
Recreating Civilisation with an Abnormal System

A former Hero swept up in the troubles of a Divine Entity that wishes to save its creations from the destruction of the void, leading the former Hero to return back home to Earth with an abnormal System. Whereas the typical Systems focused on empowering the Host with abilities and skills that lead them towards immortality or more, the System bound to the MC rather wishes for him to develop others besides itself. Rather than fighting against monsters in a dungeon to Level Up, the former Hero would need to generate enough sales from the new products he would create. The former Hero would be able to employ various species as he expanded his influence in another world similar to an apocalyptic Earth Using the help of fantasy races and species, the former Hero needed to both develop a business empire that spanned the planet, Earth, while also using knowledge to help further the evolution of the many races serving the MC. Yet things aren't as simple as creating a brand and distributing finished products…

PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Another Base...


[Host has selected Thaestus – High Goblin –as Manager of First Foundation Base!]

[Host has selected Palimus – High Goblin –as Manager of Second Foundation Base!]

[Host has selected Armeian – Skeletal Merchant Seer –as Manager of Fourth Foundation Base!]

[Partial Linked Foundation Base Management can be utilised directly by the Host, or a System Spirit can be selected as Operations Officer]

[Host has selected Divine System Spirit – Astakron – as Operations Officer for Linked Foundation Management]

[Astakron will be selected as overseer of Foundation Bases…]



[Slots available in Monster Tab have increased due to number of Foundation Bases (30→60)]

[Basic Arithmetic Function activated!]

[Monster Tab Slots have increased (x2) (60→120)]



[Host can increase number of Monsters summonable on Earth (5→15)]

[Basic Arithmetic Function activated!]

[Summonable Monsters on Earth have increased (x2) (15→30)]



[For achieving 4 linked Foundation Bases, Host will be rewarded and introduced to first Main Mission]


- Random Species Draw Box

- Access to Level 1 System Store

- Level 1 Death Partisan]



[Host is on their path towards economic growth and business operations!]

[Host can establish a company through the Pioneer Civilisation System!]

[Host will then activate Business Management Function of the Pioneer Civilisation System!]



[Host has decided to establish a company through the Pioneer Civilisation System!]

[Business Management Function will now initialise…]

[Please wait patiently, Host…]


[Initialisation complete…]

[Host will need to name their company that will operate through the network of the Pioneer Civilisation System]

[In time Host will be given Missions, Task and Quests related to expanding their Company ranking within the network of the Pioneer Civilisation System!]

[Host will be awarded with items to help with business development…]



[🏁First Main Mission🏁]

[Host is tasked with clearing Undead Monster Halls found across Terronious…]

[Removing the Halls will help reduce the Fog of the Undead from spreading any further out into the atmosphere]

[Host will need to spend time exploring Terronious to find the Undead Monster Halls]

[Clear Undead Monster Halls: 0/4]

[Rewards: Based off mission performance evaluation and items found on site]

[Time: ?¿?]


[Banked EXP: 11,600]



When Dante had originally returned from his trip in the underground caves, delving deeper into the earth of Terronious, he came back with piles of zombie corpses.

After turning the corpses into EXP and manure for the Tree of Beginnings on the Fourth Base, he was greeted by the original four Skeleton Labourers, with Xarl asking Dante to name one of them.

At the time Dante felt quite abrasive about the whole thing however he gladly followed along with the Lichs words and named one of the Skeletons Armeian.

To his surprise, there were an extensive number of evolutionary options for Armeian to take after being named.

From Skeletal TechnoSmith, to Skeletal Artisan, and the plenty of other options, Dante felt there were a great number of options to choose from.

After looking through the choices, Ben ended up choosing Skeletal Merchant Seer as it best aligned with his immediate plans for the future.

He was able to name the other Skeleton Labourers and evolve them into the other choices if he wanted to, but according to Xarl he had to wait.

Astakron had in fact communicated with Xarl and asked him to relay some information to Dante after he named one of the Skeleton Labourers.

Xarl explained to Dante that the best course of action would be to plant the Fruit from the Tree of Beginnings at the Store on Earth before taking any further steps.

At the time Dante thought it would be unfeasible to plant the Fruit of the Tree of Beginning on the property of the Store since others would discover it, but Xarl explained it would be fine as long as the Fruit was planted in a pot of some sort.

