
Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer.

Our protagonist Kai was a die hard anime fan, however, one day he dies while giving up he's life to save an infant, while lamenting he's death he encounters a self-proclaimed divine being called Wexof who gives him the opportunity to start a new life, watch as he overcomes the world of MHA but wait a minute..... HE DOESN'T HAVE A QUIRK??????? NOTE: I do not own anything from BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA nor KIMETSU NO YAIBA, all rights go to their respective authors Kōhei Horikoshi and Koyoharu Gotouge. I do not own the image, MHA x Demon Slayer Fan Art by BrArtKy on DeviantArt.

ZackDKaizo · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Moving onto the Sports Festival.

[Kaito POV]

It's finally time that UA re-opens, I followed/stalked some of my classmates to make sure they got the message right, and even though some like Mineta were fooling around, I know they'll get over it rather fast, I know for a fact that they will become stronger.

I reached my class and everyone was talking about how many reporters in the scene and how everyone was on TV.

"Did you see how everyone in class was on-screen for a second?" Sero.

"I didn't stand out at all." Hagakure.

"That's true." Mina.

"It's hard to stand out looking like that, huh? But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it." Kaminari.

"I was surprised." Yaoyorozu.

"Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked." Jiro.

"Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did." Sero.

"Stop that, Sero! Just thinking about it makes me wet myself—" Mineta was interrupted by an angry Bakugo.

"Shut up! Be quiet, scum!"

"But man, All Might was great." Sato.

"He pushed back those crazy strong villains." Shoji.

"Yes, his strength is worth wondering at." Tokoyami.

"Hey Kobayashi, how was it to fight that monster?" asked Kirishima.

"It was hard, its movements were easy enough to predict but I could barely avoid them due to its high speed, the regeneration didn't help either." I answered.

"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" Iida.

"We're already in our seats." Everyone.

"You're the only one who's not." I said to mess with him a little.

"Shit!" Iida said taking his seat.

"Don't worry about it." Uraraka.

"Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today?" Asked Mina to Tsuyu.

"Well, Aizawa-sensei is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries Ribbit? "

"Morning." As if he was summoned, Aizawa-sensei appeared covered in bandages.

"Mr. Aizawa, you're back too soon!" Yelled everyone except a few.

"You're too much of a pro!" Kirishima.

"So, you're all right, Mr. Aizawa?" Uraraka.

"Can you really call that 'all right'?" Midoriya.

"My well-being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight is not yet over." Aizawa-sensei said in a serious tone.

The class had a serious expression as if something bad was about to happen.

"Sports festival is drawing near." Aizawa-sensei said and the class was in silence for a moment.

"That's a super normal school event!" Yelled most of the class.

"The sports festival! That's a super normal school event--" Hagakure was interrupted by Jiro.

"Wait a minute. Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside? What if they attack us again or something?"

"Apparently, they think of it as UA showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains." Aizawa-sensei answered.

"But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports." Said a fearful Mineta.

"Mineta, you've never seen the UA sports festival?" Asked Midoriya.

"Of course, I have. That's not what I meant!"

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the UA sports festival! Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching." Aizawa-sensei explained.

"For scouting purposes! I know that." Mineta.

"'Receive Certification' After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick." Kaminari.

"'Pro Agency' 'Pro Agency' 'Sidekick (Partner)' A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though. Kaminari, I feel like you'd be one of them. Since you're dumb." Said Jiro mocking Kaminari.

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year-- a total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!" Concluded Aizawa-sensei.

"Yes, sir!" we all yelled.

"Homeroom is dismissed." Aizawa-sensei exited the class.


Lunchtime went as normal as I could imagine, however out of nowhere Tsuyu sat in the same table as me.

"Hi." I spoke.


The awkwardness was overwhelming, I felt as if the air abandoned my lungs. Just seeing at her made my face red.

'God all those years mocking Midoriya for being a shy-guy with Uraraka and now I'm in the exact same situation.' I though as I swallowed my own words.

"So, I would like to ask you something?" Tsuyu said.

I came back to myself and tried to act normal.

"'bout what?" I said as I didn't give a fuck.

"Why do you risk your life so much?"

I was shocked by the question, to be honest since the beginning of my life, be it this one or the other one, I was never able to leave anyone alone with their problems.

"I don't know when it began but, whenever I see someone in trouble my body moves on its own, I can't stop myself afterwards. It's something I cannot describe with words but if I had to, I'd say that: it makes me happy to see other people happy, so I help them if I can." I spoke.

"One of these days you could die because of this you know?" Tsuyu said.

I was surprised again, never would have imagine her as the type to say those things.

"Even if I die, I would still do it, as heroes we already knew that dying was a possible outcome, however if me dying can save lives then I would gladly give it."

Tsuyu looked at me in disbelieve, she couldn't understand why I would take such choice.

"Of course, I will try my best to live, I wont just let myself die, I still have many reasons to live for. Or what are you worried about me perhaps?"

Tsuyu looked shocked (I wonder why) and spoke.

"Not really, I just wanted to make sure that you wouldn't throw your life away, after all you are the one that inspired the whole class to become stronger." Tsuyu smiled at me.

I got out of my cockiness mode and went full into panic mode.

"I-I-I see, w-we-well, you shouldn't worry-y." I finished my food and rushed out of there.

Maybe it was the embarrassment playing tricks on me but I could swear I heard Tsuyu laughing.

