
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs

Welcome to planet Earth

Space travel was very boring. The only time it would be interesting would be when I had passed by the stars suns and planets and galaxies even met....ok it's not boring as I said, the only dull part of space is the pitch-black space. everything else is fine.

I've gained a resistance to screaming crying and a tolerance to babies. A Huge tolerance to babies.

Whenever Kal got hungry I would put my creation magic skills to good use I created a bottle of milk for him to drink and then he would fall asleep.

Traveling across the stars took a couple of hours before I finally managed to get past the Andromeda galaxy and 45 minutes later I saw the familiar spiral-shaped gas.

I smiled excitedly as I finally came across the big beautiful ball of life called earth

"We're almost there."

"Bah bah"

"Yes that's right that's our new planet," I said in a baby voice as smiled down at him.

As the ship grew closer and closer

"Approaching designation"

I pulled the lever but it wasn't budging something was wrong

"Error Error."

"what!? why isn't it budging I asked in frustration

I built a specific part myself to make sure it was the way I wanted to SO WHY ISN'T IT WORKING!!! Seriously, sod I do did something wrong?

"Preparing for crash-landing"

Thank God I was Kryptonian or else If I was human I probably no I definitely wouldn't survive this crash.

I held Kal Tightly. as the ship shot through the atmosphere like a comet leaving a trail of fire and wind behind it.

As we neared the surface I only had one thought crossing through my mind.

"This," I sighed "this is going to be rough."