Dante originally thought the idea sounded absurd but after trying it and the Fruit actually sprouting, he found after choosing Armeian for the Manager role of the Fourth Foundation Base, he'd made the right decision with selecting the Skeletons evolution.


Armeian appeared in the Store premises, dressed in a black top hat made from fabric that flowed with the darkness much similar to the Lich Managers cloak, the sharp black robe made from the same material as the hat completed the Merchant Seers attire.

His clothes carried a thin trim of bones to give the entire design a deathly charm unlike any other, yet to Dante, the Merchant Seer seemed raring to work.

"Master, whose brought me to life…

How may I serve you…?" Armeians skeleton jaw slightly moved, as the Skeletal Merchant Seer cackled before Dante.

Around then Dante knew about the Office Building being gifted to him by his parents, so it happened to be in the control and management of Armeian.

It was then that Dante received the series of notifications from the System informing him about Astakrons new role as an Operations Officer and the Business Management Function.

Dante spent the next few days learning about the meaning of Armeians and Astakrons new roles, while going back and forth between the Farm, and the Bases on Terronious.


Armeians new role through his evolution from a Skeleton Labourer to a Skeletal Merchant Seer allowed it to manage the Store and Office Building but more importantly he could operate a business.

Essentially the Skeletal Merchant Seers could summon Spector Sales Assistants who could serve in the Store and manage the counter or stack the shelves if required.

They were known for the ability to relate with the Customers mind and desires, making them equipped to be stationed at the Store front for greater earnings.

Armeian could also summon specific Skeleton monsters who were specialised in certain aspects and professions.

Because the Office Building was recognised by the System and accounted within the Fourth Foundation Base, Armeian was able to spawn certain monsters who could accomplish roles Dante never imagined possible for Undead creatures.

Specifically, Armeians role was to manage the Base according to its layout and help business operations, whatever they might be.

In the case of Dantes Store on the Fourth Foundation Base, they would be selling fresh produce, packaged goods and other produced items from the farm and Terronious.

The Office Building would allow Armeian to manage finances of the business while investing them into other areas he would find worthwhile.

It mainly rested in Dantes ability to choose the right people for the Office Building and Store, while providing the direction for the company to travel in.

Astakrons overall job as the Operations Officer was to supervise the Managers of each Base and help their development.

The Divine System Spirit would mostly be Dantes secretary and direct line to the Monster Managers while managing the basic upkeep of the Bases without necessarily needing labour to perform the tasks.

Things like cleaning up the weeds on the Bases or the upkeep of the buildings and services connected to them were all in Astakrons control.


Unfortunately, a blaring problem remained about the Monsters appearance since they couldn't show themselves before anyone on Earth without causing a shitstorm.

He'd probably start a modern holy war for his head or something if someone saw the Skeletons.

Fortunately, the System had the answers to his problems.

Dante followed along with the System and activated his Business Management function which asked him some questions about his current business plans and products, after which it asked him to create a company name.

He named it Caecus, as the true people operating and running the business would be hidden away or unseen by the world who would enjoy the result of their hard work.




[Host has named their company and activated dormant Business Management abilities!]

[Host is awarded 100 Credits!]

[Basic Arithmetic Function Activated!]

[100 Credits (x1) has awarded Host with another 100 Credits]

[Access to Business Management Store is available!]



{⚖Business Management Function⚖}

[Host Company Name: Caecus]

[Company Status: Active]

[Company Ranking (State): Unranked]

[Company Ranking (Nationwide): Unranked]

[Company Ranking (International): Unranked]

[Company Ranking (Space Sector): Unranked]

[Company System Wealth: 200 Credits]

[Company Specialisations:

- Fresh Produce

- Homeware Goods

- Fabrics

- Liquor

- Raw and Processed Materials]



[Host has activated Random Species Draw Box!]

[Randomising Reward…]



[Vampire Species has been awarded to Host!]

[Vampires will spawn at selected (Second) Foundation Base!]

[Spawned number of Vampires will be based on Monster Tab slots and Manager of Second Foundation Base]



"This is all quite ridiculous…" Dante found it hard to accept all of the rewards and changes through the System.

