
Pretty Woman

I called up Onizuka to see if I would just walk to Shouko's workplace, it's not that far but it's not close either. It's around 4:30 now and she should finish at around 5:30 according to Yuzuru.

Onizuka: "Yeah Rei, what's up man why did you call?"

Rei: "Just wondering how much you got left to pack up, I don't need you to hurry up just wether you'll be here in half an hour or so." I check my watch to confirm the latest I can leave so I can make it there on time.

Onizuka: "Actually I'm on my way back to the school with Azusa, I'm like 5 minutes away."

Rei: "Cool, I'll see you in five then." I hung up the phone, pack up my black leather handbag and head towards the parking lot.

I feel a weird presence as soon as I exit the staff room, which made me duck by instinct.


The sound of a foot loudly hitting the wall was heard, and I now have a clear picture of my assailant.

Karla: "You are so interesting, you know that!" She wore a crazy blush and smile on her face, her eyes pretty much assaulting me.

Rei: "Miss Kure, that is no way a lady your age should act towards their teacher." I hold a lecturing expression on my face.

My words got to her a bit, making her a little confused as she tilted her head.

Karla: "Lady? You see me as... a lady?" She held a mocking smile on her face now. "I was instructed since birth on the most efficient ways to kill and torture people, still see me as a lady?"

Rei: "I am your teacher Miss Kure, now if I give up on you then who would be left to help you reach your potential?" Before she could argue back I continue. "I will help you find out what you want to do with your life, no matter what your clan says or other people around you. What your aspirations are should depend on you, and you solely."

My words truly reached her this time, as she ran away with a very complicated expression on her face.

Rei: *I've got more work on my hands with these kids than the ones I worked with in Thailand* I sigh at what I got myself into, but not really regretting it one bit.

By the time I reach the parking lot I can see Azusa and Onizuka unloading my car with Onizuka's stuff. Not as much as I expected to be honest, but that old tv.... I'll give him the one in my room since I don't really use it that much.

Onizuka: "Rei, I can't thank you enough for lending me your car. But damn you've got a sweet ride man!" He throws me the keys as he takes out the some of his stuff.

Rei: "Thanks, and any time."

I help him take out the last of his items from the car, and made the engine roar as I start the car.

Onizuka: "I miss that sound already..." Azusa just midges him in the ribs as I wave the two off.

"Hold up!" I hear a feminine voice shouting, making me stop the car.

I see the school nurse Nao in her revealing outfit trying to run in my direction, but it looked a little funny since she was wearing heels.

Nao: "Drop me off please Rei!"

Rei: "Can't, I've got somewhere to go today." Onizuka quickly puts his elbow on the top of my car, gives me a 'take this fucking opportunity' look and speaks to Nao.

Onizuka: "I'm sure he was only joking, of course he'll drop you off."

I sigh at his little antics, and look at Azusa for help but she gives me a small thumbs up with sparkles in her eyes.

Rei: *I've really got somewhere I need to be though?!* "How far do you live?" I ask with a little impatience.

Nao: "Only about a 10 minutes drive." She fluttered her eyelashes at me, and poke her hip out seductively.

Rei: "*sigh* Get in, I'll drop you off."

She quickly gets in, waves at Onizuka and Azusa and we head to the address she gave me. I drive at moderate speed, but she had a little impatient look in her eyes and tapping her fingers quickly on the door frame.

That made me pick up the pace, and we soon found ourselves racing every car that came our way. I showed off a little bit but it only riled her up even more.

What was supposed to be 10 minutes turned into 5, and I drop her outside a middle-high class looking neighbourhood.

Nao: "This should become our usual thing, you know?" When she steps out, she makes sure I see every inch of her tempting body.

Rei: "I'll drop you off when I can, just ask me." I wave her goodbye and make my way to Shouko's workplace.

Looking in the mirror I see the clear dissatisfaction on Nao's face, and I snicker a little to myself.

The drive takes 20 minutes with 10 minute ms left before Shouko comes out. I wait around a corner, looking at the glass doors of a Traditional Japanese Cuisine restaurant.

I pace up and down the street to calm my emotions a bit, for some reasons my head was a little hyped at this reunion.

She was one of my first and true friends I ever made, we could've become more if not for them leaving. I don't blame her though.

