
Reborn in Marvel?

James Marson reincarnated in the Marvel universe. But what is he gonna do? is he gonna be a hero who saves the day, or is he gonna be a villain that wants to take over the world? maybe both, or neither read and find out WARNING I AM A NEW WRITER SO DONT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE STORY i only own my OC I do not own marvel

F0rk · Movies
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10 Chs

ch.7 Recruits Training

Walking out of the building while still being somewhat dazed by how easy it was

i hear Jessica talking to me, "sorry i didn't hear you, can you say that again?"

[I said, James, do you think it may be a good idea to go find Logan now]

"Yes, use the location card please"

[Ding… Location card used. Wolverine is now at Mundo casino]

i step into the car and look out of the window i am Just about to ask

Jessica if she knew the way there and then i saw a big ass sign with

Mundo's on it

"Alright, fuck this i am just gonna go in and hope that maybe he DOES react as i expect him to" walking in i see that the whole bar has a very dark feeling of depression hanging around

´i am almost becoming depressed myself by being here let's get this over with´

looking around i see him sitting at the bar counter looking like he was alone in this world by having this very particular aura around him like a wolf every eye movement was with a purpose never stopping looking for any sign of danger

walking towards his direction i see his eyes instantly lock onto me as if knowing i am here for him. even so, i walk past him and sit a few feet away from him "can i have something strong please" i ask the person behind the bar

"Coming right up" feeling the look directed to me i turn towards him and ask "Is there something wrong? why are you looking at me?" i say while making my voice sound a little agitated

"i look where i want. bub" he says with his course voice. seeing this as a good chance i stand up while saying i don't want the drink anymore to the barista walk towards logan take ten bucks out of my pocket and put it next to his glass and give him a pat on his hand saying "i think u need the drink more than i do mate" and i walk towards the door hearing a small grumble behind me i find a smile forming on my face

after walking out of the bar i let out a sigh of relieve "ahh… having to touch someone to copy the mutation is a pain"

[yeah well u should thank god that u can do it in the first place ever thought about what would happen if u were to get here with just your memories]

breathing out all the air in my lungs i look at the stars and that beautiful sight makes me feel me feel so small so i close my eyes for a second reflecting on myself opening my eyes again

"thats very true Jessica," i say and i walk towards my car. after arriving at the car and stepping inside

i take one last look at the bar and drive away

2 weeks later…

At a US training camp. James stands in line with others including steve.

"Ready, exercise!" the Officer says.

Standing in front of the soldiers Peggy briefly looked over the line of soldiers

and her eyebrows raise a little seeing James in the line before continuing with her job

"Recruits, attention!, I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division" Peggy Carter says

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought i was signing up for the U.S. Army" a random douchebag says

"What's your name, soldier" Peggy questions the guy

"Gilmore Hodge, your Majesty" he cockily answers her

"Step forward, Hodge," Peggy tells him after which

Gilmore steps forward with a smirk on his face

"Put your right foot forward." Peggy Carter commands him

"Mmm… We gonna wrassle? Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like." Gilmore says Before getting hit hard on the nose

looking behind Peggy carter you can see an army buggy coming their way. arriving in front of them it stops and an old man steps out

after stepping out he looks at Peggy and says "Agent Carter."

looking at him she gives him a nod and says also "Colonel Phillips."

"I see you're breaking in the candidates. Thats good!" looking at Hodge he says "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line at attention il somebody comes tells you what to do."

standing up as fast as he can he reacts "Yes, sir."

Addressing the new army recruits colonel Phillips says "general Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons but they are won by men. We are going to win this was because we have the best men…(sees James and Steve and continues talking) And because they're gonna get better. much better. The strategic scientific reserve is an Allied effort made up of the best minds of the free world. our goal is to create the best army in history. but every army starts with one man. at the end of this week, we will choose that man. he will be the first in a new breed of super-soldiers."

sometime later after unpacking and training where Steve is being bullied and he is helped by James the whole way

"Rogers! Get that rifle out of the mud!" sergeant Duffy screams at steve

Colonel Phillips looks at them running up to a waiting Peggy and a flagpole and says "And they, will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell."

"Pick up the pace, ladies! Let's go! Double time! Come on! Faster! Faster! Faster! Move! Move! (they arrive at the flag pole) Squad, halt! That flag means we're only at the halfway point. The first man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter. Move, move!"

"come on! get up there!" the soldiers scream while James looks at steve before the soldiers try to climb up the pole to no avail

"If that's all you got, this army's in trouble! Get up there, Hodge! Come on! Get up there! nobody's got that flag in 17 years! now fall back into the line! Come on, Fall in! Let's go! Get back into formation! Rogers Marson! I said fall in!" Sergeant Duffy screams at them before James pulls the pin out and picks up the flag stuffs it in steves hands and says

"you deserve that ride you have been working harder than them and i like jogging you go" before giving Peggy a Wink at which she looks away with a small blush on her face. then steve climbs into the car and they drive away while she gives James back a small glance.

(the soldiers are doing push-ups.)

"Faster, ladies! Come on. My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul. Move it!" Peggy screams at them before seeing how fast James is doing push-ups and saying in a small voice "except for him if my grandmother had that much life in her she would walk out of her grave"

(Moving our sight to colonel Phillips and Erskine)

Walking besides Erskine Colonel Phillips stops and says "You're not really thinking about picking rogers or Marson, are you?"

at which Abraham Erskine reacts "I am more than just thinking about it. they are the clear choice"

"When you brought a ninety-pound asthmatic onto my army base, I let it slide. I thought, what the hell? Maybe he'll be useful to you, like a gerbil. I never thought you'd pick him or the kid thats as small as a 12-year-old though he isn't that big of a problem that kids body adapts at a monstrous rate. and now you're telling me you want to pick them both?"

as Phillips and Erskine arrive Peggy carter commands the soldiers: "Up"

"You stick a needle in one of those kids arms and its gonna go right through him even though the other one adapts quickly it cant change the fact that he has such physique"

"Come on, girls…. and boy" Peggy Carter says

"look at that. he's making me cry." he says while trying not to look at James that is still going easily without a sweat

"I am looking for qualities beyond the physical." Dr. Abraham Erskine says while not making it hard for the colonel by reminding him of James

"Do you know how long it took to set up this project?" Phillips asks

"Yeah, I know."

"All the groveling i had to do in front of senator What's-his-Name's committees"

"Yes, I know. I am well aware of your efforts." Erskine answers him in the same tone as before

"Then throw me a bone. Hodge passed every test we gave him. he's big, he's fast, he obeys orders. he's a soldier" Phillips says like he couldn't find the wrongs in his reasoning

"He's a bully."

"You don't win wars with niceness, doctor (he takes a hand grenade) You win war with guts. (he throws the grenade at where the recruits are training) Grenade!"

all the recruits jump away quickly but before the grenade even lands James stands at where the grenade is gonna land and kicks the grenade into a sandhill next to where they were training after seeing that there is someone there he runs towards it and he and steve jump on it at the same time before screaming

"Get away! Get back!"-"Get away! Get back! (then both wait for the grenade to go off but nothing happens)"

"It was a dummy grenade. All clear. Back in formation", an officer says

(Steve and James look at Phillips and Erskine)

"Is this a test?" Steve asks.

(Erskine looks at Phillips as to confirm his point about choosing them)

"they are still skinny" colonel Phillips says before turning and walking away