance Raaz into a TechnoSmith Engineer.

Thaestus asked for someone to help with creating the programming for the Kitchen Assistant Black Box, but more than that, David needed someone to manage their website and create an internal network for the staff to utilise.

David made some headway and quickly filled out the roles required for the office, especially when there was staff needed for the Thragen Farms Produce and Caecus Company.

Armeian helped David with the hiring process, so they had people ready to start working within the next few days, but Thaestus and Palimus both asked to summon Dante to summon a TechnoSmith.

Even though Raaz would stay on the Third Base, he could connect through the Trees of Beginning to act as the IT Officer of the two businesses.

The second Raaz spawned and evolved, Dante had him moved from the Second Base to the Third Base to set him up with some personal space to develop some projects of his own.

It wasn't long before Raaz displayed his strength and capabilities to create a website for both businesses, even though they didn't go live until he finished creating the servers from scratch.

The Skeleton Labourers had gathered enough parts and items from around Terronious through their explorations that Raaz improved Dante's old computers and processing ability of the machinery already set up throughout the Third Base.

Dante left Terronious for twenty-four hours, only to return to an improved Third Base that worked more efficiently and effectively with the available resources.

He wanted to go searching deeper into the underground tunnels in the processing facility within the underground bunker to find materials, but he instead focused on preparing his business to open.

The Skeleton Labourers went instead to search deep underground in Dante's place but until now they hadn't found any minerals that could be mined.

Thankfully there were enough materials in storage within the underground bunker to help Dante with his business plans.

All homes in the vicinity or useless buildings would be recycled by the Skeleton Labourers and added to their resource pile, while the remaining places needed Dante's attention.

When he returned to Terronious a day after evolving Raaz, Dante left with some of the Skeleton Labourers and the finalised Electric Light Truck.

Raaz helped Thaestus and Palimus finish the project to help increase the consumption efficiency to extend the battery life to help the truck last nearly 4000km on a single full charge.

When Dante learnt about the great drive range of the truck, he asked Raaz to limit the battery capacity after he heard the batteries could offer another 2000km drive range.

For now, the trucks would only be produced on Terronious or for Dante's use to transport their produce but who knows about the future.


Dante arrived with the Skeletons at a Canning, Bottling, and Processing Facility set up in a large warehouse structure.

The Zombies were already cleared up and added as manure to the Tree of the Beginnings to help summon more Skeleton Labourers and Inferior Goblins to help with the workload.

Surprisingly after Dante reached the warehouse structure, the Skeletons led him to another area nearby where they had stripped apart a large home.

Behind the structure of the home, they'd found a cave with some old machinery, and which seemed decades behind in technological development.

Dante continued to follow the Skeletons that wielded Swords and shields made from High Carbon Steel into the cave to find there was several minerals mineable.

Although the distance between the Third Base and the cave wasn't anything but small, Dante understood the connection through the Tree of Beginnings would help transport some of the goods until they set up a permanent transport system.

Yet before he could produce a Fruit of the Tree of Beginnings and plant it into the ground within the mine, the System alerted him it wouldn't be possible since a Monster Hall inhabited the cave.

Dante took the shield and sword from a Skeleton Labourer before heading deeper into the cave until he came across a large opening with a large Victorian styled mansion.

Though it looked destroyed after being neglected for a great deal of time, Dante felt an eery sensation from the building.

His mind told him the building was dangerous and could lead to a deadly battle but Dante's inner spirit as a former Hero made him rush inside only to find the building had utilised a spatial spell or formation to expand the room within the mansion's interior.

Trying to adjust to the darkness within the mansion, Dante found himself battling weak Undead Skeleton charging in his direction from every corner of the expanded spatial space.

None of the enemy White Skeletons wielded anything but their large numbers were enough to make Dante worry he would be stuck battle the endless waves of monsters for eternity.

Thankfully his Grey Skeleton Labourers arrived with their weapons and carved away at their White Skeleton counterparts who behaved unintelligently.

The Grey Skeletons in Dante's control were smart enough to take a battle formation and work together to battle the White Skeletons until they reached Dante's side.

With every White Skeleton destroyed, the Grey Skeletons gained 10 EXP and continued to improve their skills and abilities throughout the battle.