Everything from the System told him to focus on business development and growth, which wasn't a problem for Dante but the Monsters themselves made things harder.

Thankfully the 200 Credits for the Business Management Function Store offered more items on sale than Dante assumed.

Reading through the list of items for sale, Dante found exactly what he was looking for since he first summoned the Skeleton Labourers.


[Human Illusion Skin Armour]

[Level: 1]

[Cost: 15 Credits]

[Monsters can equip the Skin Armour to hide their true appearance and take on a human appearance.

Monsters hidden appearance can come undone if they perform supernatural or superhuman feats before normal humans]


Dante couldn't seem to find a similar product with a higher Level, but he didn't mind as the Skin Armour was more than enough for what he wanted to do.

Initially Dante bought one for Armeian to try out and found no difference in the Skeletons appearance after wearing the Armour.

Feeling scammed, Dante didn't know who he should complain to about the faulty product, yet Astakron assured him everything was fine.

'You'll always see the Monsters in their natural form, other people however will see them in a human appearance.

I'd go ahead and equip everyone possible with Skin Armours that you want staying on Earth.

They'd fit in with the general public and be able to take on roles within your company here.

Just make sure not to bring over Vampires until you have Blood Banks of animals ready at the very least, otherwise they'll go ahead and attack humans if they feel hungry for blood or meat.'

Astakron hoped he was of some help to Dante, but the former Hero still wanted to be assured the Skin Armours worked.

Before calling someone to be his guinea pig, Dante got Armeian to prepare the Store and Office Building.

Once everything was ready in Dantes mind, he called his guinea pig, though the person in question wasn't too excited to be called over.


"Never expected to say this… but the Store is something else…" David struggled to understand how the brick laid Store outer appearance was a complete contrast to the interior design.

The sleek white walls inlaid with lighter tinted handcrafted wood and the hidden lighting with LEDs completed shocked David, who couldn't understand how the Store sold fresh produce only for now.

What happened to surprise both David and Dante were the staff, as David couldn't believe Dante had already hired a Manager for the Store but also some staff.

Dante on the other hand couldn't help but feel ecstatic that Skin Armours actually worked and further purchased more through Astakrons assistance.

In Davids eyes the staff of the Store were an array of somewhat appealing people with healthy bodies.

The one that stood out the most too him though was the top hat Armeian, with his glowing middle aged wall street businessman charm.

In a tailored suit that helped define the imposing body shape of Armeian, David even had a hard time understand how a corporate businessman was trapped by Dante.

"The Store is designed to give the customer a calming experience, where they feel both present at the fields handing picking the fruits and vegetables with their own hands, while also telling them that area is spotless."

Armeian guided David around the Store, showing him how the bunkers were cooled through an automated setup.

Some of the Spector Sales Assistants were stacking the shelves with the sauces made from the fresh produce, including some of the processed goods like wheat, flour, juices, and some herbs.

More items were being added to the Store with every passing day, especially after Internet finally connected with the Fourth Base and let the Monster back on Terronious access it as well.

Dante had taken over some of the older desktop hard drives that were heavily out of date to Terronious.

With some new parts and a somewhat oldish spare laptop Dante had in his room, Thaestus, Palimus, and Xarl were left told to figure it out on their own.

Dante trusted the Monsters enough to figure it out anything, even though the chances of them going overboard with the equipment were high.

"So… from what I can see, this place is set and sorted to be opened, however I'm wondering why I was called exactly?" David grabbed one of the fresh apples from the bunker and decided to take a bite.

Unexpectedly he was caught off guard by the flavourful fruit and juices that were dripping out from the corners of his mouth.

Surprised by the quality of the apple, David looked over at Dante before asking the sudden question on his mind.

"T-This fruit… h-how can it taste so juicy and flavourful… my god…" David found it hard to believe but if the fruits and vegetables were as good as the apple then the Store would soon find itself with a great number of customers.

Armeian had his own marketing plans for the Store to bring in customers with a large electronic board planned to be set up.

Now that Dante trusted the Skin Armours, he would leave the job to the Skeleton Labourers and one of the High Goblins rather than paying another to do it.

It wasn't the only upgrade due for the Store according to Armeians plans for the place, especially after going through the tour with David.

