
Class 1C

-Rei PoV-

Rei: *Looks like I'm teaching another first year

class, Onizuka's homeroom huh?* I remember from the anime that his class acts innocent and well behaved, but they have made their past 3 homeroom teachers quit from constant harassment.

I make my way towards the classroom, wondering if I should involve myself with this class or not. I like Onizuka because although he was pretty much an idiot, I know he is a trustworthy friend.

I step inside, receiving the usual reactions from the students and start the register. In the eyes of a normal teacher they seem like the model class, but I've got plenty of experience with judging the true characters of people.

Rei: "Yoshikawa Noboru"

*no one answers*

Rei: "Is there Yoshikawa absent?"

As if perfectly timed, the door of the classroom was opened by an average looking black haired boy. He had traces on his cheeks that he recently cried and his clothes reeked of expired milk.

Noboru: "Sorry I'm late sir, I was just washing up and lost track of time."

I noticed a trio of girls started giggling at his poor appearance, noting them inside my head.

Rei: "It's fine, but come to my office after school Yoshikawa."

He nodded and made his way to the empty desk, trying to hide by slouching a little.

The lesson started soon enough, and about half an hour into it I start getting bombarded by a bunch of questions. All the questions came from the same student, a girl names Kanzaki Urumi with long blonde hair and bangs above her eyes which were parted.

The most notable thing about her were her eyes- one was brown and the other was blue. The class snickered a little when she put her hand up, but were soon left wide eyed as I answer question after question with no lag or stutter.

It looked like even she got a little pissed, and shouted a curse word... in French?

Rei: "Language, miss Kanzaki. I would prefer that you do not use such language in my lesson."

Urumi(In fluent French): "You can speak French sir?" Her anger disappeared and was replaced by a surprised expression.

Rei(In fluent French): "Yes but we are in a physics lesson, not a French lesson. So I suggest you stick to Japanese."

Urumi(In fluent Mandarin): "Can you understand me now?"

Rei(In fluent Mandarin): "Miss Kanzaki, I thought I said Japanese."

Urumi: "Fine, fine... you're quite fun Mr Ichijo. I've never met anyone as smart as you, I don't even think I can compete."

Rei: "Don't judge people solely based on their intelligence. You'll be surprised how many things you can learn, even from someone not nearly as smart as you."

She looked a little confused, and digested my words for the rest of the lesson no longer asking any questions.

After Urumi's little defeat it looked as if the class have accepted me as a worthy teacher, and started interacting more. This left many of them surprised at not only how simple my teaching is, but also how efficient.

Rei: "Yoshikawa, don't forget to come to the staff room after school." His response was a weak nod and a grim face.

With the lesson nearing the end, I gave them their homework and made my way to the staff room.

Whilst I was turning the corner I managed to catch what I thought would be a projectile or ball that made its way toward me quite fast.

Looking in my hands I could see that it was a student, a pretty beaten up second year student. His face was too roughened up to tell any features, but I noticed his dyed blonde hair.

Looking around for any culprits, I find a grey haired girl looking in my direction which I recognise as Sakagami Tomoyo-'Clannad'.

Tomoyo: "I'm so sorry sir, I didn't intend to kick him in your direction." She bowed in an apologetic way, waiting to be punished.

Rei: "Well I'm not really a fan of physical abuse, so I expect both of you in my office after school. Understood?"

She sighed that I didn't get her in a lot of trouble, and just nodded her head while the person who I guessed to be Sunohara Youhei grunted in pain.

I completely understand why she beat the crap out of him, but as a teacher I prefer not to discriminate.

As I enter the staff room I spot Onizuka talking to Azusa, and figuring that I don't really want to cock-block him I walk towards my desk in silence.

Onizuka: "Yo Rei, you're free as well?"

Rei: *You did it to yourself buddy* "Yep, I'm finished for the day. How did the first day go for you two?"

Onizuka: "Pretty alright to be honest." He replied whilst scratching the top of his head.

