
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs


(A/N Adding wishes time manipulation and Immortality.)

As I pass come closure I could see a faint of blue light shimmering to existence.

I could feel my strength increasing, my bones, tissues, and muscles I could feel myself getting stronger bit by bit as the sunlight reaches inside. Much stronger than I did back on earth.

After reaching the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy I could see the spaceships fly past a couple of planets They were all very beautiful.

I saw one that made me fascinated the most, a planet full of crystals. It looked like the entire planet looked twice as big as earth the ground was not made of earth It was made of diamonds was l a gigantic silver emerald


I vaguely remember watching a video in my past life in science class I was mostly interested in a planet made of crystals.

....and my ship is heading straight for it

My eyes widened before I instinctively pulled the lever for the ship to slow down.

And to my satisfaction, the ship did what it was told. I don't care what but I am using magic creation for everything I build.

"We are approaching our destination," Gideon announced "Prepare for landing"

"Here we go!" I yelled excitedly as the ship which was still at high speeds shot through the nonexistent atmosphere

Though it was moving very fast it was rapidly slowing down.

To my relief, the ship managed to slow down and land softly on the crystal-like surface before us.

"We have now landed welcome to unknown planet 0.11111123" Gideon announced

I looked out the window and noticed the lifeless planet. planet with nothing but diamonds and dust

"This would be a pain in the ass to deal with and could take several millennia I will just have to abuse the hell out of the creation magic and time manipulation ability." I sighed

I looked towards the codex Reaching out to grasp it firmly in my hands I stared at it

A couple seconds later I smiled

"Well, no time to waste, better get started"

(End Chapter)