
Reborn as the brother of Superman and the reincarnation of Naruto.

Reborn as naruto in dc with two wishes Evolution creation magic

Nick_Brown · Others
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13 Chs

Training and building. 3 Years.

Completing the training regime set by my father every single day was not an easy task. every day I would come home injured and beat up while my body heals the next day.

I found out that I had two energy coils one for magic and one for chakra managed to get the foundations and he did master some chakra techniques like cloning and hengeing and others while I haven't really trained with chakra nor my creation magic that much because I was mainly focused on Kryptonian training.

I did however figured out that my creation magic is powered by imagination.

I persuaded my parents to birth kal by saying that I can guide him to build a new krypton.

Nothing hasn't really changed from the story the ship that me and my father were building was currently meant to place not only my baby brother Kal but also me so I could be sent to earth with me

a couple minutes after my brother been born I saw my father barge in with the codex to the assimilate inside the baby for transfer.

I then heard the sounds of explosions I looked out outside saw aircraft's battling each other.

it was then my eyes had widened as one thought had come to mind.

Zod has begun his rebellion.