Azusa: "I was a little nervous at first, but the students were a pleasure to teach. How about you Rei?" She spoke with a wide smile on her face.

Rei: "Nothing that I cant handle, I guess I'm starting to like the job. Though it is only the first day so that's a little far fetched."

All three of us chuckle a little at our similarities, and Onizuka seemed to remember something.

Onizuka: "Rei, I've got a favour to ask you... since you have a car and all."

Rei: "Sure, go right ahead."I wonder what that favour could be...

Onizuka: "I was given permission to live on campus by the principal, but I got to get some stuff to move. Do you mind if you-"

Rei: "No worries man, I'll help you out" I reply with a friendly smile, which he returns and rubs the back of his neck.

Onizuka: "You ever need a favour, I'll be there man." He slaps my back.

We talk for a little more but I get an annoying headache so I make my way to the nurses office for some painkillers.

As I enter the room I am greeted by a blue haired, young woman wearing a lab coat. She was wearing a pretty revealing outfit which accentuated her curves, I remembered her as Kadena Nao.

Nao: "Hello, I believe we didn't get introduced yet. My name is Kadena Nao and I am the school nurse, please call me Nao."

Rei: "Nice to meet you Nao, I am the new physics and biology teacher Rei Ichijo. I came here for some painkillers, you keep any at school?"

She noticed that I didn't get drawn to her figure like all men usually do, so she bent down to a low cabinet and retrieved my painkillers. Her actions were to purposefully get a reaction out of me and she kept glancing at my reaction.

I kept my smiling appearance on, I had plenty of experience with women so I rarely get flustered. The only times I do is if I let myself get flustered.

Rei: "Thank you, I'll see you around Nao."

She squinted her eyes, trying to analyse me but quickly changed her expression and waved back at me.

I get back to the staff room and check the time, about twenty minutes left until the end of the day... and I gotta see a handful of students.

Rei: "Onizuka, I'll let you borrow my car since I gotta talk to a few students. Azusa, do you mind helping him out with moving?" I ask as I toss him the keys.

Azusa: "Huh? I mean of course I don't mind." A little startled at first but happy at the chance to get closer to him.

Onizuka: "Thanks for trusting me with your car. I mean it man." He had a few tears in his eyes.

Rei: "Yeah don't sweat it. Just bring it back in one piece."

Before they leave I quickly make my way to class 1A, gotta find out a little something.

Rei: "Hey, Yuzuru! Come here for a moment!"

Their last lesson had just finished, and Yuzuru was talking with her friends before I called her. Her friends said something to her which made her blush when I called her, probably some silly teenage forbidden romance kind of thing.

Yuzuru: "Yes Rei?"

Rei: "I just wanted to check with you what time your sister finishes her shift, I'm gonna drop by today to surprise her."

She showed a mixture of surprise and happiness on her face, before quickly scribbling some things on a piece of paper.

Yuzuru: "Here, this is the place she works and her shifts. I can't wait for her to come home and tell me what you two did."

She was so excited and ready to see a smile on her sisters face, after all the years of depression and sadness.

Rei: "Thanks, I'll come visit your house some time. It'll be just like the old times, little Yuzu."

She blushed a little and pouted at her old nickname, as her friends that heard me were laughing.

Yuzuru: "I'm not a little girl anymore Rei!"

Rei: "Always be one in my eyes though."

Though she was pouting I could tell she was happy with her old nickname, she did consider me as some kind of father figure I guess. Just what she missed her entire life.

I make my way back to the staff room expecting the three students meant to come-Youhei, Tomoyo and Noboru.

I see the trio standing outside the staff room, Tomoyo standing upright, Youhei with an indifferent expression and Noboru hunched and a little intimidated.

Rei: "Right, Sunohara and Sakagaki I'll talk to you first. Yoshikawa I'll have you wait a little."

We all make our way inside, with Tomoyo explaining the situation.

Rei: "Ok, your free to go miss Sakagaki. But keep in mind that sometimes violence will be relayed with violence.

