
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs


I jolted from my bed eyes open wide and breathing heavily.

I glanced around the area only to notice that this was not my bed nor any bedroom that I have seen.

I raised my hand up and towards my face before I touched my cheeks.

I felt them, the 3 whisker marks and the pleasurable sensation that followed.

I gazed at my body an average build and an average height for your average Kryptonian teenager.

Noticing the loud noise that was outside I quickly pushed the covers away from me and rushed towards the window.

Aircraft carriers, dozens of them floating around without rockets or boosts it resembled ships from krypton.

Our aircraft carriers aren't nearly this high-tech

it was then that my eyes had widened as I had come to a conclusion This is not planet earth.

I put two fingers to my cheeks and squeezed to if this was really a dream.

I felt pain, Slight pain but pain nonetheless. it was then I had come to the conclusion that this was not a dream.

That reincarnation is real, and I had died , met God and became an Mc.

There were only two words that describe my current position in this situation.

"Holy Fuck"