
Reborn in Marvel?

James Marson reincarnated in the Marvel universe. But what is he gonna do? is he gonna be a hero who saves the day, or is he gonna be a villain that wants to take over the world? maybe both, or neither read and find out WARNING I AM A NEW WRITER SO DONT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE STORY i only own my OC I do not own marvel

F0rk · Movies
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10 Chs

Walked away

(later that night, Steve sits on his bunk reading. and James is laying above him on this bed with his eyes closed while thinking ´even though i knew that that was a dummy it still scared the shit out of me normally i would Just jump away or kick it back to the enemy but i couldn't or steve wouldn't be chosen´. Erskine knocks on the door)

¨May I?¨ He asks

¨yeah¨ steve says

¨Can't sleep?¨ Erskine asks

¨I got the jitters, I guess.¨ steve tells him

¨(laughs) Me, too.¨ Erskine answers shortly

¨Can i ask you a question?¨ steve asks Erskine at which he reacts

¨Just one?¨(he sits down facing Steve)

¨Why me? i think i know why James but why me?¨

¨I suppose that is the only question that matters¨ Erskine says then looks down at the bottle of schnapps he brought with him.

"This is from Augsburg. My city. so many people forget that the first country that the Nazis invaded was their own. You know, after the last war the… my people struggled. They… they felt weak. they felt small. and then Hitler comes along with the marching and the big show and the flags and the… and the…(he waves his hand) And he… he hears of me, my work and he finds me. and he says, "You." He says, "You will make us strong." Well, I am not interested. so he sends the head of HYDRA, his research division. A brilliant scientist by the name of Johann Schmidt. Now, Schmidt is a member of the inner circle and heś ambitious. he and Hitler Share a passion for occult power and Teutonic myth. Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire followers. But for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. For him, it is real. he has become convinced that there is a great power hidden in the earth, left here by the gods, waiting to be seized by a superior man. So when he hears about my formula and what it can do, he cannot resist"

(flashback to how Schmidt takes Erskine's formula and injects himself with it)

"Schmidt must become that superior man"

Erskine says

"Did it make him stronger?" steve asks

"Yeah. But, there were other effects. The serum was not ready. But more importantly, the man. The serum amplifies everything that is inside. so, good becomes great. bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion"

Erskine explained after which steve says

"Thanks. I think"

"(Erskine pours two drinks) Whatever happens tomorrow, you must both promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man. I am talking to you too James"

"Sure, Whatever you say doc," James tells him and turns on his side and closes his eyes again. seeing that James doesn't want to toast with them steve raises his glass with the intent to toast but before he can fully raise the glass he sees his hands are empty and looking in front of him Erskine is pouring his glass in his own.

"Hey doc why did u take my drink…" steve asks Erskine

"u both have a procedure tomorrow. no fluids." Erskine says and drinks his glass in one shot. after which he stands up and walks away leaving steve with a dumbfounded look on his face.

[On the way towards the Supersoldier lab James is driving with Peggy steve is in the car behind them]

"You know you still owe me a date," James says while still looking out of the car window. Peggy looks at him and says

"of course, I keep my promises. But why do you keep looking outside?" she asks him, But instead of answering he just begins telling her something and even though she couldn't understand why he didn't just answer the question she kept quietly listening.

"You know, i used to be an orphan…

then this guy adopted me and after that, i didn't see the city or anything close to outside for 3 years. he used to beat me up while telling me that i had to work harder and that i would never be strong if i continued to make mistakes. because mistakes will cost you your life….

that was the way i grew up always getting beat and standing up to be beaten down again." he said the last line while looking Peggy in the eyes. she didn't try and show sympathy for him because she knew he didn't need it.

"although i don't know how it feels to grow up like that, what i do know all too good is never doing anything good enough and have every door shut in your face"

"You are a strong woman but i have the feeling that you are being too headstrong, you only ever rely on yourself. so next time you are in trouble it would be an honor if you were to rely on me" James said before going back to looking out of the car window. Peggy who is looking the other way just gives a nod in his direction while she for some reason feels somewhat happy because he said that.

after arriving at the antique shop and going inside they meet Dr. Erskine and his team in a big circular room filled with machinery and 2 pods in the middle.

"Good morning," Erskine says while giving both of us a hand and asks "Are you ready" to which we both nod "Good take off your upper clothing" taking off our clothing i noticed that everyone including Dr.Erskine and Peggy look at me strangely. though Peggy was blushing and Dr.Erskine looked as if he found it very interesting. then it comes to me that they didn't see my upper body naked before and don't know i have a very muscular body even though i have a small frame, thinking about this is don't find it very strange that they look at me like that so i Just ask "can we start?" to which Erskine answers

"Yes yes of course" and so after pushing the button they both open and we climb inside of them


"Yes" - "It's a little big. You save me any of that schnapps?"