Astakron let Dante know the Skeleton Labourers would get to evolve into a higher state once they reached Level 10, but they were far from achieving that stage.

Currently the most the Grey Skeletons could Level up to was roughly 7 since most Skeleton Warriors roughly ranged between Level 3 to 5.

As the Gray Skeletons increased in numbers within the battle, the less EXP each monster could gather for themselves.

Regardless, it didn't take long before Dante slashed his way through the White Skeletons until he reached a room upstairs with an altar.

The three Bronze coloured chest were automatically collected by Dante's System, before the notifications reached his mind that he'd successfully cleared the Monster Hall.




[Host has cleared their first Monster Hall!]

[Host has achieved three Bronze Chests as part of the rewards]

[Host has also received other rewards based on performance]


- 1 Base Upgrade (Unusable on Earth)

- Death Guardian

- 5,000 EXP (Banked: 11,600)

- 500 Credits (Banked: 5)]

[Basic Arithmetic Activated!}

[Rewards have been multiplied and added!]

[3 Bronze Chests (x1) have increased to 6 Bronze Chests]

[Revised Rewards:

- 1 Base Upgrade (x1) = 2 Base Upgrade (Unusable on Earth)

- Death Guardian (x1) = 2 Death Guardians

- 5,000 EXP (x1) = 10,000 EXP (Banked: 11,600)

- 500 Credits (x1) = 1,000 Credits (Banked: 5)]



[Bronze Chest Opened!]

[Reward: High Elven Alcohol Spirit Recipe Book (Common Grade)

[Recipes complied together by the common folk of the High Elven Community, the book contains information to create different types of Spirits, such as Whiskey, Gin, Vodka, Brandy, Schnapps, and more]

[Host can use materials found on Terronious and Earth to recreate recipes]



[Bronze Chest Opened!]

[Reward: Dark Dwarven Species]

[Can be summoned at the Second Foundation Base!]

[Capable of taking on Crafting and Production roles to great effect!]



[Bronze Chest Opened!]

[Reward: High Dwarven Alcoholic Beer & Wine Recipe Book (Common Grade)]

[Recipes complied together by the common folk of the High Dwarven Community, the book contains information to create different types of Beers and Wines]

[Host is able to use materials found on Terronious and Earth to recreate recipes]



[Bronze Chest Opened!]

[Reward: Succubus Species]

[Can be summoned at the Second Foundation Base!]

[Capable of taking on Managerial and Sales positions to great effect!]



[Bronze Chest Opened!]

[Reward: Incubus Species]

[Can be summoned at the Second Foundation Base!]

[Capable of taking on Managerial and Sales positions to great effect!]



[Bronze Chest Opened!]

[Reward: Level 5 Spirit, Body, and Mind Cleansing Pill]

[Host can consume the pill only on Terronious!]




'… I don't know if I should be grateful or curse my luck…' Dante thought about all the people David had just hired who could all be replaced by the Succubus and Incubus species instead.

Curious about calling his David to cancel the new hires, Dante decided against it once he understood the Succubus and Incubus species could be used later once the business grew larger.

Dante still hadn't summoned a previous reward, Death Partisan which unfortunately couldn't be summoned right now, much like the Death Guardians.

'Just wait until after you've consumed the Pill you were rewarded, and you utilise the two Base Upgrades as I say.' Astakron sounded eager to help Dante through the next few decisions so the future steps would be easier to complete.

Leaving the Skeleton Labourers behind to gather the remains of the White Skeletons which could be provided to the Tree of Beginnings as manure, Dante arrived at the Second Base and entered the Workshop Hub.

He took a place for himself in the corner and swallowed the normal looking red obtuse pill that sent his whole being spasming.

The second he swallowed the pill, Dante felt a burning sensation ripple through him, leaving not a single point of his body free from excruciating pain.

It felt like his body, mind and souls continued to be stretched apart before being put together until the pain settled once the transformation was finished.

When Dante opened his eyes, he could sense the horrid smell of the filth that was expelled from his body.

However, because the pill not only cleansed his body, the mind and soul expelled some dark components of his whole creation.

