
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs

Meeting the parents

As he was contemplating a drone entered his room

"Young master breakfast is prepared for you, your Parents are also waiting for you."

I smiled "Tell them I will be there in a moment, alright"

ooh~ I got a Kryptonian accent~nice.

"Yes Young master"

Once the drone had left the room I got my self situated...getting myself cleaned up making myself presentable putting my superman outfit on which was the same outfit as him only instead of a blue spandex it is black and I had on a golden S symbol.

The spandex was...Surprisingly comfortable. I thought it would be tight especially the parts around my dick, which is surprisingly big for a teenager at least

Once I was done I walked towards a reflection nodded to myself as I do look handsome. before walking out to meet with my parents.

Walking down the hall I sat near the table to opposite my father Joel el closer to my mother Laura el. who smiled at me in greeting. a smile in which I returned she was much more beautiful in person than on television. blue eyes blond hair she her breast hard to measure There big I can tell you that about d to dd cups great hourglass figure that could make any supermodel in our world jealous.

"Your late" My father said looking up as I glanced at him.

I observed him and saw that he was a tall middle-aged handsome man with a thin beard and messy brown hair.

he was a bulky person not as buff as to where it is disgusting but Pretty well fit.

I glanced up at him he looked at me and continued.

"You are normally sharp with the time tables son," My father said, "What seems to be troubling you?"