
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs


"Zod's coming we don't have much time give me the codex I'll put it in my brother on earth." Father looked up and saw the fleet approaching. His eyes widened Yes, your right"

Acting quickly he rushes to the newborn Kal and shoves him gently into my chest taking the codex he places it into the palm of my left hand

"Go quickly, " he said grabbing my cheeks and looked me in the eye I was shocked at how much love he had for me.

"Remember who you are,.you are of the house of el of krypton we will always love you now Go!"

I nodded and rushed into the spacecraft not before giving quick one-armed hug to my mother whom whispered we will be with you Nar even in death"

the last thing I heard before the hatchet closed was a sound of an explosion.

Sitting in my seat I put a crying kid in my lap as I got secured.

"Gideon prepare for launch now!" I said to the a.i.

"What is your designation?"


"Do you wish to access the phantom dive?"


"Compliance...Designation set preparing for launch"

we blasted off

Kal is crying. I watched in a window I installed as my father went to confront the enemy. my father put up a good fight but in the end, Zod killed him. A small tear trickled down my cheeks. asI saw my mother rush to my father and wail.

I mourned, I knew this would happen, but seeing it on tv just isn't the same as seeing it in real life Especially if It was your own parents.

it was then I promised myself that I would have my revenge and that Zod would be eliminated by myself.

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