"Not as much as i should have. Sorry. Next time. Mr.Stark, how are your levels" Erskine asks stark who after double-checking answers "Levels at 100%"

"Good." Dr.Abraham Erskine says before asking Peggy

"Agent Carter? Don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?" being a little startled by the question she just answers quickly with a yes and goes upstairs

"Alright(He takes a microphone and taps it.) Do you hear me? is this on? (he says towards the small group gathered to watch steve and James being prepared to become a super-soldier) Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro-injections into the two subjects' major muscle groups. the serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays." Both James and Steve finish the preliminary injection to which Steve says "That wasn't so bad." while James just keeps quiet with his eyes closed keeping an eye on the inside of his body ready to watch how the serum works while simultaneously fixing the damage it does

"That was penicillin(after which Erskine tells the others) Serum infusion beginning in five, four, three, two, one(The serum is injected into James and steve) Now, Mr.Stark(Stark lowers a leaver, the pods move upright and encloses the two inside) (knocking on the capsules that they've locked steve and James inside) James steve can u hear me?"

to which they both react

"Yes sir," James said then steve askes "Itś probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?" then Erskine tells stark they will proceed

"(Manages the controls) That's ten percent. Twenty percent. Thirty. That's 40 %." Stark says

"Vital signs are normal." an SSR Doctor says

"That's 50 %. Sixty. Seventy."

[as Steve is screaming in pain as he is receiving the vita rays and even though James feels the pain too at the beginning he turns off the pain receptors before starting to give himself upgraded Wolverines Mutation which includes Extendable bones on several places which are at the knuckles so 4 on both hands 1 in both feet and one at both elbows which look kinda like short katana's while the others are looking like knives, a Healing factor that is as good if not better than Deadpool and extraordinary senses]

"Steven!" Erskine yells at Steve who is still screaming in pain

Noticing that James is entirely quiet Peggy Carter becomes worried

"Shut it down," she says

"Steven!" Erskine Yells and knocks on the pod

"Shut it down!" Peggy screams while running down the stairs

"Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!" Erskine says but before he can steve Screams of the top of his lungs

"NO! Don't! I can do this!" wanting to refute Erskine was about to talk when they heard a very steady voice coming out of James pod

"Just finish this already it is becoming stuffy inside"

"Eighty. Ninety. That's 100 %. (Everything overloads until the reactor closes itself down.)"

"Mr.Stark open Steve's pod first(Stark opens the pod)"

while the pod opens you see a lot of steam flow out of it and then steve becomes visible transformed into a 6ft man with sixpack and pretty big muscles looking a little out of it

"Steven. Steven." Erskine says while shaking Steve out of his daze

and while everyone was busy with admiring steves transformation Peggy asks

"shouldn't we let James out" hearing her ask this Dr.Erskine instantly remembered and tells stark to open the pod. after which the same happens as before the pod opens steam comes out of it and then the transformed James comes out it's Just that everyone didn't expect him to be even bigger than steve walking out of the pod looking like he just comes back from a stroll in the park everyone can get a good look at him

looking at him standing there all they see a 6,4ft man looking like a more compact and battle oriented version of Martyn ford

"i guess this was a success," James says while being touched all over his upper body by Peggy but before anyone can react they hear an explosion and then a gunshot following by Kruger running up the stairs towards the exit with Peggy chasing after him

Steve kneels next to Dr.Abraham Erskine while James stands behind him letting out a sign before following Peggy and Kruger by Jumping up the stairs in one leap and is just in time to see Peggy shoot the driver of the escape car and Kruger changing cars.

but he doesn't plan on letting him escape so he talks towards Peggy puts his hand on her gun to which she reluctantly lets it go he takes it pushes her to the side then waits for just before the car crashes into him Jumps and shoots from above through his hand into his leg which causes him to crash the car.


Walking towards the car i open the door take him by his arm and rip him out of the seat before hitting him in his face, breaking his lower jaw and taking out the poison. though he breaks the serum against a tree on purpose before binding Kruger's arms with his tie.

then Steve and the others come out of the building and run towards me, though steve runs past me through a window failing to control his strength. i tell them "I think you should check the pier thats the only way to safely escape and he was also going that way i think he may have a submarine or something of the likes there" before i start walking away. seeing me walk away Colonel Phillips yells at me "where are you think you're going!" hearing this is let out a small chuckle and then tell him "I am going home because i am not gonna be a lab rat or some dancer for one of your plans" Then i walk away.

seeing his back they all heave a sigh because they know they can't force him. then they hear some glass shatter and see steve come out from the shop he ran through the glass of.

"Did i miss anything?"

i am still learning so if you want a perfect story you will have to look somewhere else if not then i welcome u to read this story though i won't make promises like lots of authors i will try and keep the story going until i entirely squeezed its potential dry

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