
Class 1A

I make my way down the corridors and I find myself outside class 1A. Before I opened the door, I could hear some loud chattering coming from inside the room.

"Guys do you think our homeroom teacher is going to be a hot mature babe?"

"Fingers crossed, I pray that it will be a cute young fresh graduate."

Chuckling a little at their teenage fantasies, I open the door to be greeted by silence.

The boys had very disappointed looks in their eyes, while the girls all turned wide-eyed... I mean talk about subtle.

Rei: "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Ichijo Rei. I will be your homeroom, biology and physics teacher from now on.

I hope that we will get along for the upcoming years, a pleasure to meet you all."

They were a little taken aback from my introduction, it was a little formal after all. But that is my policy-I will give you respect and expect you to return it.

I do not expect to receive respect without giving it, I want these people to learn that.

I made my way to the desk, and opened up the register still glancing a bit at my students.

Everyone answered their names without interruption, and without any problems until...

Rei: "Harima Kenji"


Rei: "Is Harima absent?"

The room enters a dead silence, everyone with worried looks on their faces.

I glance at the back of the class, and spot Kenji sleeping on his desk.

I make my way towards him, ignoring the warning looks given by the other students.

I take off his sunglasses, placing them on the collar of my shirt. As if instinctively, Kenji lunges forward to take them back.


Kenji didn't even know what hit him... one moment he was in the air, and the next he was back on his seat.

Rei: "I'll prefer it if you don't wear sunglasses indoors Harima, after all, I don't think girls like that."

I knew about his crush on Tenma, and used it against him.

Rei: "From now on, I expect you to be awake for register. Understood, Harima?" I released a bit of a malicious intent, scaring some of the surrounding students in the process.

Kenji: "Tsk, fine" he kissed his teeth and tried to mask his fear, but I could see his small tremble.

While making my way to the front of the class, I sense a little danger coming from behind me so I turn around.

What greets me is a kick aimed straight at my head, which I catch with my hand. Looking at the assailant I can tell right away who it is... Kure Karla.

Rei: *Why is my luck so sour to have this crazy woman in my class?!* I curse my fortune.

She doesn't seem fazed at the fact that she can't move her leg, and instead uses it to twist around my arm.

I counter that by letting go of her leg, pull her off my arm with all my strength and throw her towards the back of the class.

Rei: "That's not a polite way to greet your teacher, Miss Kure."

She just gets up, with a crazed smile on her face.

Karla: "That's not a nice way to treat your students, Mr Ichijo... or should I say Young Master Ichijo?"

I sense the gazes of a couple of students, and realise what they were looking at. Karla tore my shirt somehow on my back, exposing the coiling dragons.

Rei: "Miss Kure, I suggest you settle down as you are disrupting homeroom and being disrespectful to your teacher." I release enough intent to even make her shiver.

What I expected to be fear on her face, turned immediately into a strong blush.

Karla: "I knew it, you truly are strong... I will wait for you after school, Mr Ichijo." She licks her lips at me, shocking not just everyone else but me in the process.

-3rd person PoV-

Rei got back to the front of the class, ignoring the tear on his back. He went on to finish the last sets of names, and he paused greatly at one particular name.

Rei: "Nishimiya Yuzuru..." he scanned the class for the person about to answer.

A bright looking, cheerful girl with long dark brown hair answered.

Yuzuru: "Here!"

Rei: "Yuzuru... don't you remember me? I mean it was 10 years ago so I don't really expect you to..."

Yuzuru was thinking for a while, and it seemed as if a light bulb just switched on in her head.

Yuzuru: "Rei nii-san! Is that you?!" She stood up and pointed at him.

Rei: "It is... I thought you guys moved away?"

Yuzuru: "Yeah, but mom's job was very hard so she moved back about 4 years ago. Big sister looked for you, but your dad told her you left to England."

She had a sad expression on her face, feeling sorry for her sister and remembering how much she cried.

Rei: "Well, what is your sister doing now?" He avoided her eyes, feeling a little guilty now for leaving Japan.

Yuzuru: "She works at a local restaurant as a cook, she has worked there for the past 2 years."

Rei was overcome with happiness, but hid it well from the students.

Rei: "Well, it is nice to see you again Yuzuru. Tell your sister that I'll want to grab a coffee with her sometime."

Yuzuru brightened up a lot, her sister didn't make any friends since they moved and it seemed that Rei leaving for England hit her hard.

Yuzuru: "You know Rei... she never forgot about you. Even after ten years, she still remembers."

