
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs

Training and Preparation

I got from my seat and took the codex that had contained all the genetic information of krypton's heirs that were yet to be born. Placing the codex in the chambers, I began to reprogram it.

I was making it so that they will serve me. I could not birth more Kryptonians without having their complete loyalty.

Even though I wanted trillions and quadrillions of people to reside here on new Krypton. It could only take 1 Million at the time.

Realizing that this could take up to a couple of lifetimes. I decided that I needed training was difficult trying to master out my new abilities given to me by the father of all.

I found out that I had two energy coils. My godly magic reserves, much to my surprise, is unlimited matching perfectly with my Uzumaki Chakra reserves. It was an abnormality, the Blood of both my past lives was floating in my veins.

I still haven't mastered my chakra It took him a few months till I managed to get to Kage level with the help of my clones. I have mostly focused on my time manipulation and creation magic abilities which I had mastered just now. Once I was done I concentrated on his hands for a moment his hands started to glow white. As the glow started getting brighter and brighter.

I looked up and smiled "Alright:" I said, "time to create life."