
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs

Planning ahead

After my moment of silence of figuring out exactly what the hell is happening with my life. I started to make a plan for the future.

The first thing I want to do Is survive, being Kryptonian helps a lot but the planets going to explode soon, I need to get off this planet before that happens

With the two wishes creation magic and evolution skill, my body has probably Already formed a resistance to magic.

I should still be cautious, but It's a possibility that I do not have magic as a weakness anymore.

2nd, I will have to force myself to integrate into the Kryptonian society as I am still used to the customs back on 21st-century earth.

3rd I need to reach earth. I need to make sure Kal ends up with a family that's not abusive or a government that would only subject him to experiments.

Me being here changes things so If Kal ends up wanting to destroy the entire galaxy due to a very bad abusive childhood then that would be very troublesome for me.

Finally, get the codex. If I can convince my parents to Give me the codex I can take it from him.

Then, I can rebuild krypton on an abandoned planet abusing the hell out of creation magic to create life for New krypton to flourish again.