Rei became even happier at her words, but kept his professional appearance though he still gave a small smile.

Rei: "It's Mr Ichijo in class, Yuzuru."

The girls were now completely entranced by his smile, it seemed so bright and alluring.

Finally with the register finished, it was time to teach his first lesson of physics.

Rei: "Open up your textbooks to page 42, anybody missing a textbook?"

Harima and Karla put their hands up, not really that surprising, with the addition of a particular air-headed girl- Tsukamoto Tenma.

Rei actually didn't get mad, or facepalm and just asked them to share with the person next to them... to the surprise of the class.

Rei: "We're only going to use the textbook for reference and for the questions inside, most of the teaching and explaining will be done by me.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to put your hands up and ask. I doubt there will be anything I will not be able to answer.

So let's start off with circuits and electric currents."

The lesson was actually pretty interesting, and easy to comprehend. The examples used sometimes by Rei were so silly, that even airheads like Kenji and Tenma understood.

This eventually got the whole class more confident with their understanding, and no longer afraid to ask questions.

Rei: "Right, homework for next time. I want you guys to do questions 6,7 and 8 on page 43. Follow up with questions 4,5 and 6 on page 44.

If you want to complete the entire exercise, that is up to you."

Now the class was very surprised with the small amount of homework they received... they usually get 1 hours worth of homework from every subject.

Rei left the classroom as he had no lesson to teach in the next hour, not hearing what the other students were talking about when he left.

Random student: "His teaching was so good... I thought from his appearance he would be just another easy going teacher."

Random student: "I know right! And the amount of homework he gave us... he just might be my new favourite teacher."

When Rei reached the staff room, he just remembered that a part of his shirt was ripped off, and went around asking for something to cover his back.

Rei: "Onizuka, do you have a jacket or anything to cover this?"

When he showed Onizuka the large rip on his back, Onizuka's eyes nearly popped out. More because of the tattoo than anything else...

Onizuka: "Yeah, you can wear my jacket here." He took off his jean jacket, handing it to Rei. "Man, my class was so peaceful and easygoing... what the hell happened with yours?"

Rei: "Nothing much, just meeting the students that's all." Rei gave a relaxed smile, at which Onizuka just reluctantly nodded his head.

Rei spent the next hour preparing for the biology lesson he was going to teach. He truly enjoyed teaching, helping the younger generation with pursuing their aspirations.

Before Rei left, he looked at himself and saw how badly the jean jacket looked with his black shirt.

Looking around the office he spotted a biology lab coat and replace his jean jacket with it.

This was seen by a particular ex-delinquent teacher from the doorway, who got a glimpse at his back tattoo.

Itoko: *Oh my god... and I thought I was trying to cover a pretty dark past...* her reaction took a 180 as Rei approached the door. "Oh, hey Rei. How was your first lesson... did my cousin give you any trouble?" She was sweating a little, worried that he might dislike her if he found out that she saw his tattoo.

Rei: "No, he was a model student actually. And here, I nearly forgot." He hands her a pair of sunglasses. "Tell him not to wear these during lessons, they really don't look cool.

I'm not even doing it because of the school rules, I'm helping him out with his social life."

Itoko was surprised he managed to get these off him... even she had an extremely hard time with removing these sunglasses.

She eventually gave up after a couple of tries to take them off, and let him wear them during lessons like every other teacher.

Rei: "Now, if you'll excuse me I have a biology lesson to get to. See you later."

Itoko: "Yeah... see you later."

Raku's class reacted exactly the same way Rei's homeroom reacted, and worse when they saw his surname.

Random student: "Sir, your surname is Ichijo so are you Raku's cousin or something?"

Rei: "I am actually his older brother."

Everybody except for Raku's friends stood frozen, with their jaw dropping. One reaction however, was completely different from the rest.

?: "I completely refuse to be taught by the son of a yakuza. How do we know you're not a criminal?" A blonde haired girl stood up, pointing her finger towards Rei.

Rei: "Who are you Miss?"

?: "I am called Sawachika Eri, don't think that you can threaten my family yakuza."

Rei just looked towards her as if he couldn't care less about her attitude.

Rei: "Miss Sawachika, if you have a problem with my teaching I recommend you tell me after I actually teach you.

Your words are pretty empty with no evidence to back them up, you know?"

The class was in silence now, Eri was red from embarrassment and quickly sat down. The students were in a bit of awe at how quickly and calmly he handled the situation.

Rei: "Now since you know me, let me get to know your names."

He started doing the register, and this time there were no troubles as everybody was pretty settled down.

