
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs

Meeting the kents

"Ugh, " I groaned as I unbuckled the straps that attached me to the ship for security.

I feel strongly we and lighter my senses went haywire though I focused on my hands so to make it see what I want to see and a couple of minutes later everything went to normal.

I sighed. as I stretched my back I felt lighter and So much more stronger.

I looked down at the baby and sighed in relief I he was alright.

"Destination reached welcome to Planet Earth."

I sighed " that went better than I expected"

The door suddenly started to open.

"Game face" I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" the woman asked coming out of her shock at seeing an alien who was surprisingly human-like.

"Planet krypton...destroyed..." I groaned "I need... someone to take care of my baby brother while I am Away"

"I brought the baby over to her and she took it hesitantly but then smiled fondly as the baby smiled at her.

"Please take care of him"

The woman looked at my pleading expression before glancing behind her for her husband's opinion who stared at me for a moment then glanced before glancing at the baby

He sighed before nodded hesitantly and put a hand on her shoulder. She glanced back at me and smiled

"we will, but what about you? don't you want to be with your brother?"

I shook my head and smiled at them "I can't It's not safe our race was in a civil war before it was destroyed due the rebellion of General Zod and his followers he was eventually put in prison but was set free due to the planets destruction"

the lady looked toward her husband who seemed to be in deep thought before he said to me this.

"We will but we must know what you intend to do here, what is your purpose why did they send you two here alone?"

I replied while still smiling. "I have studied this world before I came here and I was thinking about being an author to help in raising my brother"

" I must go take the codex and leave I will send a clone to be with you but it is not safe for Kal if I am with you for general Zod would eventually find us and when he does this planet will pray the price"

Looks of fear could be seen on their faces at the thought of an alien general coming and taking his wrath on them.

" "We will protect you when the time comes", I reassured to ease their worries "Father had us here To become a beacon of hope"

I looked at them in the eyes " He wanted to help the human race accomplish wonders."

acting skills are over nine thousand!!! lol thanks for the support.

How did you like it? errors sorry fixing it now heh

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