In the corner of my eye I can see the doors opening with a gorgeous young lady; mid long light-brown hair which is tied up in a pony tail, slim waist and beautiful facial features. What I don't recognise is the serious expression on her face, never thought that Shouko could make that kind of face.

I knew it was Shouko, even if she wouldn't be wearing her hearing aids I would recognise her anywhere.

My throat gets a little dry, and I get second thoughts now since I didn't really deal with these kind of situations before. She crosses the street and walks in my direction.

Rei: *Shit what do I do...* before I decide anything I could hear a shout on the other side of the street from a familiar voice.

Shu: "Oi, isn't that Aniki... Rei-san how are you doing?" He shouts with Raku next to him, I guessed they hung out for a bit before heading back home.

Rei: *Shit, what were the odds...*

I move my gaze from Shu to Shouko who had her eyes pinned on me because she probably my name from Shu's loud voice. She dropped her handbag, now running at me with full speed.

Shouko: "Rei?!" She shouts and surprised me with her ability to talk.

She stops a little in her pace, looking me up and down first as if unsure if she was daydreaming. She made her way towards me slowly but tripped up because of her heels.

Rei: "Watch out!" I quickly catch her in my arms, lifting her back up in my arms.

Shouko: "It's really you... Rei its really you!" She hugs my neck tightly, and I soon return her hug as nearby passerby's gave us smiles.

Shu and Raku took their cue to leave, glancing back at us from time to time. I look at Shouko's face and see tears forming in her eyes, as I place her back on her feet.

Shouko: "I thought I'll never see you again.... your family told me you left for England, and I thought.... I thought you've found yourself a girlfriend...and...a-and..." she stutters a bit at her words as I place my hand on her cheek.

Rei: "Let's catch up with each other, how about that Shouko? This is no place to for our reunion." She understands my words, heads back to pick up her purse and I lead her to my car.

When we arrive she widens her eyes a little and looks at me in amazement, I smile and nod in confirmation back at her.

I drive her to a nice fancy night-life restaurant, which was owned by my family. The security at the front greet me with a nod, and swing that Shouko came with me they greeted her as well.

She was fidgeting a little and I knew she felt out of place, so I held her hand which surprised her.

Rei: "When we were young, what did I tell you happens when you're with me?" She gives the sweetest smile and blushes at the fact that I remembered.

Shouko: "I am the only one in your eyes, and you are the only one in my eyes." I nod and lead her to the table located on the balcony of the restaurant.

I made sure by the time we reach our seat that little awkwardness is completely eradicated, as I tell her funny stories of dumb things we did when we were kids.

After we ate a mild dinner I told her about everything that I've been up to, with England and the Red Cross. She got pretty worried but after I cracked a couple of jokes I managed to divert the topic.

Shouko: "So you're my sister's homeroom teacher, and that's how you knew where to find me. I still can't believe that you got cold feet when you saw me... didn't you want to see me again?"

That question caught me off guard, as I started sweating and trying to find a reason but Shouko just chuckled at my reaction.

Shouko: "I'm just joking... you're still that cool, cute old Rei. I was scared you changed, but now I know my worries were for nothing." She held a reminiscing smile on her face.

Rei: *And the vulnerable girl I knew grew up to be a beautiful, mature woman* and as if she knew what I was thinking about she started blushing heavily and averted her gaze.

That was the cue to leave to me, I didn't really want to rush things. Taking it slow is better for the both of us, an overload of emotion isn't healthy.

I drive her back to her house, walking all the way up to the door of her flat. After we hugged and said our goodbyes I turned around to head back to the car.

Not more than 5 seconds passed and I heard running behind me so I turned around to see Shouko jumping at me.

She held the back of my neck tightly, gazing directly into my eyes and pressed her lips on mine. This developed into a very passionate kiss, with both of us trying to overpower the other's tongue. She kept running her nails down my back and squeezing my shirt, almost as if we can be closer than we already are.

When we both needed a little air she finally stopped, but instead of a cute embarrassed reaction she looked at me with a straight expression.

Shouko: "I let you go ten years ago Rei... but I can't make that same mistake again. That much I have figured out in the years without you... I love you Rei, I always have." She spoke then quickly turned and ran back towards her apartment.

I noticed her sister and her mother standing in the doorway one with a heavy blush and the other with a proud smile on her face. I wave at the both of them and head back towards the car feeling like the happiest man in the world right now.