
Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer.

Our protagonist Kai was a die hard anime fan, however, one day he dies while giving up he's life to save an infant, while lamenting he's death he encounters a self-proclaimed divine being called Wexof who gives him the opportunity to start a new life, watch as he overcomes the world of MHA but wait a minute..... HE DOESN'T HAVE A QUIRK??????? NOTE: I do not own anything from BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA nor KIMETSU NO YAIBA, all rights go to their respective authors Kōhei Horikoshi and Koyoharu Gotouge. I do not own the image, MHA x Demon Slayer Fan Art by BrArtKy on DeviantArt.

ZackDKaizo · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Healing and Strengthening Bonds.

[Third person POV]

It has been 3 days after de incident in the USJ, an incident that had 2 teachers and 2 students injured, the situation was about to turn for the worst until All Might defeated the nomu and saved everyone, UA got closed for the time being and Kaito had to rest in bed for 2 whole days but fully healed, of course he got an earful from his professors, classmates and his mother but he ignored them by sleeping, except his mother's and in his words "I felt death with each sentence".

Two days before UA resumed classes, he decided to call everyone in 1-A for a hangout, he invited everyone at his house and after begging since he was bored finally everyone came except Todoroki.

[Kaito POV]

I'm gonna be honest when I prepared this charade, I never expected everyone to come, Bakugo is Bakugo, Todoroki has traumas and the rest, well I never interacted well with everyone. Truth to be told the only ones I was expecting were: Midoriya, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Ojiro, Kirishima, Kaminari and Mina.

I didn't want to flex my house to everyone but since things have gone this way I might as well. After all these years my house can rival Yaoyorozu's, when I told my mom about this, she went into her 'why didn't you told me with more time' phase but then she went into 'I'm glad he has friends' phase.

And now after everything was organized the first person came.


I opened the door to see it was Midoriya.

"Hey, Midoriya I didn't expect you to arrive first." I spoke.

"S-sorry if I came too early."

"Forget about it, come in."

"Your house is as if not bigger than I remembered."

"Well thanks to our businesses we were able to get this much."

"What does your mother work again?"

"haven't I told you yet? She…"

I was interrupted by another ring.


I left Midoriya in the living room and went to receive the visit, the living room's table was filled with snacks and drinks.

I opened the door and it was Bakugo who came, I was surprised.

"Gonna be honest, never expected you to be here." I said with all the honesty inside of me.

"SHUT UP! My stupid mother wanted me to be here and told me that she would lock me out of the house if I came before 10:00PM! So don't say a damn word or I'll kill you!"

"Fair enough, come in."

One after another everyone came; it was going to be a meeting starting at 7:00PM but everyone came at 6:30PM so we had more time to speak.

"All right this is the first time I ever do something like this so I'll explain why I invited you all here." I said when everyone was in the living room. "As many of you became aware of during the USJ incident we were not prepared for that assault, not only that but even after having our objectives clear we didn't have any plan to follow in certain situations."

"I don't feel good saying this but, if a situation like that repeats then it's a given that at least ¾ of class 1-A would get killed." I said making the mood go down.

"So, to prevent that I decided to gather all of you tonight to…"

Everyone was at the edge of their seats waiting for the answer.

"…strengthen our relationships with each other!" I said proudly.

Everyone had a deadpan expression and looked at me like 'seriously?'.

"I know it sounds like BS but in similar situations having a good synergy with another person can save our lives, taking into account that we will be classmates for the next years I find it proper to learn how to work together with each other."

"This is definitely just for training purposes and not because I wanted to know you guys better as friends, ok?" I said nervously, I blame the honest part of myself for this.

[Third person POV]

After acting as a tsundere everyone agreed.

"Wait, since your house is so big how about a tour?" asked Mina.

"Well ok follow me."

The group started to walk around the mansion like house of Kaito.

"This here is the manga room, in here we produce the scripts of the mangas that you can buy in some stores." Kaito said entering a room filled with scripts and many writing tools.

"Wait! Black Clover, One Piece, Blue Lock! Are you the one that make these?!" Asked Kaminari.

"Well yeah, when I was 4 my father divorced my mother and left us with just 30 thousand yens so I brainstormed ways to gain money and ended up making a few stories that gave me allot of cash." Kaito explained.

"Sorry man." Kaminari.

"Nah don't worry, I have come to terms with that."

Todoroki looked at Kaito after knowing he also had daddy issues.

"I have a question!" said Sero with tears.

"Why did you let Ace die?"

Those who read One Piece remember the day in which the chapter 483 got out and Ace drew his final breath. They looked at Kaito a little mad but mostly saddened.