You are a student of this school and I am here to guide you. You can fight, but there is always someone better than you."

Tomoyo: "I'll keep that in mind for when I meet someone better than me."

After she spoke I jab twice next to her face, holding two flies in my hand. She couldn't even flinch at how fast my hand moved, and shuddered a little at my display.

Rei: "I truly meant it for your own good, now don't disappoint me."

Tomoyo: "Understood Mr Ichijo!" She bowed in respect, and made her way out still shaking a little.

The other two boys that were the audience to the little display shook when I turned my gaze towards them.

Rei: "Sunohara, in my eyes you are merely a loser. Someone that completely gave up and just lets life pass by, no longer caring for his own future."

He sprang up a little at my words, but fell back with a depressed look on his face. He took my words in and realised that I was right.

Rei: "That is why everyday after school from now, until you can decide on a dream you will come to my office. We will talk for about an hour, I will even help you out with school if you want.

Doesn't even have to be my subjects, I don't mean to brag but if it's high school material, I'm pretty sure I can teach it perfectly. We start tomorrow, as I have one more person to talk to.

On your way now Sunohara. Yoshikawa, our talk will be a little longer so I need you to sit down."

Youhei: "Wait, you cant do this?! Every day?! You know nothing about me, you have no fucking idea about anything!"Youhei protested a little.

Rei: "You're right, I don't. But I'm your teacher, SO YOU WILL DO EXACTLY AS I SAY. UNDERSTOOD?!"

Youhei decided not to continue, nodded forcefully and ran out.

Rei: "Right where were we, oh yeah take a seat Yoshikawa."

The poor boy was trembling at what this schizophrenic teacher might do to him.

Rei: "It has come to my attention that you need someone to talk to, I'll tell you about myself and you tell me about yourself."

I started by telling him a couple of things about myself, some embarrassing moments to relieve the tension.

His turn came up and he started to tell me little things about himself, what he likes a couple of funny stories etc.

Rei: "You know what I noticed Yoshikawa? You lack confidence man!"He reacted by planting his eyes towards the floor, confirming my statement.

"That's why I'll help you. I shout something and you shout the same thing, alright?" He nodded at me, and so the game began.

Rei: "I'm the fucking man!"

Noboru: "I'm the fucking man..." he mumbled.

Rei: "Louder!"

Noboru: "I'm the fucking man!"

Rei: "Good, next one. I love my life!"

Noboru looked at me with a slight frown, but continued.

Noboru: "I love my life!"

Rei: "LOUDER!"

Noboru: "I LOVE MY LIFE!"

Rei: "I own my life!"

Noboru: "I own my life!"

Rei: "No one else but me!"

Noboru: "No one else but me!"

Rei: "Louder!"


Rei: "Good, lets stop there. That should help you out a little, what do you think?"

Out of the blue his eyes teared up and he started crying, quiet at first but moved to loud sobbing pretty fast.

Rei: "It's fine to cry, BUT FOR STUPID REASONS LIKE THIS IT'S NOT! Look at me... lift your head Yoshikawa and look at me."

He wipes the tears and snot, barely able to hold in his crying.

Rei: "Whoever they are, they cannot dictate how you live your life. They cannot tell you what is cool and what is not, if you're a loser and if you're not.

I will always be here to help you, but make sure to seek help before it's too late. Live your life as if you own it, you do own your life don't you?"

He chuckled a little and nodded his head.

Rei: "You're free to go, but know that you can always tell me what's down in your life."

That pretty much broke the last barrier, making him confess about his bullies and how embarrassing it was to be bullied by girls.

After he finished he already pulled himself together, looking like he just removed a heavy burden off of his chest.

Rei: "I see how it is. Well first we need a little evidence... but you can go home now, I'll come up with a plan by tomorrow morning."

Noboru walked out of the office with a bit of vigour in his pace, and looked back at me before completely leaving the room.

Noboru: "Thank you Mr Ichijo." But before I could reply, Noboru walked out and quickened his pace.