The Office Building remained but Dante planned to talk a little bit with David at the checkout section of the Store.


"Truthfully, the building to the side which also shares the carpark at the back will be the offices of the Caecus Company as well as Thragen Farms Produce.

You'll need to gather people to manage both, which I honestly don't see being a difficult process with Armeians help who can do the interviewing or CV selection.

And... regarding the fruit… well its organic, even with the help of glasshouses too." Dante replied to Davids questions, while also wanting to laugh at the fact the zombie corpses were the manure of the products.

He walked behind the checkout counter to pull out 2 drinks from the small fridge, handing one to David after opening the glass bottles twist cap.

Armeian started to lead the two over towards the Office Building with the discussion still continuing.

"*Sigh* I don't mind the help, but to be straightforward, it will take time…

I know a handful of people that need a job right now, but besides that, it'll be a few days at the very least before we have the complete numbers." David felt a little overwhelm by the amount of work, so he decided to take a large sip of the drink in his hand, which turned out to be highly refreshing.

Further yet the kick at the end made him realise the special substance of the refreshing cold drink.

"Holy shit!

This is alcoholic right?!

Fuck me dead! This tastes like a soft drink… like spot on.

Just that light sting of alcohol in Davids throat made him realise it wasn't a simple soft drink in a glass bottle.

Even the design of the bottles was quite spectacular, craftsmanship wise but its artistic element could be improved in Davids mind.

"The crisp cola is a family recipe that doesn't use alcohol, but I gave it a shot and add some with my old man to see the results and to our surprise it worked out well.

I have started a mass production or anything but for now I'm thinking about it." Dante sipped on his on bottle while talking about the production of the drinks.

Dante brought up the issue of requiring a recipe for alcohol brewing to his parents, which happened to have some family recipes but neither of Dantes parents were willing to hand them over to their son.

Even though some of the recipes weren't brewed by Jonathan secretly or kept somewhere in the home, Katherine didn't feel overly comfortable mass producing the family secrets.

But both parents were enthusiastic to create their own recipe and add it to the other family records.

Katherine loved to make some fresh soda drinks without the carbonation, but with the help of the SodaStream set up in the kitchen, they could add the bubbles of a soft drink can to the fresh soda.

Thinking of the liquor that could be produced on Terronious, the Thragen family drank various mixtures of fresh soda mixed with either vodka, whisky, or brandy.

It took a whole night to find the right combination with the fresh soda mixing well with vodka and the other liquors, creating dozens of recipes that could work.

The production had started for the liquors in the Brewery Factory after David supplied Dante with some ideas from his own parents and through research.

Some tests were still going on to find the right taste of the liquors on Terronious, since Dante felt his sense were sharper in the Sanctum Realm than Earth.

With the help of his heightened senses Dante expected he could brew some of the finest liquor on Earth, if not at the very least contend against the best.


"Could you sell these?

Like mass producing it so we can start selling them across the state." David instantly thought about the money that could be made, even though his mind was captivated by the fresh crisp bubbly taste with every sip.

"I'm trying to figure out the finishing touches on the liquor, so I don't need to buy it from others.

After that, I'll start producing the alcoholic sodas so we can sell them as you please, but I'm happy to just start the Store first and begin the brewing business shortly." Dante knew the taste was exceptional, but it could still be improved once the liquor was finished aging on Terronious.

According to the timing set up of the storage warehouse connected to the Brewery Factory, of the two alcohols being brewed, the whisky and brandy, could be aged by 10 years every 24 hours.

In Dantes mind, it wouldn't be too difficult to produce a large stock of alcoholic beverages before putting them up for sale.

As they entered the Office Building, David couldn't help but feel like he'd walked into Smart Office which heavily emphasised an eco-atmosphere.

The plants and trees strategically spread out through the building worked well against the wood panels on the walls.

David loved the lighting fixture set up on the ceiling which became the path for the vines to wrap themselves around and spread.

Some of the desks were set up with some basic items like document sorters and chairs but computers still need to be bought.

Dante planned to set it all up within the next day or so, but he still needed to check up on some people.

After seeing everything at the Store and Office Building, especially his own office, David decided to leave and make some calls, with Dante staying behind at the Fourth Base before jumping over to the Second as he needed to see his active High Goblins.