
Started With Studying (Hermione x Reader)


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I thought to myself as I start to pack my books up from the final class of the day. I want nothing more than to spend this weekend and the week after practicing for the upcoming Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Not that I have any doubt that we'll destroy them but better safe than sorry. Just as I pick up my bag I see Professor Mcgonagall approach me.

'Miss (L/N) would you mind staying back after class for a few minutes'

I mentally groan, knowing what she's going to want to talk about. Let's just say that transfiguration isn't exactly my strong suit.

'Yeah sure professor' I say with a smile before following her to her desk and taking a seat.

'As you know your transfiguration grades are below average' she starts.

'Great way to start a conversation teach' I say with a small smile, trying to cover up how worried I was.

'This isn't a joke miss (L/N) and you know that, you keep saying that you'll put extra work in to raise your grade but you never do, a low score in one more test and you fail the class'

'Yeah I know' I sigh.

'This is why I'm suggesting tutoring'

'Oh Merlin please no'

'And miss Granger has been kind enough to offer her services'

'This isn't optional, is it?'

'I'm afraid not, dismissed'


'I can't believe that I have to waste my weekend studying when I should still be out practicing Quidditch' I mumble as I walk into the library. I quickly glance around before spotting Granger's head, hiding behind a book. I walk over to her, put my books down and take a seat across from her.

'You were supposed to be her 20 minutes ago' the Gryffindor greeted me, putting down her book.

'I slept in?'

'It's 1:00 in the afternoon' she counters.

'That doesn't change my point but it doesn't mater. So.... what's the plan Granger?'

'Let's start with me quizzing you on what you know. How you turn a goblet into a quill?'

'Flick your wand, say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and hope for the best' I sheepishly said, not knowing the answer.

'How do you even know that word? It's from a muggle movie and you come from a wizarding family'

'One of my friends are Muggleborn' I shrug.

'Oh, ok?' She responded, almost sounding a bit skeptical.

'What? Not all Slytherins are stuck up pricks like Malfoy. I'm allowed Muggleborn friends y'know. Just like you' I say, finishing with lightly booping Granger on the nose.

'Oh? We're friends now are we?' She asked with an amused smile.

'Well I'd sure like to be' I respond.

'Alright then (L/N) you've got yourself a deal'

'Awesome' I smile, leaning back and putting my feet up on the table.

'Not happening' Granger scolded as she knocked my feet off the table. 'Based off your previous answer, we've got a lot of work to do'


Me and Hermione spent the weekend and for most of the week after helping me study transfiguration. During that time I had become quite fond of the young witch. She always had a smile on her face and somehow made one of my least favourite things kinda fun.

We had shared a lot of our interests. Hermione always loved to read and prided herself on her knowledge. I had voiced how impressed I was that someone coming from a non-magical background had leant more about the wizarding world than a pure blood like myself had. I had spent a large amount of time ranting about how much I love Quidditch and how I want nothing more than to be a professional at it when I'm older.

Hermione and I had gotten close enough that we'd started hanging out outside of our study sessions. Her friend Ron was hella skeptical of me at first probably cause I'm a Slytherin but I'm think he's gotten used to me.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't adore my Gryffindor tutor. She's been so helpful and kind to me that I'd say that I'd do almost anything for her, even stand up to Malfoy for her.


I rounded the corner and the courtyard came into view and saying that what I saw made my blood boil would be an understatement. I marched forward towards Malfoy and his goons as they crowded around Hermione.

'What would you know you filthy little mud-' Malfoy's sentence was cut short when he saw my wand pointed at his face.

'Finish that sentence Malfoy, I dare you'

'What're you doing (L/N)! You're one of us!' he says in a panic.

'Lucky me' I sarcastically say.

'Go on then, curse me. Blood traitor' Malfoy taunts.

I look to the side and see Hermione when I feel her tug on my sleeve.

'C'mon (Y/N), he's not worth it' she pleads.

I sigh, knowing she's right and lower my wand. He's really not worth a detention so I follow Hermione when she walks away.

'She's still a filthy Mudblood' I hear Malfoy mutter behind me.

Big mistake. I turn around and deliver a swift fist to Malfoy's face.

'You bastard!' He yelled at me before running off. 'My father will hear about this!'

'I don't care if I get a detention, that felt  bloody good' I chuckled as I turned back to Hermione.

To my surprise, she didn't scold me. 'Believe me, I know' she laughed along with me as she pulled me along after her.


Hermione's P.O.V

'Where is she?' I thought to myself while waiting for (Y/N) in the library. She's never been this late for our study sessions. I know that she has Quidditch practice before this. Maybe she got hurt. I need to go look for her.

As I'm heading to the Quidditch pitch I see the Slytherin team walking off, but no (Y/N).

'Malfoy! Where's (Y/N)? Why isn't she with you guys?'

'Didn't you hear? We booted (L/N) from the team, the wimp ran off crying. That'll teach that blood traitor to not mess with me' he sneered along with the rest of the Slytherin team laughing.

I've never wanted to punch Malfoy in the face more than I did in that moment but I knew that finding (Y/N) was more important, so I settled for a simple charm to tie the team's shoe laces together.

I ran to the first spot I thought that she would be. She had showed me her secret spot on the school grounds, a place that she found first year and that no one else knew about. I ran past Hagrid's hut and slightly into the forbidden forest. As I approached the small clearing I could hear a soft sniffing and when I saw the source my heart practically broke.

I crouched down in front of her. She looked so.... not like (Y/N). Her smile was non existent, there was no more spark in her eyes, instead they were red and sore from crying, she just looked so sad.

'Hey (Y/N)' I whispered. 'How're you doing?'

'What do you think?' She replied bitterly, her voice was dry and raspy from crying.

'I know, I'm sorry (Y/N). I know how much Quidditch means to you'

'Yeah no shit'



Neither of us said anything for a while. After (Y/N) realised what she had said her face went from anger to regret and then she curled back into a ball, cursing to herself softly. What she said hurt but I know her and I know that she'd never mean to hurt me like that. I had a feeling that words wouldn't do much good at this point so I decided to use a simple action. I moved closer to her and held her curled up form in my arms. I felt her tense at the contact and she spoke up.

'Why don't you hate me?'

'Because I know you' I whisper into her hair.

(Y/N) breaks down into tears all over again. She uncurled herself just enough that she could grab onto me and bury her head into my chest.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean it. I swear I would never do that on purpose. I just, I- I, I'm so sorry' she cried.

'It's ok, it's gonna be ok. I'm not going anywhere'

We sat there for a few more minutes, (Y/N) softly sobbing into my chest and me stroking her hair, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. After a little while she pulls away from me slightly, still sniffing a little bit having no tears left to cry.

'Thank you' she mumbles, avoiding my gaze.

'No problem' I reply, tilting her face back to mine.

To my surprise, she starts to chuckle quite a bit. 'I look like a mess, don't I?'

I laugh along with her 'just a little bit' I admit.

'I'm so sorry about what I said, I was just really upset and I snapped. It's no excuse but I'm still really sorry'

'It's ok (Y/N), you have every right to be upset about what your team did'

'Are we good?' She asks, sounding a little nervous.

'Of course' I say, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

'Hey Granger'


'Do you think there's still time to study a bit?'

'I'm sure I can squeeze it into my schedule'

I stood up and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand to  pull her up with me. The two of us walked back to the castle together, me not letting go of her hand.
