
The Game (Rainbow Dash x Reader)


Cloudsdale vs Canterlot

WonderBolts vs the WonderColts

The most anticipated soccer match of the season.

It was funny how similar the names were but the rivalry between the two teams was intense. Every time the two teams played it was an extremely close match, quite often going into overtime and the victor only winning by one goal. This game was no different with both teams warning up for the game and the crowd getting ready for an epic game.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'I thought to myself as I stretched out my legs.

I look over to the Canterlot team and see them doing the same. My eyes lingered on their team captain for a bit too long seeing as she caught my gaze and flashed me a cocky smile.

Rainbow Dash is an amazing player, definitely the best I've ever met and I admit that with no jealousy. Speaking of the rainbow haired girl, I noticed that she had started to head over to me.

'(Y/N) long time no see. We haven't talked since the last time we destroyed your team' she says with a laugh.

'Well I can assure you that you will not be winning this round Dash. Sorry not sorry but you're gonna lose' I say taking a step forward.

'Doubt it' she says, doing the same. The two of us were now trapped in a staring match.

'Oi Captain! We still need to go over our game plan!' One of my teammates calls out, making me break my stare.

'See you on the field (N/N)' Rainbow smiles before turning back to her team and leaving me with mine.

The team huddled around the coach as she explained the plan. After we went over the plan we all took our places on the field.


The final few minutes of the game.

Canterlot had just scored another goal, evening out the score. 2 to 2.

'When I say Wonder! You say Colts!' Pinkie Pie from CHS cheered to the stands.

I give a quick smile at the sight before focusing back onto the game. I'm chasing after the ball as fast as I can, trying to get a shot on goal. I glance to the side and see Rainbow Dash gaining on me. I try to run faster but in my attempt I fumble the ball allowing it to be stolen from me. I quickly turn to chance after Rainbow who is rocketing down the field.

20 seconds on the clock.

She's just too far away.

10 seconds.

She takes the shot.

5 seconds


0 seconds.

Every Canterlot supporter cheers while everyone from Cloudsdale lowers their heads.

I just collapse onto the grass and close my eyes, completely exhausted from the game.

'You just gonna lay there or are you gonna get up?' I open my eyes and are met with beautiful magenta ones.

I let out a sigh and chuckle slightly before reaching up for her outstretched hand that helps me stand up.

'Whelp, congrats Dash. You've beat me again' I smile at the girl.

'Yeah, it was a close game though. I thought you had us for a minute there'

'Thanks Dash. All I can say is that we're gonna be beating you for the whole game next time we meet'

'We'll see about that. Y'know I've been thinking-'

'Did it hurt?'

'*sigh* no. I was thinking that we should meet up outside of just games. It would be cool if the two of us could hangout without all this competition'

'Yeah, that would be nice. Although I feel that there's gonna be competition between us no mater what we do'

'True, true. So what'd you say? You wanna go to the mall together sometime?'

'I'd really like that Dash' I softly say before reaching out my hand for a handshake. 'Good game Rainbow Dash' I say with a smile.

She smiles back and shakes my hand 'yeah, good game'

'Cya ya later Rainbow Dash'

'Cya (Y/N)
