
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs


I then imagined grass, my hands switched from a white to green before

I shot across the planet like a rocket.

I was moving so fast I started to become blurs, as I was moving beautiful grass sprouted from behind me as I darted back in fourth at great speeds.

After the grass grew I shot down to the earth and started to dig deep into the ground. Three times as deep as the biggest ocean on earth.

I disappeared as I became a blur yet again, doing this to several spots across new Krypton.

The glow in my hands switched back to a couple different colors namely red green blue and brown as I imagined algae and different sea plants from krypton and earth combined.

I became another blur as I did this to all of them on new krypton. there were millions of these.

During my dash from hole to hole eyes glowed crimson

a stream of energy shot from my cutting into the ground. My hands then glowed golden creating golden rivers.

After I finished Imagined Water only to change the color to Sparkling gold instead of Blue/Clear.

I floated back upwards before I used my two fingers put them together and shot a stream of golden light filling it up with golden water becoming a golden ocean.

I looked at the work before nodding in satisfaction, before I disappeared this filling up every single lake to ocean-sized hole across the planet.

How did I not forget everything? X-Ray vision of course~ tremendous help.

After everything was done I created two barriers one was a time barrier making it so that a couple of days outside was a couple of years on the inside.

I also made a barrier to alert me if someone enters new krypton without my permission. So we can be ready in case anyone tries to invade.

I created a new atmosphere with twice as many layers as earth. the gravity of new krypton will be twice of earth.

Finally, I created seasons and cycles.

Once my work was done I grinned in satisfaction

Truely wonderful this world is"

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