After classes we were surrounded by other students

"U-Um, why the heck are you all here? Do you students have some sort of business with our class? Why are you blocking our doorway?" asked Uraraka.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack. At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras." Said Bakugo in his arrogant tone.

"So, this is Class 1-A." said a boy with indigo colored hair. It was no other than Hitoshi Shinso from General Department.

"I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?"

Bakugo growls angrily.

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life."

"I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room."

"Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that, if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war." Shinso stated.

"And what about me Hitoshi-kun?" I asked mockingly.

"Kobayashi Kaito, the only quirkless student in UA." He muttered.

"The one and only baby. What do you have to say about myself, I am quirkless, yet got the highest score in the whole school."

Shinso remained quiet.

"I'll tell you what happened, you came here believing that your quirk could carry you but people with more outstanding quirks and luck came by and bypassed your efforts, and since you didn't achieve your dreams, you blame those that did surpassed you, am I going the right way?"

Shinso looked pissed and wanted to retort but I stripped my shirt off and showed everybody my scars and ripped body, making everybody gasp and some girl's blush.

"This is what effort looks like, training your body beyond its very limits, the sound of doing pushups until your bones crack, punching trees and rocks until your knuckles bleed."

"I'll admit that right now, class 1-A, including me, is not even close to what a true hero is, but we earned our spots here through our own type of effort, which clearly surpassed yours, so I reverse uno your declaration of war, CLASS 1-A WILL DOMINATE THE COMPETITION!" I yelled making everyone shiver a little.

I put my shirt back on and then walked to the next classroom. I didn't know then but my speech would increase the passion in everyone's hearts to train even harder, now only 2 weeks were left for the Sports Festival.

During these 2 weeks that passed, everyone kept training, honing their skills for the Sports Festival, Midoriya did some exercises, Bakugo honed his explosions, Kirishima increased his endurance, Sero practice his acrobatics, Mina, Uraraka and Aoyama practicing targets, Tsuyu exercising movement both in and out of the water, Sato eating sweets and training, Kaminari training his control over electricity, Mineta acting as if he would win, Todoroki focusing in physical training, Tokoyami training Dark Shadow on the light, Hagakure and Shoji hit the gym, Jiro using her Earphone-Jacks, Ojiro training his tail, Iida running with all his strength and finally Yaoyorozu studying.

And of course, I was not less and polished my breathing techniques, and I must say I don't know what was in my head when I created this many forms and variations, I mean there are more than 50 techniques and most of them are at best 45% in the polished area.

The exceptions being, Thunderclap and flash, Spatial Awareness, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer, Death Lion Song and Water Surface Slash. All of which are at 100% rate of perfection.

(I want to make this clear: the MC DOES NOT have a system, he simply knows when the technique has some flaws and corrects them, he also learns how to do them faster, stronger and to be less tiring to his body.)

[Third Person POV]

It was the day, the Sports Festival finally began, everyone was excited about it, be it adult or child from live to home, everyone has their eyes on the festival, even more knowing that a student made it into the hero course without having a quirk.

Class 1-A was in a room waiting to present themselves to the public.

"Aww man I wanted to use my costume." Whined Mina.

"Well, they wanted it to be fair for everyone." Said Ojiro.

"Yeah, the only way to have something else is if you have a permit from the school." Added Yaoyorozu

"What you could bring stuff!" said Uraraka.

"Of course, take Aoyama for example, his Navel Laser is dangerous to use if he doesn't use that gadget."

"Or if people like me don't have their transportable dimensional pocket." Added Kaito.

"Now that I think about it, where's Nezuko?" asked Midoriya.

"I got my permit denied because of having too much unpredictable shit inside Nezuko, I was only allowed to carry two swords, so I chose these two." Kaito said signaling both of his swords and pouting at the fact that he couldn't bring Nezuko.

(Note: Nezuko, despite not being able to pull thing in and out of the dimension, CAN as a matter of fact put itself in and out of the pocket dimension at will, that is the only way it can be separated from Kaito, he told her to do that until the 3rd stage of the competition, since he was allowed to use her then.)

"Like what?" Sero.

"Food, books, cards, darts, poisonous vials, medical kits, medicine, an arsenal of both weapons, gadgets and spare hero costumes I made out of boredom, you know…the usual stuff."

Everyone sweated at the declaration Kaito made.

"Kobayashi Kaito." Todoroki said making everyone to divert their attention to him.

"I know for a fact that you are strong, however, I will defeat you in this competition."

The room suddenly got silent; everyone knew of Kaito's strength but they couldn't deny Todoroki's.

Kaito then spoke breaking the silence.

"Now isn't that a rough statement huh?" after saying those words Kaito dashed and appeared besides Todoroki and touched his shoulder.

"I believe you are underestimating not only our class but also the others, everyone entered this school to become a hero, so don't look down on them, everyone is giving their best to show the world what they are made of. So, in response to your declaration I can only say."

Kaito raises his hand and did the beckoning sign.


Everyone in class 1-A got excited for the competition.

"Everyone! Its our turn to go out now!" Iida came and class 1-A followed him and Kaito.

It was time to show the world what he was made of, while keeping some hidden cards of course.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hisashiburi Readers, I bring with great joy this chapter hoping that you like it.

Next time in Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer: "Sports Festival Part: 1."

I hope you like it.

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