When the lesson started, the students were surprised at his style of teaching. Instead of relying on the book, he was only using it as a sort of checklist.

He knew what they had to learn, but used his own methods to make it happen. The students truly enjoyed his teaching, and at the same time felt that they could completely understand what he was talking about.

With this lesson over with, Rei was making his way to teach a second year class. They were a lot noisier and so he had to be more strict with them to settle them down.

The girls in the class were a lot more daring as well, whenever Rei walked past them they would purposely rub their thighs against his legs.

At the back of this class Rei spotted two troublemakers sleeping after the register was taken. He recognised them- Okazaki Tomoya and Sunohara Youhei.

Rei: "Mr Okazaki and Mr Sunohara, this is not your house where you can casually just take a nap!"

Tomoya and Youhei sprang up at his loud voice, which actually killed any thoughts they had of arguing back.

Other teachers ignored them, especially with Youhei and his violent incident when he bit a teachers ear.

Rei decided to straighten up this class before he could continue his lessons, and so he turned on his drill sergeant mode.

He never went into this mode since his past life, but if anything can set these these kids straight it would be some good old military behaviour.

Rei: "Alright, I see that quite a lot of you guys have given up on learning, so I will have to change my approach!

Anybody talks without being picked, or anybody acts out of line will surely regret it. I will continue to teach this way, until you sorry wretches learn how to give your teachers some respect.

You get respect if you give it. Understood!"

This shocked the class who was now frozen stiff, their backs straightened and quite terrified.

All: "Yes Mr Rei!"

They answered automatically in unison, no one daring to stay silent.

Rei: "Right, now lets continue with the lesson. If you have any questions you raise your hand and wait in silence. Understood!"

All: "Yes Mr Rei!"

The rest of the lesson proceeded without further interruption, but unbeknownst to Rei, the girls in the class were actually eyeing him even more now.


The bell signalled the beginning of lunch, so Rei quickly gave them their homework which to their surprise was not much and headed to the staff room.

Entering, some of the teachers were avoiding his gaze, so he went up to Akari to ask her what was going on.

Rei: "Akari, what is wrong with everyone?"

Akari blushed a little at him calling her by her first name, as she wasn't used to a man doing so.

Akari: "Well, actually you were pretty loud in your last lesson. It made even the students from other classes straighten up.

All the other teachers are now a little scared of you, but don't worry I'm not."

Rei didn't seem to care much, but appreciated that she didn't judge him so easily.

Going towards his desk he took out the bento he made for himself in the morning, and started eating as Itoko and Onizuka were gaping at his lunch.

Onizuka: "Man, you're such a lucky guy to have a girl make you this kind of food every morning...." he was drooling at Rei's lunch.

Rei: "Girl? No man, I made it myself. I don't have a girl that makes it for me."

Onizuka: "You don't have a girlfriend?! You?! Come with me bro, this Friday I'll introduce-"

He was cut off by Itoko stepping on his foot with her heels, giving Onizuka a dangerous smile.

Itoko: "Oh, you can cook Rei?"

Rei: "Yes, I enjoy it very much actually. Do you guys want a bite?"

He leaned forward with the bento, while Onizuka and Itoko both took a mouthful from his box.

Onizuka&Itoko: "Mmmm, It's so good!" Itoko has sparkles in her eyes, the 'I got dibs' kind.

Akari: "What's all the fuss about?"

Akari heard the little commotion from her desk, and came over in hopes of some entertainment.

Onizuka: "You should try Rei's lunch, it's so good and he cooked it himself."

Akari looked towards Rei, and he offered his bento to her. The moment that the food entered her mouth, she was left wide-eyed.

Akari: "It's soo good!"

Onizuka: "I know right! And imagine my surprise when he told us that he's single... are you doing it just to spite us unattractive bastards?!"

Onizuka cried tears of blood and pointed at Rei, the latter just laughing at his friend's appearance.

Akari: *Single?! I've got to grab this chance while I still can.* "So Rei, do you want to get a few drinks after school? You know, to celebrate your first day?"

Rei: "Actually I can't today since I've got something to do, how about tomorrow, Thursday?"

Itoko: "Count me in as well!" No way was she going to let Akari get a head start.

Onizuka: "Since it's a group outing how about I get Fuyutsuki to join us?"

Rei: "Sure, do you mind Akari?"

Akari: "No, not at all." On the inside she was cursing a lot at Itoko, now she knew that there was going to be competition.

The group chatted for a bit more until the bell rang and all of them either left to a lesson or remained in the staff room.