"Why? Because Ace's death was necessary for Luffy. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats were only able to become stronger after Ace died. In fact, the very reason I created Ace was to give Luffy the much-needed push in his path of becoming the Pirate King. It may be sad but only after experiencing the loss of a loved-one, one can truly become stronger to protect them."

Everyone was sad but knew that what he said was real, even Bakugo was a little sad because he actually is a fan of One Piece.

"Moving on!" Kait said to change the mood.

"This is the music room, in here I write, play and record different types of songs that I also sell for money."

"AHHHHH!" Yelled Jiro.

"This, this is, Brave Heart."

"A classic, don't you agree?" said Kaito.

"Endless Possibilities, Knockout, Kickback, Mary on a Cross. All of those hits you were the one that composed them?" Jiro asked.

"Yes, as I said we needed money to cost all of my gadgets, swords, etc. so this helped me earn enough money, mom has more contacts than I thought."

Everyone was shocked beyond comprehension, either because of manga or music all of them knew about the stories and songs that Kaito created.

"Wait, why did you hide your identity?" asked Mineta.

"Because…it would be a hassle." Kaito answered with a deadpan expression.

Everyone was so shocked that no one noticed that they had already explored the house and now where in the backyard.

(Note: Kaito's house has the permit to allow the use of quirks inside the installations.)

"Hey, wake up!" Kaito called out for the rest of the class.

"Why are we on the backyard?" Asked Shoji.

"Now is exactly 6:55PM, long story short we will work teamwork with you guys fighting against me until 8:00PM, time your attacks and don't worry about myself."

"Wait, how will this be a teamwork exercise if you are the one, we are attacking?" asked Tsuyu.

"Well, I didn't want to be mean or anything but, in my eyes all of you are fucking weak." Kaito said with a serious look on his face."


"I can see for a fact that none of you have properly trained your quirks, as a matter of fact I can even say that you have been lenient on basic physical training."

"Even though that's why we have UA to…" Hagakure was interrupted by Kaito's cold voice.

"I was scared, we haven't been together for long but to be honest I already see you guys as friends, that moment when I was losing consciousness I felt fear, not fear of dying but fear of not knowing whether you guys would be ok or not."

Those words were like a bucket full of cold water to the ears of class 1-A.

"I know it sounds stupid, cringy and overreacting but, it's time to take things seriously, right there is a changing room with skintight training suits, this house also has a license for quirk usage, those who want to train can go there, the rest can play in the living room." Kaito said as he took position in the center of the backyard and close his eyes.

7:00PM, Kaito opened his eyes and saw everyone ready to face him, he was happy that everyone joined, he stood up unsheathed his katana and stared at them.

"Don't hold back, fight with all your might, BEGIN!"

With those words everyone charged at him. Bakugo tried to blast him away but Kaito dodge, Todoroki's ice was about to engulf him but he kept escaping it, some slipped with the ice.

"Your ice is good for AOE but terrible when you have companions." Kaito commented making Todoroki stop.

Sero tried to catch Kaito with his tape but failed when Kaito slashed the tape.

"Don't be to straight when you try to capture with tape, you are giving your opponent enough time to predict your trajectory." Kaito.

Kirishima and Ojiro engaged in close combat.

'Yaoyorozu is planning something, Tsuyu is waiting for me to drop my guard, Uraraka is trying to make me weightless and Hagakure is already naked, at least now they are taking this seriously enough.' Kaito thought after analyzing class 1-A.

Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to attack him at distance but Kaito avoided, unfortunately for him Shoji captures him with his arms.

"You won't break away from here!" Shoji said.

"That so?" Kaito questioned Shoji's statement and did something.

'Earth Breathing Martial Art: Seismic Toss!'

Kaito grabbed Shoji's arms and pushed them away in a sudden change of power. He then grabbed Shoji and did 3 spins together with him and then crashed him to the ground.

Shoji was out of commission so 18 were left. Mineta panicked and threw his pop-off's at Kaito's sword, making Kaito unable to use it.

"Good call Mineta, you prevented me from using my weapon, however, just as I showed I don't really need a weapon to be a menace so…prepare yourself."

Mineta tried to escape but Kaito was already close enough to punch him but Tsuyu saved Mineta.

When Kaito tried to attack Tsuyu, he realized that his leg was trapped by one of Mineta's balls.

"Now! Everyone at him!" Yaoyorozu yelled and everyone gathered around Kaito to bombard him with attacks.

Kaito repelled Dark Shadow but the sonic waves were too much and finally an explosion of Bakugo and being almost frozen by Todoroki sealed the deal. Kaito was in an ice prison while his body was strapped in a special rope made by Yaoyorozu.

"Who is weak now shitty swordsman?!" Bakugo said in victory.