It left the space and air around him in a chaotic situation that could have been disastrous for the Second Foundation Base, but the Tree of Beginnings intervened and consumed the expelled filth as manure which would help it grow.

Taking a moment to sense the changes, Dante discovered his strength and power increased beyond more than one scope.

Back during his time as a Hero, Dante learnt about utilising his mental strength to enable such skills like telekinesis, telepathy, Psionic Constructs and Energy manipulation.

Though his Class of the World System of Agearen restricted him as a Hero to not learn such skills, an issue with his System let him turn into a monster that could wield more classes than one.

During that time, Dante gained the achievement of Grand-mastery over Qi Manipulation and Control, as well as the ability to strengthen his Spirit or Soul that enhanced his cells to turn him closer and closer to an immortal.

Thought the cleansing of his body would improve his body's strength, the cleansing rather improved his ability to channel energy and absorb the power of the world.

Stuck in the Second Base, Dante sensed the energy in the air, both from the Tree of Beginnings and the world of Terronious.

The tree exuded a healthy and peaceful energy that helped quickly improve his mind, strengthen the cells of his body, and provide power to fuel his soul.

The energy of the world instead felt turbulent and chaotic from the Fog of the Undead that he felt pain, misery, anger and suffering of the world.

His strong and stable mind easily filtered out the emotions until he noticed the Zombies and Skeletons weren't the only thing in the world, especially Terronious covered in the Fog of the Undead.

To his surprise, there were humans alive and trying to survive on Terronious, but their luck wasn't anywhere near the same as Dante.

They weren't too far away from the location of his next Base, but there were too many people currently trying to survive in their little community.

While it looked successful on the surface, Dante could tell the community was struggling to survive.

Seeing this, Dante quickly brought out the Fruit of the Tree of Beginnings and planted it within the cave before activating one of his base upgrades to turn the place into a hybrid of renaissance design style with modern technology filling out the caves.

But before that, Dante had to name one of the last two remaining Skeleton Labourers of the original four.




[Another Skeleton Labourer of the original four has been awarded a name by the Host!]

[Divine Sparks connected to Host Soul Activated!]

[Named Skeleton Labourer has evolved into Skeletal Pharmaceutical Engineer!]

[֍ Monster Status ֍]

[Name: Grave]

[Level: 5 (365/3000)]

[Monster Type: Skeleton (Undead)]

[Monster Craft: Pharmaceutical Engineer]

[Description: A Skeleton adapted with life to a molecular level, it is able to connect with nature and creation unlike any Undead ever before.

Grave can use her relationship with life and nature to understand diseases, ailments, and biology beyond their own existence.

Her abilities and skills can allow Grave to create healing methods and recipes to change the lives of people beyond the Undead type.

Grave can use the Tree of Beginnings to help with production and manufacturing of ailments, especially helping identify the problems and issues during research.

Connection to life, the Tree of Beginnings and the Internet will allow Grave to perform at her maximum capability to perform miracles unachievable mankind]



[Host has selected Grave – Skeletal Pharmaceutical Engineer – as Manager of the Fifth Foundation Base!]

[Fifth Foundation Base has been selected for Base Upgrade!]

[⚖ Business Management Function ⚖ has accepted Fifth Foundation Base!]

[Death Guardians and Death Partisan can be summoned and put to work on Terronious and Earth]

[Their Positions and dispositions are much different to the Skeleton Labourers]

[Host please be aware of your wellbeing!]


[🏛 Fifth Foundation Base 🏛]

[World Location: Terronious]

[Base Type: Mining/Refining/Processing]

[Tree of Beginnings Level: 2]

[Base Level: 2 (Level-Up Locked) (Cannot Bypass with Upgrade)]

[Land Size: 60 Acres]

[Base Facilities:

- Extraction Equipment

- Material Handling & Sorting Belt

- Material Processing & Refining

- Storage Warehouses

- Mining Railway Transport System]

[Manager: Grave]

[Utility Connections:

- Tree of Beginnings Link - Electricity (Level F-)

- Tree of Beginnings Link - Water (Level E-)

- Public Service – Internet Exchange Point (Level E+)]

[Base Capabilities:

- Mineral & Materials Analysis

- Material Composition & Sublimation]

