
Reborn in Marvel?

James Marson reincarnated in the Marvel universe. But what is he gonna do? is he gonna be a hero who saves the day, or is he gonna be a villain that wants to take over the world? maybe both, or neither read and find out WARNING I AM A NEW WRITER SO DONT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE STORY i only own my OC I do not own marvel

F0rk · Movies
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10 Chs


¨Malcolm Brewer... Steve Rogers¨ hearing his name steve looks towards James and gives him a nod and walked towards the doctor. looking at the file the doctor reads aloud

¨Heart problems, high blood pressure, easy fatiqability. sorry Son just go home¨

hearing the man say it again steve looks down to tbe floor before looking him in the eyes and asking

¨There must be something you can do… please….¨

¨I'm already doing it, im saving your life¨ the doctor said while putting a stamp

on his file, after which he called the next name on the list

¨James Marson¨ after hearing my name i stood up and walked towards his direction.

Seeing a small guy wearing a baggy shirt which looks strange while in between the rest who all have the upper body naked he joked

¨son you so ashamed of your body that u wont show it? you know if you become a soldier you are gonna have to do worse things than showing people your upper body right?¨

Hearing this i start to be a impatient with him but i kept respectful and say to him

¨i know sir, can you please start the examination¨ Seeing the little guy becoming impatient he gives a small chuckle and starts reading the file

¨James Marson 20 years old 6.25ft no health defects no family¨ looking at the file

the doctor screams ¨Who is responsible for giving me the wrong File!!!¨

¨Sir its not the wrong file it really is my file¨ after he heard me say this instead of arguing he just sighed and put a stamp on the file looks me in the eyes and says

¨welcome to the army kid. NEXT!¨ walking into the hallway and taking the package with the army clothes i walk towards the end of the hallway open the door seeing the parking lot security guard i give him a nod and walk towards my car step in the car i then put my package on the passenger seat lean my head towards my headrest and sigh

¨*Sigh* how was this so different than i expected, anyway i will just go back to the hotel and see if i can get to meet doctor Abraham Erskine and get him to give me a chance¨

Sometime later after arriving at the hotel room i Just sit there at the bar when i got the craving for a drink so i walk towards the rail and pour myself some.

¨sigh such a hassle...¨

[James how about you check out the place where stark show that flying car]

¨yeah, i guess ill do it that way i can maybe get to know Erskine¨

saying this he walked towards the closet taking out his Army uniform and puts it on. looking in the mirror at his handsome reflection wearing the uniform a small smile forms on his face

¨alright i m ready let's go see if i can give Erskine a good impression of myself may need to act a little but since i was trained as a soldier with specialization in assassination for a government fooling a scientist of 20th-century won't be that hard¨


sometime after the show, Howard stark put up, James is currently walking towards the place where steve rogers will get into an argument with bucky. looking around you see certain attractions for children and the like and the line for recruitments.

after waiting for some time i see steve walking alone and looking around and stepping on a pressure plate before a mirror with the picture of a soldier without a face. seeing himself like it brought steve a little happiness and this also made his determination stronger

then bucky presses him in the shoulder and said ¨c' mon were missing the appointment, were on a double date we should take the girls dancing¨

¨You go ahead, ill catch up to you¨ steve said to bucky. looking at steve for a few seconds bucky finally asked ¨You really doing this again?¨

¨well it is not fair, i m just gonna try my luck¨

seeing it came to this point i stepped in ¨hey, nice seeing you again steve rogers right?¨

¨yes, nice seeing you again James. what are you doing here¨

¨well, i wanted to know how the future will look like before leaving you know¨

¨ah so you got through the recruitment¨

¨yes i did, did take a whole 11 try's but i got accepted into the army if you

want to don't give up ever those germans are bully's and the small guys

like us know best how bad bullies can be i personally hate bully's¨ at this point bucky was already pulled away by the girls. i knew that Erskine was listening to what we said so after i said goodbye to Steve and i started to walk away but before i could a few soldiers were inviting me to follow them to the professor's room.

after walking for 2 minutes we arrived at the room and i was let in after getting confirmation. walking into the room i sat down in a chair in front of the desk where

professor Erskine was waiting for me

¨nice to meet you, James Marson, my name is Abraham Erskine i am the head professor leading project rebirth. and i want to let you know you have been chosen to take place in the project together with 20 others. though officially there will only be one who will be selected understood¨ hearing this i was very surprised because even though i knew i would be let in i didn't expect it to be this easy. but i just said

¨yes sir¨ and i walked out straight out of the building

hey, guys i just want to know are you guys ok with the random change of perspective i introduce? i don't know i m also searching for a proofreader

so if you are interested be sure to let me know through the comments

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