'Something is off, Kaito-san is not the type of person to lose this easily, what did he planned…' before finishing thinking Midoriya heard the sound of steam.

"Remember this: Being confident is good, but being overconfident can get you killed. SHIVERING!"

By rapidly vibrating his body at high speeds, Kaito generates enough friction to defrost himself. Afterwards the ice that was surrounding Kaito defrosted and was replaced by steam, it was so much that it looked like a smoke screen.

Everyone tried to escape and retry but Kaito didn't allowed them, he threw even more smoke bombs making the situation worst. One by one they all fall down and Kaito was the victorious.

7:50PM, one after another everyone started waking up.

"Do you understand what I meant earlier? Each of you have your ups and downs, however when it comes to use your advantages to their maximum you fail, leaving your weakness for the enemy to take advantage from."

"Physically and mentally stronger, that's the way to go. Now go to the changing rooms the next door is a shower room, wash and change yourselves and meet me here inside, its dinner time, also the walls are not sound proof so you can communicate with each other in case you want to reflect about your loss."

Kaito left and class 1-A went into the showers.

"Kaito-san is really strong." Kirishima.

"Yeah, he said that he has been training since 4, at first I didn't believe him but now I don't doubt him." Shoji.

"You losers don't see the problem here!" yelled Bakugo.

"During the whole combat he didn't use a single breathing technique."

Bakugo's words were true, Kaito gave them the objective on defeating him but most of them tried to capture him and others didn't even help at all. Worst yet Kaito wasn't even trying to win but still defeated them

"I wonder why he tries so hard?" Mineta. "Depending at how you see it this can be considered self-destructive."

"Maybe it has to do with his dad, I could only imagine what's like to being rejected for not having a quirk, and even then, I still wouldn't be able to grasp it correctly." Sero.

"What do you girls think?" Ojiro.

"He knew how to hold his punches, not because he was disrespecting us, but rather because he didn't want to hurt us." Yaoyorozu.

"He pinpointed us even faster than I could hear." Jiro.

"He found me too fast." Hagakure.

"We should leave this conversation for later and ask him his intentions." Yaoyorozu.

"Yeah, leave it to me I'll get the information out of him." Mina.

After a while they all got out and saw a huge table with food in it, courtesy of Kobayashi Kaia. Kaito was already eating and drinking when he saw them.

"Hey guys, come here and eat or I'll finish it all by myself." Said Kaito with a smile.

The next hour they relaxed playing games, doing Karaoke and brainstorming about different ways to use their quirks, and finally it was time to go.


"Kaito-san, may I know why were you so eager to help us train?" Yaoyorozu said.

Everyone wanted to ask that question the whole night but finally they would obtain their answer.

"I believe that I have already told you but I guess I should specify. Truth to be told I hate the concept of "Symbol of Peace".

Once he said that everyone's faces were pale from the shock.

"Now before all the hate let me elaborate. Being a symbol of peace means that you carry the name of 'justice' in your back, every villain will fear you and every hero will look up to you, I find that very idea ridiculous, we are human beings, we are not gods that can prevent every evil in the world."

"What we need is not a single symbol, but a whole generation. Strong, brave, truthful and compassionate to save anyone they can, one cannot carry the whole fate of a country let alone the world, but with the help of everyone, we can. It won't be perfect by a long shot, but it's the best we can have."

No one said anything, they just stood there hearing Kaito's ideals.

"Long story short: I just wanted you guys to be part of that generation, it would make me happy that my friends can become the heroes they want to be and beyond." Kaito said with an embarrassed smile.

After he finished everyone left Kaito's house and left the same way.

"I never expected him to have such ideals." Tokoyami.

"Same, even I wouldn't have the courage to admit everything, does this means that he trusts us that much?" Kaminari.

Aoyama felt a knot in his throat, as if he was being strangled.

"I'm really feeling fired up! Now I'll give 120%!" Kirishima.

"If that idiot thinks that I'm going to follow him then he is dead wrong, he WILL follow ME!" Bakugo.

'Kobayashi Kaito, despite the setbacks in your life, you have a more hero-like mentality than that old man, too bad I can't be part of it.' thought Todoroki.

'Kaito-san, since always you've surpassed me, when I didn't have a quirk, I was depressed but you kept going forward proudly and after hearing you today I can say that you'll be a great hero, however, just because of that I won't surpass you, I'm also aiming at the top so I'll train to be at your level and then I'll surpass you!' thought Midoriya.

That day 19 student from the hero course were inspired by the efforts of their class representative, from this point forward Class 1-A would become stronger than the originals.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I'm tired, tomorrow no cap.

Next time in Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer: "Moving onto the Sports Festival."

Hope you like it.

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